*teleports behind you anonymously*
nothin personnel kid
*teleports behind you anonymously*
They should rename this shit to pedocoin because that's all it's fucking good for.
Shit coin, shit reputation, don't lose thousands like I did.
nobody can find the killer
this shill threads get more retarded every time
monero doesn't need you, pajeets
You lost money on Monero? How in the fuck is that possible?
he's probably just angry he missed out on it
>Pajeeting this hard
Only way you lost money on XMR was if you bought fucking yesterday and sold today. If you did so, you're a complete moron.
He lost by not buying it.
How the fuck did you lose money unless you bought it at 500 and sold the dip which you're an idiot if you did, this shit is up 2000% from the beginning of the year
>teleports off a cliff
Monero getting too big for its boots
It will go back to it’s real price soon
the correction already happened this morning, buddy.
Hoping it actually corrects back to sub $350 desu, I'd buy more. I can't buy enough at its current price for it to be worth it though.
i love monero, it was 90% of my portfolio for months. really good for making safe "slow" gains but right now i want to gamble with shitcoins sorry
Uhhh I just got in three weeks ago???? Fucking DUH??
>goes 5x in a month
If you have 100+ I'd recommend just holding them, it's going to hit $10K at some point and you'll be a millionaire.
i bought at 2.00 in Aug 16.
You fucking tards are dumb. get on my level niggers
>I did thing
>this makes you dumb
Holy fuck I wish. What would the market cap have to be for this to happen? i cant math very well
*back flips over you*
I know what you're trying to do.
go back to the dummy factory
>muh reputation
BTC was literally "criminal money that is only used for drugs and CP" in the eyes of most normies up until like late 2017. Didn't do anything to stop the gain train
I bought in less than three weeks ago and am already up 20% by not touching it
you are literally retarded
how much we all holding?
Not too high, remember that there is less XMR circulating than BTC.
*teleports an unknown distance behind you*
this exact amount but anonymously
*teleports directly in front of you blocking your path*