So what are your opinions about this?
Is it safe to interpret that Tzeench daemons won't have the possibility to get rerollable 2++?
So what are your opinions about this?
Is it safe to interpret that Tzeench daemons won't have the possibility to get rerollable 2++?
but also, no
well spoken
>Daemons get nerfed because Tzeentch tournament players abused the shit out of summoning
>guys khorne is realy cool with muh blood and gore xD I hope you like it if we shove it down your throat like in AoS
I hope daemon players can sell their army in time
where do you read that? they even acknowledged slaanesh and mentiont a nice rule for nurglings. I think this ff was hugely positive for daemons.
All I need is for my traitor Guard to have the ability to summon a unit or two of daemons onto the table and Nurgle daemons to become allies for my 30k DG. I have them purely for thematic purposes and nothing else, so their effectiveness is not my top priority.
I want summons that can charge right from the start as allies for my Word Bearers army. It was not overpowered when we had this in 5th.
Bloodkill Murderhordes ?
is it true they are only giving narrative play out for free and to get the more detailed points level rules you need to pay for the chaos/imperium or / xenos "book/appPack"
>Is it safe to interpret that Tzeench daemons won't have the possibility to get rerollable 2++
Did you seriously had any doubt that bullshit would survive a new edition?
What, we have to pay for codexes and rulebooks, now? It's unheard of.
God I hope we get a new keeper of secrets
Me too
>Tzeentch is still god of invuln saves
Gay but not totally unexpected.
Khorne Daemons are getting a pretty big bonus to CC.
>Khorne Daemons only get one buff
Troubling. Though +1S and A could very well compensate.
Also it appears the Rending rule is gone.
no, Bloodkill Bloodbloodhordes
>rending gone
??? It was specifically mentioned in the article.
Every universal special rule is gone.
It was replaced with Graceful Killers. Which means only they get to have it.
Also if Hellblades still work like Power Swords then Bloodletters got their TEQ killing role back.
>new edition
wasn't invulnerable limited to max 3++ in 7E?
>It was replaced with Graceful Killers. Which means only they get to have it.
No it doesn't, it just means other units will have a different name for it. Genestealers are guaranteed to still have rending that functions mechanically identically.
Yep. But certain faggots who never actually play, finds ways to increase it to 2++, and thinks it is allowed.
>Save some Reinforcement Points for Blue Horrors and Brimstone Horrors as well
Lol get rekt. All those Tzeentch models are now useless in comparison.
>It was replaced with Graceful Killers. Which means only they get to have it.
No, the rending is a rule for their weapons, the Piercing Claws.
Graceful Killers is the bonus that give them and extra attack if they are 20 or more.
Yeah, the article is poorly written
Are you sure? It feels redundant to have the same rule all over the place with a different name.
Nope, MoT was only limited to 3++, other than that 2++ saves were all over the place even without unintended combos.
No, deldar for instance had a relic that was specificly 2++. Many tournaments and common house rules limited re-rolls to be 2+/4+ or said you couldn't get to 2++ by buffing invunerables (wargear with it, like the deldar shit, generally came with pretty big drawbacks, like it ceases to work the moment you fail it). But there was nothing stopping a 2++ rerollable in the rules as written.
A lot of the things people referred to as 2++ rerollable, where things like jink saves - which wasn't actually a 2++, since cover had ways to be ignored by most of the good factions (even more so at the end of 7th).
>disgustingly resilient
Oh why not just call it feel no pain?
If 10 other units are going to have a functionally identical rule, why give a different name for each of them? Why not use the same keyword across multiple factions and units?
You could even call it, oh I don't know, a "special rule" or something. That way when any unit in the game is referring to a certain ability both players don't even need to check their opponent's datasheet, as they know that rule already!
8th is not a 40k rule set it is just AoS second edition.
Is this bad? Maybe. Will it suck? Like everything GW has done past 3rd. Will I play it? The only other system that plays at a scale of 40k is DZC, but it does not have 28mm models. So yes I'll play it.
It seems to imply 1+ attack for charging is gone as a universal rule, now a Khorne thing.
Just like Pestilens in Age of sigmar, so that's interesting.
Also it's safe to assume there is no MoK or Daemon of [x] - Just 'KHORNE' keywords for both daemon and mortal units
Yeah, the idea is to cut down on referencing the book constantly if the unit has a handful of USR now it will say exactly what each unit does on their datasheet instead
Because then they have less variety in the function of the special rules. Now each of them can be attuned slightly differently to be more flavorful and specific to the unit they're on, and you don't need to have another book with a compendium of USRs to flip through as all the rules for your unit are on the same datasheet.
The rule names are just flavor particular to the unit they're written for.
So now you just need a load of datasheets all the time.
>Also it's safe to assume there is no MoK or Daemon of [x] - Just 'KHORNE' keywords for both daemon and mortal units
Nice change.
Hopefully, like in AoS, different HQs will give marked units different abilities. It would be cool.
Maybe, but proper 2+ invun saves that were rerollable definitely exist/existed.
>why give a different name for each of them?
They don't.
Go look at the AoS warscrolls. Plaguebearers Beasts, Epidemus, etc all have Disgustingly Resilient
I believe the Great unclean one's version is called 'Blubber and Bile' but only because he deals mortal wounds when he makes the roll on a 6 i think. Thus, it's a slightly different rule and would need a different name
Stratagems one is out btw
You just need your codex handy like usual. You skip having to reference a bulky core rulebook just because one unit had stealth or so on
So is it confirmed that CSM and Deamons will be able to fielded together now? As in not an allied force.
Mate, if you want that many miniatures on the table at 28mm, the rules are completely irrelevant anyway.
Well what i predict is each faction will get a set of thise cards they have been printing for aos. So if my list has 7 unique units, ill only need 7 cards, the new tiny rulebook(12 pages is the rumour) and probably a faction book for rules not covered on the cards. Currently some armies need to bring atleast 3 codices/supplements and the main rulebook. Its all about streamlining playtime so you dont spend time looking at books for a specific rule and how it interacts with other rules. I played a 2000 point game friday that took 3 hours because of shit like that
>You only need one card per unit, just spam the same shit everytime and you only need to flick through half a dozen
Genestealers pretty much invented rending, if they didn't have it then it would be ridiculous, they will just have it as "rending claws" rule instead
Thats most lists anyway. You have something like a gladius strike force, thats 3 tacticals with drop pods a captain, a bike squad and centurions, then a 10th company which is 3 scouts min. Thats 6 different datasheets as it stands now
Do you normally play without looking at what your stuff does at all?
If not, the only difference is that all the rules are on one page instead of scattered everywhere.
If so, then it's just like every other edition/codex change and you'll just have to learn the differences, again, before memorizing what your dudes have and there you go.