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>Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
Replacement edition What rules do you straight up ignore? What rules do you change? How do you change them? What parts of the setting do you change or remove?
>What rules do you straight up ignore? Most dicepool modifiers are abstracted. Same for shooting at/though cover. We also tend to forget that wound modifiers affect Initiative
>What rules do you change? How do you change them? I try to simplify the Matrix as much as possible. I'll usually ask for a Hacking/Cybercombat roll to gain access to the system, then Matrix Perception to fin what you're looking for, then Hacking/Cybercombat to do the thing you want to do. I changed the Marks into a system of "User level". 1 Mark gets you guest access, 2 Marks give you user access, 3 Marks give you admin access. This works for entire PANs/WANs.
Astral Projections move at regular speeds. Fuck you spirits, you already have broken stats, tons of armor and can move through walls, you don't get to blink around the place like you're the fucking Flash.
>What parts of the setting do you change or remove? Not much really. Most of the cringy things happen deep in the shadows, and my group is made of newbies. We play before the nano-apocalypse, and I'm going to have it limited to Boston, with just a few headcases escaping confinement and being hunted by all AAA corps, forcing them to leave the planet.
Ethan Allen
>What parts of the setting do you change or remove? No one liked how common magic is supposed to be, so my game has awakened being several orders of magnitude more rare. No CFD either, I'm doing my own AI and nanotech plot.
Brayden Perry
what do
Landon Thompson
Stop duplicating the Guid Warning, dumbass.
Samuel Garcia
>Duplicate GUIDs
How the fuck?
Julian Robinson
My group replaces dice pool modifiers from interference due to distance for hacking with essentially signal bars 4 bars and you can do anything 3 makes hot sim impossible and cold sim laggy 2 is the bare minimum for any kind of hacking, even in AR 1 bar and you can send a text
Christopher Morgan
are there any good shadowrun-specific rollbots for discord?
Levi Rivera
fuck it, I tried using chummer update and it clearly didn't work yekka needs to fix that or alternatively shut out that functionality
Dylan Lopez
Setting wise, I've gotten rid of CFD and the matrix overhaul that happened at the end of 4th/beginning of 5th (I'm using a hacked version of Ends of the Matrix), I've swapped out the "samurai" culture craze for a more general "old warrior culture craze" (i.e spartans, knights, samurai, mongols, hussars, etc), and I'm working on fleshing out the chunks of the Middle East and South East Asia that aren't all that covered by the books.
Aaron Gomez
>I'm using a hacked version of Ends of the Matrix what exactly have you hacked in it?
Daniel Carter
I've adjusted the skill rolls for 5e's system and added in adapted versions of 5e matrix qualities
Dylan Rogers
>swapped out the "samurai" culture craze for a more general "old warrior culture craze" There is a Street Viking in my group
Jordan Brooks
Do you have any set distances for the bars?
Nolan Roberts
Why is there a Bulgarian as available knowledge skill? Did I miss something?
Jack Gomez
Chummer, languages are knowledge skills You are wondering why Bulgarian is a skill, but not English?
Angel Adams
>Not having minimum 6 ranks Bulgarian on all characters Man, your GM must be real lenient.
Evan Turner
It just grabbed my attention and wondered why it was put there as a language. I mean it is but one of the more obscure. And then I started typing in every European language to see which ones were in. kek
Sebastian Nguyen
Auto-updater didn't work; apparently some people have an issue with their language file getting locked open, so the file doesn't get replaced properly. Update manually and it'll sort itself out. >Yekka, would it be possible to add the ability to add a Custom Item to Armor, with a box to let you select how much Capacity it will take? Generally I'd prefer that people use custom files to make items; Custom Item is an ugly hack that doesn't do a lot of things it should. At some point I'm going to integrate content creation into Chummer directly, but that's still a ways off.
Michael Garcia
Would open d6 or old d20 work for shadowrun?
Juan Hernandez
eh, don't think so d20's too swingy and d6 seems too narrow
The only difficult thing with the SR4/5 system is getting that many dice for cheap (and even that is achievable)
Leo Hernandez
Man I wish Shadowrun could have Ed Greenwood level of worldbuilding behind it. Wouldn't that be nice?
Elijah Evans
Connor Murphy
D6 as in the dice pool game
Brandon Young
So, we always have threads on builds, tech, meta lore, and magic, so lets do something different this thread. Tell me about your runner. What do you think makes him special? Because I know you made someone special to you. Does he have any friends you're excited to see the GM play?
Christian Hernandez
I'd rather have AncientHistory levels of dedication
>D6 as in the dice pool game If it's a dice pool game, why not stay with SR?
Dylan Young
Suppose I used cyberspurs in conjuction with Bone Density Augmentation. Does the Bone Density Augmentation unarmed AP and damage bonus add to attacks with the spurs since they're technically unarmed weapons?
Cooper Wood
No Use bone spikes instead
Bentley Walker
Everything gets houseruled, from background lore to rules. It's basically a Shadowrun reboot based on a more streamlined 5e... but compatible with Chummer, because fuck trying to play SR without it.
Caleb Thomas
My runner was a mage with PTSD, ex-military/PMC (we never nailed down the specifics) whose marriage fell apart because of it. He was mostly fine once the shit hit the fan but could barely function day-to-day. Still burned a torch for his ex-wife, a voodoo shaman; they parted on good terms and she had a mass of ghost cats that loved to cuddle up to him whenever he came around. Nearly all of his magic revolved around fire and he had a craggy little spirit of fire bound up in a circle in his rundown flat of an apartment.
He was also obsessed with figuring out the gender of the party elf. No real reason, just fidgeting and curiosity mixed with a neverending trollfest between me and the other player.
John Hughes
Have any of you guys read any of the SR novels? Are they good?
Juan Perry
I've read: -Striper Assassin : Pretty good -2XS : A nice take on the setting, told from the point of view of a retired Lone Star cop. Shadowrunners only come into play near the very end. -House of the Sun: Same character as 2XS, but the story feels less compelling. Also Harlequin's in it. -Steel Rain: Meh. Nice if you want to learn about the organization of the Yakuza. -Aftershock : good plot, average characters. A standard run. -Spells and Chrome: short story anthology. Some of them are really great. Would recommend. -Hell on Water: If you want to learn about running in Lagos.
Hunter Turner
SR rules seem a bit complicated for my group but i like the fluff so i think it would be good to try it with another system
Nathaniel Sanders
Good luck, in order to adapt it to another system you need a working knowledge of it.
Which means learning the rules.
Blake Turner
Not directly, it's more based on the kind of service you'd get in the real world. Being underground reduces your signal strength, as does going across grids or through the public grid. If it's a private server with a relatively weak signal strength then the actual distance starts to be taken into account
Hudson Mitchell
Y'all and wod/cod general should trade OP pics.
Jonathan Bailey
Well, Shadowrun does have vampires and werewolves...
Isaiah Long
Sometimes I resent essence, if only because it prevents me from doing insane cyberpunk shit like that.
Daniel Stewart
So 5e is the way to go?
Evan King
IF you're just looking to get a sense of it 4e, might be better, as it's slightly better organised and not quite as much of a clusterfuck.
Henry Roberts
4E has more information on the setting and fluff, but 5E has a slightly less fucked ruleset. It's just ruined by bad editing.
Nolan Johnson
so 4E for the fluff and 5E for the rules?
Joseph Rogers
Basically. Or at least until CGL stops dicking around.
Lucas Reed
any news from them?
Joseph Evans
Aside from the new magic book and the same 'soon soon' about the Technomancer book, I haven't heard anything. Hopefully others are better informed.
Jaxon Cruz
Unless you only mean during chargen, it doesn't; you just have to get creative or high end to manage it.
Alexander Ward
I prefer 2e/3e for the fluff, honestly.
Jacob Taylor
Would someone mind posting the comic page that I remember seeing titled as 'shadowrunners spirit guide'? Its a few panels and involves a guy getting kicked out and told to meditate, then the spirit animal comes and asks him if he'd like to make a few million dollars. "Smartest spirit guide I've ever met." is a line.
Thank you.
Jacob Jones
Just ran my first game. How was your first time GMing?
Christopher James
Gavin Mitchell
Need help, I made a rigger put a lot of point into the flying drone so should I give my character a backup weapon like a holdout pistol,
Ethan Campbell
Standard advice is to always a backup weapon, especially if you get somehow separated from your drone.
A holdout pistol is decent but if you wind up doing a run against a corp, you'll need something with a bit more punch like a Heavy pistol but a holdout pistol should not be your main fallback weapom since they uaually have crap range, crap accuracy and crap damage and ap. Get a light pistol if you can for your normal runs and the holdout for last resorta or for surprises
Ryder Rogers
The samurai thing worked because it had the ethos of service unto death, which has modern ramifications and applications in the neo-feudal corporate culture, not because it's about fightan mans. What the fuck does a Viking bring to the boardroom?
Also general Japanaphilia and nips taking over the world
Thomas Garcia
Not much omae, but smashing what's in your way and taking what you can -does- have applications in the shadows neh?
Lincoln Parker
How are 2e and 3e compared to 4e and 5e? what are the main differences
Caleb Young
No. I don't want that autist and his power fantasy self-inserts. If I hear that Eli the Minister, 12 MAG Immortal Human empowered by a Passion after seducing it, Hestaby, Frosty and Daviar in one night, is running around Seattle, I'm gonna come after you.
Michael Evans
>Not taking 6 ranks in Serbian, Croatian, and Bulgarian >Thinks he can make it big in Seattle
Tell your GM to stop holding back.
Blake Sanders
Machine pistol, or anything else that can fire full auto, preferably with an ammo capacity in a multiple of 20. Suppressing fire is good.
Jason Edwards
News about what? They think they're doing great.
Orc book coming, though, so that should be nice
Josiah Robinson
Have you played SR:R, Dragonfall & Hong Kong? That's the short answer. Otherwise, the books are in the OP.
Gavin Howard
Honestly, you should probably go more into the Genesis Shadowrun. It's a bit closer to actually acting like 1e and 2e.
Just remember that as of part way into 2e/end of 1e that alphaware is just newly a thing and basically treated like beta. Beta is treated like delta in the adventures where it's featured.
Oh, and they do have some fun stuff.
Like the printing of 3e I have makes flechettes almost entirely worthless, because bad editing means that the bonus goes away if the target has ballistic armor or dermal implants.
Elijah Murphy
The worst alchera of all time.
Aaron Robinson
I never allow wireless matrix, technomancers or SURGE freaks
Wyatt Phillips
On the other hand...
Joseph Murphy
On the other other hand...
Henry Cox
Angel Fisher
This thread is now /srg/ Slav Edition
Tell me how how many packs a day your runner smokes, /srg/. What kvass does he quaff in his spare time? Tracksuits: Fashion, or function? Ruthenium Polymer Coating, anyone?
Camden Clark
Noah Gray
>What kvass does he quaff in his spare time?
Whatever will put him in a somber mood to wax darkly about the inherent frailties of man, and our perpetuation of systems that seek only to destroy ourselves.
And he's not some RPC bitch; you go Electrochromic and let everyone know you're there, with Adidas logos bouncing around like DVD icons.
Grayson Davis
>I'm not some RPC bitch
>He appeared, to the sound of an accordian atop hard bass, an invisible man marked only by floating white ADIDAS AR logos >The only hint he was real was the trail of cigarette smoke he happily left in his wake
Technoslavs, get on my level
Jonathan Bailey
>the printing of 3e I have makes flechettes almost entirely worthless, Is that the original FASA one or the errata'd FanPro one?
Logan Murphy
>bad editing means that the bonus goes away if the target has ballistic armor or dermal implants. The printing I've got has it as dermal armour negating the DL increase, and ballistic/impact as either ballistic or twice impact, whichever's higher.
Ryder Allen
bumping this question
Jack Thomas
Lore-wise, I mostly stick to canon, with the main exception of CFD being much less aggressive. I also tend to make cyberdecks a bit easier to acquire post-chargen by offering them as payment for runs. Mechanically, I'm using some alternate rules for vehicles, alchemy, archery and a handful of technomancer stuff dragged kicking and screaming from 4E.
Nathan Sanchez
Exploding Dice does the job, though I feel dirty recommending a dicebot that the dev is trying to whore out through Patreon.
Kevin Brown
hey guys i have a question for you, one of my characters with 10 health and 13 overflow took 13 damage in a matter of an initiative cycle, if we are playing by strict rules, is he dead? if not, can you explain how he would stay alive. thanks.
Cooper Roberts
13P or 13S?
Jayden Johnson
13p 2 heavy gun shots
Michael Jackson
What's wrong with fascism ? It's not like people die because of it, only subpeople like orcs and niggers.
Connor Gomez
What is genesis shadowrun?
Jace Rivera
The old SR game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.
Christian Hall
>corp shills invading the board again
How much are they paying you omae?
Jordan Baker
It's just that fascists can't handle the fully augmented cyber-vagina.
Ethan Sanchez
Frag you for reminding me that Bill Nye Vagina Rap exists.
You know what, fuck it. I'm gonna say it.
Bill Nye is NOT being the person Mister Rogers knew he could be.
Noah Sullivan
I had a crack at statting the OP image to see if you could get a reasonable facsimile out of standard 5e character creation. See what you think.
Jayden Jones
I genuinely have no idea what you are talking about, and I think that might be a good thing.
Well, maybe not the finest, Horizon or Aztechnology wouldn't have made something this cringey.
Blake Lee
If you were a fan of Bill Nye, don't click the link, user. It's impressively retarded.
Benjamin Clark
Depends how much body you have 3 or less, you are dead 4 body means you are down but have 1 box of overflow left Burn an edge if you are about to die and prefer not to
Christopher Perez
given that he said 13 overflow I'm pretty sure he has 3 BOD which means Burning Edge or death
Lucas Wood
New Shadowrun player here with first character ever. My group are going to play SR 5th ed soon and my Street Sam needs some help.
Question is, what bioware should he get to be better at Street Sam. From character reasons, he would try to avoid cyberware so no cyberarms or legs.
Basically to be faster with better reactions. He will most likely be melee Street Sam or use archery.
Michael Butler
Muscle toner for more agility (makes you better at all weapons), muscle augmentation to be the fucking strong, and synaptic booster to get that initiative up. If you wanna munchkin a bit you can take restricted gear so you can get a pain editor and ignore all wound penalties.
Jeremiah Phillips
Some of the more advanced shit to look into would include Narco (for popping those sweet combat drugs), Qualia, Reakt, Adapsin, a Cerebellum Booster, things that up Agility, Reaction and Intuition mostly.
Anthony Collins
Thanks mate. Would you suggest either taking A for funds or for skills? With bioware I am leaning towards funds to get all necessary stuff.
I might munchkin with pain editor.
Robert Foster
Having funds at A usually means you can buy pretty much every aug you need, so unless you really need those extra skills it's a good call. What chargen method are you using, just standard?
Isaac Hernandez
We are using standard priority for chargen. Going with DCEBA with these advices
Oliver Murphy
What Thats an awful plan Rule 1 of Character Building: Primary skill dicepools at 12, secondary at 10, and tertiary at Second Rule: Do not put your skill priority higher than skill priority Switch skills and abilities priorities Do no buy skills at to 1-2 ranks dunning char gen. In game getting skills from 1 to 4 takes 10 days. Getting skill from 4 to 5 takes 5 weeks.
Zachary Morris
Fuck! I mean skill priority higher than abilities
Liam Morris
Ian Lee
Eh? That spread is fine. You'll be light on Attributes starting out, so if you want higher AGI, WIL, or BOD, you'll need to drop a few other attributes low. You also have a fuckload of nuyen, so you can supplement your low attributes with ware. Muscle Toner, Bone Density, Orthoskin, Synaptic Boosters, Platelet Factories, are all core options for the Biosam at chargen.
You'll want to have one point in Etiquette, Con, Pilot Ground, and Computer. Probably Armorer as well, so you can Handload APDS rounds in your spare time. You'll have lots of skill points, so consider subrolling into Driver (high Pilot Ground Craft, high REA, a nice car), or Infiltrator (high AGI, high Stealth, breaking and entering gear).
DBECA works fine as well obviously, it depends on the type of runner you want to build.