/pfg/ Pathfinder General

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Titanic Duels edition: When was the last time you had a one on one grudge ladder match with 10 million and the world heavyweight belt on the line?

Unified /pfg/ link repository: pastebin.com/hAfKSnWW

Current Playtests: pastebin.com/quSzkadj

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Anyone have any games going on on Roll20? Really want to play in an AP...

That's never happened to me.

i know of

But i haven't kept up with any others.

There is an Ironfang Invasion game recruiting.

I want to carry a litter of Rory's puppies!

Basically gained telekinesis as a permanent spell-like usable a handful of times a day. Bard level 8ish.
Is there anything I can do to help amp this, if I wanted to focus on it as my main attack?

I'm getting ready to start up a campaign on Roll20 on the agreement someone run a game for me afterwards. I'll keep you posted.


Think before you speak



I want a wizard who casts spells out of his butt and they're all smelly eeeeewwwwww hahahahahaha

I'm a slut for fame, even if it's really infamy!

Plus the idea of raising them to despise and destroy their father is super appealing.

So a dc 15 to sicken after the spell effect?

Could work.

So hopefully now the weirdos from the past thread won't see this, so I wanted to ask, I've just finished my draft application for Mighty Quest, can you tell me how it sounds?


Mine's Kozuni. Art not final at all.

Shut up, Rory.

It's a super loud fart noise and some poop comes out too lmao

Alright /pfg/, convince me on the Inquisitor. My party is trying to get me to play one but nothing they've said has 'wowed' me.

What are they like? How are the Inquisitions/Domains? How are the archetypes? How do they handle as far as skills? What makes them interesting? What kind of builds do they excel with?

Rolled 2 + 1 (1d4 + 1)

Rolling for Merlynn

>weirdos from past thread
>I built a weeb furry based around a pseudopenis

How long after the Starfinder release can we expect the mech supplement? I don't give a shit about space opera, but I want mechs so bad.

Found the weirdo. Still spamming?

Seems pretty fucking gay to me faggot.

Y tho

Rory might just hold your hand and engage in heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation with you. While HOLDING YOUR HAND

Here's the other weirdo.

Can fit a lot of roles, decent spell list, bane to anything you want as a spelllike ability.

Some of the inquisitions are cool. Kinda like Possession inquisition.

Living Grimoire makes you Int based and is, in general, a riot.

This is some of the best bait I've seen on /pfg/ in months, good work.

Because I hate myself, time to take up that mantle. Shit's gonna be slow.

Roll: Akane Ktsueki, CN Female Skinwalker (bloodmarked)
Armorist (Lingchi Warrior)/Harbinger (Crimson Countess)
>Be daughter of Tian-Min crime family in the shackles, ex-pirates and a long line of Bloodmarked Skinwalkers
>All set to be a perfect little porcelain princess, but then tragedy strikes when she transforms!
>Instead of becoming monstrous, she instead just becomes really bloodthirsty and savage
>Whoops, looks like you accidentally killed someone and get to be exiled by way of being forced on a boat to Not!Africa!
>oh, a shadowy organization also offers to let her join because hey, she’s pretty much a bloodsucker anyway
>Nifty, now just gotta forge this letter for some reason and we’re off

Let me preface this by saying that by art alone, I could already tell this character wouldn’t be my cup of tea and the pre-app-process jokes soured me on Tian characters in general. While the kitchen sink nature of Golarian pushes me to accept that different ethnicities are likely to be everywhere, Akane doesn’t really click into the whole Expedition to Not!Africa concept. When I swallow my bias, what’s left to work with? A princess part of a special bloodline of a criminal organization with a special fighting style, who then manages to be even MORE special by having her bestial form be different. Something which manifests by having her have a strong taste for blood and general mayhem.

Coming off the shaky foundation, the last paragraph then attempts to tie everything off. I can’t call it a success, but the justification of being exiled via expedition to Sargava is at least a logical conclusion, even if the rest of it reads like a batshit crazy tsuntsun villain girl in an anime. I’d love to try to comment on the Scales of Mourning part, but I couldn’t make myself get to the actual information on the organization beyond what was in the app.



Did you know the people on the 5E general don't spam every thread with sexual content? My, what they say about the Pathfinder fanbase may be true after all, all because of two-three thirsty nerds.

Is Piercing Thunder complete trash, or can it become useful?

This threads full of furries and weebs

Now you're being a bit too obvious, user. Scale back.

Rolled 8 (1d25)

The Good
>The Exile is a good reason to Get On the Boat, +1 for actually having your reason at least hinted in the backstory itself
>Knows exactly what she wants from her trip to Sargava
>"Redemption" bait, if you’re a bad enough dude[ette] for it

The Bad
>backstory elements stack up like an anime character
>Try as it might, Akane still feels jarringly out of place when put next to most other applicants
>damn bitch you crazy, don’t lick that

Backstory 3/10 - Reading through it still leaves me scratching my head
Compatibility 5/10 - A bit of low-casting from armorist, then presumably skills from the Harbinger Intelligence. Initiating means she fight good, but she doesn’t bring anything outstanding to the table otherwise.
Wanderlust 6/10 - I’ll begrudgingly admit, exile and an outlet for all those nasty urges isn’t that bad of an excuse to want to hit up adventure. Good? Eh,
Overall Pulpiness 1/10 - Bloodthirsty Nipponese Ex-Pirate Princess with UBW combat. The new Indiana Jones movie is really reaching.

Of all the apps to land on for a first review, it had to be this one. I could have done it the day I rolled, but between games and Mother's Day I didn't quite have the energy. Sometime tomorrow, likely when the next review goes up, I'll post the list I'm rolling off of and how this'll work.

I believe they said Starfinder would get stuff like two months later or something. It's not getting content as fast as Pathfinder

Easier solution: you and your buddies get a room. Or maybe you thrive on conflict?

It's useful. Mobility, charges, shenanigans with polearms at lower handedness, reach for days.
There's better, sure, but it's damn solid.

Make the stances not just "this is basically a feat/enabler of a combat style".

Nerf Primal Fury charges, and make Piercing Thunder the charge discipline

My first set of questions are all whys.

Why is this gnoll "very nice?"
Why are they in civilized lands?
Why wouldn't the party, the local government, or anyone with half a brain kill them on sight?

My second questions pertain to whos.

You've listed a collection of random traits and "lolwacky" mannerisms, but those do not a character make. Who is this character?

My third set are the hows.

How have the psychic powers affected their life?

My fourth questions are the whats.

What led them to become an adventurer?
What do they think about having psychic powers?
What do they want or are trying to accomplish?

Make sure you refresh the page user, I just added a touch more to his backstory.

Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)

Rolling for Kozuni

I was thinking of running a Zweihander Sentinel with Piercing Thunder and Silver Crane (replacing Iron Tortoise), actually. That isn't the best combination, but would it work decently?

2 inch pseudopenis, ouch. How's life at the back of the pack?

>Age 12
Suppose this is the whole dog-years business again. A bit weird but not bad.

Is pretty neat actually. Self drawn is some next-level stuff.

>Actual Bio
I feel like the Bio is too much of a personality description now. I was (quietly) agreeing with you 2 threads ago on what you've been saying about the apps for the other game, but this is also wrong in the opposite direction. Don't get me wrong, the personality is intriguing (though good alignment for a gnoll is a bit borderline), but it really lacks any sort of actual story beyond "left her tribe".

That doesn't make the app bad, just very out of the norm, which can be good or bad for its chances to be picked. At this point it's really just up to the DM if he likes the style or not.

Now, on the other hand, almost all Mighty Quest apps are absolute, unserious trash, so there's not too much competition unless the DM wants to run a 100% joke game. And if the DM wants a 100% joke game I feel like your character wouldn't fit in too much and you'd be better off applying to Ironfang or something.

Every full initiator works decently unless you deliberately shoot yourself in the foot.

The optimization floor is beautifully placed, it's basically impossible to fuck up by accident.

Got a build question /pfg/. Looking to make a character with monk and spiritualist levels. Picture related.

My question, specifically, is threefold. Firstly, How many levels should I put into monk before it becomes unnecessary? There are some neat-o high level abilities that spiritualists get in the 15-20 range, but I don't consider any of them to be terribly essential to the way I envision the build. I mean, both classes have full attack progression and rely on wisdom as their casting stat, so it seems like a nice hybrid anyway. Not much is lost going out of monk even earlier than 5 I suspect.

Secondly, should I go with the standard monk class, or the unchained monk class? Which do you think benefits more from later levels in spiritualist?

Thirdly, emotional focusi. Anger seems like an obvious choice for the first one, but after that? Not sure. Dedication, Hatred, and Zeal all seem like an alright fit (especially with lots of ranks in Sneak for Hatred, but I'm not really a fan of all the cloak and dagger play here).

That wraps it up, and I don't even want to get into particularly great races to choose for this build either (unless something great immediately comes to mind for you). Lemme know what you think.




Can vampires get boners?

You should put zero levels into monk because its awful.

Go unchained monk and you really won't need levels in spiritualist at all.

So you think I should just take unarmed strike as a feat and just skip the whole thing?

Brawler might be better eh?

Sure, I'll go with that. Thanks. In the meantime, I better polish up my ideas.

Apparently so if Simi's backstory is to be believed.

Multiclassing is inherently doomed to failure in pathfinder, just don't bother.

Yeah, if they spend a Blood Point.

You think I'd get the same flavor out of it?

That sounds like paradise!

If you're going to do that, just take VMC monk and take all your levels in spiritualist.

>Good Alignment is a bit borderline
Scrap that. The personality did make it seem like it's good aligned, but actual app says neutral.


Might consider it in this case.

realistically you won't

You should really go a roil dancer/avant guard but you probably can't

>vmc monk


VMC monk?


variant multiclassing

Christ are you straight from the paizo boards newnamefag?

He linked to the PRD instead of the SRD in his first post, what do you think?

nah, I seem to have evaded the paizo boards in my lifetime. I know a fair bit about the game, but not everything, as is often the case.

Variant multiclassing, I'll read up.

so GitP then?

Oh thank god someone serious. Uhm, are you expecting to answer to those, or is it criticism on what you feel is lacking?

>My first set of questions are all whys.
But that's all things to be explained in game. What I want to do create questions. That means I got you interested in an answer.

Although she's nice because she's actually nice. It's personality.

>Why are they in civilized lands?
Why not? It's not like uncivilized lands were a place to be

>Why wouldn't the party, the local government, or anyone with half a brain kill them on sight?

>You've listed a collection of random traits and "lolwacky" mannerisms, but those do not a character make. Who is this character?
They're a subterfuge. Details like that implicate some comportments such as the fondness for partying but they are also supposed to distract you from the first prejudice you get by seeing a gnoll, slowly getting you lost in the unimportant specifics. Henceforth how I describe her liveliness at parties does make you forget she's proficient in martial arts and telekinetics.

>How have the psychic powers affected their life?
I've already answered this. Grosso-modo, you don't fit in polite society. Of course there's more details, but, kept for IG roleplay.

>My fourth questions are the whats. What led them to become an adventurer?
She just got nothing better to do.

>What do they think about having psychic powers?
I know what she thinks about this, but I'll wait for the correct IG opportunity to discuss it.

>What do they want or are trying to accomplish?
Nothing. She has no burning passion. Nobody to avenge. She's waiting for fate and seeing the description of the game, fate just rang her up.

If you want me to explain her: she's just a person. Unique being herself, but ultimately, just like you and me, just a person, and we'll see how that holds up when she starts running around a thousand planes. And maybe, she'd rather people see her as a simple party-lover.

Maybe reddit.

Anyone ever used the gods heralds in any games?

Veeky Forums is all I have, but I'm no regular. I just namefagged on a whim :^)

Regardless clear Normie

I bet they don't even know about Spheres of Power and Path of War

shut up you fucking normie, go here to learn shit


Thanks you fucking degenerate, I will!

fucking normalfags get off my board reeeeeeeeeeeeee

Can you stop making threads? You really suck at it, especially your really pathetic attempts at starter questions.

Using a Divine Servant as a Big Bad

i refuse

When did you become a giant, /pfg/?

>Suppose this is the whole dog-years business again. A bit weird but not bad.

I basically divide by two. So she's around 24 to 26 years old.

>Is pretty neat actually. Self drawn is some next-level stuff.
I SWEAR I will do a real one. Just, tomorrow. And I'm trying to not make her look asian, even with the katana.

>Actual Bio
She's not good, actually, just Neutral. With "good-natured" I just meant she was very easy-going socially, not likely to get angry for much.

>but it really lacks any sort of actual story beyond "left her tribe".

The application purposedly glances over it but also implies later it was not really a choice she liked to make. Maybe it's nothing big. Maybe it's some super-edgy backstory involving a beholder and three piglets. You shall never know before the dramatic reveal.

The real story is the game about to happen, can't go and keep going about the before. I mean we're also gonna start level 1, so...

>almost all Mighty Quest apps are absolute, unserious trash
Oh I quite like the dwarf, Sayashi the Wilder ever though I just don't care at all about the specifics of his backstory, and the other gnoll is fine too, nothing much to say on those that aren't bad. Oni had a good background too. But Olu Dasra the Tiefling takes the cake for best fucking writing on there. So much personality and character in three lines. I'm very anxious about playing with an Evil party member and yet I'm going to start an uprising if that guy isn't selected.

>if the DM wants a 100% joke game
If I remember he did tell me it wasn't going to be a joke game. He had plans to translate it to Starfinder as well. Yeah, Ironfang maybe isn't bad, I just don't know about Adventure Paths. You sort of have to go on a... Predetermined path. Not sure about that.

>At this point it's really just up to the DM if he likes the style or not.
I've been thinking about rewriting it to sound better. I'm not sure if I did something nice to read.

Can you at least start tripfagging so we can eventually get you banned?

>Uhm, are you expecting to answer to those, or is it criticism on what you feel is lacking

The latter, the answers themselves are of no concern to me.

Applications should paint a portrait of a character, and yours doesn't. I'm providing a few questions that should be answered, and will hopefully illustrate a way forward.

Why would i do that?

Have you ever deprived a low level party of food to create a crisis where they must hunt for food rather than make survival checks to auto gain food? Of course there is no intention to make them starve to death and end the game immediately.

Did it go over well or would it be a dick move?

I am trying to create unique scenarios at low levels that don't involve the party being attacked by Goblins/kobolds/bandits for no reason.

I know you roll randomly, But please Its mother's day! Do ultimate Mom Amalthea!

Is it ever worth speccing an Alchemist to be Bomberman?

No, she's 12.

Unless she needs no sleep and has had twice the experiences of everyone else around her that's twelve, she's fucking twelve. Her lifespan just happens to be much lower.

Reminder that Mighty Quest is closing soon so submit your applications!

Bombs can fuck people's shit up pretty hard in a lot of different ways. However, it requires some character investment to work well.

Alchemists are bombers the class. So if you like that, go for it.
Ive done this before, generally they are easy going with it, unless of course there is a cleric or druid who create food.

My scenario was trapped in a dungeon and had to scrounge for mushrooms and moss to survive along with rats. Then another time a desert island so they had to actually use profession skills they put in. (who knew basketweaving was so useful)

How do I become Giant?

Absolutely yes

To answer your question with another question, WHAT RINGS U GOT BITCH?

The only true way is barbarian with invulnerable rager and heavy armor. You pump up your strength all the way to out-skill those dexfags then you grab superstition and spellsunder to fuck up those intfags and faithnerds

So, how should one invest in a bomb spec?

I became a giant today.

And proceeded to miss all my attacks!

You know what

Should I review raining blood and oil apps?

Sounds fun.

There is an archetype called bomber if that helps you out. You need high int and dex to make it work, but luckily mutagens and extracts help out a lot.
Yes then do mighty quest apps

It does paint a character; perhaps you are not receptive to it. To only talk about what I wrote, I can read:

That she's a weirdo that nobody feels comfortable being near
That she's a foreigner that tends to be looked upon badly
That she's actually nice and tame
That she's left everything she knew and cared about behind, is lonely, and lost
That she's a gnoll damn it and so she's big, she's strong, she's scary-looking
That she's great at parties, and robot-dancing is her hobby
That she has human traits, likes things, dislikes others, like you and me
That she can't stand carpets
That she's a martial artist as well as an offensive telekineticist
That despite the sociable nature she won't hesitate a second before killing a bad guy
That she can't stand boring or overdrawn people, and tends to prank them
That she in fact tries to forget her inner sadness
And that she likes hugs.

Now, please, honestly tell me if you can see that as well, or if you feel that is not obvious.

Every other character motivations, her possible opinions, you could try and guess from what you know. What does she think about the gift that meant she was never really on the same level as everyone? Maybe she in fact doesn't like it, and yet I do imply it's as a natural part of her as our arms are to us.

Read an alchemist guide here zenithgames.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-comprehensive-pathfinder-guides.html

Nobody cares about that game, review meme apps from TSS.

Ech.. I might tomorrow, rather late for me

But I'm a mecha nerd so I should do ok at it.

There is such a thing as precocious animals that grow up faster than humans, user.

To an elf a human is a baby even at 80 years old.

Whats your point?