Blasting off with 900mg of DXM. To the moon!
Blasting off with 900mg of DXM. To the moon!
I've never done DXM, I bought some the other night (15mg gel caps) was gonna try it but got scared to. I have a really sensitive stomach, opiates me me sick and I read some DXM horror story reactions of vomiting and sickness for hours. I'm really squimish about vomiting again after I was ill vomiting for 2 weeks straight.
Can you do a low dose to avoid nausea but still get trippy?
300MG bro. smoke a bowl while coming up
You can do a low dose to help your cough nigga
>not ketamine
Was 'addicted' to this shit for months. One time drank 10 bottles at once. Ended up with kidney problems, HPPD, and probably minus 10 IQ. It's an interesting experience but don't try and chase the feeling you get when you achieve a perfect third plateau experience. Godspeed user.
underage b&
100mg will give you euphoria, 300mg and you'll start to get hallucinatory visuals.
To avoid nausea don't eat anything on the day before you dose. And have ginger tea.
Nobody should get sick for hours on dxm, generally if you need to vomit you'll barf it all out and feel perfect immediately afterwards.
I agree don't drink that shit. The minus IQ part is very real.
professional DXM user here
saged and hidden. dont talk about dxm
It depends how much you do it. Honestly if you did it every day or even more than once a week for months then you probably had a low IQ to begin with. Either that or you knew the trouble you could be getting into.
Nigger, you can buy real drugs with your shitcoins, why the fuck are you doing this highschool shit?
Man dxm is a mediocre high at best. At least its only 5 dollars.
First time I ever tried this shit I drank too much and the next morning was the sickest I've ever been, I was vomiting for hours and my stomach felt like it was on fire. Stick to 100-200MG
Do some ketamine like a real man
how much is too much? Was thinking about doing 300mg.
Are you guys like 16?
Get the fuck off this board
literally Therapeutic dose tier babby shit
buy two big delsym 24 hour (polistirex) bottles and chug them both. You are wasting your time if you arent taking at least 2 grams
>drinking cough syrup
Hello high school
I used this stuff a lot in high school. Very underrated drug I’ve had some pretty intense experiences, both good and bad.
What this user said. Watched my step mom literally fucking kill herself with DXM. Fuck doing that shit user. Way to make the feels come back.
Can confirm I knew what I was getting into. Was an angsty teen with a deathwish, would regularly take my parents car when I had no license, steal some tussin, take it and drive around for a while. Strange times. Now I'm working a decent job, have a qt gf, and making a few extra thousand on crypto, life's bretty gud.
You retards realize DXM is totally legal and you can order pure pharmaceutical grade DXM powder off the internet instead of drinking shitty cough syrup
Some people have said the dxm powder hits too hard too fast compared to the dxm hydrobromide in cough syrup.
I hope it works out for you, things sound good. Did you get intrusive thoughts/auditory hallucinations as long term effects? Thats my main issue lol. It sucks.
>Some people have said the dxm powder hits too hard too fast compared to the dxm hydrobromide in cough syrup.
It depends, if you take just the pure powder it takes hours to kick in, one time it took 3-5 hours to kick in for me
If you want it to work like the syrup you need to dissolve it in ethanol or glycerin
I feel like I have always had intrusive thoughts, I sorta just find them humorous. Auditory hallucinations, definitely. The worst thing I got though for maybe a year and a half after stopping heavy use was visual 'hallucinations' at night and dark lit areas. It wasn't me making things up completely, but I would always have trouble distinguishing objects/people/things in dark areas. Ex. Would see a person crouching when really it was a tree stump.
2 grams of polystyrex might be ok for someone seasoned. Being time release and what not.
Noobs should probably start at 300-500 of hyrdobromide though. Seeing as how if they don't like it or freak out they wont end up tripping balls for 18 hours then.
Plus some people cant break it down and they legit trip for like ~8x as long.
People really should start low and move up, also know the difference between delsym and whatever else.
All that being said since it isn't really practical to get 99.9% pure usp powder anymore the whole idea is basically a bad idea. They put alot of bad shit the syrups now that will fuck you up pretty bad medically if you drink 2 bottles worth.
Mix it with PEG for more consistent reliable release. Alot of medications sold as 'laxatives' are actually just massive amounts of peg, just mix the powder with like a quarter dose and its all good.
Stops idiots from redosing after it doesnt kick in for a few hours and then getting ROCKED HARD.
Not that any of this is a good idea anyway, just posting what i know to try to prevent idiots making a bad decision worse
Damn, on the last thing you said, I have been playing this game Ark, and sometimes I'll be looking around and for a second I'll see a little raptor before realising it's nothing/something else.
My intrusive thoughts/auditory hallucinations are the worst thing, some days I'll be about to fall to sleep and I'll either have this phrase pop up in my mind, or I'll somehow hear "TAKE THE KIDS TO SCHOOL" or something else random which makes no sense because I have no kids lol. But anyway this is usually just for a few days after I dex. Things seem okay for me at the moment but I have a good picture of whats to come should I continue or binge.
Whoever is not buying BZC right now is wasting money.
I haven't done DXM since I started doing morphine daily, been 3 years now. After I've been clean for a month I'm going to third plateau, seriously can't wait.
I've always wondered how do hardcore drug people view dxm.
I only ever dabbled in dxm many years ago and all my stoner friends basically thought I was a leper for doing it.
I always wondered if hardcore drug people looked at it the same way.
how's the ketamine market currently?
I remember there were problems with supply back in SR1, there was a yuge bust of 1 ton of K in the UK and 3 tons in india plus a yuge pharmaceutical plant busted and all ket was 60 eur plus a gram or fake with mxe
has it recovered?
underrated kek
It's actually one of the most intense drugs out there
Dude, stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Everyone can see through your shit shilling
probably as pussies cause it's the lil kids ketamine tho it can be just as intense given enough dose
Robitussin doesn't do shit, my friend drank a bottle of that shit when we were 14 for a dare and turned out fine