In this thread we post birds that would make interesting anthropomorphized fantasy races.
>The red-bearded vulture is the only known animal whose diet is almost exclusively bone (70-90%)!
In this thread we post birds that would make interesting anthropomorphized fantasy races.
>The red-bearded vulture is the only known animal whose diet is almost exclusively bone (70-90%)!
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>The red-bearded vulture is the only known animal whose diet is almost exclusively bone (70-90%)!
The entry for the Ruin-Haunters from All Tomorrows talk about how this might be a less than optimal diet for an intelligent species.
Red kite.
Scavenger, but not averse to taking live prey, particularly pigeons. When there's one about, pigeons all sort of shuffle up underneath TV aerials. My mother's seen one swoop down on a pigeon, and then no more pigeon.
Surprisingly large for a british bird, too. They got reintroduced and followed the thermals on the motorways and railways because they spend a lot of time soaring around looking for food and just generally enjoying flight. Long-running war with crows.
>Undead Eating Vultures/Bone Marrow Suckers
Neat. Probably Wartine enemies with Gnolls who also like Carrion.
Cassowaries would basically be hairy Bolians from Star Trek.
Penguin-men invaders from the far northern fringes?
>During that time, he witnessed males having sex with other males and also with dead females, including several that had died the previous year. He also saw them sexually coerce females and chicks and occasionally kill them.
>Levick blamed this "astonishing depravity" on "hooligan males" and wrote down his observations in Greek so that only an educated gentleman would understand the horrors he had witnessed.
Jack Sprat, could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
Gypaeto, the exchange student they hosted this year from the Red Bearded Vulture nation...... pretty much took care of what was left.
>You know paired up with some feces eaters and organflesh devourers, eventually you could set up a pretty low-waste commune.
Are owls birds?
Harris hawks are the only birds of prey that hunt in a pack all year round.
Usually groups of between 2-6 birds in a cast, and they also commonly nest in threes.
+ to intimidate
>mage: spreads tail, feathers and crest light up as he casts
>Fighter: pic related
>Imagine that the Peacock-men are almost completely unknown outside of a distant desert Empire where they serve as court thralls
>Imagine that the King of this Empire gives you a Peacock-man as a gift
Imagine the prestige that would come with having such a slave!
Peacocks need not be forced to explore, for the satisfaction of their curiosity is an award of its own. Their reputation as a prideful people is a result of their ornate exteriors, though it hides an inquisitive side that is arguably stronger than the vanity they supposedly possess.
>pic related: peacock diplomat
Better pic of peacock diplomat at her most fearless
I vaguely recall a thread where there was a peacock race where the men were these powerful psionic beings whom the females kept around while they made up the bulk of the military and other functions. They would have to keep males away from each because they would fight and try to kill each other.
Boner points if they're all-white and have bioluminescent eye-patches for nocturnal rape-raids.
>lammergeier furries
heresy! they're dragons. Dragons!
Imagine all that read by Gordon Freeman.
Is this an attack?
Philippine Eagle (would quite possibly farm human settlements in a fantasy anthropomorphisation)
Black heron (scary shit when you see a sudden shadow fall over you)
Birds of Paradise (probably a single race heavily factionalised over multiple races)
You mean Morgan Freeman?
OP's diet is 100% bone, fuck off.
I've used penguins in games before. Ridged, xenophobic, cold in manner, extremely protective of their clans. Attitude is kinda like dwarves but as migratory raiders rather than miners. Fight in dense formations of pikeblocks or shieldwalls.
I can't. He has no voice.
Put me in the screencap!
That sounds super true to peacock nature.
Most of the time they flock together just fine, but if breeding season comes around, they'll attack window reflections.
They also arent afraid to chase deer away.
The birds are actually rather pretty so i figure an anthropomorphized version of them would be as well. At a distance they would appear like attractive, albeit dishevelled humanoids, but upon closer inspection you'd start to notice how awkward and weird they are and of course their distinct odour.
I'm not sure how they would be viable in a society, hell i am not sure how they survive in nature. That said i kinda want a stinky bumbling hoatzin-man sidekick who always disapears moments before dangerous situations occour and reappears shortly after it's safe again.
Maybe they just live at the outskirts of society doing the nasty jobs that other races dislike, ie. garbage men. That said i like the idea that they would just try to fit in as best they could and that society at large wouldn't necessarily be able to recognize them for what they are. They'd be slightly incompetent at everything they do, but somehow be able to mostly dodge serious implications of their failures.
Penguins aren't xenophobic, they'll hang out with anyone they see on the ice.
This recalls an idea I had for subspecies of harpies most of them being small races with one or two big ones being flightless with powerful legs.
I've used these vultures as the bird half of zombie-eating gryphons.
I imagine this could turn into a race dedicated to consume undeath.
That's awesome. Love the idea that the natural enemy of the undead isn't some glorious divine beast, but rather a nasty-looking scavenger.
cool idea mate, props
Stop bullying the insecure and come face a real bird.
please some user draw this immediately
Not that user but I imagine these guys would be a neutral party. They are experts at going to battlefields and picking out the corpses and are perfectly willing to return valuable items such as armor, weapons, and trinkets carried on the person as long as they get the bodies afterwards or at least a few arms and legs and organs depending upon the state of them.
You need something to carry back home? Give us a few hours and we'll make it presentable for ya!
This one got pulped by an explosion? We found a burnt picture and his dog tags. We'll hang on to the meat bits if you don't mind too terribly.
that is not a real bird though, that is newspaper with a bird coating.
The names were stupid but I had a few broad generalistion for them.
World Claws were the flightless harpies. They were medium sized but typically came up to about chest hight of an average human. Their wings have degraded into raptor like claws and they have considerable dexterity with them but they fight primarily with their talons even going so far as to commission mithril leg armor and adamantine claw extensions. They take after various flightless birds like peacocks and ostriches
Fisher Kings were small sized harpies who are really good at swimming and usually tend to look like vary varities of penguins.
Cloud Dancers were the ones that can fly and have the largest variety in body shapes.
>Shunned due to being ugly and unsavory. Thought to be bad omens and bring death/pestilence with them.
>The more their numbers dwindle, the more sickness spreads.
>Their territory is free of decay and disease because they have immunity and properly dispose of corpses
>they welcome, heal or do what they can for the sick and terminally ill when they everyone else has shunned them too
Fuck off furfags.
Bodybuilder Seagull is the only bird that feeds solely on furries smashed into a bloody pulp, with a special preference for OP's, and can smell furries over ten thousand kilometres.
Pic Related
>Red-Tailed Hawk, Best bird
I've developed a love of Kea.
New Zealand Parrots, super smart. Opportunistic eaters that live in the mountains. Endangered because the they were hunted for killing sheep by tearing into their backs to get at the fat.
Probably would make a race of social, inquisitive mages and tinkerers that everyone hates until they need something important done. Like a cross between Kender and Gnomes in settings where gnomes are somewhat competent.
You beat me to Shrike. We've got them here in Florida. Cute little fuckers, and you know there's a nest nearby when you find lizards and other assorted prey impaled on the trees.
Furthermore, due to the crests on their heads and the mask like nature of their face feathers, I believe Peamen would have military outfits similar to roman ones.
They would use pea-pilums, case hardened gladius' and big square shields of blue and green.
Their preferred opponents are snakes and lizards, and do not consider eating them a sin.
Don't forget that when threatened they scream at and then puke on the threat.
I imagine it more along the lines of an intense dislike for anything that is not alive but tries to act like it is.
>We know what life is. Walking corpses have no place in this world, for the corpses are ours to consume.
Does anyone have a pic of a featherless peacock?
A detestable band of savages, yelping and hollering at all passers-by, known to attack people at random just for the fun of it. Ordinarily such beasts would have been dealt with a long time ago, but thanks to complicated political history which goes back centuries, they are actually given special privilege by the King, and others are forbidden from attacking them. One day they will go too far and find themselves eradicated.
As someone from NZ let me tell you those fuckers are also scary smart, have a tendency to dissemble things like tourists cars, start avalanches for fun, work in teams and will (successfully) attack things many times their size.
As a fantasy race it would be like someone crossed gnomes, orcs, and kender and then gave them all the ability to fly.
Too true
>but there is one creature they flee from
>they're no match for pic related
I want to poke it with a needle and see what happens
I'm more of a fan of their elusive big brothers that are so chill it almost got them all killed.
I vaguely remember a Terror Bird race for DND...
Dragons = Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs = Birds
Birds = Dragons
Very friendly and communicative.
Has the annoying tendency of singing dumb jingles over and over an over
They love to Netflix and chill with british guys
>pale and glisteny ayylmao/cavecreature kind of white
>lidless shiny jetblack spidereyes like pic related
>bioluminescent greenglowy blood and viscera that goes all over the place
also muh dikk yiss
Yeah, it's a nice juxtaposition between looks nice, 90% ordinary, comes across as cruel as hell.
In these parts, we have a lot of these fellas.
Not too sure what they're called in English.
What's going on with Cassowarys?
What would they be like?
I already use that as one on my main birdman races
This triggers the Australian
They'd be the violent crazy person of the neighborhood, who huffs gas and thinks the elf Illuminati is keeping tiny lead shooters hidden from the eyes of the public, as well as them being responsible for putting feminizing mind control chemicals in the water.
I think.
These birds stink?
>Chickens of the Underdark
>The hoatzin is an herbivore, eating leaves and fruit, and has an unusual digestive system with an enlarged crop used for fermentation of vegetable matter, in a manner broadly analogous to the digestive system of mammalian ruminants. The alternative name of "stinkbird" is derived from the bird's foul odour, which is caused by the fermentation of food in its digestive system.
From Wikipedia.
>A Bird-Man takes a Centaur as his mate
wat happen?
>no secretary bird
How else am I going to magical realm?
Pegasus centaur or hippogriff centaur.
>a literal snake eater
Get thee gone, fiends!
How are secretary birds magical realm
I'm guessing user wants someone to step on his trouser snake.
Secretary birds are too majestic for your filthy magical realm, you degenerate
fuck you user i was about to make that joke
Cassowaries are actually pretty shy most of the time, they just fuck people up if they perceive them as a threat to their young or corner them.
no seriously how are they fucking magical realm
somebody explain this
>Imagine the following spoken in the voice of Berry White.
Why just see with your eyes user. Got them looong sexy legs that make Aaaall the birdies go tweet tweet tweet.
Ya dig?
steppe on (trouser) snek
So they're Jews during the Dark Ages?
>the countries that dated best during the black plague were the ones who saw how Jews were being clean and following Deuteronomy
Unrelated, one time I walked straight through a small flock of Canada Geese that had a few goslings as well. Just followed the rule they knew that Humans Don't Leave The Sidewalk and pretended they didn't exist. The adults made some low, quiet noises to communicate with each other, and one of them almost hissed, but I guess they figured out I didn't actually give a fuck about their kids it something.
>good at mimicry
>loves mischief
Eyy, got some of those near my house. They're cool.
>Really intelligent, fast learner
>Loud voice tends to draw negative attention, so she rarely speaks due to slight social anxiety.
>incredibly adaptable and will completely trust those she actually befriends.
>tfw no Crow Harpy GF
I hope you never offend her because no one holds grudges like a crow
Indeed. One would want to be on their best behavior when visiting the Crow nation.
Holy fuck. If that story is even partly true...
I dont know weather to be impressed or disgusted.
We found the BBEG.
Found the Australian.