For all you weebshit /a/ and/or /jp/ crossposting faggots how would you feel about a game in which your character's and relevant NPC's identities and abilities were determined by you're waifu or husbando.
For all you weebshit /a/ and/or /jp/ crossposting faggots how would you feel about a game in which your character's and...
I'm more confused than anything
Sorry about my shit grammar I'm stupid. In essence your character's powers and likely their personality would be determined by whatever anime character you choose.
>monk looks blind but in reality has a 360 degree field of vision
>wizard with a dead dad but she has a fighter to do her bidding
>teenage girl who had a minor villain as a father but tries to join the adventuring party to redeem the family
I mean it could be worst
>No idea
Rin Tohsaka
Stephanie Brown, she's /co/ but still a waifu
>slightly edgy girl wearing clothes that transform into blood-drinking edgy skimpy clothes and has a scissorsword
I'm ok with that.
>bringing powerlevels into waifufagging
its a bad idea - by any conceivable stretch of the imagination
>not wanting edgey girls side kick
Shit taste user
I mean, I do want that. Quite a lot, actually.
>An RPG where your character gains superpowers from a relationship or pact with a supernatural being that takes the form of an attractive girl.
That concept actually has some potential. I wonder if there are any JTRPGs that use it.
high level sorcerer/wizard specializing in buffs
sounds ok
I'm not sure how many generic Japanese systems are a lot of them seem REALLY specific from what I've seen (Necronica, GSS, MAID, Zettai Reido, etc.) although that may just be what translators want to translate.
Unlimited Gaming Power, then?
Well how exactly would the pact work? Would it be like Guardian Forces in FFVIII?
Half of the characters here need to be sent on a penitent crusade into the Eye of Terror. Nobody touches Saber!
I thought the pic made it pretty obvious. Basically, she offers you some kind of super-power in exchange for you promising to grant her a wish in the future.
She has ways of making you comply, of course, if you try to cheat her.
It's gonna get real creepy real quick.
Good taste user
I don't understand what "identities and abilities by you being a waifu or husbando" is supposed to mean.
Don't fug surgeons!
It means, "your RPG character is good at the stuff your favorite anime girl is good at."
You power up by dating-sim segments with your spiritfu, but powerlevel too quickly and she drags you off to get married, removing your character from the game.
So, Pathfinder's Betrothed archetype for the Avowed?
So basically to attain ultimate power you must continuously push your relationship forward with your spiritfu, but always pull back at the last second to avoid her marrying you.
So basically you have to be a huge tease.
>That image
It's so bad it's good.
Who's next on the list? Kanna?
"You're waifu" is sort of an old meme but not that old right?
Literally any anime with romance ever.
Top teir taste
Good job
i prefer the edgy girl's sister
but mako is a cute too
>you're waifu
But the closest thing I have to a waifu/husbando is a nonsapient monster what would cause the death of any world it was on by nature of its existance, assuming it doesn't have extreme tier bullshit thrown at it.
You could argue MAID works like that with a female master.
>girl with almost no IQ with tonfa blasters
>ninja girl with an enhanced limb who's out to protect her liege
>girl who's body guard to her charismatic sorcerer/wizard. Possibly have fucked
>immortal flaming murderhobo
>bonus power against anything that uses moon themes or iconography
Best girl coming through.
I could see this working. Suggested mechanics?
Waifus are eternal.
So are you playing a port of your waifu, or...? What if your waifu is from a comfy slice of life show?
I've seen it done using Monsters and Other Childish Things
What powers would she even give as a waifu?
Cartoon Anatomy.
Maximum moral support
Yes, that was an intentional design feature.
Let's look at Yuru Yuri as an example of what your waifu does (I was thinking Nichijou but nah there are clearly "combat" character). Best girl Kyoko is very energetic and animated but at the same time acts stupid and aloof. Perhaps this would fit a berserker type character especially since she's been shown to have perfected the art of cramming, however her favorite thing is a mahou shojo so perhaps she would be a sort of wild mage. You have to play with it but I think the gm and players can come up with abilities based on personality alone, assuming they don't have supremely shit tastes and their waifu's is personality flatter than Sakurako's chest.
But my waifu's Audrey from Twin Peaks.
> skills: growing plants
> feats: bludgeoning gods to death with her bare hands
I'd be fine with this.