Previous Thread
Good day, Fellow members of federation. How was the interstellar flight? So as I said in previous thread
I had certain ideas to create minor fluff and sort of short history of humans. It was largely inspired by posts in previous thread. It may appear a bit unfinished and, lets say, not that great. But please note, that I am a bit new to writefagging, so please forgive me, if it was not on a competent level. So here it goes:
Previous Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The “earth”, that is more known as universe, mundus, or cosmos was chaotic and yet to take form. While “heavens” that is now known to most of the galaxy as “shroud”, is infinite and mysterious, beyond comprehension of puny mortal brains. And there were first creations and inhabitants of shroud: Entities, known more commonly as “Angels”, as direct servants of Creator. Angels (including rogue and rebel ones) and Human souls are sole inhabitants of “shroud”, latter roaming freely upon infinite and eternal realm, while humans creating their own plains of existence within. Others, who shall enter it in full state, will be vaporized or banished back to the universe (if their mental state is strong enough). Though they were first, Creator revealed the intention of plan to create Humans as masters of all creation. This lead to rebellion and Division between angels. In modern eras, those entities provide those, who try to establish communications with them, with knowledge and/or gifts, most often, for certain price. Relations between material universe and shroud remained, with exception of certain times, where most cataclysmic cosmic events took place.
Meanwhile as Universe took its form, as dark era was nearing its end, first stars and galaxies formed. and then “waters under the heaven were gathered together unto one place, and dry land appeared”-first planets, that had sacred mission to harbour first seeds of life. Though Some of them didn’t survive the ordeal, others beared its duty and life began to bloom on uncountable worlds throughout universe in different forms and ways. some of them never evolved beyond bacteria, others evolved as horrid creatures who roam throughout void. And some planets later created a sentient life, numerous races that created vast civilizations. As first seeds of life evolves, the last part in chain of creation took place: birth of humans. [tbc]
>Not modern degraded decaying fleshbags, banished and merely resembling its true nature, but elegant and beautiful shroud entities made as an image of allmighty, assigned as masters of the world. Alongside angels, they were only entities that were created directly by God himself. Even today, as fallen ones, they bear original birthright. Being a shroud entity in its true nature is the reason, of why Humans have strongest psykers in the galaxy with unique traits that are impossible for others to mimic. But also, as they are in truth, alien to this world, are severely weakened, including physically, making them one of the most fragile and frail compared to others. Other sentients, who do not have souls, have consciousness that keeps existing in universe and slowly decays, though several stronger and advanced races avoided this faith by learning secrets to keep immortality beyond death and took various forms and shapes. Examples include modern day void clouds, collective essence of deceased of highly advanced alien races, or spectral wraiths that roam between hostile pulsars. Those who became aware of shroud, tried to flee to it to escape death, but they were altered horribly and became legendary shabanash Humans, however, who are only ones possessing naturally immortal soul, once die, return to shroud in form, that somewhat resemble prefill nature. For sentient non-humans, witnessing death of a human too close can be devastating for their mental state: Once Human Dies, before his soul banishes to shroud, it emits powerful and unique psykic energy during department from body. Standing to close to dying human, can damage mental state of an alien. Some of them never recover. This fact led to development of new tactics during warfare against certain human factions, development of anti-psyker combat masks , etc... Originally, Humans were assigned to work as invisible hand throughout formation of first sentients, secretly guiding them on path of evolvement. [tbc]
>As sentients began to form, first civilizations formed who later began conquering stars. Greatest of species, highly advanced and intelligent, who were (unknowingly to them) were guided by prefill humans to advancement. Those Glorious nations were replacing eachother as dominant races throughout history. Wars for domination were ravaging galaxy. Later some of the First civilizations at their own initiative began uplifting other species to sentience, while sometimes annihilating them due to potential danger. The evolved ones were worshipping their uplifters as gods, therefore, forming foundations of religions of modern alien races. Old ones, thought newer members about agriculture, culture and technology.
>But eventually the PreFall era became to an end by fall of the humans, causing “shroud shock”. “shroud shocks” are major cataclysmic events affecting reality of time-space and vastly altering universe itself. First shroud shock, described by only surviving witness as “Terror Flash” accrued ca 10000 BC. It was seen as vast flash, so bright, that greatest of quasars, were candlelight, compared to it. It wiped out entire civilizations and nearly all sentient life and ones who were in process to become sentient, as set by old ones, formed modern races. It is unknown what caused the fall, as due to fall, humans lost all the knowledge that they possessed and now as temporary mortals, had to evolve and advance themselves, however it locked access to shroud and began era, where humans were locked in universe. Mere fragments of past were resembled in various human pagan religions, reflecting era, when they were guiding other races to progress and prosperity. As main guides of other races now degenerated to modern day humans, others had to rely on their own strength and courage to face hostile universe. [tbc]
>Though after fall, God promised humans, that he would restore their previous glory and it became true by 33 AD. (you get the point). This event caused second Shroud Shock, that reopened access of shroud to universe and humans regained their access to “heavens”. Shroud became accessible to other sentients too. Though they still remain corporeal and to fully restore their prefill state, they still await for “end times”, that will, as it seems, cause a third “shroud shock”.
As ages passed and Nations of Earth advanced, Modern day mankind took its final form. Vital to this was “era of escalation”, when Major civilizations united around common goals. Unification Wars began that devastated entire regions of planet. Nearly 2150 AD, first of modern human psykers appeared, which lead to unification of various Christian denominations throughout earth as single institution that was a predecessor of modern day Ecclesiarchy and at the end, dominating entire planet. At 2200 AD, final independent subject gave up to coalition. Leaders of Coalitional states announced final victory and formation of Mankind Dominion. Worldwide Governmental body formed with capital in Rome, “eternal city” as called by many, Paradoxal city that experienced throughout history both worst kind of debauchery and decadence, and best kind of progress in both matter and spirituality. Modern day Rome remains sole to this trend. There are many that arrive in eternal city with dreams to make world better for everyone, and there are many who come to fulfill darkest ambitions of their heart, focusing solely for their advancements. State language became Latin, Language of Both Faith and Science throughout humans. [tbc]
Playing Stellaris in the background,
this soundtrack came on while I read your posts
>Modern day State administration of mankind dominion is Oligarchy, resembling era, where Christian nations agreed to choose collective body consisting of leaders of their nations. Though now unified, System became more of the meritocracy, where leaders and representatives are chosen though careful process of filtration by different institutions. Church has large involvement in functions of state, resembling once vanquished Byzantine Empire. Humans still remember age of escalation, therefore military subjects are large part of human lives to the point, that military service is required for full rights. Modern day Humans, becoming aware of their glorious past, want to restore their previous nature, some of them, with unnatural and untraditional means. It may take large time: years, decades or even centuries, but what is time for an immortal?
Repostin my fluff:
The Noos are a peaceful agrarian society that never really got into a true and proper industrial era, instead they advanced through the means of genuine wanderlust and curiosity.
To the Noo, hard labour in the peacefull and serene countryside was the greatest gift one could get from the All-Mother and the All-Father. This leads us to their faith, the Noo believe that the Great All-Mother (Keh-Oova) and the All-Father (Hek-Kasoo) brought the first grains and animals to the Noos before they departed for lands unknown. It is conciderd bad luck to not say one of the many thanking prayers at the start of the sun season, and at the end it also custom to leave a small offering at one of the small shrines that one can find almost anywhere near Noo settlements [On the Terran Calender the sun season starts in early March, and ends in July on Jhool Prime].
The agrarian society that the Noos means that the term urbanisation is almost alien to them, and many other species will often find the look of chock and awe on a Noo when they visit a big city for the first time.
The Noo Liberty Union is a Democratic Empire, where any member of the society has a say in everything that effects them. The Prime Minister is elected every 10 years, and have the right to run for it as long as he or she wishes, and the content nature of the Noos is what makes the ability to abuse the system almost impossible; "Why would I want to rule forever when I can relax at home and tend to the crops" - Ploa-Ne Moo Former Prime Minister
But the lack of any industrialization is also a weakness for the Noos, as they have adapted to perfectly to their simple ways, that many other planets might be a bit too unwelcoming for them at the start, but as soon the first seeds are planted and the livestock is culled then the Noos will take the challange of settling on an alien world head on.
So, what do you guys think?
Remember, host creatures are nothing without their symbiotes and the people who claim to want to "free" them want to see the hosts returned to cave dwelling savages with 20% their current life spans. These people are racists that refuse to accept symbionts for what they are: inseparable, plural beings that mutually benefit from their joining.
What's good?
I think that you should stop hiding your connection to genocidal, xenocidal extremist groups.
Also, great fluff. Is it supposed to be the truth, or is it propaganda made by the priesthood?
Exposing the Ambassador as the monster he is would be good.
That sounds...good.
Is anyone willing to join the greater good?
You get roooboots~
And stuff like lasers.
Along with glorious combat!
I do not belong to terrorist organization, known as "new dawn". It is a slanderous myth, created by my enemies at council. And they are discrediting both y name and name of Mankind dominion. I assure all of you, that they shall pay the price to the law!
Thank you! It was my first try to create some fluff. It supposed to be truth, but due to fact, that humans still possess small knowledge of their prefall state, there are various interpretation of the past, leading to creation of organizations, like "new dawn". Also, I've included Angels for the reason, As I am backuping it in case we want to create sort of 40k like daemon invasion
Might I inquire what your church teaches?
A reminder to new races that have not received the memo, do not land on our worlds the atmosphere is extremely corrosive, we will have habitable planets made for others in a few years.
Teachings of official Ecclessiarchy, though represent rl Cathodox teachings at core (Teachings about Trinity, who humans now more often call "Father", angels and demons, etc. so I wont dive Into theology, it will be sort of a tautology), have gained vast amount of knowledge, since appearance of First of the human psykers. Though those psykers reflect mere fragments of the past, they can puzzle up some sorts of minor history, provided both by archaeological evidence from other planets-artifacts that survived after Terror Flash and Revising Ancient Pagan Religions of earth, resembling fragments of history of prefall era.
Modern day Church is guiding Mankind in terms of spirituality. It's primary task is to maintain faith in humans and, after psionic powers became human wide phenomena, to disciple humans to proper use of these powers. they are also tasked to assemble knowledge of past and they are aiding archaeologists and historians by strong psyker individuals.
Regarding place of mankind in universe, they remain to the teaching, that humans are image of god and masters of all creation, therefore supporting state ideology of domination in galaxy, though they state, that role of mankind is to guide other races to prosperity and light. But there are others, including for example human supremacists, that call alien species abominations and seek to eradicate all nonhuman life, in order to restore prefall state of mankind. such organizations include "new dawn".
Does it answer to your question?
Is there anyone of you would like to know more about our humble empire?
*raises hand* oh, oh, me, me!
Since religious themes became prominent currently, please tell us about your religion. Its pantheon, festivals and organization. What does it teach and what is an ultimate endgoal for your species?
Also, Whats its stance towards aliens?
Well I was hoping to go humans but you seem to have beat me to it with this which is pretty good
Thank you for your compliment.
But there are vast organization in Mankind Dominion. You could represent part of certain groups, like Science department, Ecclesiarchy, Army or etc?
What do you guys think? after we form officially recognized empires, should others, who join represent similarly other groups in your empires? I think it would be fun
Depends can I do heretical things with a female tau and can I pilot a mech?
Our religion is centered around the All-Mother and the All-Father, or as we call them in our language "Keh-Oova" and "Hek-Kasoo", we belive that they brought the first seeds to sow, the first animals to domesticate, and the knowledge on how to use it, and we honour the All-Mother and the All-Father by thanking them at the start of Sun Season, and making offerings to them at the end of the Sun Season at small humble shrines that can be found near any Noo settlement. So in the end, I guess the All-Mother and the All-Father teaches us to enjoy life and feel proud in a hard days work. Since we are agrarian we also hold many Harvest Festivals, or Ooka-No Bahzehze as they are called in our language, during those festivals we enjoy ourselves with drinks, good food, entertainment in various forms, and more.
Endgoal? Does anything really end? But if I were to try and answer it, I would probably say that we want to teach our way of life to those who want to feel rewarded by every day that comes. I hope that answered at least some of your questions?
Excellent answer. It largely covered most of the topic. Also, How is Life after Death in your religion? What happens to Noo after death?
We wish to declare war upon this filth.
Hostilities against a member of the Federation will not be permitted.
For fuck's sake, is THIS what the federation has become?
Where are the fucking Prethoryn when you need them...
Of..of course!
We shall destroy you!
When a Noo dies, we believe that his or hers mind and soul travels to the All-Mother and the All-Father, and this brings us to how we take care of the dead. The family of the deceased takes to body to a small shrine close to where the deceased was born and raised. There it will be laying for 12 days while each family member places single seed or grain every day, so they can show the All-Mother and the All-Father how they have been using their gifts.
Interesting ritual. I have to say, you worked very well at creating your race and its culture!
I just make it up on the spot :/ But thanks
We vote for the blue fuckers to be kicked out.
Bring it!
Please no use of harsh words
Also, Humans are taken. Are you willing to play as a rebel?
mind you add your own fluff about your species?
The Rebel Federation concedes to this, but still forwards the mentioned motion.
If you insist, from the last thread.
The Collective are not a normal product of evolution rather they are the result of precursor meddling. For reason unknown to the Collective a race of precursors had bombed several planets with a virus, the result of this was all life on these planets becoming mutated in terrible ways and changing the very landscape of the planets into toxic hellholes with atmospheres so corrosive they would erode even the mountains. After a couple thousand years of stagnation the mindless lifeforms started to hear a voice and soon that voice had spoken to all of them on every planet, while not necessarily a hive mind they all share a consciousness while retaining small amounts of individuality per organism.. Before long the creatures started to work to become a full society and learn how to manipulate their unique physiology finding out that their genes are incredibly malleable.
After connecting the many planets they encountered the Vrex an hostile race that had the intention of enslaving the Collective, it was this war that the Deep Children were developed as a massive shock and awe weapon to completely destroy an enemies moral by whipping out home planets.
Most Collective now work to further push their genetic boundaries, and they feel the Federation is the best option for that with both research and observation from other perspectives.
Thank you, Its a decent fluff.
Also, can you specify chart like here? :3
So, Officially recognized races (if you like a particular race, you may play as one of the subbranches of government or even a rebel):
>Humans-Mankind Dominion
>Noo-Noo Liberty Union
waiting others to confirm. Also, I liked the idea of Alara in previous threads.
Like the tau, this isn't a stellaris race best I can do is the picture Ive been using.
I see, but still, as it is stellaris is based, I think we should have stellaris portrait for it to, which somewhat represents the concept
I think pic related represents it well. What do you say
>Humans-Mankind Dominion
>Noo-Noo Liberty Union
>Tau-Tau Empire
No objections here.
I'm cool with that.
oh yeah, as for Tau
I think this represents them somewhat
I would go with humanoid_4, but their ugly backhead and tubes on it are way too off.
What do you say?
[spoiler[So, as it seems, This thread will largely be formation of fluff. General cosmology was formulated by me in first posts and others did excellent job at designing their species, so far. Its just sad, that there are not many people as there were yesterday.[/spoiler]
Well yesterday was a sunday
I like this image but I'll use the stetllaris one.
>Oh, I forgot, since I have a day off today :D anywho, Others will join later. meanwhile,, if something, Ill upload stories in this thread to my computer for safekeeping, before we find a decent place to upload it
Oh, no, I think you misunderstood my suggestion.
I'm just telling to use this portrait in case of official fluff uploading. for charts like these
You can use any picture and portrait in other cases.
This just happend
Ah I see.
Oh yes, Xenophile FE-s tend to occasionally
send gifts. They've sent me technology once for example.
I already have gotten free tech from another FE already, so this is my 2nd gift
it makes me really want to come up with some lore for the Vorgel.
Do it
You'll do great
Ok, then I shall wait for others to finalize their empires too.
It is really interesting to sort of exercise in writing and develop skills at world building
later guys.
also, Alara (space elves) gave me an interesting idea from their small fluff in previous threads, but it depends on how creator of the race will develop it...
too bad I haven't played stellaris yet... Still pisses me off that I haven't had. A computer in over a year since that 4 year old decided to bash my laptop with a rock while I was headed to DND night T_T.
Still, might as well do it.
Also... If we're going to make a 1d4 page, I'd be ok with becoming it's janitor. I do the same thing with Penal Regiment Veeky Forums.
You don't need to put paragraphs my dude. We're mostly doing this for fun. Just get couple lines thought up and write.
Uh... Sir? Mr. President? You might want to see this...
Greetings again from the Holy Atraixian Collective, we wish for an update on the war front so that we may assist if need be.
The Vorgel would likey to open tablez for discussionz of openin' newy shipy yards neary da Heleio Asteroid fieldz ofva da Dema System!
what about VoidWatch the shadowy arm of the Dominion?
I believe that might have been one of our client races, most likely one of the Mekeriks they have a habit of doing stuff like that.
You abominations should surrender to our fleets. We will cleanse your worlds as painlessly as possible if you do.
Good luck with that filth.
You sure you want to try that Hazar? Cleansings tend to be a bit....messy.
You have been making these threats over and over but until we see one of your spores survive in our atmosphere we shall continue with our business.
If you do not, then we will simply choke out the ecosphere on your own worlds. Our "liberated" brethren, who you have foolishly believed to be your little puppet state, have already begun this process on every world they have visited.
*Angry Seed AI noises*
So we've only lost a single prison world and a testing facility?
No loss.
What do you want?
Forgot name.
Hah. The abominations admit that they imprison and torture our people. What happened to all of that sympathy for xenos?
You literally stole a fucking mech and killed an entire cadre of Fire warrior's.
Please stop being foolish.
Please. We would not steal or use your evil technology. Our own technology is superior. We are masters of our own forms. Why would we need metal and ceramic when flesh and chitin are much better.
We've seen your technology, you seem to have mistaken "masters of our own forms" for having the same meaning of "we dabble a little with our genomes and thus we are better".
Becuase our plasma will easily burn through your flesh.
Because our force swords can cut through chitin like a knife through wet paper.
You fail to understand. As is expected of pathetic xenos. You have seen our worlds. Everything on them is Hazar. If you kill our warforms, then the environment itself will rise against you.
Good thing we have robots.
Mmm...Ambassador Chlorus, as one of the members present at the beginning and end of the last session, I feel it is necessary to once again represent my peaceful sect's views on the current state of the galaxy.
As a society of peaceful clerics who live in an asteroid belt, we have found a peaceful, isolated life by chaining together six of the largest asteroids with tractor beam generators. We came together in the last few millenia, a collection of myriad reptilian species, with each forming a specific Division that each contributes to the whole of the Selarian Clergy.
As a society, we are ruled by a council of the heads of each of our 6 divisions, any ties being broken by the Chief Abbot. His duties include mediating any inter-Division conflicts and council sessions. His own species is exempt from the daily duties of the Selarian Clergy, and they maintain executive governmental positions or spend most of their time meditating, in order to occasionally
Specifically, I of the Macularius Division was sent here in the rare instance where the Clerics need foreign diplomacy, away from my normal function of accounting and bookkeeping.
Which brings me to the caste system that defines our society. On each major temple located on each of the main asteroids, the six Divisions each have equal relevance in the local asteroid government. Centralized government power stems from the main asteroid at the head of the chain, led by the Chief Abbot.
Additionally, settlers who wish to commit to our way of life often have personal or communal tractor beam generators to hook on to the main asteroids.
Our central religion is mostly philosophical, with no deities, founded by the Abbott's race. Its motto is:'The inner calm reaches out to placate the shifts of life'.
In essence, our belief centers on the goodness inherent in life and this generation of Abbott preaches more intergalactic action so we have spread more missionaries in the last few years.
Hahahaha. Robots need maintenence. How will your steel golems work when they are choked out by fungus and growth?
We send more.
Then we will break them too.
We have a lot of robots
As part of our religious ceremonies, the ones we hold in highest regard are funerary, the revolution of our asteroid belt around our section of the galaxy and the anniversary of the Selarian founding. For any of the faith who wish to inter their deceased, the funerary rites we hold are open to all. Either we vertically place the deceased into an asteroid’s naturally occurring placid pockets of water, allowing the ripples to resound and reflect off until the water has settled. The cold of the vacuum of space keeps their bodies preserved. Or we light a beacon, cremating the corpse by wrapping it in ribbons of reactive magnelux metal and ritually placing them at the top of our tallest towers, which produces an extremely bright light.
Additionally, my good councilors and representatives in this trying time of much war and bloodshed the Selarian Clerics would like to give our condolences. We are offering to send neutral volunteers to collect the bodies of the wounded or deceased on the front lines. We could take them to the Selarian Home Cluster and we promise to provide medicine and funerals for these brave warriors. But we must be transparent, we will also be taking the Raduxo in and our Chief Abbot is firm that we will be enforcing a period of neutrality amongst all who would visit our chain of temples to pay respects. So watch in the evening sky fellow diplomats for our memorial has begun, a thousand beacons for every hundred souls lost. Ahh...look the first has been lit. Pray that these troubling times come to an end soon.
Additionally, the Abbot has requested an interest in being inducted into the official roster of the Federation’s recognized organizations as we can offer essential aid to troops on the border. Additionally we can offer our most sacred seeding the harsh rock with one of the essential elements to our way of life: the Universal Seed. With the capability to rapidly adapt to its environment, the plant has shaped our way of life as the main food crop and a symbol of how life can shift to maintain constant balance in order to survive. Thus, we could generously offer a chest of seeds, enough to colonize over a thousand barren asteroids, the bounty of last cycle’s harvest.
How's this fluff so far?
We wish to send an ambassador to witness this ceremony, we find it fascinating and wish to learn more.
I have to see this.
This reminds me of Bionicle for some reason.
I really don't know why.
I miss Bionicle
Same here
Why did you do this LEGO?
They aren't the best company
exterminate LEGO when?
I dunno.
Anytime is good.
Ahh...of course you are very much welcome to attend my good representatives. The Abbott welcomes all to this solemn ceremony and perhaps you may learn of our culture while you attend. Wht would you like to know?
I think that falls into Humanities dominion of power ask them how they plan to deal with these transgressions.
We just wish to observe, we are incredibly curious about other cultures behavior.