Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Tau still shit at Close Combat Edition.

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>8th edition FAQ:

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1st for nobody.

What are your plans for the Primaris Marines?

>1st for nobody.
Is that you Malal?

I wish they'd release the 8th edition rules already.
Depends on how much they cost (50 euros for 5 probably) and what other units they get and how armies work in 8th edition.

>falling for a meme

Nth for manlet marines are not people

Ignore as another GW gaffe probably

I might buy a small group of them to be used sorta like veterans in my Blood Angels Army.

Going to paint them all with no helmets and black skin and ally them with SoB with white skin

Primaris Deathwing when?

Ignore them like the meme they are.

Gonna be too busy with my GSC, Orkz and possibly Tau

Ork faction fokus when ??

We're next lads! What tidbits are you hoping to see?

Alright user, what are you building currently? Bought anything today?
I couldn't help myself and bought 5 Cataphractii Terminators for about 20€ off ebay. My backlog grows.

Paint all my orks in different clan colours, like they were in Ere We Go with each mob belonging to a different clan.

New edition has rules for clans.

You can't mix clans in a single detachment.

Might buy a handful to use as Alpha Legion or some swole Khornates. Might steal the guns to have bolter snipers for Sternguard or the like

They look neat but it's kinda spooky how they keep stealing my ideas from half way around the world.

>marine models should be taller
I meant all marines
>primarchs could come back
the lesser ones who dont bring hope to the setting
>marines should have two wounds
all marines because they have two hearts and are underwhelming currently
>cover should modify to-hit
not rewritten
>real-time points balance
not age of sigmar

At least the tactical version has nothing to offer to my SW army, so I'll pass for now
If by the release of 8th they'll have released a more assault-focused version I could be interested

You forgot your meme arrows, user.

Here are three, on the house > > >.

I just built two chimeras and leman russes for my Imperial Guard. I should paint my stuff but I've fallen to apathy with the closing of 8th edition.

>Ork faction fokus when ??
Well da Dark panzees are on Wednesday, so afta dem I guess.

>You can't mix clans in a single detachment.
Freebootaz iz a fing ya silly git.

Wow, I really fucked those spoilers up

>New edition has rules for clans.

Use minimum sized squads with two burnas.
Outflank, toast a backline unit and take linebreaker by going to ground in ruins for the rest of the game.

Thinking of starting a Marine army with them. Maybe Fists.

Just ordered a Vostroyan squad to be a Vet squad. I also just picked up 20 Cultists. Going to use them as hive gang members recruited to be meatshields with my penal legion guys.

Also going to paint my command squad and my Straken count as and some other HQ models.

The Tau have rules for the Septs

Let's try not to bait and joke and let's admit that Orks are receiving Klan rules and IG is receiving Regiment rules

This last week I've picked up four chimeras, four sentinels and about 80 guardsmen off the bay of e, including the contents of an old battleforce box. All for under a hundred quid.

I'm gonna strip that shit, see how well the cadians and catachans are assembled (I'm guessing poorly), and put it back together into my Renegades and Heretics.

It seems likely from what we saw on the Tau Drone profile, with the . If Tau get It's likely that this is how they'll do rules for Guardsman and in another step, Orks getting

Got a massive fucking essay on Enlightenment Philosophy in for Friday, so no fun for me allowed. After that though, I have about £100 to grab a little 30k loot, so I'm deciding whether to buy a bunch of disparate stuff and start on the my insane Stormbird Whale project and the Archmagos commanding it, or just buying Calth and some Word Bearers stuff and doing them instead. Madness or volume and practicality, and it's rare that Word Bearers are the sane ones.

fuck I was looking for those last week but couldnt find any under 40
I only wanted one, as well :(

What I should do however is assemble the rest of my 40k and fantasy minis after painting the ones I already have assembled
I have around 200 minis unassembled with a landraider, a rhino and a couple fantasy monsters in there
around a 100 or so unpainted but assembled

Yeah but Tau aren't a NPC faction like Orks

>You can't mix clans in a single detachment.

Highly unlikely

Time to pick a klan ya git

Just go goffz or deffskullz for ease

Return of the Wyches, Hellions, and Incubi having an easier time getting to assault. A personal wishlist is a more customizable archon, like a Reaver Archon, Scourge Archon, or even a Hellion Archon. Also, plastic incubi pls.
Also Kabal/Cult rules, seeing as there are already and keywords.

Side note, I finished my reavers last night.

My man, I was thinking the same
Decided to put it off for the time being because of gargantuan backlog

I'm going to convert a batch into purifier grey knights. Not sure how I'm going to the hands holding swords though, since they are larger.

Use GK Terminator Sword bits, the hands and blades are larger.

>Ignore them like the meme they are.
>Ork faction fokus when ??

For ten years, Mek Boy Orkimedes has been working on a task set for him by the infamous Warboss Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka: a new Waaagh! of boyz. Now, though the Octarius sector is poised on the brink of total victory, his task is complete…

The Primaris Ork, a new breed of boy for this, the Waaagh!-est time in the galaxy's history. These new warriors are the next step in the evolution of children of Gork and Mork – genetically altered using the lost Prime-Orks to be bigger, stronger and faster – reinforcements to Ork's Waaagh! as they close around their enemies for the kill.

To aid them in battle, these new gene-forged boyz are equipped with new arms and armour forged on holy Armageddon itself.

>Mandrakes and Wyches become good at assault
>A reason to run half the units in my codex
>Bring back the 3/4th of named characters we lost
>Make DE actually faster than craftworlders
>Give the Archon more customisation

No seriously, why the fuck does DE not have rules for Vect, it's like having UM without Kalgar

>Yeah but Tau aren't a NPC faction like Orks
>aren't a NPC faction like 'nids
'ixed dat for ya.

>Time to pick a klan ya git
>Just go goffz or deffskullz for ease
>mfw I run a Freeboota merc-style army and suddenly learn that deffskullz/bloodaxes are now allowed to use ACTUAL Looted Vehicles again, but Freebootaz get shafted by GW

that's a good idea. I wonder how the terminator arms will compare to the numarine ones. They still might be a little big though.

Both the elves hold hands and forget their differences and combine into one faction.

Shit wrong game

You know, the removal of scattering and templates is going to effect the Chapter Master's orbital strike ability if they keep it.

When will the Nid faction focus be.

But I'm also interested in the Deldar though

>let's admit that Orks are receiving Klan rules

If they do everything will be a negative. It'll be like choosing a politician, they're all shit but you have to choose the one you dislike least.

>important characters in 40k have more attacks and wounds than basic grunts
>the more important you are, the more attacks and wounds you get
>primarines have 2 attacks and 2 wounds, because they are the protagonists
>orks have 2 attacks on a basic boy, 2 wounds and 3 attacks on squad leaders
>orks confirmed as second most important faction
>marinelets can't compete

>Range: Infinite S: 10 AP: -4 Damage: D6 Barrage D6

>Hits on a 5+ instead of 2+

Not that much desu.

We'll be last

Nothing, I play CSM. Sit here, heretically.

Contemplating making a Raven Guard army with heavy use of primaris marines. Is this a good or bad idea?

If you use terminator arms you'll have to use terminator pauldrons too.

If you don't have shit taste you'll use sparse Primaris as elites

Whoa that bolter is wonky
I don't think Ravens mind what kind of marines they use though.

Hand+swords are a separate bit from the arm.

Can any experts tell me what in Warcraft lore could be the closest thing to a Warhammer Chaos Warrior or Chaos Space Marine? I'm talking about playable characters like Death Knights or Demon Hunter, and what race? A friend wants to know and I know you guys are lore experts

It would probably need to follow the 'closest target only' rule else you could get into stupid character sniping shenanigans with that.

I'd wait till we see the rest of them.
I'm not entirely pleased with the current troop squad, squad size looks too small and not that flexible

We don't know yet.

Part of the reason I'm holding off of these numarines is because I don't know if they can fill an army.

Warcraft is shit and the mere mention of its lore annoys me.

Is new 40k made by Orks only?

The bigger you are the stronger you get.

Did Ork won?

>Did Ork won?
>There Is Only War

Seems that way

I'd wait until we see the Assault Primaris unit.

For playable character probably Death Knight
>Warrior empowered by a dark "god"

That or a Twilight Hammer cultist / Shadow Priest as they are literally using dark (Old Ones) to power themselves

well, now my weirdboy has a name, thanks user

glorious assaults

>They all use "Heavy Chainswords" for Str. User +2 AP-1

I'm not a lore expert but I'd look for humans that serve the Burning Legion.


Twilight Cultists would be the closest, old god mutations would be a nice comparison.


Thoughts on 8th ed Tau?

He's an actual character, though.

Good points and definitely something to consider.

He's an actual character in the lore

Obviously you can name him whatever you want, but it would be like calling an OC Space Marine Grimaldus or Logan Grimnar

Orkimedes is an ork character (without a model though) and Ghazzys personal Big Mek IIRC

What is this NPC meme?

Is it special snowflakes or something?

Plague Marines, Nurgle Terminators, and Mortarion are confirmed but I'm waiting for new boxes of Chaos Marines and Noise Marines.

Well, they look better than the old marines, so if you're starting a new army, might as well get the best looking ones. Pretty sure to have decent rules as well.

Will probably receive plenty of support in the future too, unlike old marines.

On the other hand, they are going to be expensive as fuck and there's no second hand ones on ebay. Hopefully the new starter set will be a bargain and the enemy (death guard, according to rumours) are good, so there might be some going spare.

As for raven guard in particular, it's hard to say. Primaris might not mesh well with their chapter tactics. Also, they aren't as easy to paint as you might think, at least if you want them to look OK.

Slaanesh is going to be squatted.

I think the Markerlight Nerf is actually a pretty big deal. No ignoring cover, only refills instead of boosting BS.

For everyone freaking about Over watch and falling back, they're forgetting how much less it'll sting when it isn't BS 3 overwatch and BS 5 ignores cover shooting normally



Corrupt them as soon as the rules for Chaos Primaris hits the joint.
Since the shoulder pads and heads are in a similar scale, I could probably easily convert them to Nurgle.

>If they do everything will be a negative.
>Snake Bites: Squigs. SQUIGS EVERYWHERE.
>Deff Skullz: Wez lootin' EVERYBODY nao! (Deffgunz replaced with other ANY army's weapons)
>Blood Axes: Why yes, dat iz a Looted Baneblade.
>Speed Freeks: Sorry, I can't hear ya ovah my JET ENGINZ! (goes faster than just a red paintjob)
>Freebootaz: Can take any of these benefits, albeit at a smaller level/higher cost.

If the above actually happens, I will be one VERY happy Ork.

>Also, they aren't as easy to paint as you might think, at least if you want them to look OK.

I took this screenshot from /WIP/ not long ago. Really cool way to get black armor without the TRON edge highlight look.


> I don't know if they can fill an army.

>Can I field a whole army of Primaris Marines?

>You totally can. From a background point of view, some Chapters, especially those decimated in the events of the Gathering Storm, now have entire companies of these new warriors. Others have incorporated squads of Primaris Space Marines into existing Battle Companies. And perhaps most excitingly, Guilliman has founded some entirely new Chapters out of these new Space Marines.


Poorfags on suicide watch

What race as a DK?

I know Warhammer lore is infinitely better, but it doesn't have a proper RPG or MMO to play with friends. Best thing is just trying to be one in another game.

That's me!

Good thing I'm a loser who lives with his parents and saves all his work money.

Thanks for your opinions. Will save that image for inspiration.

>$50 for a box of 5
>$70 for a box of 5 devastators/assault marines
>$75 for a Primaris Dreadnought
>$50 for a Primaris Rhino

Robbie going for that shadow empire

First stage of grief is denial.

Slaanesh is done for.

How'd you do that, it looks pretty nice?

45 for a box of 10.

They come in squads of 5 fuckboi, they aren't gonna give you a squad of 10.

Don't hold your breath.

GW hates Orks. As an Ork player I'd rather just just squat Orks instead of just fucking with us for over a decade.

Is that the same Middle Marine? That's sweet, what was your process after you did the heavy washes?

>What is this NPC meme?
As I understand it: it's bashing any army that an user doesn't consider "important/relevant" to the setting. Which, given how GW has been treating the 'nids these last few years, seems painfully appropriate.

Other anons are free to correct me on this if I'm wrong.

Prime white, base coat mechanicus standard grey, layer dawnstone, drybrush administratum grey, and wash it 4 or 5 times with nuln oil.