Infinity General -- 5 big hairy guys make a girl lose her skirt edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where guys wear kilts because pants only have room for TWO legs.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Catalog of fluff, dossiers, and unit models

>Rules wiki (now updated with HSN3 content):

>Rules Wiki Offline Backup:!Dxs3VbKQ!_tRgLeIszkdMBvnpCFE4xHELtngLRL26cexppwmAIws

>Official Army Builder:

>Token Generator:

>N3 Hacker Helper:



>Faction Rundown:

>All Consolidated Rules:

>Operation Icestorm Scan (beginner missions)!AkkG0ZZA!CE-YzCWIWVROcSnnlkZI8SMWxWoNb1LkFbWI-LamYR8
>Operation Red Veil Missions (brought to attention it's missing pages)

>The RPG Kickstarter

>WIP Tactica

>RPG Character Creation

>RPG previews (+ a couple scans)!8pRURayK!Kj16fd7nQhEcaId8hKD4oA

Previous Thread
Perhaps the previous two threads dying before bump limit is a sign that we shouldn't be having a thread for a while, but heck, let's try to keep this one alive. There's a Snipershot this Monday.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it seriously the base with an ammobox? The look narrows it down to Ariadna, maybe Haqq the brown shit might indicate Bakukin however.

What careers do you hope pop up in the faction books for the rpg?

I was hoping for "whore", but I didn't think Nomads were going to be a focus book for a while.

It's a news drought.

Only exciting thing is potential Danava profile next month. Otherwise, it's gong to be a drag until Gencon.

Its on a nomad base, SWAST for reference.

>Perhaps the previous two threads dying before bump limit is a sign that we shouldn't be having a thread for a while
I think its more the new 40k edition creating extra edition panic/exultation/rage threads bumping stuff down to page 11 more quickly . When AoS rumurs were swirling back in the day, the same thing happened.

>a picture for ants

repostan, what colours would go nicely on the fatigues?

Well, they are trying to get most of the faction books out in wave 2.

Cream or dark gray. Nice coat!

>he can't identify every faction by base alone

Dark grey-blue pants, medium grey armor plates. Maybe some touches of white and red or orange. Black guns.


Also it's probably some tunguska slut.

Good. We need more sluts since they "family-friendlied" the perfectly servicable Caledonian Volunteer.

>paint everything fucking grey

No user, don't do this, it looks like shit.

I am very upset about that as well.

>tfw I painted my morats mostly dark grey to light grey with some added blues and turqoise for shoulder pads and green cabling for their cable-mucles.

I think they look alright though.

It can work, but I honestly think nice greys are even harder than nice blacks or nice whites because grey is just so boring.

I've never seen an average painter make multiple shades of grey look good, only the really amazing people seem to pull it off.

I'm pretty average.
My dude look almost white in some cases but I think the blue helps it a lot. I'd post photos but I'd have to use my phone while would mean 3+ mb.

Primer I fucked up on a little in the face and neck.

Apparently my dullcoat is shit too because the "cloth" is shiny as all heck. My white paint is pretty shit to work with too, you guys have any suggestions for dullcoat, white, and yellow?

Resize your photos to shrink them up a bit. At this level of resolution and zoom it is unnecessarily horrifying.


TL;DR my Dullcoat sucks and I need better white and yellow paints.

Gonna run Majo Lunah in ISS. She is a great looking model and her rules seem halfway decent. I figure i can get her to a good position with her marker state then let Mimetism help keep her alive.

Tan. If you have photoshop, import the pic, adjust it so it looks more like the mini you have in hand and paint on top of it with multiply layer.

Only have her out for ARO late game, as any HMG that looks her way is going to dice her out. She's like knauf, and is great on the active turn, not great at ARO.

OP, I think it was more that it was an unusually slow weekend than an interest loss.

Does anyone have any pictures of conversions, either to Infinity, or from Infinity?

There's some lurking around.

Shout out to Section 9. Though I guess they're not really conversions.

hey anyone know a decent drill I can use for pinning models? and while on the subject got any tips for assembling the hungries? they're such a bother

I really like this one too.

Any good locust conversions?

Did this hardcase/rifle Cateran a couple days ago.
I've just been using bagh mari

Are kilts not a male exclusive thing? Isn't that why they did it?

We should talk more about fluff for once. We do occasionally but not as much.

Also how do we get more new players into the game? Its hard getting people into Traditional games its harder yet to get them into specifics.

>how do we get more new players into the game?
I imagine the RPG will help somewhat with that. Wargames are a harder sell because not only do you need the books and the dice (if you're not online), you need the minis and the terrain and the glue and the paint. Having a videogame would also help with hooking people in.

It seems that between that and the Queue the Re Fury Pheasant Rank is missing they're bringing back things that were formerly exclusive to males back to being exclusive to males.

Back when I was getting into Infinity with seriousness I made a minor Tactical Bow conversion for a ninja using an old crossbow from an empire set for the bow and attaching two Ork sights on each end to make wheels to make it look more like a compound bow. Nothing too impressive. I like how I painted my other ninja hacker better. This remains my only infinity conversion, but I've got enough parts to tempt me to make something else. Combi-Rifle, a spare Daktari arm with a bag, Spec Ops parts ... I think I'll get something going sooner or later.

Bagh Mari HMG's painted up and previewed.

Now the link can be complete to the modern standard.

It's traditional gard seen through the lenses of popculture in a couple century; Brad Pitt and Saber are classical references to them, they shouldn't refuse female kilts just because it's not how it was in medieval scotland.
That being said, as a leggings fag I don't hate that volunteer at all.

>We should talk more about fluff for once
The deeper i've read into the fluff the more I start to dislike it honestly. If you aren't apart of PanO or Yu Jing your nationality literally doesn't matter. The U.S is apparently africa poor now and population disparity between the factions that are in the game is so large, literally only PanO and Yu jing matter in the long term

Sometimes a nations size doesn't matter. Nomads and Ariadna are proof of that.

I like the idea that treaties and global/galactic politics have made full scale war a near impossibility, but the nations all fuck with eachother with illegal weapons under the table anyway.

How would you order the nine major political forces in the Human Sphere in terms of influence? That's O-12, ALEPH, PanO, YJ, Haqq, Ariadna, Nomads, Tohaa, and the CA (the corporations and mercs aren't unified enough to count).

Glorious Yu Jing is the guiding light of Humanity. Any other system is sub par.

switch Ariadna with nomads in your list and I think you'd technically have it.

Galactic empire coming to subjugate everyone. Pretty big deal, even if they don't have much influence in the conventional sense.

Honestly I'm not sure if it even counts. ALEPH as the big robot that runs everything and ALEPH as a political entity are completely different. It has the power to fuck over pretty much everyone short of CA, but it is limited in its use of that power by the giant off switch O-12 has (along with the various less conventional off switches in case the main one doesn't work) and by the simple fact that it doesn't think like a human.

>PanO / O-12
I'd put them at about equal. O-12 has the potential to be by far the most powerful force in the Sphere, but only in specific ways under specific conditions. It relies a lot on using the strength of others but can bring the hammer down hard if another nation steps out of line. PanO has more general purpose power.

>Yu Jing
Basically PanO's slightly less powerful little sister.

Silk is a big deal. The rest of Haqq is a medium sized deal.

I'm not too sure about this one. This just seemed like a good place for them. Below the major nations but above the minor ones.

Nomads aren't very powerful in the conventional sense, but they have illegal technology and banks that far more powerful factions make use of so nobody wants to fuck with them too much. Also memes.

Teseum is to Ariadna what Silk is to Haqq, except Haqq is a respectable nation even without it. A bunch of backwater hicks only kept alive by O-12 intervention, I'd say about as significant as a large corporation.

Then you need to read it more carefully.

Nomads don't really have to be large because they're meant to be the small but influential faction.
Ariadna literally doesn't even have any influence beyond their section of the planet. Which understandably doesn't mean much in a game about black ops but story wise is pretty damning
is there something I said that can be seen differently by "reading more carefully" or did you just want a (you).

I would if I read it. Most of what I remember are from unit descriptions I bothered to look up, some general outlines I've seen on here and CB's site, and some small amount of reading I did with a look through of N2 HS. I know from an art book I flipped through at a friend's house that Tohaa were originally envisioned much smaller and cuter. Oh, and someone told me that there's a Coca-cola plant in Ariadna. I want to start a USAriadna army fluffed around protecting the secret formula only two people know. Make the Dog Warrior like the polar bears, everyone else wears red and white in Coca-cola colors, snow basing with bottles and cans. That's my dream.

We can talk about the Manga though. I bought and read that.

Can't say I care much for the Jimi Hendrix reference. I don't think the "Dolly Dagger" has enough staying power as a song to be considered a classic. Jimi Hendrix in general isn't quite in people's subconscious either, sure wasn't in mine as I had to look up both the song and the artist.

I liked the part in Svalarheima. Was pretty dope, and I hope that one page was a taste of the future sectorial.

>I'd say about as significant as a large corporation

If they're so insignificant, then why does fucking everybody play them? I swear to god, it's miserable. We got about 20 people locally and easily 15 of them play Ariadna as a primary or secondary faction. Our last event was a 12-person tourney, and 10 people played Ariadna, split roughly between vanilla and MRRF. The one PanO player came in last (he skimped on MSV), and I finished in the middle with CA.

I don't even live in fucking Poland.

This isnt an argument. Same reason tons of people play tau in 40k even though they are insignfigant fluff wise. They print enough models for them.

And user, if you hate then that much just only play limited insertion.

>I don't even live in fucking Poland.
...Lithuania? Russia?

Alabama. Which is like the Poland of the US, true.

Whats a good list for PanO? I got the starter set, Knight Hospitaller, Aquila Guard HMG and Swiss Guard HMG. Would I be fine running a list with the Aquila and Swiss guard running around killing stuff while my fusiliers and other guys chill in the back? What else should I add to my army? Probably not interested in TAGs. I like the hwavy infantry of PanO

Never played Vs Ariadna.

So you're saying that when I play ISS vs them to take Sensors, MSV2, and intuitive fire?

Aquilla and Swiss are both very heavy hitters that eat up a lot of points, so the rest of the list is going to need to be lighter. Although Swiss you can run as Hacker for objective based games, as he is still pretty deadly with a MULTI Rifle while Aquilla without an HMG is eh.
The rest depends on the type of the game really. If it's kill based (Frontline, Annihilation, Decapitation etc) then you're good, though you may want a specialist or two for Classified Objectives. If it's something more objective based (Cold Sleep, Tic-Tac-Toe etc.) you'll need a Croc Man FO, Swiss as hacker, Auxilia FO, Tech-Bee etc. Knight Hospitaller is good for this if you take him as a Doctor, just keep Frenzy in mind.

Auxilia and Auxbots!

The total reaction remote is a good idea. The Remote with ODD is good.

What's the one resculpt or missing sculpt loadout you actually want?

Daofei Spitfire reporting


It's not even a lovable potato. It's just a potato with a HMC that's a complete embarrassment compared with the entire rest of the TAG range.

Swiss guard hacker.

Daofei sculpted without any ranged weapon, just hiding.

Umbra Samaritan hacker.
Rodok ML, preferably doing a rocket jump.

But it's in every PanO starter!

Grenzer ML or Combi + Light Ft for Sensor. PanO Support Box, maybe MO themed (with Father-Doctor and Father-Engineer). New Wildcats, although I love the current ones.
Felix and Amba

The ORC arms on the ML swiss look amazing, so it's really not too bad. If only it had a killer hacker profile though.

Whats your terrain seller of choice?

Some of the Warsenal stuff looks good.

Combi Aswang.

I've used the paper terrain from the starters, plastcraft, and Games Workshop 40k terrain

KHD Hexa

Ayyar. You've shown us the renders you fucking Venezuelans, stop being such cockteases!

Yeah, plenty actually:
- Proxy Mk2 Hacker
- Ekdromoi Hacker or even just Chan Rifle
- Joan, Ferson, Hospitaller Knights
- PanO Support Box
- Kusanagi
- Zoe and Pi-Well
- CG SWC Box

I really like MAS, Warsenal, and Zenterrain

This is going to be a bit of a blog post and the picture is shit as I only have a very old potato camera available, but here's a pic with a sample.

Through observation of various deals, Black Fridays and FLGS discounts I managed to accrue quite a collection. I'm painting it up, starting with the small stuff and moving onto bigger things later.

There's a Spartan Scenics towers sets, with those catwalks going between them. There's some Zen Terrain cargo crates and buildings; only HAB01 and fast food booth are shown, but I also have the Motor Bar and the big dice tower not assembled. The holoads and some of the resin crates and stacks are from MicroArt. As later I decided on a Svalarheima theme (so industrial-military mix), I also got those Whiskey Barricades, craters and the APC that will bear the same winter camo my PanO does, as well as the large containers, from Puppetswar. The Foxy Club sign is from Customeeple. There's also the Icestorm set not in the picture.

I still need an objective room, but luckily some of the Puppetswar stuff came in an 8"x8"x4" box, perfect for that. I'm also thinking about picking up either a snow or a warehouse or industrial themed mat, like the Icestorm one from MAS or the hex one from ZenTerrain. But basically as soon as I'm done painting this I will have more than enough for an Infinity table.

Some people want to play tacticool bushmen and veteran operators instead of l33t anime hackers and power-armored guys, I suppose.


Why not just play a game 100% centered around that, then?

Why do that when I can play your game about l33t anime hackers and power-armored guys, shit all over your fun, and compile a better win-loss record to boot?

that is probably my favorite bit of OC out of this general

>having something to prove in a little army mens game
I suppose I should have expected as much.

Don't sweat it. Pretty much all Ariadna players are like that.

>expecting people to throw out rules and play pretty dollies because muh models game
I suppose I should have expected as much from the wargaming community.

so pano doctors are so shit that they need to be told where their patient's gaping bullet wounds are?

Caskuda ;_;

That's an interesting anecdote, but it doesn't hold true in reality. Ariadna is actually medium-low in terms of popularity and MRRF is the LEAST popular sectorial in the entire game. You must just have a weird meta.

The factions are somewhat evenly represented, but Pano is consistently the most popular, besides Tohaa because their new Aleph tends to be the least popular.

Nah, standardized design means that their medical nano-injector is confusingly similar to the pistol.

- because CB decided to throw in Haqq and Ariadna
- because Infinity has better rules/balance/support than *insert modern operator game* if you think otherwise I'll welcome specific titles

I like the system, have no problem fighting against anime armies, and sci-fi russians/brits/french in tabletop gaming are hard to come by? Same thing with some Haqq lists.

There's 4 wounds.
That implies she saw the highlighted injections sites, grabbed the wrong tool., shoot once, then either
1) didn't realize she used her service gun instead of her pneumatic pistol.
2) did and still shoot him 3 more times.

So I ended up making multiple trades to get the entire tohaa range but they are clearly different painted lots. I have two questions.

Is there a blog or video that shows how to clean models? And what are some good themed bases for the tohaa?

Every time I read infinity fluff I remember why I don't read infinity fluff.

It's mostly garbage and actually makes me dislike a lot of the stuff/factions because it's written so poorly. Nowadays I just try to avoid and ignore it.

Find the highest concentration of any alcohol you can; methanol, ethanol, iso propyl, whatever. Submerge them in it, seal the container, leave for a few hours. Wear some gloves cause the alcohol will seriously dry out your hands and start scrubbing those minis with an old toothbrush or something.

Nitrocellulose solvent eats paint, acetone eats glue. Both are toxic and have nasty fumes so proper precautions apply. Will revert 99% models to shiny metal unless someone used some hardcore car paint.

Acetone will also do the paint too, any plastic too.


Is it possible for Recreations to be sepsitorized?

Let's say the CA gets a hypothetical Recreation. Who would you like to see? It wouldn't necessarily have to be someone known for treason. Unless of course Aleph planned for that all along.

I'd find a Sepsitorized William Wallace the most entertaining, but if it were one it'd probably be Miyamoto Mushashi as just about no one actually cares to field him on a regular basis in comparison to the other minor one Avicenna.

Demolitions expert G. Fawkes

Not as well as nitro, and more softens the paint that you have to then scrub while nitro actively dissolves it. I used to strip just with acetone but I switched later.

so do I make a mixture of both Nitrocellulose and acetone or just do one at a time? I've never done this before.

How many specialists should I be taking at 300 points for ITS missions?
Is 7 too many? Not enough? How much does a variety of specialists matter?

I always try for minimum 4 but depends on your list and what youre expecting to run into.

You should have at least 16 models in any valid ITS list, so 7-8 specialists at a bare minimum is about right. Try for 8, but if you get more competitive later and increase to an 18-20 model list, you can still keep it at a minimum of about 8 specialists.

It really depends on the scenarios being run. Most tourneys should put those up in advance, so the number and type of specialists will depend heavily on that.
This user is shitposting, ignore him.