You told me it was going beyond 20k!!!!!! I put in my life's savings!!!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!
Oldfagbiztard FUCKING HELP!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Worst will come once Eurofags wake up.
You bought the ath user? Way to gamble your savings
No one knows shit in this market.
my oyster pearls are saving me right now
you are retarded
My advice is to toughen up and wait out the storm.
Normies are panic selling, the cowards are fleeing right into machine gun fire, don't be a statistic OP - hold the line.
Well, putting your life savings into something that a Veeky Forums LARPer recommended sounds like a "you problem"
Cash out now. Re buy the dip at $2k. You're just an idiot if you stay in right now.
Summon heart attack for him O mighty Kek
>tfw you're hiding in a coin that doesn't care if btc pumps or dumps
die BTC!!! normies don't belong in crypto yet
>trusting some tripfag to predict the future
>Normies are panic selling, the cowards are fleeing right into machine gun fire
he literally called everything wrong two nights ago, what a fucking tool
He's literally always wrong lol...
well done user! you made my night!
Oldfagbiztard is a fucking attention addicted tripfag. serves you for not doing your own thinking.
Should I jump into doge? I'll never listen to TA faggots ever again!
Yeah, the ta on dodge is pretty good
Just stay in your fucking base trading pair
Should I jump?
Buy when its cheap lads
pump coming soon :)
no, it's ICX
>going in full retard
>not slowly taking panic sellers' and optimistic buyers' money on the way down
Now your gains are gonna be locked up in shitcoin for a year, if it survives.
I told many many times about that hold hag talking blatant shit about btc, and trying to predict like the old useless idiot he is. Fuck him wherever he is.
Monacoin offers you her protection
XLM is the only non Jew thing safe right now. The Jews are solely responsible for what is happening. They are all trying to herd you in to Ripple. Hitler did Nothing Wrong.
>thinks Japanese yen isn't the safest most boring thing you could put your money in
Check the Wall Street Journal, user. (Somebody) just went Major Long on Bitcoin hitting 50K EO 2018 I put my money where my mouth is, unlike a lot of worthless wastes of skin on here. I know how to stand up and run in to machine gun fire like a Man. Been there, done that.
Check the iron hands on this soldier
> herding people into Ripple
yup, according to "usual" crypto patterns (among ~50 coins), Ripple should be going down or sideways.
This is some seriously weird shit going on - XRP is a choice that's "too obvious", to be just a "good trading pick".
Sure, expecting XRP on coinbase is one thing, but not like this.
>wrong about btg
>wrong about mana
>wrong about btc, TWICE
Turn off your trip, you actively make this place worse.
This has been the plan from the beginning, but my intel said we had another 3 years minimum. I am analyzing much chatter from intel channels, and assessing that this is a dry run to gauge the reaction when it actually happens. If This Is It, there are many who will have no other option than to Water The Tree.
Learn to responsibly invest OP. And don't listen to strangers on the internet.
Tone and Teeka were wrong, yet (you) get out your kneepads for them. (you) are a waste of skin. Stop cowering behind your stanchion, get up and run toward the enemy. Everyone was wrong. Days without Jewish Tricks - 0.
XMR was supposed to be a safe haven, but the walls and manipulation was super-spooky today.
Out of the XMR/XVG/KMD trio, Komodo seemed to be a better Plan B. Most undervalued till now - and didn't have the anomalies of XMR.
I'm kicking myself for not switching to KMD after seeing XMR's failed climb, but then again I suck at prepper stuff.
Everything can go to shit and I don't care one bit. Day-trading is not my strategy.
I'm still dumbfounded by the fall.
It's been an honor hodling with you gentlemen.
I blame bcash. tell me im wrong.
Komodo was good to me in the early days. I remember it fondly.
stopped reading
Just hold for a week..It's all good
XMR had a weird pump yesterday, way above the normal. I guess some people knew about this crash and were doing the laundry.
>Normies see both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash listed next to each other on coinbase
>scam bells immediately start ringing in their head
>"fuck this shit, it's back to stocks for me"
Why I went long. lol
boys, i just got into crypto 5 days ago, but im thinking about cashing out. who cares? i already lost 55%. might as well get my pennies, im getting a deal anyways. i was going to buy when it hit $21k "buy high, sell low" is what Veeky Forums told me.
it's been real, anons. im going back to investing in my dog grooming business
High level Bcashies were running ahead of Interpol.
Ronnie Moas said it? hi oldfag.
I like you oldbizfag, you're alright
That's the point: XMR was manipulated, XVG wasn't an option (despite people confusing it as a viable alternative to XMR), to that just leaves KMD.
I've been up, I've been down. years ago when I first got in to crypto. I was instantly down 70% on a pretty large buyin. I learned and worked my way back up to the top of the food chain.
Right now we have a washout of overleveraged margin traders. Right now the longs are killed. This very minute many people will go short and the will also get reked when it retraces a few thousand USD higher.
Shoulda listened to your buddy william devane and bought some of that silver ira!!!!!!!!
I sold all my coin as this shit was starting to dip im laffin
Is XMR, ETH, OR KMD safer choice right now oldfag?
Lol. still have gold bars bought at $284. That's Iron Hands.
I don't trade in ETH, as it is a Commie coin. The Jews will probably not attack it as hard as XMR, since it is a Cultural Marxist coin. Disclaimer; Currently holding no Eth. But you asked for the facts, not shilling my bags. I am 100% Monero atm , they know that, so it will probably be attacked the heaviest. Stay away.
XRP, ETH is dumped at the moment, KMD stand still
Why ETH is a commie coin? i dont get it
Are YOU Satoshi?
>my intel said we had another 3 years minimum
There's this pattern in crypto where things happen much, much sooner than anticipated, or much, much later.
It's as if someone is deliberately (or not) going outside 2 deviations of normal distribution of people's expectations around timing events.
Very clever if true.
the autistic creator is constantly tweeting his edgy lefty positions and how he is 100% against Trump
its classic example of 23 year old who doesnt know shit about shit
Vitalik is a self professed Communist. My Son is heavily vested, so I don't bag on it to much. He is a bit of a millennial.
I am not SATOSHI. It is an acronym.
For what?
I have no idea who tone is and I don't care about what Tika masala shills
Take your schizophrenia meds
This is true. You can trade the one minute candles on a moderate to high volume coin with the same TA you trade the One Month Chart on the DOW. Crypto is fast paced.
Hah, wouldn't be suprise if Trump is Satoshi kek
For me to know and for (you) to find out. Some intel is not shared. It is expensive intel.
That's fucking dope my dude
This is literally another Shoah
I just bought amazingly low. gonna be happy after christmas.
also look at bcash falling, feels good.
You are about the nuke oldfag, but the timing is wrong
Sat for Saturn or Satan, right?
Many (most?) software developers are left-wing due to working in corporate or politically correct environments - with no accountability for revenue, whatsoever.
If they're communists, it's just because they don't have the benefit of contrast. It's like they have no clue where corp money comes from.
The right-winged ones are generally hackers. They code out of spite against the system, or to tinker with their favorite tools.
Both parties are usually clueless when it comes to business development, or even reality.
So I'd say Vitalic is more politically confused than communist. His views may change drastically when he's personally hit with regulation and taxation.
Commie-ism is fun until your very own business starts getting fucked over.
Ok, for real - is time travel, or at least info from the future, involved in all this? And/or previous failed timelines?
Timing is sometimes wrong in the fog of war.The end result for the good of the many is all that matters in the end. My fate is of no import. I have served my purpose.
The insanity is slowing down, korea is flat atm
All information exists in holographic fashion throughout the Universe, past, present, and future. It exists within the very probability patterns that make up the quarks that make up the atoms that make up the molecules that make up the cells that make up the tissue that creates the illusion that (you) exist.
>GDAX's candles and charts were totally fucked, not working at all in various views with a ton of gaps in the past few 24-48hrs
>BTC starts going up SUPER QUICk right now (at time of this post)
>all charts tart working
Its almost like GDAX purposely made their charts not work right to FUD BTC for their own purposes. What does this mean? If my theory is right---we will be back above $15k and upward and onward in a few hours or so, and GDAX's charts "just happened" to start working again.
>purposely make your charts on your big crypto site look shit at the same time BTC is "crashing"
>this increases uncertainty in BTC, making people sell
Kerry is that you? I used to listen to that show for hours while playing Minecraft.
That's alright, i decided to stay and that's the price i pay. i should have notice all the signs, everytime they print tethers, BTC is either to the moon or get nuke
Hopefully it was a dry run, and we now have 3.5 years.
>tfw tempted to buy but want to see if it goes even lower
user, I said I went long.
What's the successor?
Miss Cassidy indeed. One of the few who could grasp my response.
To Be Named. 3 being groomed. 2 will fall.
No - but how legit was she? 1-10
>margin traders at the end
top fucking kek, m8
Okay, but what do you think about GDAX possibly making their charts not work on purpose? They magically are working PERFECTLY now as BTC is recovering.
Do they all currently exist?
Glad i didnt listen to that dumbass. He's lost me money before
you're fucking vox day, aren't you
Do you currently exist? If yes, then yes. All Timelines, past, present and future exist. There are barely noticeable brushes and catastrophic collisions. We, as a Point of Singularity move through them. Can (you) consciously choose to alter course? yes. You do so by the nanosecond.