No Anime Allowed
Old Thread
No Anime Allowed
Old Thread
Have any of your characters ever had a personal encounter with a deity? Tell us about it! Who was your character? Who was the deity? Why did they meet? What happened?
Since I was was asleep for the errata discussion, I wanted to weigh in as well.
I understand that PoW does to much damage and they're working on fixing it, which it's good my but I worry that changes like the ones to full round boosts might overly harm twf and features like defensive focus. Also, nerfing the damage of non-full attacks to fall in line with 1pp levels will just promote 1pp-style full attacks, unless the DCs of the low level condition inflicting strikes are changed to be IL based and not maneuver level. Nerfing damage is good, but not incentivizing the control options just makes them use 1pp tactics. PoW offered me variation in actions while keeping the ability to maintain 1pp damage levels. I hope DSP doesn't balance too much around the 1pp martials.
How do I min-max a witch?
Unified /pfg/ link repository:
Current Playtests:
Use this nigga to slam a bitch with Misfortune, Evil Eye, and then Cackle that shit pronto, turn 1
Turn 2, lay on Ill Omen and fucking Bestow Curse wif ya Quicken Rod. Cackle ya early shit.
Now they're right fucked, son. Keep cackling while they flap their bitch hands impotently and cry about it.
You don't even know what boosts are being changed, not all boosts and stances are being changed, chill the fuck out
I don't, but the concern is still relevant for the people who forgot to give golden lion two first level stances. I won't put it out then to overlook the twf and defensive focus things.
its not an overall change though, its a case by case change
I get that, but my concern is that they still might overlook it. I mean they though OD, RBS, BBPF were all fine on case by case examples
but the focus isn't even on things like thrashing dragon, its on broken blade, scarlet throne, and PF
people are acting like this is a huge overall nerf, when its targeted
A witch with a mount (either through making the familiar ridable, or crafting a broom) can keep cackling while retaining mobility.
Slumber hex
Once again, Augunas's Unchained Ninja is a shockingly legit class
Did you ever see your character get laid to rest? Ever write your own eulogy?
Saw this happen last night
you gain brouzouf
I hope not. Be gentle, DM. You wouldn't kill a female PC, would you?
How would you artificially increase the population of a kingdom (conventional or magical methods)?
Declare anyone who shows up in your country to be an economic refugees and eligible for welfare benefits and free housing
We need a compromise candidate; malleable,flexible, likeable, no firm opinions, no bright ideas, not intellectually committed, without the strength of purpose to change anything.
Someone who can be manipulat....professionally guided, and leave the business of government in the hands of the experts.
I would. If you had to quit my game
>No Anime Allowed
Augunas is really good at making satisfying crunch and solid mechanics, he just can't keep it in his pants.
Seriously if the man didn't feel the need to jerk off into his books he'd be as beloved as jolly
She can retire for personal reasons you know.
So guys I was wondering
What if all classes had both the same amount of combat-applicable skills, and not-combat applicable skills? Even if some are a bit less useful.
Death makes it more appropriate to pass your responsibilities on to the party and causes character growth
My character is not fodder. Only bad writers need to kill characters to have a good story.
Writers dont have to deal with a character suddenly being unavailable for the rest of the story and its more inappropriate to posess your character
Like, you know... You can plan leaving the campaign weeks before you say "oh btw I'm not coming next time or like ever".
Are you assuming that any player ever really does that? 99/100 they just up and quit
Maybe you could split the abilities they get up into categories. Things like can-always-be used, can-be-used regularly, can-be-used rarely, can-be-used-OOC.
Then you could just have characters get a similar amount, or at least similar strength of each.
Well I do that because I don't like thinking my character got killed.
Can we agree that classes are not really equal in roleplay? Like Bard gets to talk with and CONVINCE PEOPLE. And me, if I have zero charisma? I can make a really compelling argument, I'll roll bad.
Who was it for? Was it sweet?!
Bards should be the master of General roleplay, but a 10 Charisma Knight should have just as loud a voice as the Bard in a courtly setting.
It's not about what's fair, it's about what's right.
>It's not about what's fair, it's about what's right.
And I'll be fucked in a faggot with a harp gets laid with everything but a gruff war veteran can't make friends. I imagine what it's like when two people with 6 CHAR combined meet and it makes very little sense.
Color me ignorant, but I gotta ask. What's this about him not keeping it in his pants? Far as I know, the guy just likes to play Kitsunes a lot and use them in cover art for 3pp stuff.
It was for the party dad, and it was sad
RIP chocolate man
The Grimoire of Lost Souls is sort of his magnum opus, it's an excellent system for binding spirits that also happens to have tons and tons of age regression, pregnancy, and furry fetish shit.
>And I'll be fucked in a faggot with a harp gets laid with everything but a gruff war veteran can't make friends.
No no, I agree with you, and I'm saying the DM should say the gruff war veteran is able to make friends, allies or even lovers with people related to their expertise - it's not about the Charisma in this case, it's about the skillset.
A princess should get just as weak in the knees for a dashing 10 Charisma Knight as she would for Florian, the 18 Charisma Bard from Gin Alley.
>it's an excellent system for binding spirits that also happens to have tons and tons of age regression, pregnancy, and furry fetish shit.
>Paizo releases a book that says people worshiping Lamashtu must try to get pregnant to get their obedience, or an Arshean must have sex and praise their partner's body, or Lymnieris worshipers get Age Regression tech
>But the moment Augunas takes a page out of that book everyone loses their GODDAMN MINDS
Well yeah, but none of that really lives up to the level of 'a panther jumps out, rapes you, and turns you into a busty female anthro panther that lusts after the cock of all dominant men and hates other women for getting near their glorious DICK.'
>sex obsession not kosher
Who are you and what did you do with the usual unhabitants of this thread
I am you but stronger.
>A witch with a mount (either through making the familiar ridable, or crafting a broom) can keep cackling while retaining mobility.
I don't think that's how riding works.
It's not right to allow people to give themselves mechanical advantages just by stating shit in their background. That's why we hate freeform, remember?
>mfw i love freeform
That's it, I'm outta this thread.
Except PF has no mechanics for making friends besides the leadership feat or the incredibly shallow diplomacy rules.
There are no influence or connection stats. Having people in a certain situation pay more attention to you isn't a mechanical benefit, it's a roleplaying one.
Who would have thought the rat would be the coolest character in a game full of dragons?
I mean.
Everyone would have?
Rinka was the most memed character even before the picks were announced.
I simply assumed that was residual RotJR hype
It is.
Controlling your mount only takes an action if you aren't linked to it. Witches are linked to their familiars, so a witch riding a familiar (through it being a mauler, and the witch being small sized, for example) can laugh away.
Like many things, riding is better for casters. A fighter needs to get close to full attack, and moving takes time regardless of who does it, fighter or mount. Meanwhile the witch can do all their stuff while the mount moves, they just need concentration checks.
The other characters are kind of one-dimensional and, dare I say it, anime.
Its not like Rinka -isn't- anime.
>Having people in a certain situation pay more attention to you isn't a mechanical benefit, it's a roleplaying one.
Yeah and how many GMs agree with that? They don't even let you make friends without rolling CHA.
You fucks still got no clue what "meme" means.
>Yeah and how many GMs agree with that? They don't even let you make friends without rolling CHA.
...I have literally never seen a GM do this.
I've never /heard/ of a GM doing this.
What strange alternate universe are you from?
>What strange alternate universe are you from?
I don't know but please get me out
Should i play a monk of the silver fist or one of the punchy archetypes for warder/warlord instead?
This nigga is right. How did I not even notice that myself when skimming over Ironfang apps.
>Charlotte is in heavy load with 70lbs. Actually has 85lbs of stuff with her.
How do you even miss something like this when you make a character?
People who habitually ignore Strength tend not to notice these things.
Also add in Nic dragging in the bedsheets and screaming "HOW IT'D GET STAINED, HOW IT'D GET STAINED" because he's a clean freak.
No one tracks encumbrance or hunger. It just isn't done.
If you don't track encumbrance this stuff happens. Frail 7 STR girl in chainmail and with a tower shield.
People are already making stats and equipment?
I want to apply to Ironfang if I'm not taken for Mighty Quest. But I have to wait for Mighty Quest to pick first.
So kawai~
It's part of the application. So... yeah?
>Paizo releases a book that says people worshiping Lamashtu must try to get pregnant to get their obedience, or an Arshean must have sex and praise their partner's body, or Lymnieris worshipers get Age Regression tech
That's because that shit is expected from Paizo. In Augunas' case, it's not that he wrote a bunch of sex-related stuff, it's that it's to the extreme level that brought up. If Paizo's book had contained "Arshea's worshipers have to get busy, in public, in an orgy of at least ten members, once every other day, in order to receive spells" then there would be the same level of hue and cry.
I mean, did you miss the fucking Demon Mother's Mask bullshit?
They only need to do those when the mount moves fast.
Also, all of them are pretty good. Fiendbound Warder is probably my favourite.
But I've never played a PF game...
I'm gonna need some source references to this, because I'm not finding it.
You could theoretically make a case for it with Animal Companions, but I wouldn't allow it, since that only makes Handle Animal checks into Free Actions, not Ride checks.
We can help you user.
It will be fun.
Demon Mother's Mask is beautiful don't you DARE QUESTION IT.
What's this about crafting a broom?
Buddy, if you've got a character concept for Ironfang Invasion, apply with it. The worst that can happen is you get into both and have to tell someone you'd rather play in one campaign over the other.
I want to wear demon mother's mask.
>Hey we can craft this item in PLD-
>It would be one of the most redundant things we could possibly spend money on
I know they're all good but im asking which one is mechanically the best?
I want to see that promised Iron Gods game posted.
user don't tell me you're trying to minmax
you don't miss it.
You just hope the GM won't notice since many of them never audit carried weight.
Who are you?!
Well, I hope the PoW errata makes Broken Blade allowable again. Even if it'll be mechanically inferior to the original, I like the fluff a lot and I want to incorporate it into my next character.
A true degenerate.
All these anime and overlewd posters merely adopted the degeneracy. I was born in it, molded in it.
Broodie pls.
By the time you first saw a /pfg/ campaign you were already a veteran, and they were adorably vanilla?
What tier is Legendary Kineticist?
The thing is, I'm thinking I might apply to both, depending on how time consuming they end up being.
In that case, the characters will have something in common. In the event I don't get into one, it's going to be the same character. It's not like the applications close fast, no?
If you have to ask, you are not someone's Roll20 crush.
It is not you. It will never be you. There will always be someone better, and you will remain alone.
More than likely, it will be someone else in your group.
There will be no last-minute realization, no big dramatic reveal that it was you all along.
Get comfortable with that fact, and give up on your hopes.
It will be easier that way when the blow finally comes.
I should know. I did.
Pick which mental stat you want first.
Yeah. Just wait until Mighty is done (which is today or tomorrow?) And then decide if you want to app for Ironfang. Nothing to lose.