>biz is almost full of pink wojacks
We're near the bottom
Biz is almost full of pink wojacks
Don't let them know our secret
And I'm hitting my ATH.
Is ripple a good hedge? Don't trust btc
Good post. Everyone who sees this thread should bump.
90% BTC (and however much of that you want to put in ETH/LTC)
10% in XRP. If you're okay losing money if XRP tanks but want to make more in the event that it surges hugely, put in more than 10%. It's your call.
>reddit spacing
>telling people to buy everything other than BCH
back to r/;bitcoin with you faggot
Uh. You must not have been here in June. Wojaks for like a week and a half. Lots of room to go.
>>reddit spacing
How to spot a newfag who thinks he's an oldfag
>cries about reddit spacing
>uses reddit spacing himself
it's okay rebbit-kun, you don't have to try so hard
that's not reddit spacing
this is reddit spacing
do you see the difference?
I hope you do
>>reddit spacing
are you this insecure
What the fuck. There's literally no reddit spacing in my post at all. Fucking kek, you are FOMO on BTC, autistic, or both.
Too easy
>no reddit spacing
it's okay newfag, you'll learn
>ID: ciaI5f/H
You can't fool me. I know who you really are.
I pink wojak on a 1% drop
No I can't cash out
Actually looking to start some buys tbqh
this was the easiest short sell of all time.
Only delusional idiots drunk off greed thought otherwise.
uh, this isn't $1000
you clowns don't even know what fear is
Mmm those cheap positions sounds so yummyyy