S-stat me.
Do it
>Stat me
Heavy grunt from halo
>Playing Halo after Bungie left.
Stat you?
You're a bloody Unggoy! You barely qualify above an Ork grot in terms of 'disposable mooks'!
Now sit down and shut up, or I'm taking away your food nipple rations for a month!
>I play is becuase it's fun
Stat my dick.
1/10 inches
WS 2 | BS 2 | S 2 | T 3 | W 1 | I 2 | A 1 | Ld 5 | Sv 6+
The 8th edition statline would be:
M 4" | WS 5+ | BS 5+ | S 2 | T 3 | W 1 | A 1 | Ld 5 | Sv 6+
I dont get this meme
Dropzone did it ages ago
Nah, it's from Halo not System Shock.
WS 1 | BS 1 | T 2 | S 2 | I 2 | W 1 | A 1 | LD 5 | Sv 6+
>I 2
user, we're stating the grunts not the brutes.
>Ugh. meme
What game has those kind of stats?
Is there a halo tabletop?
Its WH40k. He's making an unfunny joke.
Oh alright then.
Which game?
>Which game?
...WH40K. He just told you that.
You got dain bramage, user?
Ah, gotcha.
Which game though?
I was confused.
I thought he meant Dark heresy or something.
Grunt Minor
Small Beast, Lawful Neutral
Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 25
Speed: 20 ft. Jump 30 ft.
STR: 14(+2) DEX: 10(+0) CON: 12(+1) INT: 8(-1) WIS: 12(+1) CHA: 4(-3)
Senses: Passive Perception 11
Languages: Common, Unggoy
Challenge: 1/2 (100 xp)
Cowardly: Grunt minors will always attempt to flee rather than attack unless an ally of challenge rating 2 or higher is present within 1000 feet.
Methane Explosion: When the Grunt Minor dies, roll 1d6. On a 1, the Grunt Minor's methane tank explodes, and all creatures within 10 feet must make a dc 13 dexterity saving throw. Targets who fail take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and half as much on a success.
Pistol whip: Melee Weapon attack: +6 to hit, range 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 + 2 bludegoning damage.
Plasma Pistol: Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, range 100 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 2 radiant damage.
Charged shot: Recharge 6: Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, range 100 ft, one target. Hit: 2d6 + 2 radiant damage, and all attacks against the target have advantage until the end of the target's next turn.
Ws5+ bs5+ s3 t3 w1 a1 ld3
> having shit taste and enjoying muh money gear packs instead of just earning your shit like in 3
so this is what it is to live a joyless existence.
I just enjoy the game and don't fall for Jewish tricks.
I have an alright looking dude so I'm not buying anything anytime soon.
Skill: 1d6
Move: 5"
Armor: 4
Construction Point Cost: 4
Plasma Pistol - Short-Ranged Single-shot Weapon
Use: 3
Range: 6"
Damage: 1d6
CP: 3
Needler - Short Ranged Machine Gun
Use: 3
Range: 5"
Damage: 1d6
CP: 4
Notes: -1 Auto Penalty per Firing Arc or Burst
may require Reload
Energy Sword - Melee Hand Weapon
Use: 2
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 1 Unit Skill Dice
CP: 2
Plasma Grenade - Thrown Explosive
Use: 1 if thrown
Range: 3" if thrown
Damage: 1d10 Explosion
CP: 1
>Grunt with an energy sword
Oh Jesus
It would have helped if I posted the proper picture...
That's nothing.
Grunts have fucking MECHS in Halo 5:Guardian's War Zone mode now.
>Grunts have fucking MECHS in Halo 5:Guardian's War Zone mode now.
Goblin WHEN Mega?!!
[distant birthday noises]