After finishing a long mission your party returns to your worlds largest city

>After finishing a long mission your party returns to your worlds largest city.
>Each member wanders off to take care of personal task.
>While you are walking through a busy street, you hear a voice call out your name.
>As you turn around you see an old fortune teller on the floor asking you to come closer.
>When you approach she tells you that you are destined for greatness, and will rule over all.
>She then hands you something wrapped in a red piece of cloth.
>You unwrap it you see it's appears to be a red stone with face-like feature.
>When you look up you see that the old lady is gone.
>What would your character do?

Politely remind the GM that he was the one who established the "no anime ripoffs" rule.

Put the thing around my neck.

My path is clear.

Unless I'm really permanently physically crippled or some shit at the time, I'll tell the God Hand to fuck off when the time comes. Until that time, it'll be nice to ride on destiny.

Attempt to eat it. Barring that attempt to use it to make omelettes at each camp.

What.....I can only assume this is a reference which I can not recognize.

my character watched berserk, he's not retarded

I guess I put it in my bag of holding and mark down "stone of plot" in my character's inventory because I don't know anything about it yet

Politely but confusedly accept.
Keep the trinket around for a time because hey, it's sort of neat and it doesn't seem to be doing anything bad.

All that means is that they'll ensure you are.

find the nearest skeleton bro, these things are like candy to them.

Basically when you reach the lowest point in your life it activates and opens a portal into Hell, where its five lords, the God Hand, offer you the chance to become a powerful demon with abilities tailored to your desires (usually including the ability to disguise yourself as a human). In exchange you must swear an oath of allegiance to them, then sacrifice that which you hold most dear and doom it to eternal torment. Once you've become a demon you can perform the ritual multiple times for more power, but if you refuse to pay the cost the God Hand ask for then *you* get doomed to eternal torment.

The Crimson one is extra rare - instead of turning you into a regular demon it lets you join the God Hand yourself and become nigh-omnipotent.

Y'know that the God Hand are going to show up and make their offer when your life's fucked beyond repair and you're in the depths of despair, right?

Ignore it. If it's meant for me it'll turn up when the time is right no matter what. If it isn't then it'll do nothing for me, and probably go missing pretty soon.

I become a suspicious faggot who want to fuck his big bearly barbarian best friend, and trow a shit tantrum when he go to my dark skinned sexy second in comand lady when in fact, everything could have been settled wih a good threesome.


Place it and one end of a Ring Gate inside a Portable Hole. Fold up the Portable Hole and push it through the other end of the Ring Gate. Then destroy the end of the Ring Gate I'm holding.

>abduct fortune teller with behelit
>build giant catapult
>launch that fucker into the sun

Only the latter is absolutely required: the former is optional.

It usually also happens, conveniently, in a way that your prospective sacrifice is directly responsible for it. The only time this wasn't the case (with the Count, at the beginning), it failed.

>but if you refuse to pay the cost the God Hand ask for then *you* get doomed to eternal torment.

Pretty sure this was only the case because the only time it was refused, the character had already once accepted the deal. Anyone that accepts will be taken to hell upon death.

Rape the brown-skinned QT while your old boy-toy is forced to watch, clearly.

not him but because Berserk is legitimately good, even if it's pacing has been screwy ever since they got on the boat

>everything could have been settled wih a good threesome
Shit, you might be right.

Go to the nearest pawnshop and sell the gem of course.

Yeah. That's really the best way to handle this.

If it's for me it'll find its way back.

Good thing was feeling hungry.

>the owner of the pawnshop looks at the gem with wide eyes and tells you that the pact has been made
>he then kills himself

>Skull Knight hardcore enough to eat all the eggs when told to


>exploiting the behelit for unlimited $$$$

>"He is his own bag"

During our last session, my L5R character has been tempted with INCREDIBLE POWAH.

Here's what he would do
>keep that thing away from himself with chopsticks
>put it in a sack
>discuss it with the rest of the party
>send it to the Jade Champion for purging

It's far worse than that.
Anyone involved at all goes to hell: The person with the deal, and all the sacrifices. I think I read somewhere that anyone who is involved with the demon post-behelit also goes to hell when they die.
But it turns out that EVERYONE goes to hell anyways. That's the only afterlife.

Drop it into my bag of holding full of holy water.

If that doesn't do anything weird to it, I take my crafting tools and chisle the emblem of my god into it and THEN drop it into my bag of holding of holy water.

Then I give it to the Warlock cause magical bullshit is his realm of profession not mine.

This is the only correct answer. Also you faggots are forgetting the only command the God Hand gives apostles is "do as thou wilt." But since it is a crimson behelit I WILL be a member of the God Hand. Do you remember the Golden Age arc at all?

It is an item of God, and if you get it you're meant to have it. It will return to you and be used by you no matter what.

I know that. I've read berserk to current, but my character hasn't. It's clearly some kind of fucked up pendant so his reaction is to Dumont into the holy water bag and see if it cleanses anything.

If it doesn't do anything from there he shows it to our party warlock, who is the party authority on all things magically bullshit.


You don't have to use it. The scary thing is that you might.

>sacrifice that which you hold most dear
Which for some reason isn't the person himself. If you can throw something away, that thing was never what you held most dear anyway. It stops being so the moment you choose, so the demuns should ask for something else. Ultimately the person is doing it for himself, so they would just take him.
But of course, when your objective is to write suffering and hard life for the sake of it, you can't simply opt for the Hellraiser route and ruse your characters with a deal that was rigged against them from start.

Alternatively the demuns should just choose themselves by probing the depths of his heart. If a person thinks he holds something more dear than himself, but actually doesn't, he gets rekt. If he truly does, he gets to have a breakdown with the knowledge that he actually used to value something more than himself but lost it now.

They're demons. The whole point of the deal is to turn people evil by convincing them to do something that they, personally, think they can never be forgiven for. And they only propose the deal if they know you're going to accept it in the first place.

>tfw character is an established prettyboy dexfag
>tfw there's a HMF Kritz McGreatsword Guts-wannabe in the party that they don't get along with
My character however is also naive as shit, so he'd probably take it since it was offered to him. It won't end how he likes, he's got too many people he cares about.

I would immediately try to pawn it off for booze

Take it to my lab and try and identity what it is. Possibly consult with more magically inclined heroes if it's magical nature becomes apparent.

Keep it. Might cast detect magic or similar to figure out more about it. If I don't know what it is, then I'll try to figure it out.

All because I'm not a metagaming faggot. Also Berserk is awesome.