At what level of play does an antagonist like Glorious Godfrey cease to be a threat...

At what level of play does an antagonist like Glorious Godfrey cease to be a threat? I get that he's not the kind who would want to meet the PCs in any situation where he's not surrounded by henchmen and pawns.
Also, how would you use him as an antagonist?

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The point at which the players don't think of commoners as threats


Once the masses stop being a concern to you then a man whose primary ability is using rhetoric to sway those masses becomes equally worthless


You could make a hell of a game out of a guy legit raising the peasants up to exterminate adventurers and power systems, turning the world into THEIR own burning hell playground.

Glorious who?

>Glorious Godfrey is a sub-par athlete and hand-to-hand combatant, whose greatest gifts are his overwhelming speaking voice and his extraordinary powers of persuasion. Whether these are natural gifts or have been augmented by the power of Darkseid has yet to be determined. Godfrey employs a private army called the Justifiers: Earthmen who believe Godfrey's rhetoric and have had their perceptions completely contorted by Godfrey's words. The special helmets worn by the Justifiers allow Glorious Godfrey to control his soldiers even when they are not in his presence.
He's an excellent orator adept at appealing to the worst in people and can control his Justifiers through the helmets they wear even when he's not around. He's a minion of Darkseid so he wouldn't be the bbeg in the game but at least a major antagonist when it comes to politics.

>Also, how would you use him as an antagonist?

Exactly the same way he's used in the comics; the herald for a darker, more terrible truth.

Is his name pronounced Darkside or Darkseed?

Darkside, like in Star Wars. Also, what's with all the Darkseid/Glorious Godfrey threads that've been popping up all across Veeky Forums lately? I'm always happy to talk about Jack Kirby's work but the sudden spike in popularity is a little odd.

It's Darksith

This whole scene is pretty damn 40K right there

>constitutional fundamentalists.jpg

>Is his name pronounced Darkside or Darkseed?

Theoretically never. It's not just comments he could talk over but those with PC levels.
It's like asking at what level does a king cease to be a threat. Alone, he was barely a threat to begin with. With his resources, well then it depends on his army.

Damn it though, you'd think the bad guys would pick smarter names for their ideologies. Why call it Anti-Life when you can call it True Life? It'd probably work at least a little better.

Probably they didn't want man children to the they were right

a) Darkseid doesn't give a fuck
b) Life sucks, man. You get sick, you get old, you hate and are hated, things fall apart, you get lonely and depressed, the system keeps screwing you. Why not embrace the opposite of that? The glorious bliss of anti-sick, anti-old, anti-hate, anti-falling apart, anti-lonely, anti-depression?
Plus, you get a cool helmet.

Anti-Life isnt an ideology but the hypothetical equation Darkseid is searching for which proves life is meaningless and eradicates the free will of those exposed to it, leaving them to be ruled over by Darkseid.

>Anti-Life isnt an ideology but the hypothetical equation
lol just add a negative symbol to the life equation

Even if ordinary people can't beat you in a fight, you still care about them in some way unless you're a complete sociopath, in which case you're a villain and probably on Godfrey's side. Superman and all the other crazy-overpowered heroes still have to struggle to save ordinary people from themselves. What do you do when people are being awful to each other? Do you let it happen and become a bystander/accomplice to evil, or do you imprison or kill everyone who disagrees with you and become a tyrant? There's no good answer for a hero who saves people in a world where the people don't deserve to be saved.

Um, that's not how math works. If an equation is true, either because it follows logically from the axioms you start with or because it corresponds to some aspect of the material world, learning the equation doesn't make it true. It was already true to begin with.

You think comic-writers actually care enough to study mathematics?
Are images not working for anyone else?

It's a cape comic. Nothing it it works like in our universe.

>Anti-Life isnt an ideology

Quite possibly because of the new Tom King/Mitch Gerards Mister Miracle series that got announced.

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side


That's assuming heroes act as in comics. There is a lot of those who would take "acceptable losses" as long as they will be sure that they can take Godfrey out on the first try.

Pic related. Do not underestimate evil Jesus.


I hear "now" is always a good time for a hypercrisis thread. Then, in hypercrisis any time can be now.


Old comics are just the best

I absolutely love any panel where Darkseid is just standing somewhere inconspicuous and no one knows who he is--because for all his megalomania and paranoia Darkseid still has such a monumental sense of self-superiority that he can be incredibly casual among the lay people.