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can i request some straight cyoas?
We should just start our own site.
With Black Jack.
And hookers.
How straight?
i did not read your cyoa yet, would it be better if i wait until it's finished?
>can i request some straight cyoas?
DSA will fix you right up
I'm trying really hard to get finished, but my work habits are sporadic and unpredictable, so I can post what's done for now if you'd rather not wait.
make me like gross vagina
It'll be better just to wait until you're further along. Until it's finished people can't make builds, so they can just check the pastebin for now
>wanting to like gross vaginas
Why is Sea Monster so terrible? "You're no longer sapient, you exist in a predator-prey relationship with other sea monsters, and humans hunt you"? Why would anyone take that when they could be an immortal, shapeshifting dragon that uses elemental magic and is very unlikely to, y'know, get eaten?
Has a cyoa ever made you question your sexuality?
Blue Lightning Dragon
Dragon Lady Friend
I don't know if I'm capable of that user, but I'll see what I can do...
Dragons are OP. Shapeshifting immortal beings? Wtf. On top of that, they magically meet their soulmate who accepts them for who they are (Hot tail). They also have no weaknesses unlike other races (werewolves with silver, demons with holy symbols, vampires by fucking garlic) and neither are they hunted (dragon ambassadors are actually amiable with dragons unlike the rest of the hunters gunning for the other monsters).
On the other hand, giants are just some literal huge retards. A dragon can grow to same size without any of the drawbacks.
That's just one example among many. This CYOA needs serious rebalancing.
No, because I'm in to almost all kinds of gender combos.
Even boys with vaginas?
>boys with vaginas
>I HAD to eat that surfboard! You don't understand! A double-dog-dare is SERIOUS BUSINESS!
You're a complete and utter goofball, Fisher. Super cute, though. You win all the cuddling you can handle.
Tanith is bae, like holy shit, she's literally perfect. I cannot imagine how you could do better than that, oh my god. Not actually perfect, but she seems so lovable that she's easily the top-pick
True. Men with vaginas is where it's at. Someone big and handsome like Sebastian with a cute vagina for example. Love it.
You could also be a retarded fatty or a skeleton stuck humping some treasure chest buried on deserted island, I don't think these choices are really balanced.
agree with both these guys. nerf the dragons yo seroously.
some ideas:
1) magic resistance to giants.
2) dragons can't shapeshift and kingdoms percoeve them as a threat and will send out knights after them.
3) Sea monsters CAN shapeshift maybe? Many sea monsters like selkies and stuff in myth take on human form and come to the land. It is certainly more canon than shapeshifting dragons myth-wise.
thank you user you're cool
She's insane. Don't stick your dick in crazy.
>Tanith is poop
I'm pretty sure you misinterpreted the gif user...
Both in the original and the new Aries, the web history indicates "light bondage".
But the original Aries looked waaay more submissive than the new one, who looks dominat-ish.
Is the usage of light bondage reversed?
Ye now I'm bi because I don't rule out futas from the start.
I'm not even sure it's "light" any longer ...
If you want revisions to an ancient CYOA by some random anonymous, you best be ready to do the work.
My nigger. I'm down for anything but being a dominant lesbian.
It feels so wrong to think about...
wait, DSA made this?
Can SMTbro give a review on the cyoa maker? I might use it.
I can't even enjoy this now that I know who made it.
I'm pretty sure they understood the gif just fine, but are twisting the words you had in the same post to suit their desires.
Funny, being a dominant lesbian is my favorite choice.
Who is this DSA?
That is actually probably a miscommunication on my part.
Think of it like how Cassandra seems more submissive but is into femdom. The two both flip their role in the bedroom.
Also, I was proud of the bit where Sebastian asks if you want to try some because he thinks it's a type of Band-Aid, so I didn't change it.
What makes you say that?
A mind that has splintered from the great SDA gestalt.
>wait, DSA made this?
Oh never mind then.
Oh God, I remember being Hotaru. Except not a four-armed cockroach-critter. Or a girl. But aside from that, yeah.
I'll take good care of her, and help her learn to hide her power level.
He made things like Derelict Station, Gentle Femdom, that one about having a cowgirl, The Village and Urban Unease. He's also haunted by a shitposter insisting the NTR CYOA was genuine and not just a shitpost.
SDA alter ego. One can only get off to anal, the other only enjoys ntr.
Uh, okay then. Why is everyone surprised they do lewds/waifushit then?
is this a meme
>earning a dedicated shitposter
Guess he's finally made it to the big leagues. Congrats, DSA.
Have you noticed that Tanith's personal message is the most sane one? (Admittedly, Akrisia and ??? are hard to gauge.)
Essentially, Tanith says, "Hey, I know you're probably sort of freaked out by being forced to marry a monstergirl you've never met, but don't panic— we can make this work." In terms of maturity and empathy, this puts her far ahead of everyone else.
I love this CYOA so much. The framing is perfect for getting a multiple perspectives on all the waifus, allowing the author to deliver a lot of information that would normally come via flat omniscient-third-person lists ("Occupation, Fetishes, Likes cats...") in a narrative format instead, and it's just ambiguous enough for you to spin all kinds of stories in your head. (Is Akrisia isolated by her criminal enterprise, forced to turn to a total outsider for emotional support? Or is she just a manipulative jerk looking for a temporary relationship that might very well end with an unmarked grave?) There are lots of little details in it; if you recognize the genus name on ???, you'll realize that she's a nudibranch girl, and that her "tentacle clouds" are likely sea anemones...
Much as I love Branching Hearts (and I really, really do), Monstergirl Refugee Crisis takes the crown for waifu CYOAs.
Cassandra doesn't look submissive at all, she looks like knowing that trying to make you obey her now would frustrate her plans and so she tries a more manipulative approach.
I also think that the part of misunderstanding of sebastian is great, but maybe you should use that bit for a more submissive girl, and use another for the final version of Aries?
Yes. DSA hated his nickname at first because he thought it reminded people of SDA. People who keep acting like he is a splinter of SDA are bullying him.
I really hope he considers the idea of making a short rpg book from this.
Wait so the general gave him his name? Was he one of those "I pop in and drop OC so mysterious" guys?
And so I grow to like you more.
still butt hurt you didn't mention Trap Maid in your favorite cyoas list....
"And today we learned that ZBG may not understand the fetishes he's giving to his characters."
To be fair, I was calling him DSA ever since he made his first cyoa the Dark souls waifu one
Nah, somebody told him you don't choose your own name, the thread grants you one.
Author's dead, kid.
Trap maid is good.
I just prefer CYOAs with actual characters instead the "build-a-waifu" kind.
no because i'm fine with my straight sexuality and vanilla fetishes.
>ywn make a cyoa that causes user to think this hard
Is it even worth to try lads?
Meme part of it is implying that DSA would be the cuck, when the reality is that no waifu would remain loyal if they saw his love rocket.
I think I'd want something more like, "You're a badass sea monster. You are HUEG. Nothing in the ocean fucks with you and lives. Too bad about everything that's NOT in the ocean, though. Oh, and good luck trying to interact with humans in a way that doesn't involve swallowing ships whole."
Not sure what I'd do for perks.
t. butthurt sea monster fan
At some point, maybe, I dunno.
I will never understand the build-a-waifus.
Like I can invent imaginary friends better by myself.
Nightmare waifus is better. But I agree this is among the better waifu CYOAs.
Branching Hearts is kinda shit though. Too little character for each of the...characters.
I agree. I did it because of... shouldn't mention that here.
I'm still thinking about a "date an archangel/Virtue (male)" and that Dick Djinnie cyoa. Maybe that would be more to your taste?
Regularly, yes.
>date an archangel/Virtue (male)
I would be interested if these most or at least some of these "males" were traps.
I won't pretend I'm straight, but I'm more attracted to feminity than anything else.
And cute feminine cocks I can play with while I lovingly pound girly boy butts.
>tfw you don't have a cock so mighty it'll make a girl forget she had a boyfriend/is married
It hurts to live.
>Branching Hearts is kinda shit though. Too little character for each of the...characters.
I kind of agree, but I also don't want to be the person who says, "You know what the problem with Branching Hearts is? It's too short. It needs to be about twice as long—the characters need more detail."
I'd hate to cut characters from it, because I like them all. I was actually quite pleased with its length, and I like the options.
It is also the CYOA that contains my Atomic Waifu and for that I shall love it forever.
>I also don't want to be the person who says, "You know what the problem with Branching Hearts is? It's too short.
Has anybody ever said such a thing?
This post is so obviously 'please change my sign's fetish because it's not mine' it hurts.
>Wanting to fuck your sign
Who would do that? A true patrician instead picks complementary signs to fuck
Not everyone actually likes wildly divergent personalities, no matter what matchmakers claim.
What are complementary signs?
I'm thinking half and half RE men and traps. A lot of the virtues translate well to cute traps.
Mostly you would dominate them, even the muscular Wrath because that's my fetish.
Every sign is supposed to get along well with, hate, or be neutral on people of other specific signs.
I thought the CYOA would be about virtues?
What's the complementary sign to the Ram?
Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini
Yo, I've just downed a couple shots of som everclear and I'm in the mood to do some shit. What ideas for CYOAs, or things you want to see in one, do yall got?
Except my star sign is Leo and I'm an autist so I'm not into other Chads.
Abused loli waifu
>Education CYOA. You somehow (you're notified of this free education thing, or stumble upon it by chance) get to participate in some courses (be it in a full class, with a few people, or one-on-one education) on some subject you would like to know more about. As luck would have it, the courses are set up such that they don't (and won't) clash with any of your plans for the duration of the education, and are held at a location that's conveniently near to your home. The choice(s) you make would be which subject to study (suggesting that you go broad, so instead of listing specific languages, you'd just choose to study languages in general), and by extension, which teacher to get taught by.
I'm fine with bossing Vignette.
Being visited by the spirit of (alcoholic) spirits, and granted boons based on how much you drank over the last month. And Boxwine is some kind of avatar of wine.
You seem to be in the right spirit for that kind of endeavor.
Whatwver, the dude who's opposite of Wrath. I may or may not suffer from that sin where you drink.
It says my true love is my mother ... and my father's current wife. Well ...
What you drank?
Patience, user.
Everclear is basically pure alcohol. That's not hyperbole, it's something like 195 proof.