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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Question, if I purchased both Double and Warp, could I get a hand for each power instead of fusing them? They don't seem contradictory by themselves, but having walking portal clones seems a little too weird.
You mean like Half-Hot Half-Cold, being split down the middle with your powers? Sure, go for it. Things may get a little weird though.
Finally, a jumpable WIP.
Bretonnia Jump
"We Gonna Vietnam This Bitch!"
- Lord Protector user, The Great Uprising Year 1
Peasant - 1300
Age: 22
Old Farmer Sam (free)
A Pig in Shit (free)
Merry Man (1100)
The Hope of Arc (800)
Conqueror's Tapestry (700)
Brigade (300)
The Muster x3 (0)
Not going to play fair with this one at all, every peasant is getting an AK-47. Doesn't take much to get the people riled up at the nobles and once they realize they have a weapon that can kill easily kill knights they're already out the door. Each of my companions is deployed across the kingdom to lead an army so that we can rise as one and prevent the lords from coming together quickly.
Most knights are bushwhacked along country roads as farmers suddenly whip out AKs from hay stacks. Most battles end up in slaughters as Royal forces charge machine guns in trenches or wood line, the few battles they win are due to rebel lack of discipline. Sieges are quick affairs when cannons are used.
It is at this time that the truth (with some propaganda) about the Lady of the Lake, Wood Elves, and the children taken is revealed. Casualties are high but greater numbers, modern firepower, and lots of napalm clear out the pointy eared bastards.
With the nobility overthrown and the elvish masters killed or fled Bretonnia creates a democratic government. The army maintains strong boarders and the country enjoys a new era of peace and prosperity.
Glory to Bretonnia!
Reminder its now canonical that everyone in Overwatch likes pineapple on pizza, according to interview with game director
Let the Waifuing Commence!
Jumpers, have you ever aggressively adopted someone?
Too bad no Marvel Cosmic jump. Being a Herald of Galactus or Franklin Richards , hanging with the GOTG, discussing philosophy with Silver Surfer, busting criminals with the Nova Corps, & messing with the Kree/Skrulls/Shi'ar/Spartax Empires.
Can someone in here please say they're still on my side with the hating pineapple on Pizza? The IRC is completely infested with heathens.
Writer me pressured Tokiomi to let me adopt Sakura by guilting him about what would happen to her if he handed her to the Matous. Then I gave him a flashy light show with my superior jumper powers and told him she could become powerful under me.
And that's how Sakura became a magical girl.
There is nothing wrong with hating pineapple on pizza; you're being a turbo memeing ultrafaggot.
>Can someone in here please say they're still on my side with the hating pineapple on Pizza?
They need therapy apparently, do not worry I am perfectly sane and on your side.
Similarly there is nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza. If done right the sweet-savory combination works perfectly fine.
Why would you put a sweet and juicy fruit on top of a salty, delicious pizza?
I mean, they can have their own opinion but I don't like pineapple on my pizza.
>Painting of a Bretonnian soldier in the First War of Greenskin Extermination
Define 'aggressively adopted'. Do you mean adopting someone by force, or do you mean taking them from their previous home via violence? Because for the latter, I 'adopted' Crona and Eleven from their respective mad scientist parents, but for the former I took Samara with me after gathering her soul from all the places it had been spread across. She was very confused at first, but seemed to take it pretty well after she figured out what I was doing.
Pineapple on pizza?! That's...that's...DOUBLE HERESY.
Thanks for the answer.
Reading this now, and I like what I see so far. Since you're slowly becoming our magical girl anime expert, have you thought about trying Twintail? I'd love to see that done.
I approve of this plan. Mind if I steal it? I need to restock on cute lolis to brighten my sad existence companions , the last one got old and left me to "save the world" and silly stuff like that.
>The challenge to destroy the soul scales with the strength of the being. There will be many defense mechanisms the soul has if it’s terribly strong.
This is fucking retarded. Why does it add a bunch of non-canon spiritual defense mechanisms to souls that don't fucking have them. Rarely is the strength of a soul correlated to a being's physical strength, and their soul is only made stronger for the purposes of giving the user an artificial challenge. Seriously, it'd be several times harder to destroy a horse's soul by the way this perk works. Oh well, if you want to add dumb, non-canon bullshit to the function of this perk, I suppose I'll do something equally stupid and use the myriad methods of soul transfer to put legendary opponents' souls in fucking mice.
They must be purged
I don't put copyrights on my plans or stories.
Pineapple on pizza is the Devil's own food. You evil bastards.
This looks really interesting, from the summary.
You sound like a saboteur.
I amass my allies!
I don't necessarily disagree with that, but food wars are fun. If you wanna be Switzerland and mediate this, that's a noble role too.
No problem dude, would have answered last thread but your post was literally the last one before it died.
Eh, I'm more of a "you look like you haven't eaten in days. Here, have a soup. And clothes. And-" and 15 minutes later they are sleeping in a comfortable bed, very confused about the creepy, nice spider person.
ewww the only good topping on pizza is pepperoni. Heathens indeed.
I agree with you're criticism but chill out dude. You're being kind of rabid badger person there.
But they do have protections in canon.
If your jumper can't kill a horse on their own, I wouldn't call them pathetic but they would need some training perks and quality time at the gym. Horses are strong, but not that strong.
But you tried.
Bad touch! Bad touch!
Yup. Pineapple on pizza is an abomination.
Oh my god, you dumb fuck. It says strength, not physical strength. There's no reason to think that taking a soul out of its body and putting it into a physically weaker one would reduce its power, you piece of shit.
One more thing: The being can't resist getting their soul taken out if you use the ritual. That's the big advantage here.
Never had it, so I'm a neutral party until I give it a shot. Which I probably won't, doesn't sound great.
Horses don't have souls, user, the perk wouldn't work on them. They don't have souls. They fucking don't. Shut up, tumblr.
I haven't eaten pizza with pineapple in like 6 years but I don't remember anything wrong with it? I don't remember the pizza being salty though.
I have moved away from this so-called "heresy" and on to making my own homemade pizza. It's square. And delicious.
Don't be shy user, I'm not going to eat you
Is that a little girl or boy? I think that spider lady is fatting up the kid for a big meal.
It's a straight shota monster hentai.
Learn to use image search, please.
Oh, I get you. I've done that from time to time
>mfw I recognize that panel and remember where it's from
The name is the only thing that escapes me.
Did you see ?
Judging from the fact this is a straight shota doujin, it's a boy.
I'm not going to tell you the details, but it involves poison and people turning into spiders. You know, wholesome fun for the whole family. I just like her face
Kumo to nie if I'm not mistaken
The Abyss brought on by torturing Manus.
>Dark Firelink
We don't know what's going on there at all, nothing can be said about it.
>Firekeeper Ending
Nothing goes wrong except the sun goes out. Considering humans/pygmies used to live in absolute darkness underground I don't think that's a big deal.
Except there is. It scales with the strength of the being, adding spiritual defenses whether the soul has them canonically or not. And unless you really fuck up your soul transfer, then you shouldn't be adding any non-canon defenses to their soul, and the ritual should work based on their new strength.
The anti-hawaiian army grows by the second. Good, good, we ride at dawn.
If you wanna join Switzerland user, that's fine too.
Quake in your boots while you still have the time! Homemade pizzas are legitimately great though, that I agree with. Cooking in general is fun though.
Cheese and fruit taste like shit together.
And how does this reality work out for everyone?
That's actually a brilliant plan, smash wormman's shit and then go "they'd be shitty teachers cause they're a dying line and aren't worth shit as can be seen by me trashing their house with a fucking tank, let me teach her how to be a mage"
...spiders creep me out, but it feels weird that I actually prefer black sclera to white. It feels better.
No bully.
Tomato is a fruit.
Canadian bacon is good on pizza, but my step-mother likes pineapples on pizza and that's disgusting.
I don't recognize that name. I don't actually watch a lot of magical girl stuff actually, aha. I'm very picky about the media I watch and partake in.
But it's light novel stuff, and I don't really do light novels. I'll check it out, though. I have a boatload of other jumps I want to do, like Generic Ulster Cycle, Fire Emblem Valentia/Archanea, Urusei Yasura, Princess: The Hopeful, and Night In The Woods.
What's your jumper's most monstrous alt-form look like?
It's a fun show.
It's Kumo to Nie
That's fine. Demon Spiders are fine too.
Why the hate? Is it a meme?
Fool, I do not wear boots! They were destroyed along with my dignity when Scion tried to waifu me.
>Dick Gods want to wipe out humans
>Surviving humans stuck on island
>Have to rely on middle school magic girls
"Fuck it! Everyone on the spaceship, don't ask where it came from! We're moving to another planet without divine assholes!"
>Fly by sun
>Launch doomsday bomb into heart of sun
>Jump to FTL before solar system goes supernova
>Colonize new planet
>Repopulate human race
>Not liking pineapple on pizza
>All these people who agree with this madness
I thought we were friends NuBee, and then it turns out you and these anons all feel this way in your hearts? You're dead to me, all of you!
Black sclera are objectively superior anyway, spiders notwithstanding.
...Do we have any perks that give us that, or would biomancy or a customizable altform have to be involved?
I am truly monstrous
I don't like pineapple to begin with, so putting it on pizza is blasphemous.
a lot like this
Jump # 100! DC (Kicking it Old School)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Background: Mortal (0)
Location: Santa Prisca (DC Animated Universe)
*Unrealistic Proportions (0)
*Peak Human (0)
*Genius (200)
*Master Planner (200)
*Mental Resistance (150, Discount)
*Master Detective (100, Discount)
*Sidekick – Doom Chan (300)
*Kryptonite (50)
Background: Mortal
*Unrealistic Proportions
*Peak Human
*Master Planner
*Mental Resistance
*Equipment – Smart Cape
SO this was surprisingly fun. We landed on a small island nation near Mexico. Doom – chan qnted to conquer it (I let her read about her counterpart… maybe I shouldn’t have) At first I was against it but then I found out It was the place that sentenced Bane to a life sentence before he was born. I lifted any objections.
I worked with her to make sure the plan involved as little bloodshed as possible even supplied her with some power armor and robots (It just seemed right for the job)
Taking it over wasn’t too tough I played the role of her dragon and my companions were reluctant henchmen (She treated them well because she knew I was the only reason she was able to do this)
While she planned for her next big thing I went about improving the standard of living in the country, with magic and technology so Doom-chan became really popular and actually got legally acknowledged as the ruler of the place.
(to be continued)
So is now a bad time to mention I grew up on applesauce pizza?
We've always been on opposite sides of the offense on matters like these. This is just like that time you thought hugs should be the preferred form of greeting while being blind to the truth of hello suplexes. Look how that turned out!
Then she turned her sights on a few other south American countries figuring it was time to expand.
This brought us in to conflict with the Justice league. I hadn’t intended to be a villain but ok we’ll just role with it.
Well things didn’t exactly go well and we were forced to retreat (Even Animated Superman is Superman) Doom-chan Cursed Batman as he became her RICHARDS.
However as we retreated I did point out to them that the place we were trying to conquer had a horribly corrupt government and an extremely low standard of living. I think they shot back with, that’s not the way things are done. The rest of the 10 years went about the same we won some but couldn’t hold it or we lost outright.
It isn’t easy trying to improve the world through villainy.
>our magical girl anime
How many jumpmakers have niches anyway? user Heart does webnovels, Val does a lot of Fate and webcomics, Heavens has... other people's abandoned jumps and Kamen Rider?
True form jumper doesn't look like anything.
You sure you want to do that?
Outer space is populated by Vertexes. There are eggs there and the baby stardust will reform into new Vertexes and chase your colonists. And attack them.
You are an abomination
Appropriately enough, the free perk from Hero Academia.
Welcome, brother. Get your combat forks at the armory.
I like her style
>pineapple on Pizza.
Pepperoni, sausage, and bacon for life.
>Current Chain
Anything bonded with my Symbiote.
>All time
Probably my Kaiju form from Pacific Rim.
My moth jumpers have black schelra. Shit is fucking sick.
Basically Slender Dragon.
Why does everything suck?
>spiders creep me out
Yeah, before I alright with them but when one bit me in South Carolina and caused the skin to dissolve. Now I kill every little fucker.
What is this from?
Hey jumpers, remember how I keep saying I want to make a ship captain jump or make an unpdate/dlc for Star Trek that lets you command a starship? Well I did bit of work that project since I had a sudden jolt of inspiration and it kinda turned into a complete remake for the existing Star Trek jump.
It's still heavily WIP but I wanted to post it anyway just to show I'm still thinking about the ship captain idea.
>liking pineapple on pizza
I can't even look at you anymore, Worm.
Oh yeah, we call those Brown Recluses. They're common down here.
Only pic I could find.
>Appropriately enough, the free perk from Hero Academia.
Huh, right. For some reason, I thought that was an altform. Thanks.
Yeah, it looks awesome.
Did... did a fem DOOM waifu you?
Can we also march on those filthy chocolate chip pizza heathens?
My NGE Angel form is the freakiest looking one I have so far.
Aren't those spiders deadly? I don't think a bite from one would just dissolve some skin.
Counter point:Pepperoni,bacon, extra cheese.
It was probably your fault
I do give you options to make it better.
Drop-In line was designed to give players the best opportunity (But not the ONLY one) to tell the Taisha to suck it and you could use the Miko perk to verbally decimate the Divine Gods into submission.
This isn't the only way, and it's entirely possible to spend the rest of your days in the jump fighting the Vertexes with out of context stuff. I'm just saying that running away isn't going to be the best option.
Thus the voyage of the Sidonia began, with only her squadrons of Gardes to protect her.
Pepperoni and mushroom w/alfredo sauce reporting in.
They're deadly because they cause your skin to dissolve. They have necrotizing toxin, which means it just causes massive cell die-off around the bite wound. First your skin will rot, then your muscle tissue, and you'll just end up with a big patch of scab and eventually scar tissue. The deadly part is that such wounds easily lead to infection and sepsis.
It's a new, social based chain.
>Honorary Q
*Sorry, not Miko, Messiah perk
Would I be correct in assuming that the ship a captain gets would be the same type as TNG Enterprise?
The fuck is a chocolate chip pizza?
Shaped like a pizza, but with a cookie for the crust, sweet cream for sauce, chocolate instead of cheese, and sprinkles or gumdrops or chocolate chips instead of pepperoni.
Or something like that.
At least the powerwankery of Q This is gone.
Some variants also don't have sauce and are just a big cookie.
That's just a giant cookie calling itself a pizza. They're not heretical, just disillusioned.