Veeky Forums has descended into generals the board

>Veeky Forums has descended into generals the board

How does this make you feel?

Like we tend to avoid having multiple redundant threads and can consistently find the discussion we're looking for?

There's certainly more than one 40k thread going on.

Finally I can easily find the thread I'm looking for

Personally I'm fine with all the generals I'm interested in. If the generals I'm not interested in would fuck off that'd be nice, though. They really clog up the board.

Barely even noticed

Makes me wish they made /tgg/ istead of /qst/

I, personally, prefer it. It's far more useful than having 20 threads for the same thing(like anytime something new gets announced by GW). People bitch about them, but since when was organization a bad thing?

Go make another stat me thread, faggot.

bad. i never visit generals, even of games i am interested in, unless I require some specific information

This right here.

generals are only needed for highly popular games such as dnd and 40K. most other things dont need a general thread

Pretty damn bad. How am I supposed to find interesting discussions when they're hidden 300 posts into a general running so long overdue it even has its micro community of shitters. It sucks. I don't want to read about pathfinder or d&d 5th or 4th or whatever. Those are boring subjects. I want to read about and discuss fun ideas that I can use regardless of my choice of system.

this isn't as bad as /jp/ yet

I can see why Battletech, Flames of War, L5R and a few others have generals.

I would never advocate for like a Dark Age general as the game just isn't big enough, but that's what we have /awg/ for.

Generals are great for everyone.

>large games
Prevents flooding of threads that obscures all other games.

>small games
Combines threads so the community for that game can see anything relevant to the game instead of missing half of the threads.

>upstart non-general threads
Such as tg projects. These suddenly stick out and gain attention for being different.

Segregation is great for everyone! Having a Veeky Forums community was a mistake! We should never ever discuss anything outside of our walled microcommunities!

Because you totally can't like multiple things and follow multiple threads or anything.

There hasn't been meaningful or even passably GOOD content put on suptg in months, so basically fuck the mods in the ass for being worthless sacks of shit and thinking the board is better now. There is NOTHING good about it anymore.

>trying to bait /pol/ this hard
This is sad that this is the state of Veeky Forums. What's even sadder is that people are going to actually take this bait seriously.

Diversity is truly cancer

In generals, they are bumped to all hell and when they die, a new one is created or is replaced by yet another general. This chokes out smaller, more focused threads out of the 1st page.

Segregation is great for everyone. This is scientifically proven. Fuck your egalitarian multiculti bullshit. Having said that, your completely retarded "comparison" isn't relevant here.

Veeky Forums is so diverse that it's a must and on top of that people who post outside the geberals and in the biggest generals are usually far more retarded then the more getto generals. I am happy about it.
I get that in a better world non general threads would be great, but currently nongeneral threads are like 60% greentexts and shitposting and even the other threads have many shitposters in them.

good point, you should go into all the generals and shit them up with your creativity

>1st page
Hello, new friend.

I miss quests.

Well, yeah.

Pathfinder General is a good example of why generals are bad. Generals form cliques and personalities that will dominate discussion. Magical realm and fetish shit fill PFG. 5e General I can atleast ask for advice and get some responses.

It's the how Veeky Forums seems to be going now that everyone here is a redditor.

I miss Veeky Forums quests. Moving all quests to Veeky Forums was a big mistake, and moving them off was only slightly less bad.

The first page was something that used to be worth looking at years ago. I doubt any newfags even look at it over the (relatively new) catalogue.

That's probably the strongest argument about generals. If the duscussion goes to places you wouldn't want to go, you might as well hope the next iteration is better. People respond poorly to whining.

im kinda meh on the whole thing. I tend to like most of Veeky Forums threads.
Will admit im loving the "QICK I NEED PICS OF HAWT MUSCLE LADIES"

>relatively new
They had catalog shit in 2009. Almost 10 years ago.
The strongest argument against generals is the starcraft 2 generals.

So why are you here?

I like x subjects. I don't like y subjects.
>without generals
Have to filter out y subjects so I can spot x subjects. Probably going to miss some of them. In either case, I wont mingle with people in the threads I dislike.

Less enjoyable experience.

>with generals
I can easily filter out the generals relating to subject y. Like before, I am not going to wander into a genral of a game I dislike and chat with the people in that general. How sad.

More enjoyable experience.

Better than when it was quests the board

Hey mods are you there?

Can we get the two stickies combined into one now please?

you're not supposed to look at the first sticky, nobody listens to it.

Not accurate. Before generals we had threads divided by subject. I want to talk about a subject so I go to the thread about that subject.

Now we have subjects divided by system, so if I want to talk about a subject I first have to choose between that subject as it relates to pathfinder, or to D&D 5th, etc etc. After I've done that I have to pray to dear lord that the given general is actually interested in discussing anything but themselves at the current time. After that's done, I get maybe one or two replies and leave feeling no more inspired.

Generals kill content.

You should've seen how it was with generals AND quests on here. No room for discussion at all.

Satan trips of truth

It's not so much about room for discussion as everything outside of quests and generals is shitposts.
And, what do you know, it still is.

Better than all the quest threads.

I miss quests.

I wish people would shut the fuck up about quests.

Yeah, it's a shame to see 'em go.

As has been proven by the whole fiasco, people will bitch about not having their way for literally forever until they get their way. And then they'll keep bitching about it even if they get their way.
So don't expect it to stop any time soon.

Beats the hell out of being drowned out by drawthreads and quest faggotry.

/qst/ was the best thing to happen to this board.

It's a shame that everyone outside of general threads is more interested in shitposting than making Veeky Forums content.
I mean look at this thread.

Actually the best thing that happened to this board was the removal of nazimod.
Anything else you could claim pales in scope, importance, general improvement in board quality, and universal at the time agreement it was an improvement.

Makes me want to fuck a girl wearing a goat mask

I dunno, it's been kinda fun to watch the uniformity of the 40k general collapse into a million little threads as every different tidbit of information regarding the new edition gets exposed and bitched about.

> How does this make you feel?
It doesn't.
The world keeps turning, and fruitlessly attempting to clutch onto whatever past situation you perceive nostalgically is meaningless.
>b-but the thing I liked changed!
Yes, and?

>tg projects
Yeah, those don't happen anymore.
Maybe because there's less cross-pollination, so all you get are echo chambers and no new ideas?

>stoicism dude
>nothing matters dude
>just take everything like a man

Yeah, having drawfags around was horrible! I can't think of anything less Veeky Forums then content being created!

>let's whine about how things changed and I no longer get the satisfaction I once had, instead of finding something that will bring me said satisfaction!
>surely, it will help everyone!

You touch it with a needle, these generals sterilise their topics making them uninspired and bleak and unlikely to relate into another topic which could further any discussion had


user, he doesn't actually feel that way, he is saying it to get a response.

>Lets not fix things
>Just ignore it and find different things

>fix things
Good luck fixing people by whining, my little self-proclaimed dictator of a Taiwanese finger puppet board.

Those never happened. It was always ten or fewer dudes reporting their progress and a bunch of idiots standing around with their thumbs up their asses.

While this thread may not be constructive, you are being negatively constuctive, if that makes any sense

Your pet peeve doesn't actually change that they used to happen and are now not.

> negatively constructive
wew lad

It's the middle of the night, after a long day at work. Do you expect me to type coherently?

>muh precious board
>implying other board doesn't do that

Be happy that we are free of the plague that are Celebrities threads

I wouldn't say that for sure.
I mean, we had a whole bunch of celebrity threads not too long ago when the /pol/ invasion happened.
Who knows when they'll do that again.

And then there's that guy spamming APOLOGIZE, and bitching about various writers, and talk about tolkien.

I'm just saying, this entire thread is nothing but people whining.
Whining is basically saying you are powerless to change anything, but still want to voice the fact that you are unsatisfied with the situation.

The thing is, why the fuck do you personally care about the Veeky Forums community? If you want content more suited for you - find another community or start your own. It's not fucking rocket science.
Every community has its natural life cycle, during which it changes its course from the original one.
Complaining about shit won't make you more happy or change anything.

People whining is a powerful force on Veeky Forums. It's gotten numerous things kicked off throughout the ages.

And yet it never added anything of substance. Just got rid of stuff.

Which is what the whiners here want to do, it seems.
So to tell them to stop whining because it doesn't do anything is incorrect, because whining totally gets things removed around here.

>let's REMOVE stuff from Veeky Forums!
>surely, it will ADD more meaningful discussion!
That's not how it works.

Correlation and causality aren't the same thing.

>Remove quests
>Whine about "magical realm", monstergirls et cetera
>Don't contribute in interesting threads
What did you expect would happen?

People will just hide or ignore non-generals that aren't interesting to them anyway.


It's the reality of group projects, mate. Any. Did you not have working in teams in schools? It's always 1-4 people doing stuff. And there's nothing bad about it

That is not any type of refutation or even very related to the thing you linked.

Whether it's a good idea or not doesn't change its' effectiveness.

Generals are good. It's a simple way to stop clogging up the board with 40k or d&d related threads.

>/v/ threads are Veeky Forums's last form of content creation


For fucks sake this is what op was talking about, endless legend is fun but it's discussion shouldn't warrant a general

It's like you guys don't know how to use filters.

Filters won't stop someone from whining about a thing, we've learned that already.

We are making stuff for TABLETOP, not vidya, my man. By the way, I really should get my ass up and continue brewing...
Yes, I disliked the word "general" in it too. I'll go call OP a fag for it, later.

Except it doesn't work.

yeah, vidya stuff.

Shitty. The fragmentation really stifles exchange of ideas and originality. But I guess it was unavoidable.
Maybe one day I will leave this place forever.

Of you call creating shit for tabletop jerking to your favourite faction, loretidbit or shitposting with the thread flavour sure you're TOTALLY creating content

I don't.

Wanted more responses, so you used the frog posting, eh?

I miss having quests here.

Are you mentally damaged?

Generals don't work for Veeky Forums, not just Veeky Forums. When faggots start feeling to comfortable they start spaming the same memes, it turns into echo chamber and people start tripfagging.
People should write posts when they have something to say, not because they have to talk to their "friends".

Nazimod removing lewd was always going to lead to this. Should be /tgg/ desu

That's why general Discords are a good thing.

40k alone has the 40k general, the Horus heresy general and the 40k roleplay general, and that's without counting the general for the nobledark AU. There's also one for Fantasy and another for AoS. D&D and co. have the fifth edition general and the pathfinder general as mainstays, and lately the fourth edition general as well. MTG between the different formats has at least 4 generals nowadays, and there was a "lore" general until a couple months ago.

Those are all relatively okay as they have a reason for existing and being on Veeky Forums, something that can't be said of the CYOA, Jumpchain and Towergirls generals which are here only because the mods didn't have any other hole to cram them into at the time.

I mean, it's reached the point that several "general" communities have split and developed as independent organisms. There's no point in banning them now because it would be like questfags getting expelled except a million times worse

What a shame that some fucktard decided to turn that into a general. I actually would've loved an Endless thread but never knew about it existing because it got filtered.