What colour(s) would a sentient race of constructs be? Ones that are rebelling from their human masters but at the same time questioning what it means to be alive and have a soul
William Gomez
Sounds UR to me. Blue is inquisitive and intelligent, artifact focus, red is rebellious, emotional, also artifact facing.
Jeremiah Bennett
Strange way to write >Slivers you control have protection from colorless.
What the other guy said.
Liam Sanders
I did a gatherer search before posting and I'm fairly certain the game doesn't recognize colorless the way it does WUBRG as being encompassed by protection, it still needs a type designation. Obviously your wording is what I would prefer aesthetically, and I think everyone who understands protection would get it, but that just isn't how the game works currently.
Gavin Ortiz
Would them systematically slaughtering humans change/add a colour?
Nolan Sanders
Depends on why and what scale.
Samuel Cook
>I'm fairly certain the game doesn't recognize colorless the way it does WUBRG as being encompassed by protection ...Why? Colorless is just another property.
Owen Sullivan
Why didn't you mention this first? This better not be something stupid, like it turns out they were infected with glistening oil or something.
Anthony Allen
I'm going to ask the judge in the other thread because I'm fairly sure it's the absence of a property (color) not a property itself.
Mason Peterson
Thomas Jones
They just want humans dead because they used the robots kinda like slaves, so they're hellbent on causing the extinction of the human race
Samuel Collins
That has the fucking type right there, "colorless _spell_"
...Are you serious? If what Tabak said confuses you, you should probably learn more about Magic before you post here.
Cooper Jackson
105.2. An object can be one or more of the five colors, or it can be no color at all. An object is the color or colors of the mana symbols in its mana cost, regardless of the color of its frame. An object’s color or colors may also be defined by a color indicator or a characteristic-defining ability. 105.2c A colorless object has no color.
702.16a Protection is a static ability, written “Protection from [quality].” This quality is usually a color (as in “protection from black”) but can be any characteristic value. If the quality happens to be a card name, it is treated as such only if the protection ability specifies that the quality is a name. If the quality is a card type, subtype, or supertype, the ability applies to sources that are permanents with that card type, subtype, or supertype and to any sources not on the battlefield that are of that card type, subtype, or supertype. This is an exception to rule 109.2.
109.3. An object’s characteristics are name, mana cost, color, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, abilities, power, toughness, loyalty, hand modifier, and life modifier. Objects can have some or all of these characteristics. Any other information about an object isn’t a characteristic. For example, characteristics don’t include whether a permanent is tapped, a spell’s target, an object’s owner or controller, what an Aura enchants, and so on.
Juan Bailey
Since we're talking about color, here's this guy. Really just a joke villain for Flash, I find it somewhat amusing to make him useful in Magic since so much in Magic revolves around colors. So here's my take on a more powerful but less flexible Mother of Runes. And yeah, he does have the lamest Steven Ulysses Perhero (TVTropes) name ever.
Landon Murphy
Zachary White
You keep using this word type, explain what you think it means.
Benjamin Howard
That's cromat's art
card's aight
Caleb Bennett
The person I responded to talked about "spell" as though it's a type. Types are sorted into three categories, supertype, card type, and subtype. All are found in the type line of a card. Spell, as well as permanent and card, are simply objects. They are not types.
Ayden Flores
I know I credited Donato. The name is Blizzard IP, sue me.
Jacob Stewart
coud probably just cost WBR
Anthony Torres
I feel like this is too weak now but would it be too strong if I changed it from 1 damage to damage equal to the attacking creatures power?
Nicholas Robinson
I considered it but it seems too insane to get such high impact 2-for-1s for 3 mana. Granted it would probably be fine ported straight into modern.
Brayden Baker
I don't know about balance, but I think the formatting for the first ability should be something like >At end of combat, for each creature that attacked and didn't deal combat damage this combat, ~ deals 1 damage to that creature's controller. It's a really weird effect and I don't even really know what colors it belongs in, though White sounds like a good direction. Also, I highly recommend you don't use the Shrine subtype, due to the already-existing cards that scale off Shrines.
Xavier Miller
Thanks I have adjusted the text though my card has a lot more lines now. Well regarding the effect the idea behind it is that the fog intentionally misleads the attacking monster into striking its own control so to me that almost feels blue or green but the mechanics of the effect felt white to me so I'm not really sure.
Nicholas Ortiz
Reposting Aneket version 3.0; the thread died before I could get any feedback. Thinking about switching the activated ability and the etb ability. It strikes me as odd that the Rainbow Raider can only work with one color at a time. Mechanically solid, though. What exactly does "gains all abilities" entail? I couldn't find any precedent. I agree that it could be cheaper.
Grayson Ramirez
>Well regarding the effect the idea behind it is that the fog intentionally misleads the attacking monster into striking its own control Oh. Well, shouldn't that be something more like >Whenever combat damage an attacking creature would deal is prevented, ~ deals that much damage to that creature's controller.
David Powell
The last ability, because it's on a permanent rather than a spell, needs a trigger. You could say, "When ~ enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, fog." which I think is what you're goig for.
post to r/custommagic for sweet karma, they get rock hard over trash like this
Joseph Murphy
Since I have evoke and "conduit" (improvise for enchantments) filling the role of cheesing CMC for the transformation, how about something that's the reverse of evoke? Probably just a stupid idea. Why do so many ideas wind up being the reverse or a variant of an already existing mechanic? Or an interesting idea but that wouldn't work for a set wide mechanic.
Nathaniel Gomez
How do you judge the cost of +N/-N effects?
>What exactly does "gains all abilities" entail? I couldn't find any precedent. Not him, but I believe it means that Slivers would gain all the rules text in the text box of the discarded card, since pretty much every line of rules text is an ability. I think Wizards just sticks to gaining activated abilities is because they don't want something to break.
>Rainbow Raider Well, I threw it together pretty quickly, might mess around with it a bit more later.
>M13 Unsure how to judge, again, not a huge fan of "big CMC matters". Though it does strike me as kinda strange that the last ability looks at power rather than CMC.
Logan Cook
>I think Wizards just sticks to gaining activated abilities is because they don't want something to break. Thing about slivers is, they are designed to work together and share abilities so this is probably the one way that not limiting it to activated abilities can work. I mean, other than the fact that by discarding a muscle sliver your dudes become craterhoof.
Michael Barnes
112.1a An ability is a characteristic an object has that lets it affect the game. An object’s abilities are defined by its rules text or by the effect that created it. Abilities can also be granted to objects by rules or effects. (Effects that do so use the words “has,” “have,” “gains,” or “gain.”) Abilities generate effects. (See rule 609, “Effects.”)
Because creature card is specified, unless you do something really creative, the abilities available to be gained will always be non-spell abilities, i.e. activated, triggered, or static abilities. Spelling out Activated, Triggered, or Static abilities would be another way to handle this but that sucks.
Elijah Ward
/r/custommagic has some very talented designers. Hating on reddit because hurr reddit is stupid and sheepish.Its another 7+ cmc card that wins you the game if you resolve it probably. There's dime a dozen of stuff like this. Getting copies of stuff you control is not a mechanic that you can put on commons ie it's not a mechanic. Compare to Awaken. Reminds me a bit of Eight-and-a-Half-Tails. I don't think the card's terrible, but just looking at the guy makes my head run wild with all sorts of cool ideas. I'm sure you can do better
Jayden Ross
>/r/custommagic has some very talented designers There are people you think are talented?
Oliver Lee
Phantom Lantern Ring again. Only real change is that the last ability adds two extra mana instead of three. Lore is that it's a special Lantern Ring that can channel the powers of seven Lantern Corps (red for anger, orange for greed, yellow for fear, green for will, blue for hope, indigo for compassion, and violet for love), but on the other hand, it acts randomly.
>Rainbow Raider OK, I'll see what else I can do with it. Thanks for the compliment. Though to be honest, "color matters" mechanics have never really been my thing. I dunno, color just seems like such an arbitrary characteristic of a card, I'm just not very invested in any mechanic that deals with it. But for some of these CO cards, the connection to colors is obvious enough that I'll do it anyway, like with this card.
Camden Turner
Not that user but there are probably 5 designers posting there worth looking at. Most of it's a wankfest to make it to top5 of the week with significant hivemind issues.
Any explanation behind the numbers? I feel like this card really wants to lose "you control" which would allow more tinkering room.
Angel Ross
Not sure if I posted this version before. Designed to retcon some of your permanents. Probably way more useful in casual than serious play, but at the very least it's mass flicker.
>Phantom Lantern Ring Well, I wanted it to be random, so I wanted the cost to not be too high, and in exchange for randomness, it gets a bigger effect than Caged Sun or Gauntlet of Power. I just kinda arbitrarily chose three for each, then got told by anons that three extra mana was too much, but +3/+3 was fine. Not entirely sure about making it global, since you could build around the card, I feel like making it extra powerful might make it too good. But this could just be my inexperience talking.
Adrian Rodriguez
CO guy got me thinking about doing this shit. Figuring out set mechanics too hard? Just do whatever
Jaxson Bailey
I'm curious, which designers on Reddit do you think are good? Can you post examples of one or two cards they've done you liked?
Isaiah Hall
Anyone need any explanations for this shit?
Should I keep making these dumb things?
Mason Howard
Explain it. Redpill me on JoJo. And sure, keep making them.
>card Yeesh, wow. Super powerful. I honestly think taking off DStrike would be the best way to keep this balanced with everything else, cost, P/T, etc. the same. Also, the Exert ability should be written >You may exert ~ as it attacks. When you do, [effect] It's very odd wording, but that's how it's written on legit cards. I was very confused as to why until today, when I read some posts by Tabak explaining it.
Anyway, your card reminds me a bit of this one. I don't think I really need to explain this one though. If you still want an explanation, just look up Power Girl on TVTropes.
I feel like a better way to do this would be to make it an activated ability. >[cost]: Exile ~ and any number of target creature blocking or blocked by it. Put two time counters on each creature exiled this way. If a creature exiled this way doesn't have suspend, it gains suspend. I realize the last bit about already having Suspend seems a bit odd, but that's how Wizards does it, I guess so in any situation, a card will only ever have one instance of Suspend on it.
Easton Bailey
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap's ability is that it can send things to and pull things from alternate dimensions. (perhaps it should have an ability that lets it remove time counters). And its user can go to these timelines by being between two objects (such as in a door frame or covering himself with the american flag.
Yeah, double strike was probably too much even though Star Platinum is basically THE punching ghost.
Jojo part 3 Spoilers Jotaro Kujoh's stand winds up being able to pause time for about 5 "seconds".
Sheer Heart Attack here is a secondary stand of the main stand Killer Queen. It's a small, pretty much indestructible, tank that seeks out heat signatures and blows up on contact with its target.
Cooper Morales
Woops, forgot the [/spoiler].
The last line is basically spoiler free.
Luke Cook
>Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap I was wondering what D4C meant. Sounds like a Star Wars droid or something. >Hello, I am D-4C, human-cyborg relations.
>card Eh, seems fine, definitely not mythic though. And wording should probably be changed to >~ attacks each combat if able. It's just how Wizards likes doing it now. >When ~ deals combat damage [...] Since it's basically impossible for it to deal combat damage multiple times as the same object since it sacs itself, it's only going to do it once. It's like how Impetuous Devils says >When ~ attacks Since it's most likely going to attack only once.
Well, it's not like I know what the spoiled part actually means. I have been meaning to get to JoJo... but it's just so long, it does kinda put me off.
And I don't mean to push, but what do you think of Power Girl? I'm pretty sure it's fine as-is, just want to reach a consensus before I move it to the finished folder.
Julian Adams
Deal 3 damage then sac then, coulda sworn there were cards that did something like this.
Superfly is a stand that took over an electrical tower. It reflects any damaging force applied to it in the direction it took the damage from. If you enter the tower you can't leave until someone else enters.
I think her tits are okay, as is the card. The only question is, since silence is a W cost effect, is stopping attacking and blocking roughly a 3 cost effect? Can't think of examples off the top of my head.
>toxin Took a moment to catch the flavor but it plays on the fears they already have, I likes it a lot.
Jonathan Miller
All right, here's a mishmash of mythics I'm currently working on. I have about seven left to go after these, including planeswalkers, then the set is complete. So, how are these shaping up? Unsure on some of the costs, especially. Standard big rare mill card. Flavor is on-point. That's one hell of a blocker. I don't know anything about the character, but mechanically, I'd limit the prevention to creature-based sources. The six toughness already protects it pretty well against burn.
Jason Hill
And about Jojo's, the first part has good aspects to it but it has some serious flaws, thankfully it's the shortest part, only being like 12 episodes in the anime or something like that. Second part follows bugs bunny in the body of kenshiro fighting mesoamerican ancient male model gods. It's fucking awesome.
The rest of the parts follow on part 2's style of figuring out how to even deal with the shit the opponent is doing by pulling some clever tricks.
If any of that sounds interesting the 2012-present anime is really well done and devoid of filler so while it isn't exactly short it's all coming form the mind of Araki, who is a mad genius.
Here's a nice boring example of conduit. Wonder if I should even put enchantment creatures in the set... then again the set has such a heavy theme of creatures being spells and enchantments and vice versa that it fits... I hope. And having enchantment creatures on top of ascend helps fuel conduit which helps fuel the transformation mechanic.
Ayden Smith
You're thinking of stuff like Furnace Scamp, but notice how that has a "you may" clause on it, it's not automatic.
Card seems cool. I think I'd change the freeze ability though to >Whenever ~ blocks a creature, that creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.
Yeah, costing has been an issue. In singleplayer, it's a colorshifted Time Warp. Though note how the effect isn't quite Silence, it's closer to Moonhold, since it stops lands too. Which is something I'm up for seeing again in Red. Apparently Wizards used it more in the past.
Thanks. Unfortunately not on my comp, but the card for Scarecrow mills a player for 1 whenever that player casts a spell, and whenever a player mills one or more creature cards, you get a 1/1 Flying Bird.
So anyway, on your JoJo stuff, do you actually want to make this a full, real set? Or is it just a collection of cards like my CO stuff?
Matthew Edwards
Fuck me, forgot the card
Christopher Clark
These are all great! Really cool and balanced mechanics.
Charles Flores
Is there anything that makes the anime better than the manga? Because otherwise I'd rather read the manga. I know it's weird, but anime makes me want to shoot myself with how slow that shit is. In one episode, I could probably read five chapters.
But yeah, it all soubds interesting, I said before I've been meaning to get into it.
Kayden Garcia
Not that guy, but honestly, the voice acting is pretty good, and the anime is in full color which is nice. It's a very good adaptation of the manga, but it's 99.9% the same material either way.
Blake Howard
Glad to see you took my monohybrid advice! It really helps with smoothing out the cost-matters stuff. >Conduit Auras, too? Tapping enchantments in general feels a bit odd, but tapping auras specifically feels weird. It's not unheard of, but it's definitely odd. >Card "S" in "First strike" doesn't need to be capitalized. Otherwise it seems like a solid proof-of-concept common.
Adrian Butler
Completely fine at common, a little underpowered even. Wizards doesn't like enchantments tapping anymore but I see no good reason for them not to. That said, Conduit is just Improvise with one word replaced, needs more spice.
Not sure what removal in this set is like, but doesn't Ma-Oumaten at least want something like shroud? At 12 mana it seems super vulnerable. Talir's triggered ability doesn't seem white. What if the ability triggered as he attacked and then you choose to play the card or put the tokens into play tapped and attacking? Martyr is very cool, awakening is great, I'm medium on the others.
I agree that damaged prevented should be limited to combat damage. Probably the only 5 mana defender card I'd consider playing.
Hudson Lewis
It's like your CO stuff, something to do with silly ideas / want to make a card out of an existing set of ideas . I've already got this shitty set to take care of.
I mean, the anime takes thing at the pace they need to go, most parts have big sections that are "enemy of the week" and those are one episode each. Any issues with the actual pacing of the story are going to be present in the manga as well. Also the anime does some really awesome stuff with the presentation, the music, the color schemes, the sound effects, and editing are all on point along with the OPs and EDs being god tier. That and the anime does a better job condensing the first part since the manga version is fairly janky. But I mean, like I said, the pace of the anime is the same pace and content as that of the manga. so if you want to speed read your way through to get the core of the content rather than savor the additional stuff then you do you.
I was planning on using it anyway but yeah, I did realize while making this how well monohybrid synergizes with both conduit and my transformation mechanic.
I know it's just improvise. While I agree it's pretty mundane the thing is, adding spice for its own sake is begging for trouble. I think with how artifact synergy leans toward certain colors, balancing that out for the colors that like enchantments seems warranted.
Isaac Myers
How do you feel about these adjustments? The untransformed side is pretty lackluster. Why colorless specifically on the transformed side? Are you doing some colorless matters stuff too?
Adam Garcia
I think they're both extremely reasonable. If I had to nitpick I'd make Talir unable to target libraries and only exile top of your own, otherwise it feels too UR. Thoughts?
Jordan Harris
That's fair. I'll make the adjustment. Thanks, user.
Benjamin Thomas
So this synergizes well with turning your ascend dudes back on and evoke as well as protecting your dudes and spells... BUT is there a reason for this to not just be a cloudshift?
How about taking the prophetic prism approach and making it draw a card on enter?
No real reason other than I wanted it to be a catch all. I suppose the handful of colorless specific cards from Oath don't really warrant the inclusion of that.
Asher Gray
also, I dig the cards, meant to say that in
William Baker
"Mana of any type" covers Colorless costs.
>card A tribal commander for the best tribe of all.
Christian Murphy
Does it cover snow?
Isaac Lewis
I legitimately want to see advisor get some tribal support. A bunch of douche bag viziers and lawyers scheming their way to victory.
it might be covered in snow.
Gavin Torres
Here's a shitty attempt at it. The thing about this guy, it might as well just say "Make 3 gold". The advisor part is damn near flavor text.
William Williams
Made this as a counterpart to my UG double-X spell. A bit barebones. All he does is blink and make gold. Which fits a merchant, I suppose. Still, I can't help but want something with more oomph.
Cooper Baker
I mean. those gold tokens are ramp, and you don't have to sac the gold to get him to blink. You can keep getting more and more extra mana and artifact tokens to use, I'd call that pretty powerful.
That's one of the most intense examples of needing an extra word ever. That first mode NEEDS to say "another" or it's going to break like fuck.
Beyond that, it's pretty rad.
Benjamin Young
>I'd call that pretty powerful. It is powerful. It's just also boring. >Another Why? Spells can't target themselves. Am I missing something?
Elijah Martinez
Also, I altered this. Thoughts?
John Cox
Guess I'm dumb, could have sworn they could.
Samuel Cruz
Jackson Howard
How's the cost on this? Fine. Comparable to Ally Encampment. Entering tapped justifies the lower rarity. I'd alter it to work with an actual tribe, though, or make some Gondola cards to back it up.
Julian Rivera
>fuck tokens
Luke Clark
For some reason that doesn't feel like it should by mythic, or its cost should be reduced by 1.
I mean, token hosers aren't new.
Anyone like this card? Any issues with it? I'm nervous about the cost. Flavor is a sphinx put his soul in one of those glyphs on my plane but left a typical sphinxy riddle to it. If you can figure it out he'll teach you what he knows.
Asher Campbell
In that awkward realm where at 5 mana and sorcery speed I expect a board wipe, not maybe grabbing an extra permanent. Sure, you can maybe 2-for-1 your opponent, but man the tempo of a 5 mana sorcery hurts. >Anciet Runes Also, when does it transform? Is it just a state trigger?
Also, draw 2 for 4 at instant speed is already a good card. Rewarding control decks with a 4/4 flash flyer that draws MORE cards is probably too much.
Oliver Peterson
The transformation needs a timing trigger, and I'd probably have it cost one more, but otherwise it seems just fine.
Jason James
So, here's a crazy idea
>man the tempo of a 5 mana sorcery hurts. >For some reason that doesn't feel like it should by mythic I agree. What would you suggest? Just a cost reduction? Make it an instant? >Card I agree with , who asked the same questions I was going to ask.
Isaiah Powell
Just realized they probably lose the damage bit once they're cast. I'll have to adjust that.
Austin White
>Evoke counts as casting >2R, exile two permanents + shock >5 drop do-nothing enchantment
I'm okay with this.
Wyatt Cox
Gondolas are actually a thing in my set, yes.
Henry Butler
Are state based triggers not allowed? And yeah, I initially had it at 3UU, the 2UU happened after some tinkering and I didn't quite catch how powerful this version was.
I was about to say just that.
Cooper Gomez
Mechanical issues aside, I feel like this just wants to be something that discards creature cards to get shocks, even if you can't abuse ETB/death triggers with it.
State triggers are allowed, but they still start with "when". See Endrek Sahr for an example.
>card Clone wall. Yet another Planechase inspired card, although this one more thematically so than mechanically.
Brandon Allen
This card is fucking terrible. First of all it's completely unusable unless you are running Horror tribal (why not just require the sacrifice of whatever unit?), secondly I fail to see what Horror and defender have to do with each other.
Ayden Garcia
Kevin White
>Mechanical issues aside, I feel like this just wants to be something that discards creature cards to get shocks, even if you can't abuse ETB/death triggers with it. Nah, the evoke is the main dish. The shock is just bonus. I separated out the abilities, so it should be mechanically squared away. >Mirror of Karsus Well, that's just nifty as hell, isn't it?
Bentley Williams
And as usual, better wording strikes immediately after I post.
>Defender >Sacrifice Mirror of Karsus: Create a token thats a copy of target creature attacking you. You may have that token enter the battlefield blocking that creature.
Maybe that's less nifty. I dunno.
>card Gift of Immortality meets Pattern of Rebirth.
Owen Walker
I was thinking of making Stands cards as well. If I remember tomorrow I'm going to post an idea of how I'd do them.
William Turner
This would work better if Dreampod Essence exiled itself instead of coming out of the yard, I think. Also, I dunno that I'd play this over Totem Armor unless I was using it to get big critters through Scry tricks. Sure it comes back to play and Totem Armor doesn't but Totem Armor is easier to use and if I have what I want already, it protects it just fine. I suppose this is a Johnny card, in that light.
You could also do "Whenever a creature attacks you, you may sacrifice yadda yadda token may have it block if you want". It's a pretty neat card, but I wouldn't give it such a big ass myself Maybe 0/3 so it can be killed by things you might not want to copy or be potentially removed by something aside from Grasp of Darkness, since most people don't run artifact destruction that often.
I feel like this should be a bit more expensive. 1B? B just feels too cheap to fish for answers late game. I'm coming at this from a Constructed standpoint, not draft. In draft it's probably fine actually, since you're most likely to have 1 and 2 ofs for anything you might want to look for.
>creatures you control become sorcery speed Shocks that cost three times as much Not sure how I feel about this. Honestly it's probably pretty badass, considering you get any ETB effects too. Could potentially be 2RR but you probably want it at 3RR for set related reasons.
Cooper Robinson
Another card for my mythic double-X partial cycle. You summed it up nicely. Expensive, as it should be for something that pulls out creature cards repeatedly. Also some hints of Unexpected Results in there, I feel. Boon feels overly-specific to keyword. I agree that auras need some love, but I'm not sure if this is the way to go about it.
Hunter Wright
>Boon sucks To the surprise of no one. >M06 Not bad. At 5 mana it's better than Rite of the Serpent is at 6, and at can get better still if you have the mana. Thing is, I think about this and a Wrath at 6 mana does the same thing and can net you a token too, as per Phyrexian Rebirth, so I am not sure this is in the best place.
Jeremiah James
> I think about this and a Wrath at 6 mana does the same thing and can net you a token too, as per Phyrexian Rebirth, so I am not sure this is in the best place. Wraths wipe your stuff out, too. This leaves your stuff around and drops tokens to boot.
Brandon Evans
Might want to consider making the wurm have some kind of graveyard-shuffle-into-library trigger like on Worldspine Wurm or Blightsteel Coloussus, otherwise it's a disgusting reanimator target.
Ryan Bailey
Yeah I know, but it's also a mana efficiency question. I suppose on a smaller board yours is preferable since it only needs to hit a few things. Eh, nevermind me anyway.
Wyatt Martinez
Am I onto something here? Or is the core idea just too similar to surge? Probably is...
Guess I could change it to "ensue a [card type]" where if you cast that card type you get some bonus... that kinda works with the enchantment creatures, creatures that have evoke actting like instants and sorceries so the deck types that like their type of card don't have to bend over backward too much... iunno.
I keep making mechanics and I hate all of them because they all feel too closely related to something else. On a similar note, really starting to dislike Ascend due to "If I have transform in my set, why not use it there?" but then I burn the neat ways glyph counters can be used such as rinah, if anyone remembers that one.
Then again, aftermath is just a weird flashback and most mechanics can boil down to some weird variant of kicker so maybe I'm hating on them too much.
Isn't making cards supposed to be something I do for fun, why am I kicking myself over it so much? Perfectionist?
Caleb Evans
You can say "If you cast another instant this turn..." without losing generality.