Are centaurs good?

Are centaurs good?
Would you let a cute centaur grill into your party?

Depends of charcoal or propane, I tell you what.

Centaurs have freedom of alignment as any other race, but they generally tend to care about other centaurs and close non-centaur friends.

Also, yes. Most definitely yes. Horse Fucking Pussy

>Are centaurs good?
Mostly no. You can get good centaurs like Cheiron, but most of them are rapists.
>Would you let a cute centaur grill into your party?
Depends, I would give her a chance and probably wouldn't be able to resist to use her as a pack mule. Also depends of what temper she is.

> most centaurs are rapists
Women can't be rapists, user! That's sexist!

god i love horse pussy, its literally the best pussy on the planet.

however, i like my horse pussy and ponuts pastel colored


mmhm, pony and donut, for assholes.

Centaurs are best when they're Not!Mongols

Hail brĂ¼der


Deer Centaur > Horse Centaur

Centaurs are good and all but how about centaurs with the horse part replaced with a wolf part?

Personally I'd really love to see centaurs act more like the ones from The Banner Saga. Makes them more unique than just people with horse butts.

>More animalistic in nature than human, but still sentient enough to speak and form social groups.
>Those social groups are waaaaaaay more based on being horses than being people.
>Super skittish and will break your skull if they feel threatened, but being brave enough to fight directly if need be.
>Were so freaked out by the concepts of normal horses and not understanding how they should feel about humans using them that they wind up committing horse genocide

They're really neat.

What...what does that even look like?
horrifying, I imagine.

So y'know how a centaur is like a horse but with a human torso where the horse's head should be? It's like that but with a wolf and resized a bit so it doesn't look so awkward proportionally.
I have no sfw art as an example, so take that as you will

Scratch that, I actually do have a pic, just with a wolf head instead of a human head

DOE PUSSY is good too...
>pic related

where do you think i came from?

centaurs are boring.

Mythologically speaking, no, they were not good, with the sole exception of chiron, who was rather chill, most of them liked raping the ladies and getting blackout drunk (on what most of the time was stolen wine).

Would this face say evil to you?

You really want a companion that walks and shitting like it's nothing? Go use a bathroom, you disgusting race you!

And far too late did I realize someone could make a POO IN LOO joke from this, so I'll spoil the fun by mentioning it first.


>he doesn't know

>raping ladies
even back then, they couldn't resist the BHC

show her backside

>le centaur shit everywhere meme
its MLP rules, they are sentient and civilized. they have magic and or technology, they would be perfectly clean and freshly bathed too... their super soft coat would smell like shampoo

>he doesn't know about horse anuses


I wonder what space fantasy centaurs would be like. How could they be implemented?

Ascended race, probably taken in as hard labor slaves, but were successfully liberated by another space empire (potentially as a political ploy to appear more heroic to continue gaining support for the space war).

From there, the centaurs would probably have some difficulty adjusting to space fairing and advanced tec, but they'd fine a way. Probably be constantly dealing with being seen as an animalistic race for obvious reasons, despite being capable of the same levels of intelligence as everyone else.

What about snakier centaurs? Horse... cloaca?

Now don't go too deep into that rabbit hole



R-rabbit hole, you say?

Years ago yes, I used to play shining force and included such races in my games. Now however, probably not, too many people have fetishized such ideas.

Oh yeah...

Only if the top half is a human female, but the bottom half is a male horse.

Played a cat taur grill once. Scare myself sometimes.

>like centaurs but fluffier

Do I look like some faggot who doesn't like cuddles?
Obviously yes

Good taste user

Looks like Mae from Shining Force

Centaurs are anatomically fucked up

This guy knows what's up. Cheiron, who taught Achilles and Ajax and Eudoros how to fight. The rest are mainly savages.

You mean May from Shining Force II.

What are you, friccin stoopid? Larger heart and lungs go in the upper body and the digestive system goes in the lower body

Doesn't solve the two ribcages problem

What problem?
More ribcages, more protection.

I know science.

>Are centaurs good?
depends on the individual centaur
>Would you let a cute centaur grill into your party?
depends, can she fight or magic good enough to not perish in Tombs of Hersaksh?

. . .

they obviously have two sets of organs

Sure, I like the aesthetic of Centaurs. They're actually one of the races in the fantasy setting I'm building.

Culture-wise, they're basically defined by their rigid society, xenophobia, lack of connection to magic, and technological advancements beyond most other races.

>Would you let a busty and horny centaur grill into your party?



I'd settle for a companion who can speak English.

No, sounds like some degenerate heretical mutant. Be strong in your Ignorance Anons.

There's no need to be upset Miia. You're better than Centorea purely for physical reasons but that's no reason to bully the hoers.

Centaurs are dumb. They're like a rider with a horse except the rider can't dismount. Enjoy being a shitty liability outside of the great plains.

>be a centaur adventurer
>go dungeon crawling
>get hernia and painful joints from crouching and crawling so much

Would centaurs make more sense as some kind of naturally-magical culture of horse (wo)men that can FUUUUSION DAAAAANCE FORM VOLTRON GOOOOO VOLTRON FOOOOOOOORCE themselves into centaurs when they ride a horse or some other mount?

Well-designed centaurs are based on extinct wild horses over modern racehorses, far less twiggy legs, shorter and more robust. They'd be alright.

Centoria is good, but why was her human part pregnant?
Should that not be MORE difficult when she's giving birth?
Seriously best girl have better imagination

I have no problem with centaurs but the phrase "cute centaur grill" sets off just about every alarm bell I have.

Human half for first 2 trimesters then the baby moves into horse half?

I bet thats a fetish.

That scene has always bugged me too. I'll just chalk it up to "Cerea has no clue how pregnancy works for her race".


Centaurs also killed Hercules. They are dicks.

Snek is shit compared to spider

Hoers > Spoder > Snek > [everyone else]

Snek > Spoder > Hoers > [everyone else]


I just wanted to post this.

Clearly best girl who doesn't act like a lovestruck teenager
She's also cute in a goth girl way, and confident with her own flesh, and her spidery limbs are all spiky and thin she's so cool/cute/hot it's insane

I agree, but arachnophobia is one hell of a phobia!

Give into the spiders user. We only want to love you. Wait. I mean they! THEY!

>Designing Centaurs for my own setting
>Maybe 2 days later start reading this series and see that they're almost exactly the same as the ones in it


Provided we won't be dealing with ladders and tight passages.

Aww thought it was another in the "Hoard of" series.

Nope. But now that you clicked you have a new companion/waifu that you could probably use as a mount/pack mule.

>capable of love
Next you're going to tell me wasps aren't flying bundles of rage.

Spidergirls where the first thing I saw when I discovered Veeky Forums, never knew I would love the trhing I had nightmare of for so many years


>Next you're going to tell me wasps aren't flying bundles of rage.
I mean, if I were that desperate for a shit I probably would be too.

We're all halflings and goblins meandering a cave of kobolds and goblins. No. Fuck off.

Their physiology is just too weird and nonsensical for my speculative-evolution-fantasy setting.

The manga anthology Stardust Memories had a great take on centaurs, but that's a bit too alien for my purposes.

>if I were that desperate for a shit

The stingers that flies use are made of their own shit, if I remember correctly.
They're trying their hardest to get rid of the worlds most annoying clinger.

Something like this?


Stingers are modified ovipositers, an organ normally used for laying eggs. I'm extremely curious where you heard the sharpened turd theory from.

A book that I'm beginning to think was satire.

A helpful diagram

I once gave a griffin-owl-centaur waifu to one of my player. The guy was pratically drooling on the table.

Pic related. She was basically this but with a cute anime girl in place of the head.

I made them a hostile race in my homebrew. They're fae worshipping, anti-sorcery, anti-tech, hardline eco terrorist zealots. Real holier-than-thou bunch of hard asses.

Their Gods, the fairies, are essentially a race of temperamental toddlers that can warp reality. They generally find the centaur and their culture dull, and often play tricks on them.





That's not how you spell "Slime."

I've seen some art about centaurs that did work like that (double set of most organs, including the womb, so a fetus would start in the human half's womb and move to the horse half when large enough). I suppose that would have advantage of increased birth rates (since a centaur could then get double pregnant), although the logistical problems with such biology would really cause way too much trouble (not that centaurs make biological sense to begin with).
In this case I think the reason is simply visual (to make her look obviously pregnant) and/or Centorea not knowing much about how centaur sex/reproduction works.

So long as she's not an undead parasite