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How does your character treat snooty nobles? What if your character has to take a quest from them?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
How does your character treat snooty nobles? What if your character has to take a quest from them?
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Honest question from a newfag to /pfg/. Why are the OPs always anime?
Out of all forms of art, anime is the best possible representation of PFG.
Because some animeposter keeps getting to the fucking thread before the actual posters do. Its a falseflag and its working.
Because /pfg/ is terrible.
We got a very dedicated anime poster, I don't really care at this point as long as they wait till page 8/9 which they fuckin DON'T SOMETIMES
Asking again; A small handheld double hackbut as a wizard's arcane bound weapon? Is it legit? Is it "worth" going for? How might a wizard utilize such an egregious weapon?
Anime website
Its not legit, worth going for, good, or anything valuable, its an idea so stupid that the reason you didn't get a response the first time is that its such a retarded plan it barely merits a response.
Well, if you can somehow get proficiency in it, but they are not usually small of handheld, thats the idea. Otherwise its just a musket
I know you're thinking you're being clever because you won't have to go prone to use the Hackbut, but you will
"A Large or larger creature can fire a double hackbut one size smaller than it is without its mounting as a normal two-handed weapon and without the danger of being knocked prone, but takes the normal penalty for firing an inappropriately sized weapon."
You are not Large or Larger.
>Legend of Old (Su): At 3rd level, the storyteller can summon a legendary figure from the tales of old. The storyteller selects a particular figure that remains constant throughout his adventures. The legendary hero takes the form of a character of any class, whose level is equal to the storytellers level +2. The storyteller can only call upon the power of the legendary figure for so long. At 3rd level, he can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 8 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 3rd a storyteller can use legend of old for 2 additional rounds per day.
How OP is this?
Are there more than 12 combat rounds in a day? It may as well just be "at 3rd level, you become two levels higher than your party and stay there".
Aaah I see, im just being dumb then.
I was looking for this feat. A guy was here looking for some way to get characters from paintings to come to life.
Would you need Quick Draw for improvised weapons?
It's a bard archetype dude, not a feat
If you carry them on you. Picking up an object is a standard action. Sometimes you can get away with it if you have a prehensile tail
It's nothing to sneeze at, but it depends on how much fighting there is and if you want to burn feats on extra performance (which it does qualify for with "Legend of old is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance.")
I'm just thinking like, if I'm carrying them around, and use them for a thrown weapon build, i would probably need quickdraw, unless I can argue that they're functionally similar to Darts or Shuriken.
One more thing, the book itself DOES give a "Hey, user/Gm beware" with this one. Which is something to note.
Nah, thats one of the main things with shuriken. They can be pretty much any small pieces of metal.
You would probably need quickdraw to get any good use out of improvised throwing weapons
Darts work the same way, they're thrown ammunition
But yeah, probably need quickdraw
A false flag would mean that whomever is doing this is doing so under orders from, say, mods who would remove threads for it, so as to allow them to fabricate the excuse needed to ban the threads outright.
If you're an American, you should know False Flag operations better than fucking anyone, you've got agencies entirely dedicated to performing them.
Also OP's picture should have been holding a pregnancy test.
>GM has eldritch thing try and speak to us
>is apparently when stated an incorporeal creature with teleport at will and shit
>the party is out camping as we're trying to pass over a mountain
>I'm going hunting to get us food (playing a ranger)
>down two deer
>as I get closer the deer start to fall apart, like hunks of meat just losing cohesion
>meat and bones start strapping themselves together into a T posing guy
>GM has me make a fort and will save
>fail both
>go temporarily blind and deaf as all the blood vessel in them pop
>get just constant screaming in my brain that causes me to just roll around on the ground
>hearing and eyesight suddenly restored
>it does it again
>pass fort save this time so I watch him
>it's just a completely naked/hairless dude staring at me
>rapidly changes through different noises
>including just echoing my own scream
>I begin shouting at it
>it begins repeating what I shout faster/slower
>I get up and start backing away
>stop T posing and touches down, walks towards me
>opens it's mouth to speak
>see it has no back of throat, the mouth just kind of stops, can all see his nostrils are capped basically
>session ends with the thing following me back to camp and sitting/listing to us talk about it
The fuck was it?
I want to play around with throwing weapons+ thrashing dragon.
How do I make having multiple enchanted throwing weapons economically viable?
Something bugs me, how much does killing a non-native outsider outside their home plane matter anyway? Is it just a minor inconvenience or what?
While it is cathartic murdering evil bastard demons or devils, I really wonder if its just a hollow victory or not
Depends if they're Summoned or Called
If they're Summoned, then they only kinda-existed on your plane, and just poof back, if I recall.
If they're CALLED, then they can actually be killed dead proper.
If I remember right anyway.
Well, in my context, I think they were called given that two demons assaulted my party for god knows what kind of nefarious reasons after a really long trek following us through a desert.
I dont think thats generally the signs of summoned demons
Depends on a lot of factors.
For demons and devils it is a temporary setback (to them) since they reform eventually. For their slayer, assuming they reside in the primary material plane then it is still quite a victory due to a number of things. For one, Devils and Demons technically have better things to do, and the primary material plane is often seen as a place for small fry who can't cut it in the big fire. The second is that it takes quite a bit of effort (or outside aid) for an outsider to enter the primary material plane, so not only did you banish them and wreck their (small time) plans, but you also showed them that its worth way more effort than it should be.
So, chances are, they take a while to reform and probably won't come back or, even if they did, they'll probably look for an easier gig somewhere else in the material plane if they ever do choose to try again.
tl;dr: Its basically equivalent to going through all the effort of jumping the border just so you can take a sub-minimum wage job picking oranges. So when the feds start involving themselves then maybe try crossing a different border (maybe a snowy one with a more faggoty PM).
The simple answer to that first one is "As little as possible." They disgust him, but they've got their uses.
As to the second, yes, as long as it pays well and he's got some assurance they'll actually deliver payment.
You're thinking of 3e. If an outsider shifts or is called to another plane they still die for real, there's no reforming for them in Pathfinder.
Tell that to the kyton who fight to the death knowing full well that they'll reform in no time at all.
Is this the beginning of the end? Again?
Either way, its a victory nonetheless
If 3e, what user mentioned, if PF, well, you just showed said outsider the consequences of messing with mortals, especially if he was an uppity one
The demons that my party murdered did things like molest a female party member and also trolled us with at-will greater teleports
A few crits later and they probably thought its way too late to change their mind
What class is the best at fucking people up without any magic? PoW is on the table
ranged? melee? single target? multitarget? AoE?
What do you want to do? Kill people? Pick a PoW class and be done with it
Its not like optimizing to kill is hard in Pathfinder for fucks sake
Now that QANON x Wist is confirmed canon, who do we ship next? Gareth x Jolly? Wubu x Maxsleep? Rory x Vult?
You x your right hand
I wanna cut people in half with a big fucking sword
B-but user! I'm left handed!
OD/ZS Warder then, like all the others.
OD/ZS warder, take a ticket.
We can only ship two cute people
Warder (ZS), Paladin, Barbarian and Fighter (Two-Handed!)
Thats why you use Righty, its the 'stranger'
OD/ZS warder archetypes. Now Serving #9999
Wubu and Broodie, then?
Is Ensoulement of the Flower Court Gestalt?
All nobles in setting are animal eared and tailed lolis.
Those they favor receive sawasawa, and if they kusukusu while dokidoki they may event be allowed to munyumunyu and mofumofu.
I don't think they even run in the same circles.
>Rory x Vult
Fucking amazing
Fuck off Rory
Would you play in a campaign that requires all the players to take the same class? What if it allowed you to multiclass later? Or if it was gestalt?
If one half of the Gestalt was Vigilante, and LV and LV:V was allowed, yes
Why does Veeky Forums hate us?
because we deserve hate
t. Rory
Observations suggest
RgPl x Broodie is the new OTP
Degeneracy, dueling generals, a thorny, insular culture, and anime.
We deserve it because we are the lowest common denominator.
What if the other half was avowed
Okay, I've never looked into it, but I know the general opinion of it.
What if I shifted to more of a dueling desire? Built for 1v1 battles of honor? Is it still the same class?
Rory could only hope
Speaking of which, did we ever get last nights greentexts?
Then why is everyone listing two classes?
RgPl always seemed really into Wist, and QANON into RgPl, so I've always thought we were looking at a love triangle. So this whole thing has taken me by total surprise.
fucking retards i'm guessing because that game doesn't say 'gestalt' under char gen
We have to go deeper
Maybe Broodie is the rebound?
Hidden Blade is the archetype for UnRogue, you idiot
>WIP fuccboi
He's listing elements for his Kinny
Multiclass? Not sure about how good Bard/Paladin is
Fighter/Ranger, guessing multiclass too?
Just like Ichabod, Discordant Crusader is an archetype for Zealot.
2 out of 5 have two classes listed.
Fuck, I fell asleep after cuteposting all night!. I'll finish today
I wanna get shipped with somebody!
Oh my god I would love that, I've been coming up with an excuse to have a half-Avowed for a while now.
Me x You
Truly, user? 'Tis a most splendid elixir, Love, which astounds the senses and ennobles the soul!
Don't you me Me x (you)?
So is Vult part of the cute posting? Or just enabling it between the players? Which is preferable?
Vult does both, but I was cuteposting with someone else way too late for a different game!
He's too autistic to cutepost.
Really makes the synapses jolt
2 two daggers with +1 Returning and Quick Draw feat.
>tfw you realize something about the numbers behind the system, find a pattern you didn't know existed
The EXP reward for an encounter of a given CR starts at 400 for CR 1, then increases by 200 at CR 2 and CR 3, then 400 at CR 4 and CR 5, then 800 at CR 6 and CR 7, and so on, with the amount of EXP added being doubled every even CR number. Figuring this out is great, because it means I can calculate EXP and CR in my head now, without having to reference the books or PFSRD!
But then you realise that determining the CR for any encounter is always a ballpark figure based on how they mesh with the party, the environment and the circumstances.
Don't mind me, I'm just taking the time to build awareness of the game I'm offering.
Seeking players!
No, I realized that long ago, but that was always something that could be done in my head.
The whole reason this excites me is because I do a lot of brainstorming for my games at work and being able to do more of the hard numbers in my head means I can do more brainstorming at work (where I don't have internet access or much time to sift through books on break).
Just the other day, I made a map of a dungeon while I was on break at work and just left red X's in a few places with notes about what kind of enemies should be there. Now that I can do CR and EXP calculations in my head, I don't need to be at my computer to figure out how many minions of level X can accompany the enemy wizard of level Y to equal a CR of Z. It's just a handy convenience.
It's too bad Dervish Defender doesn't work with scimitars. I wanted to make a worshipper of Sarenrae.
I'll apply next week! It sounds fun!
Can I play Colette if this is Tales of Symphonia?
Can't it though. Just use prodigious TWF.
I am too old and lame to know about Tales games.
Show me what you've got, though.
Oh, I mean it can be wielded. However, the AC boosting class feature only works with weapons that are from light blade, double, or close weapon groups.
Doesn't Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting turn Scimitars into Light Weapons for your purposes or is that stupendous strength I'm thinking of?
Truly, Tis. Love is brilliant. Beautiful. It drives some to the point of obsession, chasing the charms of another, an endless quest many find fruitless. But not I, for I found you!
PTWF just lets you use one-handed weapon on your off-hand without penalties.