How would our real world Earth react to The Imperium arriving to reabsorb us, Dark Heresy style...

How would our real world Earth react to The Imperium arriving to reabsorb us, Dark Heresy style? As in our world is effectively a planet beset by a Dark Heresy, not as in the RPG

How would you react?

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I think as soon as the world powers realized that the imperium had both the capability and willingness to flatten our planet (or at the very least their country) from orbit, they'd bend the knee. If whoever showed up on behalf of the Imperium had a brain, we'd be pretty easy to divide and conquer. If someone resisted, it'd probably be as simple as to orbitally bombard one of their population centers and grant some privileges to their rivals.

I'd try to get on with my life and hope I don't get tithed into the guard.

Considering we have high tech industries and are nearly ready to exploit the solar system, we'd probably be mostly tithed raw materials more than anything. Maybe they'd take a tenth of our armies and turn them into guard regiments, we do have a shitload of professional soldiers and even a tenth would be huge.

Well of course many would die due to the forced 'abandon all religions theme'.

>There's an entire planet that knows everything about the history of the Imperium
>Commence orbital bombardment

>Terra, or, in the most ancient records, "Earth,"

Terra is literally future-earth. Learn your shit.

The Imperium meeting planets thinking themselves the cradle of man and not knowing about the Imperium is rather common, m8.

We're nowhere close to exploiting the rest of the solar system, the world is focusing ever more on itself than on what lay beyond.

We've lost our window for exploring the stars, and the locks are tightening with every shift of demographics or change in social policy.

In fact, it was the opening scene for the Horus Heresy novels.

Look at this dumb nigger

Look at this dumb nigger and laugh

>bring this world back into the fold
>they still remember their Imperial history
>they're... also up to speed on recent events
>they know of the Tau, they know of Chaos
>they know of hundreds of things it's heretical to even consider

We'd be purged, yes.

We have the means to grab an asteroid and bring it back here for exploitation. If the Imperium wants it to happen, it will. And if someone drops some tech or ships with the express purpose of exploiting the solar system, it'll go even faster.

Obviously we'd be purged.

I would die because no way I'm leaving my beliefs because an external force demanded.

so the only way to save Earf is to have the entire world fall to Chaos?

How would that save Earth? The Imperium wipes out Chaos Worlds all the time.

it would have to become a daemon world before the exterminatus hits I think

What about the ambitious new space missions being planned by NASA and the rise of privately funded space flight in the West?

Billions would die. Just considering the sort of notions and beliefs which pass for standard between humans on this planet the whole planet would probably be destroyed and resettled with more amenable slaves.

Imperium's wiped those out too.


She's dead, killed by a Space Marine.

i'm pretty sure the internet would constitute a grave technoheresy and that we'd be bombed to dust.

Everything's been killed by a Marine.

Earth is a planet of Blanks.

They come back pretty regularly though.

That would be a neat concept.

There are plenty of imperial worlds with their own planetary info networks. Ours is just less strictly controlled and more patchy.

If anything would get earth put under exterminatus, it's the forays into primitive AI. Not that we're really far enough along for that to be an issue yet.


I think you're purposely missing the point of the hypothetical scenario in order to be a smartass. Or you're autistic.

Guess what user - we know. You're not enlightening anyone by being a pedant. He said "our real world" probably exactly to try and avoid you assholes citing the obvious.

>If anything would get earth put under exterminatus, it's the forays into primitive AI

The imperium likely wouldn't use it that flippantly on a world that could be productive. Exterminatus is intended as a last resort, habitable, populous planets are a valuable resource.

Chances are they'd show up, go "Cut that shit out immediately or else", kill off most of silicone valley to send a message, shitcan whatever research we had, and get on with subjugating us.

How would that even be received by the Imperium?

would they be even capable of getting close to Earth? That many blanks would surely fuck up any warp travel around us.

More interesting would be how the Imperium reacts.

We have a more complete record of Imperial history - indeed, of galactic history - than the Imperium does. We also appear to be completely up do date on current events despite having no contact with anybody and having no psykers or mutants whatsoever. In fact, just the lack of mutants and psykers would be enough to make your average explorator under go an intense mindfreakening.

If this is the High Lords' Imperium, we'd either get purged or there would be extensive investigations into how all this came to pass. If Guilliman is Lord Commander by the time this happens, there's probably a lesser chance of purging, as I imagine he'd be intensely interested in just what the fuck is going on.

>Every Psyker dies upon entering our solar system

>"My lord. This planet has a complete history of the Imperium."
>"How is that possible?"
>"I don't know. But it gets weirder"
>"How does it get weirder than this?"
>"They have records of this very conversation already."
>"They even have records of what you're going to do to this planet."
>"Really? What does it say?"

mind fuck

>"It says you're going to let them remain free of the imperial tithe and cult, and import hot eldar waifs - I believe the word is waif - and assassin cue tees to to every man's doorstep."
>"By the Emperor, that does sound a lot like my typical generosity, doesn't it?"

And that's how Games Workshop saved the Earth.

>"It says you'll declare this planet off-limits and leave them alone."
Thank me later, guys.

Oh no, now we created alternate timelines. Maybe the Ordo Chronos will be finally be useful to unentangle this mess.

Honestly, they'd probably see our level of technology and drop a shit ton of tech priests here to try and figure out how we made all this shit.

>"I do not know, my lord. It seems to update itself periodically in an event the locals know as a 'retcon'."

They probably have the means to make most our stuff. If anything they'd burn a lot of our tech to the ground, and the Mechanicus would likely be horrified by the concept of personal computers and machine learning research

The Rothschilds would be appointed planetary governor.

Guard conscription would be minimal. We have a population of 7 billion, thats about the same as most hive worlds.

Our great technological advances would see a large admech presence take over almost all industries in exchange for space age technologies.

Slowly, innovation would be stamped out, the new world order would consolidate control under the adeptus arbites which would be based in America.

Large numbers of anarchists would fall to chaos and anti chaos enforcers would be mustered in virtually every country.

The catholic church would be subsumed by the ecclesiarchy. They would for the most part be moderate rulers, atleast by 40k standards.

Every country with GW in it would have common lore imperium as a trained skill, and in some cases scholastic lore (legend). Those who play anything besides imperium would be sent to the work camps.

It would take literally no time atall for us to consider raising our own astarties chapter. However we would be stimied by the administratiums bureaucracy.

If your post number ends in a 6 you develop psychic powers and are plucked by the black ships. Constant daily migraines await you.

The planet would mostly be turned into an agri world, but would be quickly developing into a minor forge world specialising in missiles, mesh armour and fairly reliable machines. At first we would be extremely desirable and prosperous, however this would tale off as the admech stamped out our ingenuity and scientific method is replaced by rote memorisation.

That would explain why they haven't contacted us yet.

I'm pretty sure hive worlds are far more densely populated that Earth. It would be pretty disappointing if your incomprehensibly large arcology that reaches from possibly near the planet's core up to high in the sky could only house 7 billion people

There was one Dark Angels short story about Dark Angels making contact with a planet that was roughly at our stage of geo-politics and technology.

I think he meant hive city

Person that knows nothing about 40k here

How did this happen?

Pre-existing forgotten ancient human civilization?

Forgotten colony ships sent out a millennia ago?

A different species of human that evolved naturally?

if there is any truth to le rothschild conspiracy they would be purged for worshipping a kind of protoslaanesh

in the dark age of technongly humanity spread all across the stars and had increabaly advanced tech. Then warp storms made all FTL impossible and anarchy decented on each isolated planet. The Emprah revealed himself in a ruined terra united it and when FTl was restored after the stroms ended he reunited all the scattered human palce. Then bad shit happened fast forward 10000 years and we are at 40k

Forgotten colony ships.
At some points the extremely widespread and widely used AIs (Men of Iron) revolted and fucked shit up, and so did Chaos. An absurd number of colonies were lost and the Emperor had to start a great crusade to find them back and reconquer/integrate them. So yeah, bunch of planets lost their colonial history. The Imperium counts a lot of worlds that are still not more advanced than our dark ages or even stone age.

Well i think you probably dont get that smart without using peoples vices against them.

Sex is allowed in 40k, indeed its encouraged. See pleasure worlds.

But I already deal with constant daily migraines.

Half the aristocracy in many planets being about a mm away from falling to Slannesh is a fairly common theme in the fluff.

But never do anything meaningful other than die to Marines.

Chaos Gods keep bringing her back.

That would be awesome. A spot on the map that is just black and is not accesable with ftl. They need fly from outside the system and their navigator can't follow. We aren't conquered, but are instead highly valued as potential assasins.
That or we get insta exterminatussed because one blank alone makes people uneasy near them. What happens to an entire planet full of them

>We've lost our window for exploring the stars, and the locks are tightening with every shift of demographics or change in social policy.
We lost a window, don't be overly dramatic. Policy shifted away from manned flights and that is a damn shame, but we haven't just given up on space entirely. It is also helpful to remember that when we went to the moon it wasn't for scientific reasons, nor was it about extending humanities reach in to the solar system or the stars. It was a dick waving contest between the US and the USSR, and once those dicks had been measured, the US government lost the desire to really fund the programs any longer.
There could very easily be a shift by any number of countries, to send manned missions to the planets again. The Chinese seem set on attempting to set up a moon base (for yet more dick waving reasons), and NASA, ESA, and Russians all have active programs studying and refining proposals for manned flights to Mars. Public opinion isn't focused on space currently, but opinion never stays fixed forever.

>What happens to an entire planet full of them
Probably makes coming anywhere near the planet, maybe solar system, impossible.

If they do a ground assault we'd probably win, the Imperium has worse military tech than us (no smart missiles, no reactive armor, no drones etc) the guardsmen would essentially turn into cannonfodder and space marines would just be encircled (since there's only 1k of them in each chapter and in most cases chapters divide themselves into groups of 100 marines on missions).

In space the Imperium would have a massive advantage because we don't have military installations in space. But since we'd probably steal some of the drop ships the space marines/guardsmen would use to descend we'd in a couple of months be able to reverse engineer them to be able to develop anti-space weapons.

As for xenos

Eldar would be easy to fend off since we aren't a threat to them and even if they try something their numbers are way to low to fight us.

Dark Eldar are the biggest threat out there,

Orks would be pretty easy to deal with, bio-weapons would wipe their spores and ensure that orks would never be able to infest Earth.

Tau would be a great thing since they'd give us technology for mercenaries and trade relations.

Hunter-killers and servo-skulls are smart missiles and drones. Also there's no reason to suppose reactive armour is the pinnacle of armour design.

Oh really.

You seemed to have missed the part where lasguns are as powerful as a .50 cal and can be recharded by sunlight. Our missiles have better guidance systems and are more numerous. However plasteel is far stronger than anything we have today, and thats what the flak armour is made of.

No, im afraid the reunification process would be so perfected after a billion worlds that we'd have no choice. That said, who would WANT to fight against the Emperor? You get a real god that DOES care about you out of the bargain. All else would be a tactical error.

That's not how lasers work, though. You could have 100% power efficiency via absolute-zero superconductors but there's no way you're putting manpack-sized solar panels (again with a spectacularly impossible 100% photo-voltaic efficiency) and getting that level of power out of a laser.

*Especially* not with a len diameter that small. That isn't how lasers work. That isn't how energy works.

Science has moved on in 30,000 years. Your primitve concepts of energy conservation don't hold.

They do, though.

Look, I can imagine some pretty advanced shit knowing things we know about physics. Such as computronium armor that uses programmable matter to detect a laser's incoming wavestate and react by altering itself into a reflective surface between that time and the particle component's arrival.

Or reacting to incoming kinetic penetrators by using zero-point field theory to create a reverse gravitic field phenomenon with a 1:1 ratio to incoming force, dumping a bullet's mass into vacuum decay. Guns that use spacefolding technology to drop kinetic rounds directly on top of a target after they leave the barrel that were developed to counter the above.

But lasers *don't work that way.* The sun generates a fixed amount of energy. Your technology isn't making the sun better.

>implying we aren't already in the middle of a "soft" Imperial reintegration program

>Primitive concepts of energy conservation
>Energy conservation

If the imperium had the tech level to build anti-entropic energy condensers into infantrymen's rifle magazines, I don't think they'd even have any further use for conventional warfare. Or any other weapons. You could literally build cannon shells that start going faster when they hit things.

It's retarded but that's how 40k works.



Christianity is close enough to the imperial faith to squeeze by. Some planets worship the sun, if they can live in the imperium so can earth.

Side question, which of the primarchs home planets is most similar to our current day earth? Wondering which primarch we could have gotten and which legion we'd be serving in

No that user but you are a primitive so shut the fuck up heretic.

Here's how retarded, though.

A .50 BMG round imparts about 15,037 joules of energy at its' optimum range. Not all of this is transferred to a target, but not all of a lasgun's is either, so whatever.

So we can do a calculation we'll say a .50 BMG does its' damage to a humanoid target over a tenth of a second. That's incredibly generous, but whatever.

This requires 150,037 watts of power to generate, or about 150 kilowatts.

Since the guardsman will only see the sun for 8 hours, and probably can't carry a pack more than a meter squared in size, we'll say it has a 100% energy efficiency.

On earth (a habitable planet the guardsman might be fighting on), a given square meter of ground receives 4.8 kilowatt/hours of energy.

Our guardsman needs 31,250 hours of sunlight (or about 3906 days) to recharge his powerpack for a single shot.

If you don't think the time keeping order is useless then kill yourself.

I don't know, would we all he killed because planer of blanks, even if we're chaos/xenos-free?

Earths space marines would be the best marines.

The intense revulsion felt from space might lead to preemptive exterminatus.

Honestly, all three of the Abrahamic faiths would probably fly in the Imperium. God/Allah/YHWH could all be swung to be "aspects of the Emperor" and let slide. Whether or not the Ecclesiarchy would be cool with three different interpretations of the Imperial Faith on one planet is what's up in the air. That's a lot of bullshit to police.

Your right. I guess we have nothing left to learn. All possibilities have been shut down. Science is finished.

Also, its sci fi. Not sci fact.

user, DAoT humanity had weaponized singularities and created a spacecraft weapon that forcibly shoved the target a fraction of a second into the past, where it violently collided/fused with its previous self. The Imperium of Man is a bunch of dirty children playing with scraps. It's entirely possible that their lasers really are just that bullshit, but since some fuckhead on Mars won't let anybody look at the instruction manual nobody can adapt the technology to other uses.

Moving the goalposts.

Again, the sun can't get stronger than that (or you would die), and you can't have more than 100% efficiency. You aren't allowed.

"Sci" has long since gone out the window. Your fantasy setting is written by people who haven't even bothered to sit down and figure out what a gun even looks like.

Addendum; I didn't even get into lens radius or beam diffraction over distance, either. I assumed all of those were perfect.

>Your fantasy setting is written by people who haven't even bothered to sit down and figure out what a gun even looks like.
Well, they're British.

>He can't imagine Christian, Muslim, or Jewish veneration of the Emperor as the image of God, fighting alongside one another at last in one massive Abrahamic crusade-jihad
pathetic desu

>Moving the goalposts.

Literally where? The argument hasn't changed. The fluff is retarded. You're retarded for taking it seriously.

>Hunter-killers and servo-skulls are smart missiles and drones.

Servo-skulls are worse than the current drone we have though, while the skulls only float a couple of feet above the ground our drones can fly anywhere from a couple of feet above the ground to 60,000 feet (Global Hawk UAV).

But you're right about Hunter-killer missiles, I forgot about them.

> Also there's no reason to suppose reactive armour is the pinnacle of armour design.

True, but I believe that having the ability to put an extra line of defense on a tank is better than to not have the ability to do that.

>Oh really.
>You seemed to have missed the part where lasguns are as powerful as a .50 cal and can be recharded by sunlight.

Not really, Lasguns are weaker than Heavy Stubbers which themselves are equivalent in firepower to M60 machine guns. So modern (actually using 'modern' might be a stretch since the M60 design is around 60 years now) weapons, firing 7.62*51, are stronger than the Lasguns Imperial Guardsmen use.

>However plasteel is far stronger than anything we have today, and thats what the flak armour is made of.

Plasteel is just an iron alloy so it can't be that much more powerful than modern steels.

>No, im afraid the reunification process would be so perfected after a billion worlds that we'd have no choice.

Most of those worlds where either conquered by a space marine legion (numbering in the hundreds of thousands of space marines along with Imperial Guard support) or where in a pre-industrial state of development.

>That said, who would WANT to fight against the Emperor? You get a real god that DOES care about you out of the bargain.

He doesn't even care about his own children.

Especially since ours would be picked from special forces unlike the other chapters that mostly reqruirt murderous criminals and psychopats (and then wonder why they switch sides to Chaos).

Then why the hell did you argue with me in the first place?

I'm not who you were arguing with. I'm just pointing out that you are, in fact, retarded.

>Moving the goalposts.

Nope. Its sci fi, not sci fact.

Its always been this way, from the start. The goalposts have never moved.

And the fact that you would try to use a critical thinking fallacy incorrectly to prove me wrong speaks of a weakmindedness. Im sure that with enough debate this can be hammered out, but i'd watch out for it.

Also, you must get really angry at the fact that chaos theroy exists. If order can spontaniously arise out of disorder, than a lasgun can charge faster. Afterall its not like the speed of light is constant or anything. Thats just what they tell kids.

Your wrong.

But i dont have to fix it for you. You can stay wrong for all i care.


Both of you please stop posting and read the thread title.

>Your wrong.

The irony is that you spelled that wrong.


Please stop posting forever

Yes. And Real-life Earth loses to 38,000 years of Technobabble sci-fi advancement

>But muh laws of physics!

That'll be a valid argument in about 30,000 years.

Literally kys.

le ebindark 40k maymay, amirite? science is goof!!!

>Thread about how earth would react to imperial annexation
>'well what if war?'
>user tries to talk about how war would go technology wise
>'well imperium technology can't be compared to reality, you just lose because it's better'
>Stop posting,kys,wrong,fallacy fallacies

This is the special kind of cancerous shitshow I come to Veeky Forums expecting. You guys never let me down.

The irony is that every person that says that to me is committing a straw man and thus is proving themselves wrong.

I almost leave it there intentionally now as an iq check for grammar nazis.