>We are also proud to announce the OmiseGO SDK is in the hands of one of our strategic partners, a huge multinational company that will help us develop one of our first live use cases.
Google partnership confirmed. Get in now.
OMG Update
It's McDonald's dude, uber bullish news based on fundamentals but no one's gonna care because they're brainlets and buttcoin drama
By the time they release any fucking products, this shitcoin will be back to $6 on a skateboard
kek. confirmed for me not having to pay taxes this year.
You get a free wallet with a happy meal
Maybe in 3 days when my transaction is confirmed
its's official bancor has jewified omg
fuck off REQ shill, were going to the moon
>you will now be able to use any of the 1000 cryptos to pay for your food and the merchant will receive fiat without either of you knowing what the other has or wants
I don't know if you're kidding or just genuinely stupid. Extrapolate this to other use case and it's over. You will never have to cash out.
Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.
Bing, the fuck, go. Dude who gets it. Only reason i am so heavy on these bags instead of chasing pumps. Cause this is gonna pop 10x randomly and gonna 10x hard
So are you saying I should buy OMG or not
Its not fucking google and its not fucking mcdonalds.
Seriously people are brain dead.
Yeah, but youll need to have exactly 4000 omg for staking rights, godspeed user
If you can't afford 4000 OMG then don't bother. You won't make it
How's 4001?
They have a confirmed partnership with McDonalds, who the else do you you fucking think it could be?
We're saying this the next step after Ethereum. Not just in price, but in terms of tech advancement. Don't forget that this will also be a dex with a 1 millions transactions a second once plasma comes out.
Too much.
You need 4000 exactly
>4001=satan confirmed
must be exactly 4000
All in on Ohhh Myyyy Gooood
Hope y'all know how to money dance