How did Veeky Forums become the most active board on Veeky Forums?
How did Veeky Forums become the most active board on Veeky Forums?
biz is full of normie niggers
No one can figure it out. It's anyones guess really.
It’s not the most active. /pol/ and /v/ are
R9k is more active that those bird actually
The three N's my friends
Neets Need Money
It's the most fun. Also, crypto is the future and unironically Veeky Forums is a good resource to catch trends. This is great board
Veeky Forums is far from most active. activity def spikes when crashes or moons happen like today, but usually this board is pretty slow
normies know about bitcoin and theyre scared of the markets
my biggest regret is how much time i wasted on /pol/
i could of been making money rather than circlejerking over being white
i do love being white and do not see a reason to live if i wasn't white
but i love Veeky Forums and will never leave again
>that fucking picture
Go to if you want to see what the most busy birds are in real time
This board was fucking shit before. "What are some Veeky Forums recommended reads?" Every fucking day.
yes I bought The Richest Man in Babylon but I just went back to /pol/ and gambled on political events. I won on Brexit and Trump then got JUST'd on LePen and Conservative Majority (UK) Now I'm back here where the best memes are.
This. Veeky Forums reminds me of /pol/ during the election. It was just nonstop dopamine, lightning speed shit coming at you and you felt like you were changing the world if you bought into it. Now it's still like that but more forced since there's no more actual news.
With Veeky Forums you're dealing with actual money and it's exciting even if you don't own any coins like me.
haha well done Veeky Forums
Charlie Lee (creator of Litecoin) has connections at Google and all throughout Silicon Valley. Plus his connections with mainstream financial media like CNBC and Bloomberg.
Also, LTC has faster transaction times, lower fees, and better infrastructure.
What do you guys browse when you’re not on biz? For me, it’s r9k. Lots of comfy feel threads
Yeah, people talking about killing women and wanting to end their lives must be "comfy". Christ.
I gotta keep up to date on how big black men’s cocks are
kek basically this. also /out/ and /k/ aren't bad.
It’s the only board where you can just talk about whatever is on your mind. /b/ is just a porn bord now
Mostly /int/ and /jp/
I was dealing with actual money on /pol/ kek
I know gambling is banned for Americucks or something though. It's also degenerate so that's okay.
Technically, you can talk about anything on any board. It's just that if you start the thread with something unrelated to the board, it's likely to be deleted.
I can relate with the robots but I don't enjoy hanging around them. They just sit around and mope. Veeky Forums is trying to make money. Money is all that matters in this world. Don't let brainlets tell you otherwise.
>threads per hour
most of those threads have 2 replies
pol,v and vg get more posts
yes i know
Get a life.