holy shit you dumb asses actually invested in cyrpto
why dont you invest in gold, stocks or foreign REAL currency like a sane human
still up 2000%+ this year tho
nigga gold has been on a downtrend for 10 years
and the DOW has been up too. you could've have seen this from a mile away, nothing could be stable at that high
> the DOW has been up too.
kek yes wow 2% amazing run bitcoin btfo
So it begins
yeah because bitcoin was DEFINITELY going to continue to rise endlessly, you should have sold a week ago if you did invest
this board is about gambling, didn't you know that "business and finance" is only memespeak for "money out window"?
fucking blackjack is better than investing in crypto.
did people actually think that BTC was gonna reach 60k?
get lost nocoiner and take your boring ass investments with you
>he invested in memecoin
im sitting on stocks and this week im up 1 solid percent.
thats a few thousand bucks for me lmao.
good man
their tears taste so great don't they?
>thinking anything this volatile is a good investment
and most crypto is below 100 or below 1000, so just invest in stocks, its more reliable anyways
Charlie Lee (creator of Litecoin) has connections at Google and all throughout Silicon Valley. Plus his connections with mainstream financial media like CNBC and Bloomberg.
Also, LTC has faster transaction times, lower fees, and better infrastructure.
ok anti stock plebs, this is my best stock but take a look.
ive bought in 2 times, and sold twice using these moving averages.
ive made more doing this than any of you will make in a life time.
using a strategy and doing fundamental analysis of what you're putting money into actually works.
you plebs probably dont know this but, stocks allow you to have normal working hours so you dont have to worry 24/7 lmao
having an opening and closing hour actually helps you get sleep and stay sharp.
>thinking few thousands makes a difference
compound interest my dude. you just need capital you poorfag
stockmarket is outdated, needs to wake up and get with the times, crypto is amazing open 24 hours a day. sleep is for the poor
im the guy with the g65 V12 amg, you are the guy who just lost your savings on crypto lmao
Not sure if you are fudding or actually retarded, judging by the wining and depression of people the dip is over. market is recovering again.
Also crypto it the biggest gainer since forever, kys if you are missing massive gains retard.
Fuck off (((Rothschilds)))
( ( ( E N V Y ) ) )
It's a hedge not an investment you twat
fucking boomers lmao--I wanna kick you down the stairs oldtimer
>why dont you invest in gold, stocks or foreign REAL currency
Does this mean you guys are going to start making forex and commodities futures threads?
I dont bother wasting time making threads anymore because at the rate new threads are being created, its only taking less than 30 minutes for a new thread to fall off the catalog into the archive.