Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Quest Giver Edition: Who is the most memorable quest giver your party has every encountered? What made them so memorable? Did any of them look like this guy?

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>Who is the most memorable quest giver your party has every encountered? What made them so memorable? Did any of them look like this guy?

A pun-loving bard who once told us to cut the heart out of the high priest of a love god.

Well shit then, time to be Old I suppose.

Now there are three paths open to me:
>Kick the retard level up to 11 and be an Exploiter Wizard
>Go full crafting specialization
>Divination out the ass

No matter what's happening I'm grabbing Orator.

This better be a crotchety old woman

She should live in a shoe.

How many children should she have?

>Female Option
Granny "Grizzly" Griselda
>Male Option
Ole' Man Narder "Don't trust the Gob" Guiles

That's not even close to true. Don't make me break out the math.

Have you seen the Pact Wizard from Haunted Heroes handbook?

How edgy would a Bloodborne based Harbinger be?

I don't have a stake in this nor do I know what the conversation is actually about, but I'd love to see AC math to better understand it.




Edgier than a saw blade covered in the blood of all the NPCs you murder.

Post your character arts and a thought about your own character.Are you happy with him/her or not?

Mememaker, mememaker, make me a meme.

I want to be a degenerate, but not that much of a degenerate.

You showing up reminded me, but I wonder the following: If Deadly Agility is being changed to directly replace Strength in functionality, does this mean that a Dragon Ferocity using Scaled Fist Monk with Deadly Agility becomes the ultimate damage dealer? Will we have to wait to see what exactly the wording on the "New and Improved (tm) Deadly Agility" is before we can make a final decision?
Remember, Dragon Style has a Str requirement, but Scaled Fist monk can skip those requirements.

So many she doesn't know what to do.

why are they buffing deadly agility

Pic related. See how higher ACs reduce damage taken from a full attack?



When is this happening? And once you add in PoW stuff then rules are made up and the numbers don't matter.

Its a rumor and not confirmed, honestly I would prefer it if it did not.

Because fuck TWF builds and at this stage it's more of a joke than a reality



Why would it hurt twf?

they would only get .5 dex to damage for their offhand

what is your malfunction?

Why do you wear the trip?

probably autism

>trip is buildposter
>isn't posting builds

Ok so how do I into thrown weapons with thrashing dragon? Do i use mwk silver knives or am I better off with mwk silver shuriken? Is it worth taking rapid shot when I already have twf?

because a direct str replacement means 0.5x dex mod for offhand, requiring double slice in order to function.

Shuriken, if you can get the bonus damage, is always much better than knives.

For mythweaver sheets, Normal or Experimental?

>not knowing nameposting and tripposting apart


Let's meme rivalry between Pilgrimage and Ensoulment. They're just similar enough to draw comparisons.

Is one feat going to hurt TWF so bad? You're already getting a great saving on not having to invest in str so doesn't it even out?

Still being non-anonymous without a reason on Veeky Forums. He's a faggot, and so are you.

Normal. Though I'd hate to use mythweavers for anything important after the mess they made.

Is there any way to make upgrading them cost effective?

Considering how TWF builds are moronic to begin with? One more feat to the 5 you already had to take is more of a kick in the stomach than anything, but it's still fucking stupid.

If he sucks my cock, I'll suck his!


I'd like to use Google Docs for actual in-game sheet, but mythweavers is kind of the standard for most application processes.

All pfg games use feat tax rules to lighten that right?

Given that TWF is not only the most feat taxed fighting style in the game, but also the most expensive? Yes.

Do remember that for better or for worse, PoW is balanced against a standard ruleset.

How should I RP as a cleric? Do you have any ideas for backstory/beliefs/mindset?

Once you slap returning (for 1/20th the price for a single piece) on around 10 shuriken, you can have a few with different sets of abilities

It still is a nerf to that since even the pfg game twf builds needed DA, TWF, and now will need double slice just to get back where they were. And still have to pay twice to enchant their weapons. And twf doesn't mesh well with Strikes, unless you spend even more feats to use thrashing dragon style.

You're already spending a lot of feats compared to power attacking with a greatsword to achieve damage that isn't really much better. That's 6 feats just for basic TWF tree + dex to attack/damage. Unless you have bonus feats from class or race, that leaves just 4 feats for other things - three with double slice. So in that context, yes, having to spend an extra feat counts for quite a bit.

That said, I for one don't mind dex-based TWF fighting costing an extra feat or two. In every way except raw damage it's otherwise better than strength-based, and the damage ought to be plenty good enough, anyway.

Its all very dependant on race and god. A cleric of a good sun god would probably seek to eradicate evil with a vengeance while trying to help the needy with cheritable acts, while a cleric of an evil death god would probably be completely the opposite.

What kind of Cleric, and for what god? Think of yourself as the friendly neighborhood local pastor... Or the firebrand Southern preacher, or even the megachurch money grubbing piece of shit.

Base Defense and the Base Defense Bonus: A class's Base Defense represents their competency at defending themselves in combat. It is used as the base number that all other bonuses and penalties are added to when calculating a character's AC and CMD. Your Base Defense increases as you gain levels, gaining a Base Defense Bonus (BDB)

Multi-classing and Base Defense Bonus: As with most other things, you add the Base Defense Bonus of all your classes together in order to get your final BDB with one caveat. Compare the Base Defense of all your classes with each other. If they are all equal, change nothing. If they are not equal, use the highest Base Defense among all your classes, then apply a -2 modifier to it. This modifier cannot take you below the lowest Base Defense of all your classes.

Base Defense and Base Defense Bonus of Core Classes
Barbarian: 15, Full
Bard: 13, 3/4
Cleric: 12, 1/2
Druid: 12, 1/2
Fighter: 17, Full
Monk: 16, Full
Paladin: 16, Full
Ranger: 15, Full
Rogue: 16, 3/4
Sorcerer: 10, 1/2
Wizard: 10, 1/2

Armor, Shields, and other AC bonuses
Light Armor: +1 AC, +5 Max Dex
Medium Armor: +2 AC, +4 Max Dex
Heavy Armor: +3 AC, +3 Max Dex
Light Shield: +1 AC
Heavy Shield: +2 AC
Tower Shield: +3 AC
Natural and Deflection Bonuses: Stack to a maximum of +3

Creatures without class levels
If a creature has no class levels, its Base Defense is 10 and it has a 3/4 BDB growth per HD. If it gains class levels, apply the multi-classing penalty. The rules for Natural Armor and Deflection bonuses also apply.

Download Inner Sea Gods from the trove. It has a section which gives suggestions and outlines for the clerics of all major faiths.

user, this raises a question I need an answer to.

How do we make a Dudebro Frat Boy in Pathfinder, the kind with polos and boat shoes? Silksworn Occultist?

My personal favorite is being a cloistered cleric friar tuck type of cleric honestly.

Why is DSP acting like a bitch all of a sudden anyways?


How would you stat Cadfael?


Yes but you don't fucking look at /pfg/'s fucking houserules when talking about balance because /pfg/ is not the only place where pathfinder is played. If we were looking at the game through that lense then you might as well be assuming balance around gestalt combinations.

Even if you DO assume common /pfg/ houserules, TWF relies entirely on how many flat bonuses you can stack in order to make the 2-3 feats and 2x weapon cost sunken into TWF worth it over anything else you could be doing. That's not counting shit like Prodigious TWF (for Str builds) or some way to actually move and attack.

They're hammering away at errata, and when ANYTHING about the errata leaks out of the cracks the thread takes one look and immediately screams that everything is ruined. Not to say that the errata will be perfect, but fuck's sake at least wait until the open testing is out before you start to screech.

Probably exactly that actually, maybe rogue. We can be honest and say most of them probably had rogue or investigator levels.

>Creatures without class levels
>If a creature has no class levels, its Base Defense is 10 and it has a 3/4 BDB growth per HD. If it gains class levels, apply the multi-classing penalty. The rules for Natural Armor and Deflection bonuses also apply.
>Under these variant rules, creatures do not add any bonuses or penalties for their size or biology to their CMD
Forgot that part when I was copypasting

You wait and see guys have waited for years to PF to not suck shit.

Eh, they have a one-button local backup process now. Keep your backups up to date and you're fine.

Pathfinder itself is released and it's shit. PoW and PoW:E are both out and they're not quite as shit. The SoM playtest is out and it's pretty shit. We do not actually have the PoW 1 Errata to look at and call shit, just trickling over what people are pretty sure might be something in it.

I'm just saying there's a pattern here and it's reasonable to assume that the pattern will continue.

So is Flower Court going to be a reverse harem?

Some of them were even Brewmasters!

>apps are being chosen by a 17 year old girl



I feel like late game enemies will still be ridiculous, but this seems like it generally works.

Robinhood was probably straight up ranger/rogue

Protag is a 17 year old girl? Since when was this found out?

you can say slayer

The princess in the intro is a 17-year-old girl.

Ranger/Rogue is literally the Slayer!

What the hell is it about Ironfang Invasion that brings in all the weirdos? The first two apps are reposts from the older game, there's the mega-furry and the axe-guitar self-insert, and there's still weeks before the app deadline closes for more stupid shit to show up.

I said ranger instead of slayer because Robinhood actually got support for his pick of class

That's what happens when Amber Scott writes your book.

Also, it sounds edgy.

People are probably still pissed off about the last ironshill ending up as a bamboozle.

DESU the collective is probably tired of all this bamboozle bullshit so are weary about applying for a game run by a nobody and even has the unfortunate association of being part of one of espagnoll's game.

I just want the game cycles to either end or fade into irrelevancy.

Go back to the old ways, when a game would be announced for a thread and then go away.

>Always polite to the point of sounding apologetic
>First character was a bishy swordsman whould would have grown black wings and basically been cuter sephiroth
>Second character was an actual shipper.
>Now that theyre running a game, they are using a 17 year old girl as a DM avatar and saying "appeal to this"

Since when was it not obvious?

>12 base
>1/2 progression
Fuck you, why does my heavy armored priest of warfare suck shit in the same armor that bob fighter wears?

Is DHB a cute girl? Is that why she wouldn't show her hands when she baked cookies for /pfg/?

Where else should a 9th level spellcaster fall?

You actually get to wear armor though

/pfg/ mostly being girls would explain a lot about the threads.

/pfg/, decide which build I should be for my 22int wizard in Ironfang.

Its true though. Most females are huge lewds.

Who are the reverse traps of /pfg/?

DHB, why did you think she made a reverse trap? DHB is a cute little girl who hates lewds and bakes cookies.

13 with 1/2 progression is the best I can do.

I'm having trouble figuring out how the Eternal Wand price got decided. It's 820 for a CL1 1st level spell.
My math doesn't match that.

Cl1 SL1 Spell trigger (50 charges): 750
Unlimited charges: x2 (1500)
2 charges/day: x2/5 (600)

Is this just a case of "WoTC doesn't follow their guidelines", or am I missing something that makes Eternal Wands more expensive?

Why don't you use staves though user? They have 10 charges per day and recharge

Hey. Hey, you.

Sarenism is a religion of peace.

>DHB's Homebrewed cookies
Damn, now I want to have some easy-bake oven cookies! Why have you done this to me user!

>"10 charges per day"


They also have a minimum CL of 8, so they're horrifyingly expensive for any spell of 3rd level or lower.
I'm also not a caster, so I can't recharge them.

Well, if something recharges on its own every day that would probably add a lot more to the cost