What are lizardfolk like in your game?

What are lizardfolk like in your game?
(D&D 5E Monster Manual p. 204)
It exists in a traditional game, so this thread is discussion of traditional game related concepts and is exempt from the rule against "furry" images, the same way boards.fireden.net/tg/thread/53181753/#53181753 was allowed.

No boobs, for one.

Barely sapient

Don't make it so obvious you're from the /trash/ thread.

My lizardfolk depend on the setting, but I love the aztec, warhammer-esque ones. Also blue is a crazy good color for lizardmen for some reason.

I really liked the original Iksar from EQ, they were we'll designed I thought.


One of my favorite fantasy races ever, fashy crocodillians so evil even the other evil races fucking hate them.

These lads wreck your shit if you go down the well before you get a pawn with ice boon.
And then they become total pushovers like everything else in the game lol.
My man.


i prefer dinosaur-people, lizards have some wonky limb structure

>tfw just trying to warm up in the sun and some insane pawn starts shooting fireballs at you
pls no bully

>blue is a crazy good color for lizardmen

Yes, I agree.

How do they feed their young?

Baby gators don't need milk or an equivalent because they grow enough to handle themselves very quickly and don't have to really do much beyond a small age. Baby humanoids will invariably have a pathetic helpless age and then grow slowly enough that they can learn and retain information as a child better before settling into an adult age.

Obviously there's multiple workarounds or equivalent organs you can use, but it feels like if you're tacking human bits to an animal occams razor will have you just tack on the one more.

that lizard on the book is naked

>How do they feed their young?
Like birds, I imagine

They're dead, the arachnes canonically killed them hundreds of years ago.


Grand gicel all day faget

Live in swamps, largely tribal in nature. Run a mostly peaceful tribal confederation in the swamps of the Deep South inspired area, though don't like outsiders. In the Vietnam inspired area, frequently war with and raid the Gnoll boat people that also inhabit the area.

I don't think he cares too much. That thing on his head is a brain parasite called a Gonchong.

This is true, but most "lizardmen" are a strange amalgamation of theropod dinosaurs and modern reptiles not unlike you'd see in Monster Hunter.

Most of the time lizardmen are given T-Rex legs, which is fine by me because T-Rexes are scientifically proven to have had the sexiest legs imaginable.

>weeaboo shit

You know it is physically possible to have discussion about something you like without making it all about your shitty fetish you scalie piece of shit. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Regardless, lizardmen are always best when alien in mannerism, if you ask me. Never responding to the subtleties of humanity, and sometimes expecting something of you without telling you what it is. Interacting with lizardmen should be like visiting another culture where your everyday mannerisms like giving a thumbs up to signify approval means absolutely nothing.

>T-Rexes are scientifically proven to have had the sexiest legs imaginable.
Can't argue with that

>>T-Rexes are scientifically proven to have had the sexiest legs imaginable.
Would you mind showing the research on this

>wanting an entire race of Drax

>Interacting with lizardmen should be like visiting another culture where your everyday mannerisms like giving a thumbs up to signify approval means absolutely nothing.
That should realistically be every culture in a non-globalized fantasy setting
Personally I'd play up the fact they lack mammalian instincts. Concepts of family, child rearing and even large scale socialization are weird and nonsensical to them.

>mammaries on lizard
>that watermark bottom right

yeah it all checks out furvert

I assure you, it's peer-reviewed.



But with a weird cat-shaped penis.

Here's my favorite lizardman art, just for you OP.

Lizardmen work best scantily clad and savage, Conan-style barbarians, with temple drums and aztec pyramids.

I like to write them as conquered by the human kingdoms ages ago, due to them never progressing beyond simple tools due to ample natural strength and natural weapons, but the human conquerors bring them roads and docks and trade and shit which in turn gives them aspirations for more than simple little lives, and become a strong race of warriors seeking infrastructure and independence from their human masters.

On somewhat good terms though. More they learn what they're missing and want to be on the same playing field as everyone else.

I've never played WHFB, but their lizard people are cool as shit. I'm a sucker for lawful neutral races that worship vanished progenitor races


But plenty of reptiles exhibit those traits, especially if (like most Lizardmen) they are actually dinosaurian.

Age of Sigmar is fun, if you can ignore the garbage fluff.

Lizardmen are basically unchanged, though they're more seen as one of the "Good" factions there. Sort of like "Good" Daemons, thanks to star-magic bullshit.


And plenty don't. I'd rather model off the ones that differ, else you just end up with scaly humans and what's the fun in that?


A big part of anthropomorphism is giving creatures human traits and making them understandable. If you can't empathize with them, there's no point in them being there at all, they're just a monster.

Come on dude.

I guess the lizardmen are fairly good in WHFB too, but I mean in sort of the way that they have their own mission, and anything that gets in the way of the mission has to go, no matter where on the spectrum they fall. Sort of like the mogu from WoW. They're doing the right thing, but trying to achieve it by enslaving and slaughtering everyone that gets in their way



Saurians with feathers aren't featured in enough stuff.


lizard wizard?



It's almost like they aren't written to be PC races or something

Wizard Lizards!

In D&D, if you go by the monster manual alone.

Which isn't making your own fluff or going by any other setting.


You can make your own fluff yet not write them to be PCs silly


>Your females breast-feed hatchlings? And you find these sacks of fat, attractive?


>Monster Collection
My supreme comrade of African descent




Inspiration for this, perhaps?



This is my favorite way to do lizardmen

Yo where's the lizardWOmen at







Lizardfolk mirrored Humanoids a long time ago, there were several races simmilar to how there are Humans and dwarves which also share the same basic bodyplan.

They once dominated the entire world but this is so long ago that nobody even remembers.

The most well known remnants of the Lizardfolk are their Gods that died with them.
Seeing into the future, all of the Lizardmen gods set in motion certain events, most of them terrifying, before expiring.
They are now known as "the gruesome gods" and they are responsible for a variety of awfull things, even tho they are long dead.

When the Lizardmen realized they were gonna die out, they all tried to survive somehow.
Some of them stuck around and tried to brave the Ice Age that was coming upon them. Most died, but in the warmer region a few savages managed to live on, becoming the modern Lizardfolk, who are mostly primitives.
A few fled under the earth, degenerating into troglodytes, still living in the few remaining ruins of their empire.
Some attempted to save themselves by merging the essence of the only warm blooded creatures of this time with them: Dragons, this angered the Dragons and eventually the last survivors of these experiments became the Dragons thralls.

The most ill fated of these ventures resulted in the lost land: several cities of the LIzardmen realized that there was only one way to escape: Forward.
They worked on transporting their entire empire into the future when the planet was once more warm enaugh to suit them.
However this failed, these lizardmen now reside outside of time in what is known (or rather not known) as the Lost Land.
The Lost Land never manages to catch up with the time, always a few years, sometimes days behind. Of course nobody knows that the reptiles are snapping at their heels, but they do, and they have grown to despise the world that denies them.
As such, they constantly attempt to alter the timeline so that they can finally reach realtime to subjugate it





Naturally the players will be the catalyst for this.
the game is based on DnD and one of my players wanted to be a dragonborn.
I will eventually reveal to her that her race is indeed not the glorious offspring of dragons but mereley an experiment gone out of hand, subjugated and used as slaves.

They will then be contacted by the past, by those refering to themselves as her true anctors, attempting ot be sympathetic.

Theyll try to trick the party into helping them entering reality again.
Which of course would be terrible for everyone.

In general i based my Lizardmen off a mixture of conquering Empire Iksar with the ancient superculture idea of Warhammer, but less aztec wank


I'm pretty sure this plot was in Doctor Who

I personally think a relateable vs alien approach is a good one.
Make them alien but not too alien.

For example Warhammer Lizardmen are too alien as a playable race, not because people cannot relate to them but because they simply dont exhibit different enaugh traits of personality untill they are realy old and powerfull, as in not suited for a low level character.

I personally enjoy everquests Iksar as a good example and TES Argonians as a neat example in the rare cases where their writing doesnt boil down to "VICTIM".
Alien enaugh to get weirded out by them, not alien enaugh to completley disregard them.

I think Volos guide to monsters also had good ideas about how to roleplay a believeable Lizardman.

I personally realy enjoy the part where a Lizardman might learn to understand that a smile means something to mammalians but not beeing able to grasp when its apropriate

>What are lizardfolk like in your game?
Unbelievably Perfidious

You should give the dragonborn player the tools they need to repopulate the race post-campaign, or maybe let them discover a vault of lizards in suspended animation that they can wake up and lead into the new world.

This kinda shit is the reason furry's can't have nice thing....

I dont watch Dr Who but im pretty sure much a simmilar plot was also used in Conan with the Serpent people, i stole the idea of the past communicating with the present to resurrect something from Goblin Punch and the idea of the Lost Land is primarily based on the old turok games.

I also realy wanted to include this continent full of volcanos and dinosaurs but my world is quite moorcockian so i decided that said continent was just the regular world but in the past.

I'm not really sure what their characterization in TES is. I know they're all linked up to the hist and it can ASSUME CONTROL at the drop of a hat, but I don't really know their behavior otherwise

Could be.

I also like the idea of it, but I just don't find it practical.

This thread is pretty dangerously furry.

>step one: draw a spider
>step two: glue hot girl on top of spider
>step four: forget about step three

She can decide to side with the Lizardmen of course, while i dont think she will as she does follow a Dragon God quite rigorously and is also a big dumb barbarian.
But if she does or hell if the entire party does, which is possible, they are incredibly bad at figuring out who the villains are since they keep pointing the blame at innocent civilians because for some reason they think that all churches and politicians must be capital E evil, then they will basically bring this entire Lost Land into the reality.

This would result in pieces of the present getting violently replaced by their past counterpart and suddenly there would be several decently sized Lizardmen nations in the middle of the human kingdoms and empires who have no idea how to deal with these strange new arrivals and their legions of dinosaur riding dragoons.

I might actually give them the ability to resolve this in a way that doesnt endup with either faction beeing destroyed.
But then again im basing the LIzardmen off the Iksar so they are pretty nasty overall and an eternity of only beeing able to observe the current world and not interact made them bitter and envious.


> not posting troodon sapiens
OG coming through


The key to understanding Argonian behaviour is to understand that the Hist are the most alien factor in TES. They dont just come from a previou sKalpa like the Dreugh who are thus already very alien, but from a previous dream. As such they are very very different from everything else in TES.

The Hist realized that their tree like forms were pretty much useless in a world full of wandering Ehlnofey with big choppy axes, so they took the primitive tree lizards of their domain and attempted to change them into something more native to the Aurbis.

The emphasis here is ATTEMPTED. The Argonians are an extension of the Hist but they always were designed specifically to fit in with the rest of Tamriel, hence the boobs, at least thats one theory on why they have boobs.

Either way the issue is that they never fully managed to do that.
Argonians for example have no concept of time whatsoever. Everything that happens happens in the exact same moment.
They also have no concept of cooking food or worshipping gods.
They do not understand and cannot replicate facial expressions beyond baring their fangs to show agression.
Their emotions are also muted compared to other races, which means they dont realy react a lot to most stimuli, note they still have these emotions but they arent nearly as strong as easy to produce as in humans.

Hence why argonians are seldom angry, that doesnt stop them from beeing overly vengefull, they however are so in a calm and collected fashion.

As a result of all of this Argonians truly weird people out but dont understand why that is.



>Argonians for example have no concept of time whatsoever. Everything that happens happens in the exact same moment.


You know all that just sounds like traits of actual lizards, not previous reality alien psychic tree minions. Is that the point?
