/comfy/ LINK thread.
No-linkers and pink wojaks not allowed.
/comfy/ LINK thread.
No-linkers and pink wojaks not allowed.
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Hi, brother. How is your portfolio right now? Quite green, hum?
Very comfy, sleeping good tonight.
>42 cents
Can't complain.
sup my friends.
we are seriously gon make it.
so is this actually a shitcoin or what? are they actually doing bad, not price wise, but in the general development?
you linkies have left me so confused
Nice to see all these dubbles, hello fello links so what was that rumor about the 22nd?
10 days till 2018. EOY 2017 price prediction?
DYOR and get out. can't you read the OP
No its a scam, stay away
>so what was that rumor about the 22nd?
who cares? What does it matter?
Pro tip: the more FUD you see the more likely you should invest in a coin
it's funny because it's true
Chainlink performed well tonight. Im hodling this for a while. Waiting for new years to pick up another long term hold. Any other great projects solving problems and not fighting like raging faggots?
Just curious
>Any other great projects solving problems and not fighting like raging faggots?
the future is here:
>Just curious
who cares? What does it matter?
10k linklet here, feels alright but sucks knowing I won't ever make more than 100 a week off of staking. Would need 300 to be a comfy neet. I've done the best I can as a minimum wagie.
Just curious
can someone shill me on link. the memes are funny but made me never take it seriously. i keep hearing about req and link as the big two.
We Wuz Link
10k is enough, just give it time
It's like watching a raging shitstorm blowing outside from your favorite comfy chair.
>tfw deep in LINK and ICX
Feels comfy bros. I do kind of hope LINK doesn't pump for a month or so though because I'm waiting for ICX to multiply a few more times and then I'll achieve General status in the Linkmarines.
Nobody knows how link node rewards will function quit spreading misinformation
80 cents, maybe 1 usd.
looking at the same move. whats your exit point on icx?
i saw a video of the founder of icx today where he also said he is one of the founders of coinone, koreas largest crypto exchange. icx is going to fucking explode when it hits coinone but idk how that isnt a conflict of interest
Hey, I was sent 50 link last night and have no idea how to access it. My wallet is on freewallet and me being new to this, didn't realize that they didn't allow me to access the private key. Any advice? I'm obviously switching wallets.
Can someone in the slack ask Sergey if he is a fan of the original Legend of Zelda. I bet he is.
fucking dandy friday we are having here men
40k link checking in. Link kept my folio from totally blowing up. Thank you link, for once. Btw How much can one expect from staking?
It must be at least 20% annual, probably even more. When one Link is 100$ or more you don't even need that many tokens to get like 2000-3000$ in a month.
Comfy neet life here we come
I'm not exactly sure, I'm going to wait a month for mainnet/exchange listings etc and see how much that pumps us up. I got in at ICO so I'm loaded now and if it goes 5x from here (should do it easily) I can sell a third and 5x my LINK stack. Would be amazing.
I'm thinking its gonna be closer to 5% annual. No one actually knows but i just don't see it being super lucrative if there's no barrier to entry.
the rumor is about SWIFT revealing their gpi PoC is LINK, don't expect that to be true though. Because it's not.
goddamn son. you a burger? thought americans couldnt get in on icx ico. stack at ico price would be glorious.
but long term, you like link more than icx?
Nup I'm Australian so no dramas with the ICO. x25ed my initial investment which is insane.
Long term is complicated, I'm pretty much certain ICX will become huge so I definitely want to keep a big stack there. LINK is less certain of becoming huge, but I'm still confident and if it does the rate of return will be far higher so which one you prefer depends on your risk/reward calculations. I'm happy to be balls deep in both.
Try MyEtherWallet.
ey m8.
srs tho, grats on getting in at ico. bet that feels glorious at this point.
also, agree with you. short term, i think icx will have a better run. long term tho, if link rises to the occasion($100+), it will be one of those life/market changing holds.
gl, moving forward breh
I have, sadly. There's no option to view my wallet.
Who cares? Why does it matter?
Brissie chekin in. I got icx n link. Also got in in the auscoin ico. Fucking excited about that.. 1200 bitcoin atms going to be rolled out next cpl of months
You too brother, hope to see you on the moon and we will make muscle in stronghouse.
I haven't looked into that one, is the ICO still open?
Initial ico closed. They will be offering second rounds soon. Just check in with their twitter or telegram
damn nice to see some aussies making it.
brisbane here too and im in link + icx but only recently
are there any good groups or blogs you guys use/follow to talk about crypto and shit and find out about good icos?
auscoin sounds pretty cool though cheers for the heads up
I just signed my email up for it, I feel obligated to buy some out of misplaced patriotism. Good marketing.
looks like second round opens 15 jan with 30% bonus, definitely going to jump in
thanks, won't be putting my money into link then
i have more than $100k to invest
Respect the fucking op.
>has a 100k
>needs other people to tell him where to put it
Do you realize how RETARDED you sound?
You sound really fucking dumb tbqhwy my man.
I get most of my info from Veeky Forums and sometimes plebbit desu, I follow some crypto groups on fb but they just talk about established high market cap coins.
Haha likewise. Im buying coins because i read the whitepapers and research and believe they will achieve something.
Sweet as bro cheers for the heads up
Sickening. Neck yourself. Wait, are you from the LINK discord? Double neck yourself.
I like money
None in aus that im involved. Usually have a laugh on /biz. Im in a good korean telegram group that hits info out on mid-long terms. Its not a pump and dump group, think thats a little unethical
Suck a dick.
Redditors HATE this coin.
melb fag checking in
also got in on the ICX ico maxed the 30 eth contribution...
I've sold 25k of my 75k ICX position to double down on LINK
now I have 50k ICX and 150k LINK on my ledger
should be a comfy 2018
Any of you auscoin bros concerned they seem to be just focused on bitcoin? I'm not going to be shocked if it goes obsolete within a couple of years.
What are you talking about? I'm a LINK Lieutenant Colonel.
Ayy my Victorian ICX/LINK bro, we're going to make it.
I'm not telling you how much I have. Go to the reddit section for this coin. It's where you belong.
Fuck off newfag I've been here longer than you.
Nice, grand wizard Serge will make it happen
Im sure they will be able to make it happen using similar interface as coinbase. So probs will support btc, ether, ltc. Who knows tho. As long as i can put my coins through a tumbler and onto a temp card then itll be tax free pineapples
Yeah it'll be amazing for day to day living and purchases being financed by tax free crypto. I assume the ATO won't care enough to ask why we never withdraw money from our bank accounts.
im a poor no coin wageslave college fag
i got a $100 xmas bonus. should i buy chain?
Yeah pretty much the way they dont care no mining companies pay tax in aus :)
LTC Aleron Helix reporting in on Christmas leave. It is evident the Mythril hands of the Ranks has yielded great rewards. And gents, the Bourbon couldn't be any finer!
Glad to see the brass is still around Sir! Merry almost Christmas you magnificent bastard!
and to that effect, has anyone seen Captain Dan, 1LT Link Master, and my old pal Gayleron She-Dicks? I would like to wish them and all the ranks a Merry Christmas.
Tink was kinda hot yo
> only holding 9k :(
You'll make it - Just HODL.
never buy a coin biz tells you too that is legit retard status its a babadeet pajeet coin thats going to cap at 1 dollar MAXIMUM screencap ya bum ass bitch They have 0 team members 0 partners worth a cock flying fuck and absolutely 0 potential did you read that? Zero potential and i'm sorry if your upset about this, it only stings because its the truth and somewhere in your subconcious brain you are registering this as a truth and you are simply refusing to acknowledge of it and for that I Am Sorry but seriously just cash out now, put it into ripple i mean for gods sake atleast they have a fucking wizard working for them. Have you even seen that trogolodyte lookin ass David Schwartz mother fucker? That dude is level 77+ and hes going to guide his children to the PROMISE LAND. If your going to throw your money away atleast throw it into dogecoin because it has a decent logo, i mean have you seen this convoluted ass chainlink bullshit? What the fuck even is it, its a cube, its a block its a bumb ass bullshit coin that you bumble fucks are gonna lose big on im sorry.
Fagout ya wanker. Lame copy pastas have no place in a LINK Bunker.
Its okay, your among allies here. You can say your HODLing with the rest of us Marine.
Biz is hating on link so bad?
So does that mean buy more? Do the opposite of biz always
The time to buy was @ .14 cents. Promotions were abound and now we await the advancement of the Western Front.
Why is it no good to buy more?
It is always a good to time to but sub $1. Remember the Ethereum fleet and how so many doubted even a $1.18.
Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.
It's always a good time to buy LINK
Nice digits
Nice green ID
Nice post
Alas comrade, we are will breathe such beautiful air.
Swift making public the results of the SIBOS PoC for the payment bound and hyperledger related stuff with potential mention of chainlink
And reminisce on the FUD we combated.
>LINK is negatives now
Suffer with us
I'm sorry that I laughed at big holders when LINK was 15 cents. But I didn't sell my 324 LINK! Can you, please, forgive me?
Have a good day cunt