>excited for 40k 10th edition
>not playing conquest: the first world
Look at these fags thinking Neo-GW will be better than new GW
40k died in 9th edition
Speaking of conquest
>Igue fags still mad that they get thier shit counter scryed and warded in the magic phase
You should expect this when you build a high anomally army
Meanwhile in future Veeky Forums
Somehow GURPS is still the best roleplaying system we have
>Elspeth still not returned
DnD14e is the best addition. They actually went back to 6 classes. It's just like playing WoW3 but on paper.
WoW 2 was really weird since that one guy bought blizzard for like... I think it was $20 after they went bankrupt.
>40k 10th edition
Didn't you hear. They're advancing the timeline.
Look forward to Warhammer 40.1k
Dear god, how can Erfworld still be on fucking book 4? It's been 500 pages; can't they just say it's book 5 already?
And what the fuck is up with this RPG bullshit? Erfworld was about turn-based tactical warfare, not Diablo-looting pseudo Arkentools.
Does playing ERP systems with my clones count as masturbation?
Yes. Unless it a rape scene.
Are traps still gay?
>the world has caught up with Infinity setting
>still waiting for Tunguska sectorial
Tunkuska sectorial wad launched only in cyberspace. It was so meta most people still don't get it.
In the future, will we all be ants?
>GW STILL hasn't advanced the plotline
The only we we'll know what happens with the 13th Black Crusade is to wait until we can see it ourselves.
Guys, I just found out Tower Girls started out as a lewd cyoa here on Veeky Forums! Some one want to fill me in on how it became the deep and popular game it is today?
Look I get it. Your parents were bullied as children and projected all of their fears of you becoming bullied to the point that they taught you to be a bully from having no redeeming self qualities besides having parents that make more money. Maybe if they didn't waste so much effort into coddling you, you'd have a real personality that people find desirable instead of sitting on some high horse believing you're better than some rednecks while hating city dwellers because they actually put you in your place for the wannabe autistic peon that actually believed you're somehow special from living in the south where poverty and illiteracy is higher than what is it nationally. But go ahead and whine more about how you're being oppressed as a white male because black people look you in the eye and you find yourself petrified in fear because you're supposed to be better than them but if that were true then they'd find theirselves to be in fear from someone like you looking at them. So you flee to your safe space bitching about how the country isn't the same and that the gov't, jews, and blacks are out for your blood.
Sooo... Sega-GW is coming out with the new MegaMarines©. The rumors were true. They're now 12" tall compared to the SuperMarines 11".
>I am so happy that Posthuman Studios banned playing white males from player options in Eclipse Phase guys. It was really upsetting to see them as playable options. Who wants to be play a murdering psychopaths that caused all evil on Earth ? Btw doctor Schwanzenberg says that my hormone therapy is going on nicely!
What is Veeky Forumss oppinion on the new fractal faced cards.
At first i thought marobotx2000 was jumping the shark, but now that i have seen them i feel that they are not gimicky and their extra baggage when it comes to draft is excusable when you can play them in several games at once
Does anyone know when GRRM the third of his name is going to release the Winds of Winter?
>future Veeky Forums
>40k 10th edition
So like, 2 years from now?
fractal faced cards are fine
remember when the triangular dimensionwalker cards where released in Journey to New-mirrodin
atleast we can keep our sleeves this time
Hey did you hear they Tau are getting a New Supremecy Riptide Pathfinder, Heard it gonna have BS10 with Anti Missile and ballistic, Lazer and wraith bone.
GRRM the second released winds of winter on his death bed bro
Plastic sisters when?