So can someone explain to me why the acronym BBEG triggers autistic reactions so much ?
So can someone explain to me why the acronym BBEG triggers autistic reactions so much ?
Reacting to it as autistically as possible is a tg meme now.
I think a better question is "Why are people going to such lengths to defend the phrase?"
People have been complaining about "Big Bad Evil Guy" for years. The early complaints seemed to be mostly about the concept itself, with many people disagreeing that a plot needed a character as a central antagonist.
Now, it seems that some of the complaints are about the language. "Big Bad Evil Guy" was coined to sound corny, and is more of an in-joke than a designation like "Central Antagonist." It's also grown to be somewhat vague, with some people using it as the central antagonist, others using it as the final antagonist, and still others using it as simply any antagonist, which can get confusing when trying to communicate about one of these specific ideas.
As far as the shitstorm, I think that comes in part because it takes very little effort to say "BBEG sounds dumb", which is enough to trigger some people who use that phrase. These people then go to say things like "you need to respect this acronym, it's Veeky Forums's acronym, every true fa/tg/uy uses BBEG exclusively," and that gets even people who had no real interest in the matter upset, because it starts to sound like there's people who are actually actively trying to push BBEG.
BBEG is a meme, and like most memes it doesn't have much of a shelf life. The old joke has faded, and now it seems like people are just finding it weird for people to be so fervent in holding onto it.
In my day we'd put them in the army and have them play the bugle.
I mean I sorta get the criticism of the concept of having a set villain.
I mean it does kinda make sense depending on the context, like say you're running a pirate campaign. The local Viceroy who's committed to stamping out piracy by any means is probably going to be a central antagonist.
I do prefer the idea of setting up multiple factions that the players can side with or play off each other, even if some of the factions are pretty evil.
Fallout New Vegas is a decent vidya example. While Caesar is the "BBEG" if you side with NCR, House or if you do Wildcard, you can still work for him, even if the Legion are dickbags.
>inb4 Legion dindu nuffin. Yeah they were going to show Legion territory in a better light had they had time, but as they are in game they're dickbags through and through
>I think a better question is "Why are people going to such lengths to defend the phrase?"
I've been on this site for a long time and today was the first time I've ever seen anyone have a problem with it.
I feel like it's a perfectly fine description myself.
Dunno, I just like bothering them.
The free bumps and the screeching make for a nice short snicker, like the already posted pasta.
TL;DR version:
Because it's popular and therefore must be bad.
I know, it doesn't make any logical sense, but that's Veeky Forums's reasoning.
>BBEG is a meme, and like most memes it doesn't have much of a shelf life.
No, it's not a meme, it's a trope. And it dates back to at least the early-mid 90s besides.
>Unironic shitposting
That's great user but you have to be over 18 to post here
Villains are a trope.
"BBEG" is really bad nerd talk that some guys tried to staple to the concept.
>because it starts to sound like there's people who are actually actively trying to push BBEG.
No it doesn't. It's Veeky Forums culture, if you have a problem with it get the fuck out.
This is exactly the kind of post that helps encourage people to make fun of the sort of person who thinks saying "big bad evil guy" makes them "cool" or "fit in."
>This is exactly the kind of post that helps encourage people to make fun of the sort of person who thinks saying "big bad evil guy" makes them "cool" or "fit in."
>"big bad evil guy"
I don't think people say it like that. I think it's just easier to type out BBEG than any other phrase. It's an acronym used for convenience.
>No, it's not a meme, it's a trope.
You apparently don't know what either of those words mean.
It's a four letter-long acronym.
It's hardly more convenient than just typing villain. Or boss if you want equal characters.
I hope you guys know that's literal copypasta you're replaying to. It's not even that old of pasta, because BBEGsperg has honestly only been shitting this board up for a few months, but sadly his "UGH" meme caught on and now it gets repeated despite how much in the minority people who are actually bothered by the term are.
It's just BBEGfag and his 3 retarded friends that get mad triggered at the acronym they don't like, IE: and his stale copypasta.
It's just Veeky Forums autists being Veeky Forums autists, like that one user that gets assblasted whenever Worm is mentioned, or that one that shitposts all the 3.5 / Pathfinder threads about 5e, or that guy who was touched by Savage Worlds as a child and now hates the game and everything to do with it.
Boss = the guy you fight at the end of the dungeon
BBEG = the guy you typically fight at the end of the whole campaign
If you don't even understand why an acronym is used, you really shouldn't be offering replacements.
>shitposting at all
Nah mate, I just use it instead of villain, same as pressing the enter key after quoting to trigger the web tribalists, normal people wont care, but some chimping out may happen.
So then you're just defining BBEG as a villain which is also a boss. That's the problem, is that no one is really consistent on what BBEG means.
Because they're idiots who think we should change the way we communicate to cater to their tastes. Nuff said.
I think it's generally fairly consistent that bbeg= the main villain of the campaign. You know, the big bad evil guy.
Implied sex.
It does?
>Only really hang around Veeky Forums when I'm playing/running a campaign
>Around during some dnd campaigns a couple years ago on and off
>Group disbands, stop lurking Veeky Forums
>Come back recently because of an Exalted group
>"BBEG" has gone from common parlance to this thread
What the fuck happened.
Honestly, what I think is largely to blame is lot of lazily made "BBEG" threads. Sort of like how back in the day, "Stat Me" actually was occasionally a call to try and stat a character, while now it's almost universally just a thinly veiled excuse to make a thread to discuss some flavor of the weak video game or movie. Given enough lazy "this is your BBEG" threads, and people who simply disliked the phrase grew to hate it.
That, and it's inherently silly sounding because it was made to sound childish. I also think it's a bit of an exaggeration to call it common parlance, because it's always been a bit of odd jargon that's never been quite as popular as just saying antagonist or villain.
Usually I just saw it in story time because you could convey what it was in 4 letters. That's all I ever saw it as.
There's also some autists who really like the phrase who do shit like make threads like this to try and defend it, when the one thing they can't do is refute the simple truth that it sounds dumb.
So, they perform mental gymnastics to figure out every possible way they can avoid admitting it sounds dumb and that they sound dumb by using it, while still raging at the people who point out that it sounds dumb.
It's kind of funny. But also sad.
I've literally never heard about anyone ever having problems with the term.
These only came about as a result from the sperg who derailed every thread it was mentioned by autistically screeching about it every time it was used. I doubt anyone really cares about sounding dumb for using an easy acronym on a Mongolian throat-singing board.
>Reacting to it as autistically as possible is a tg meme now.
This is 100% true.
Anyone reacting negatively to the term can safely be disregarded and ignored entirely.
>So can someone explain to me why the acronym BBEG triggers autistic reactions so much ?
BBEG is a stupid, redundant, but ultimately serviceable shorthand term, that's it.
I am not a spokesman for the term, I am a spokesman against an asshole whose hatred of a stupid term is unfettered by sanity.
Baron BBEG is an asshole.
There may be more than one person that thinks the term should fall out of use.
There may be a large amount of people that feel that way.
But no matter how many people on Veeky Forums hate the term, more people hate that asshole and anyone imitating him, either sincerely or to troll, because they derail threads and post off-topic everytime BBEG gets mentioned.
I would like to raise the only important point to the issue of anons responding to BBEG with “autistic triggered” responses:
Whatever your feelings regarding a term, if you autisticly derail and ruin threads by off-topic shitposting because someone used a term you don't like, it makes you an asshole.
I am the guy who has been calling out Baron BBEG, the original asshole source of this meme, for derailing innocent threads with his toxic, witless, and pointless jihad on a dumb, redundant, yet accepted term since he first started this nonsense.
He has been joined by others, at least one seemed sincere, many of the rest appear to be trolls salivating over a new meme that people still hate.
And they do hate it, because Baron BBEG is hated, because he is an asshole who ruins threads.
I'm gonna shut up about this now. Normally I do so to avoid being offtopic, but this actually is on topic.
I’ve just said what I have to say.
Trolls may feel free to make one reply to me about how I'm in love with the term "BBEG" or some similar fictional nonsense, but then do the decent thing and shut the fuck up.
>What the fuck happened.
One autist started a jihad where he bitched anytime anyone used the term he didn't like in any thread.
He was largely ignored for months until the trolls realized he would get a few nibbles every so often, trying to explain that it may be stupid, but it's fine.
The resulting feeding frenzy resulted in the meme of replying to any use of BBEG with "Ugh".
Ugh. Is a meme
It's just one or two autists being autists, user.
Everyone still uses BBEG.
1. This isn't fucking twitter, you have room to type what you mean
2. Bad guy is 3 characters longer, is obvious when used in contex(see 1), and less retarded
3. It's shit
So, what is it like being universally known as a troll and autist on the board?
It must be weird when you see that the entirety of Veeky Forums is either meming or telling you your disgust over BBEG is retarded.
Samefaggotry. The guy used to literally search the archive for anyone using the term "BBEG" and shitpost at them for it.
Maybe he still does it, but after getting banned he's managed to contain his autism a bit.
BBEG indicates the main antagonist.
"Bad guy" is less clear.
Bebop and Rocksteady are "Bad Guys"
Shredder is the BBEG, or main villain.
Regardless, no matter which term is used, fretting over someone's use of it, is autistic.
Venting those upset feelings by disrupting other threads make the poster an asshole.
Why do we get so many salty samefags trying to get stuff taken off of Veeky Forums?
From my original arguments with the guy, I'd have to say that he honestly has a deep hatred of the term.
Like, if those four letters somehow managed to rape his mother to death, he wouldn't hate them any more than he already does.
It would be disturbing if it weren't so pathetic.
What else do you expect a NEET with a bad case of sodium poisoning to do all day with his time?
He made the user who deeply, honestly felt that "A Knight's Tale" should have been historically accurate seem almost normal.
Pointing out it's childish sounding, insular jargon isn't the same as trying to censor you.
>Constantly telling you all the reasons why you should never use a term, every time you use the term, in an effort to get you to stop using the term, isn't the same as trying to censor you.
Trying to eradicate, or censor, an innocuous term on Veeky Forums my be a useless, fruitless waste of your time, but at least own up to your nonsense.
Newfags trying desperately to "fix" something that's not broken and likely older than they've been out of preschool.
It's like some tumblr refugee on /co/mblr getting angry at the use of "nigger" on Veeky Forums in some kind of pitiful attempt at injecting their cancer of a "culture" where it doesn't fit in.
I can easily picture a Whedon character saying it, and that's a problem because I cannot stand that writer.
More seriously I don't give a shit but I don't think it's a good term either.
Hating BBEG is a stale, forced meme. Just ignore them.
>"Why are people going to such lengths to defend the phrase?"
That's pretty funny, given the size of your post.
>"Why are people going to such lengths to defend the phrase?"
>goes posting a wall of text
why not BB?
I like how the one "argument" the BBEGfags have is "only one guy hates our phrase!" when that's clearly not the case.
Shredder isn't the BBEG, you fucking moron. Krang is his superior.
The term predates the site by years, and TVTropes doesn't even use the term correctly.
Because that's not the term that caught on. The purpose of language is to communicate. When you hear BBEG, no one gives a fuck if you find the phrase aesthetically pleasing. They care if you understand what's being said, and you do.
Yeah I find when people try have their characters act like they are from a Whedon show it gets annoying pretty quickly. Okay for a one off but insufferable for long term games.
>They care if you understand what's being said, and you do.
Welcome to the classic "You understand what I mean because I don't really care if you do" BBEG fallacy.
You saying people must understand what you mean when you use such a vague and cumbersome phrase simply isn't true. Some people use it for the final villain, some for the main villain, and some just for any villain. Even in this very thread there's a lot of confusion over what it means, and that's because "big bad evil guy" isn't straightforward or direct like "final boss" or "main villain" but is instead a "un-aesthetic" phrase used by idiots who prefer using clumsy jargon promoted by Joss Whedon.
Oh, you just get one autist samefagging over and over in threads like these.
He really has no argument or reason to dislike BBEG, he's doing it entirely for trolling's sake.
Thankfully, he's started getting banned occasionally, as the mods start recognizing his brand of autistic trolling.
Too bad he'll ban evade, but hey, the thought is there.
Praying for samefaggotry seems to be working against you, judging by how many people in this thread alone have decided it was important to voice their dislike for the acronym.
Yeah, one guy seems to dislike it in this thread.
Thankfully, 39 people here disagree with him, and he may get banned again if he decides to get super pissy.
The more delusional you act, the more people become worried that it really is true that only idiots use BBEG.
Well, that is why people think it's one autist who dislikes BBEG. His arguments and behavior are outright delusional. If he was a bit more believable, maybe he'd get more play and fewer bans, but I guess that's beyond him.
>Well, that is why people think it's one autist who dislikes BBEG
I don't think even you believe that.
Yeah, that would fit with your behavior thus far.
>You saying people must understand what you mean when you use such a vague and cumbersome phrase simply isn't true.
The only person who's expressed any confusion over the term is you, and you're being deliberately obtuse to try and pretend that it doesn't carry meanings that it obviously does. Nobody uses BBEG to refer to just any antagonist.
He's a troll, user. Of course he's being deliberately obtuse.
It's why the mods ban him occasionally when he gets real pissy. Not a single one of his arguments is in good faith.
Joss Whedon did in the Buffy series. Big Bad wasn't for the final villain, just the villain of a season. When you compare that to people who claim that it's for the final villain of a campaign (comparing it to an older jargon phrase "Overlord") it doesn't really align.
What's deliberately obtuse is the phrase itself.
Nice try user, not buying it.
it's a meme you dip
Calling things a meme is a meme, and like most memes it doesn't have much of a shelf life. The old joke has faded, and now it seems like people are just finding it weird for people to be so fervent in holding onto it.
Seriously, though, "it's a meme" isn't much of an argument.
the guy genuinely whining about it out of nowhere was annoying, but the meming is almost amusing