ITT Chapters most likely to get Primaris Marine upgrades from Papa Smurf

ITT Chapters most likely to get Primaris Marine upgrades from Papa Smurf

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What chapter?
I'd like Primaris Iron Hands

From big daddy Belisarius

Every Chapter is getting Primaris.

I want the Marines Malevolent to get the most Primaris. I want their Primaris to be extra assholes.

Minotaurs. We'll beat up chapters who don't accept Primaris with our Primaris.

I'm ignoring everything after 7ed, have fun with marinier-marines

>not have

Why not both?

Primaris Sororitas when?

are minotaurs even any good 1 on 1? their advantage is their equipment and numbers

they put their astartes through some sort of fast tracked indoctrination process and if they are dying off all the time like their chapter master that would mean they have tons of marines who have sub-par training and little experience

i want my spartan marines to be super trained elites

If they can get to the Blood Angels across the rift they'll sure as hell need them. That said I wonder if that will mean if Sanguinus revives to help his children in their dire hour of need as Sanguinor?

My boys the Space Sharks, they are always stealing shit and could really use an influx of new dudes with loyalist Night Lord gene seed running through their veins

GW really doesn't care about successor chapters anymore, they almost never appear in nu-fluff.

I expect Blood Angels (if Guilliman can navigate the dark imperium), space wolves, dark angels, Iron Hands, Legion of the Damned, Imperial Fists, raven guard, Black Templars, Grey Knights and salamanders to have SHOWN Primaris Marines.

And yes, they also forgot white scars existed

quality post

Honestly, I'd be very much behind that.

Not gene enhancements but with the return of St Celestine and the generally more visible miracles with her I could see some SOB going from 'Maybe mystical, maybe mundane' to 'D&D clerics'. Healing wounds with a touch and a prayer or calling down divine fire like an old testament prophet.

GW will be as vague as possible with Primaris and pretty much has said you can have any chapter field them, because they don't want to piss off the SM player base.

Even the ultra-religious chapters like Black Templars and Red Hunters will have them, because being the blessed creation of a literal demi-god will make them very un-heretical.

just brought a bunch of sharks of ebay, shits pretty cash

They should have first dibs

Except they are Raven Guard gene seed...

nope it was changed to something even more dumb, chimeric. so faced with nothing but retarded and ever changing lore like always you just have to pick what would be coolest and most fun

These guys may "acquire" a few new companys worth.

Which reminds me, what is there gene seed's ancestry? Are they all smurf dna, or did they use the big E for that ?

more like they will be killed off after the shit fest dowiii was

any future games is just going to have 1st founding chapters from now on

Or they might be demphasizing individual chapters because Papa Smurf is trying to get everyone to Legion Strength again.

it is made from both, its chimeric, its so dumb, night lords made more sense, every traitor legion needs a loyalist counterpart, except word bearers and sons of horus, they were fully committed. in my mind:
Space sharks are Night Lords
Minotaur's are World Eaters
Blood Ravens are Thousand sons
Silver Skulls are Iron Warriors
Red Scorpions are Emperors Children
Sons of Antaeus are Death Guard

But nooooo, now they are all chimeric, this is what made these chapters a little more cooler, more unique, but what ever, allot of the new fluff is stupid, the horus heresy is still going, we are like 40+ books in and they arn't even at Terra yet? for fuck sake... Pick and choose what you like of the lore, make it your own, have fun with it.

Contrary to DoW1, the storyline is finished. We know the victor, so the game can go elsewhere with a new campaign starring the Blood Ravens very easily.

>word bearers

yea i can believe that, the horus heresy fluff said that Lorgar killed all the marines that didn't agree to the heresy before the dropsite massacre, but there is no reason that a handful at least, couldn't get away.
also i forgot to mention
Alpha Legion is the Alpha legion
for obvious reasons, half the alpha legion are secret loyalists

I swear if Black Consuls don't get brought back from the brink I'm going to lose my shit

i thought mars kept samples of all chapters geneseed, even traitors, so you could also explain it as they just founded it again as a test or to use the spare geneseed

GW said that any chapter is given the option to have them, and that they are either well accepted or regarded with suspicion. Chapters were even founded with Primaris alone.

They can be added to absolutely any chapter or not with no lore conflict. What more do you want.

Does anyone know if they all have the same gene seed or not ?

>Sisters of Silence
It's happening. They may end up reinforcing the ranks of the ecchlesiarchy even though they didn't agree with it in the first place.

depends on who is writting the story, some writters hate loyalist traitors and some love them. just go with what ever you like and if some autistic neck beard gets pissy then who cares

GW was really open saying all possible chapters can have them, as long as you are on the imperiums side, although they have just came out, some primarises have ernt their way into a new version of the dreadnaught that is comming out any day now

No, the same article said the Primaris would be made with the appropriate geneseed on a Chapter by Chapter basis.

Do you people even read those, or do you just shitpost and doomsay all the time?

>are minotaurs even any good 1 on 1?
Asterion Moloc gives them Preferred Enemy: Space Marines so presumably they're well trained in how to kill their renegade kin.

Considering they were the personal attack dogs of the Lords of Terra and now Big Papa Smurf has taken his place again as the Lord Commander of the Imperium how do you suppose Moloch will feel having to answer to him?

Even if that SPURIOUS AND UNFOUNDED rumour was true, why would Asterion care? He just likes the challenge of fighting Astartes.

as long as they keep getting the newest best gear they will be happy, all they want to do is kill things nd having the best toys makes their job easier, considering there is a new crusade going on and a crusade involves allot of murder im sure they will love Gullimen. they will probably love the new marines too, makes them even more killier.

Hey quick question guys, did Gullimen get rid of the 1000 space marine rule? seeing as they are on a new crusade with new marines ii would have thought the codex astarties would have been abandoned but who knows.

So far, no.

3rd Company Imperial Fists probably is 90-95% Primaris Marines. This will also probably lead to a schism between pro-Guilliman IF, composed of 3rd Company and the Phalanx, and the rest of the IF under Lysander's command, who will insist on chasing down the Iron Warriors than follow Guilliman.

I suppose, I just imagine Moloch is going to be the next big traitor. He already has the makings of one but then we put up with Flesh Tearers basically being a step removed from worshipping Khorne with all the slaughter they bring about so who the hell knows.

moloch is just a MM's tier dickhead which just makes him likeable and cool

there are blood angels chapters that do blood sacrifices of innocents they randomly snatch up

You guys could use the new armour with all that old and busted mkV

Moloch had a bone to pick with the sons of Guilliman, so Guilliman probably has a bone to pick with him. More likely than not, Guilliman would give Moloch an ultimatum to either follow him into the Indomitus Crusade and prove the chapter's loyalty to the Emperor, and not to the High Lords or himself, once and for all, or be outed as a renegade.

It shouldn't matter to Moloch, though. On a bureaucratic level, Guilliman assumed his original position and runs the High Lords table so it isn't a question of legal authority. On a logistics level, the Minotaurs will continue to be supplied with equipment. On a strategic level, they will be the tip of the spear most likely going into the crusade.

So it really does depend on how much Moloch can stomach working under the men in blue. In other words, its a question of personal pride now. (Personally, its not like Moloch has built up the Minotaurs as a respected chapter. Five centuries in service to the Emperor, and the Ultramarines have still done more for the Imperium than the Minotaurs despite being on the receiving end of multiple rapetrain invasions).

His favoured target is Space Marines. He could wing it by assaulting any Chaos warband that pops its head, or go full retard on any Chapter that refuses Primaris marines.

Presumably the first option is more likely. And should GW write in some Primaris getting captured or some chapters going renegade because they don't want to end the same way the Thunder Warriors did, Moloch gets to go out and play.

they seem to have a lot of mkiv which is the best armor besides the new dlc armor

>His favoured target is Space Marines

Quite frankly, the only Space Marine chapters the Minotaurs have raped in the bum were ones that went renegade or ones that misbehaved and prioritized their own feuds. The Minotaurs could be indoctrinated to purge Marines not loyal enough to the Emperor - in which case their disdain for the men in blue would make sense since the sons of Guilliman look to their primarch as their spiritual liege.

I think the most likely outcome is that Chapters in the Dark Imperium who have since chosen to run their own pirate empires and ignore Guilliman's authority will be chosen as priority targets by a Minotaurs-led task force.

I play Space Shark and I think the exact opposite.
They could use the influx of reinforcement yes, but they're litteraly the most unliquely chapter to receive them, considering they are far above the galactic plane, away from Imperial territory.
Nobody knows where they are, to the point where they're thought as legends or just not known about even in the highest strates of power.
How would they get reinforced in this situation? In my case, I won't add Primaris ro my Carcharodons army, probably to my others though. I'm also tempted to start a whole new chapter with Primaris.

To be fair, the Ultramarines have done more for the Imperium than literally every other chapter.

When was it made chimeric?
FW made it pretry fucking obvious that these were exiled terran RG, and Red Tithe confirmed that by talking about a single Primarch, not several.

What are you on about? Exorcists are lotteraly made from GK stock.

Yes no not really depends on context. Ultramarines history is kind of lacking between m32-m38, and can be briefly summed up as

>occasionally beats up a bunch of orks

This started to change after the first Tyrannic War, which was also the first time the Ultramarines deviated from the Codex Astartes.

I don't know about likely, but I'm really interested to see what happens with the Space wolves there.

I'm hoping it'll be something cool, like the first ever semi-functioning successor chapter. I'm worried that it'll just end up with the Primaris marines going maximum double wolf and they make a new kit with even bigger Wulfen or something.

That was more or less the scenario I was going for. On the other hand, Since their Chapter tactic is losing people by the truckload, they need to find a way to go back and forth between the Imperium and the other side. Or at least reliably send new marines to the other side.

Moloch would probably be overjoyed at the idea of acting away from excessive bureaucracy.

lore changes all the time. plus that is stupid

the founding they are from is special for the fact that its one of the only ones that didnt actually record where the geneseed for each new chapter came from

also people forget in these situations that things are almost never stated as fact in lore. things just get implied. nothing states as fact that they are from the grey knights, its just implied somewhere

same thing with space sharks, it was heavily implied they were RG (and then later something else), not stated as official fact

Well the Bran Redmaw model has yet to come out.

On the other hand, it would be nice to have Primaris with strictly Viking markings, no pelts, no fetishes, no wolves.

Exorcists are really iffy, since they're basically fake GKs and thats the only hint to go on.

There has been plenty of hints both past and recent that Space Sharks are exiled Terran RG who returned to the Imperium for the Second Founding.

>I'm worried that it'll just end up with the Primaris marines going maximum double wolf
You shouldn't worry. You guys have already gone full retard. There's no way to go but up.

>it would be nice to have Primaris with strictly Viking markings, no pelts, no fetishes, no wolves

That's honestly what I'm hoping for. I think it'd be really neat for them to sort of disavow all the more wolfy aspects and focus on the warrior culture.

Space Wolves remnants will reject Primaris Marines, but will instead find Russ and the 13th in the Dark Imperium which will solve their near extinction problem. Russ and Guilliman will probably work something out so that SW don't become kill on sight.

That's why I'm thinking successors. They still made all these Primaris marines with space wolf geneseed, so if the Wolves don't want them, then you might as well take however many there are and make them their own chapter.

That's the thing I wondering when will happen. Wolf Daddy is wondering around in the warp and Speed Wagon is fucking off somehwere in the webway. When will they show back up?

I see something pretty fucking explicit here user.

And again, Carcharodons are now quit obviously referenced as descende from the Terran RG that were exiled by Corax. They have the same tactics, the same theme, the same reasons, the the same behaviour. Litteraly the only thing that could relate to NL is eyes and skin, and that was not because of NL geneseed but rather Nostraman genetic material. In comparison, RG and by extension Carcharodons can take someone from any phenotype or planet, and given enough time, that person will turn pale with black eyes.
There's no place for doubt here.

Just for the contrast, I think an army with Bjorn chilling with some Viking!Primaris while the furries are on the front charging shit everywhere would be fun enough to run.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure GW can still top that.

Super space vampires with bat wings Death company when?

One Deathwatch marine, at least, knows that Exorcists are GK descended straight up.

Note that the Exorcists also have a traitor splinter that is chaos undivided (with EC flair).

It could potentially be both.

When GW is done renovating the traitor legions with new models. Mortarion and Fulgrim are scheduled to appear next on The Roberte Guilliman Show.

Honestly Russ is the only clear candidate I think they would bring back. There's all the Chaos stuff going on, Space Wolves are there own army and are pretty popular, and he's pretty well known to most players what with having a tank named after him and all.

The others feel like they're either not popular enough to justify bringing back, or don't have as easy of a way to do so.

>Speed Wagon
Who's that?
I thought Fenris' population was good to go and that the World Wolf had purified the planet?

>Speed Wagon
Jagathai Kahn likes going fast.

>wiki articles are official lore now

also i dont know what to tell you dipshit. they sharks are chimeric at this point. did you just think i was talking about my personal opinion only? latest lore is chimeric. deal with like everyone else and ignore it, but dont act like some annoying cunt trying to push your headcanon as fact

I thought so. Hopefully he will be back soon.

I want more of him and Magnus.

as i said, you take what you like from the canon, there is so much conflicting shit, like what raven guard is getting into close combat, what raven guard has their eyes go completely black and hair continuously go white, what raven guard uses terror and fear to break enemies, what raven guard is going to hide their gene seed, what raven guard has a huge supply of heresy era power armor..... after having almost your entire chapter wiped out.

the night lords fit this bill better then any other chapter, second only to world eaters, but world eaters is a big stretch

Of the surviving population, Grey Knights basically took everyone who looked at Chaos and survived. GK will be basically SW successors in a few generations. Thats how many they took.

The planet will basically suffer Chaos shitstorms via Nurgleroids dropping from space forever. SW already had problems staffing the Fang when the population was whole, but they've lost whole chapters since m40. Its nearly impossible for the SW to replenish to full strength on the population of their fucked up homeworld now.

That was Lexicanum you silly goose. The page you're using is Wiki 40k however.

Latest lore being? Because I see a lot more headcanon from NL believers than from the people seeing something that tastes like beef, looks like beef, smells like beef and therefore concludes that it's beef.

How nice, Psychic Werewolves.

Where do we learn about thay Traitor splinter? That must have not sit well with the big I.

I do recall hearing the Death Guard were suppose to get some new shit. It would be interesting to see what new Chaos units come out of the works. I kinda want to see new Daemon Engines and see Chaos specific weapons and armor. I don't understand why some Warp Smith hasn't crafted artificer level armor out of demon shit but then it's probably easier to steal it off of a loyalist and corrupt itwith demons.

The last anyone saw of him, he was flying into the webway, shouting something about beating those "Knife-eared assholes."

Primaris Emperor's Champion when?

They're the recurring arch nemesis for the Black Dragons. Death of Antagonis.

I think the =][= accepted it as a necessary sacrifice for a force that is (in fluff) completely invisible to daemons. It's also implied/said that they are allowed to be overstrength.

>That was Lexicanum you silly goose. The page you're using is Wiki 40k however.

i know perfectly well what site i used and which you used dipshit. whats your point? you act like wiki is offical lore or something, but then decide it doesnt matter when it says something you dont like

how about you just fucking kill yourself instead of continuing your stupid argument

I personally believe he teamed up with Cegorach and is hunting daemons in the webway with the Harlequins.

>like what raven guard is getting into close combat, what raven guard has their eyes go completely black and hair continuously go white, what raven guard uses terror and fear to break enemies, what raven guard is going to hide their gene seed, what raven guard has a huge supply of heresy era power armor..... after having almost your entire chapter wiped out.

The terran RG exiled by Corax, that's who. They litteraly fit all this. You'd know this if you read the FW books instead of spouting memes.
Terran RG were exiled by Corax because of their tendency to go berzerk because of the Blindness, a tendency accentuated by their time with the SoS before the coming of Corax. Because Corax wasn't big on berzerk close combat schmucks with a potential allegiance to Horus, he sent them away beyond the edge of the Imperial space, and told them to stay there.
And guess who had a Polynesian scheme during the HH?

Again, litteraly the only common point between NL and Carcharodons are their eyes and skin, which was because of Nostraman people, whereas Carcharodons turn white with black eyes because of their geneseed, which is, surprise surprise, one of the most identifiable quirks in RG geneseed.

Damn it people, read the damn 30k books sometimes.

Those were Exorcists? Huh. It's been ages but I probably glanced over that when I read it. They were called Angels Resplendent or something right?

You're right, that's still the current lore.

Behind the scenes, though, the author of Red Tithe wanted to make it clear that it's not a simple cut and dry origin.

Heh. Cegorach probably dropped by Saim-Hann and borrowed a few dozen Jetbikes for his Harlequins and the Kahn, as well as the Harlequins, probably just challenged the Dark Eldar to 10,000 years of bike races.

I read the book and either I missed something or that person who edited i talking out of its ass. It's heavily hinted towards RG and that's it.

40+ horus heresy books and they are still not on terra, no thank you, you are very welcome to waste your money, also read this post

I can see Russ returning and going full Renegade, refusing to abandon his chapters traditions. Space Wolves become a non chaos rebel chapter, fleet based, raiding the stars like the vikings they're supposed to be, stealing supplies and fighting chaos on their own terms

A new primaris chapter can be the space vikings. The Emperor's Einherjar or something

It's in the black books man. All free on /HHG/.

user was talking about FW, not BL.

And he's right. Carcharadons match Raven Guard, not Night Lords. This meme arose because of a misconception, people tended to give traits common to Raven Guard to the Night Lords.

Leman Russ is a jackass, but he knows Guilliman has been the better son to the Emperor. Russ will relent and come into compliance. Worst case scenario he takes whats left of the Space Wolves and goes on his own crusade, but I doubt that the 40k Space Wolves would accept the idea of abandoning the Imperium in its hour of need. The Wolftime has come, but the proper course of the SW for the Wolftime is not set in stone. The Iron Priests of 40k would know full well that Leman Russ has been wrong plenty of times before.

I would love to see this. Also seeing as they've said that current marines can undergo the process to become Primaris Marines, a Primaris Grimaldus would be great. New, heroix and dynamic pose, and with a servitor retinue that is correctly scaled to him.

I think its moreso a Veeky Forums thing to try to find redemptive qualities for the NL.

>On the other hand, Since their Chapter tactic is losing people by the truckload
It's not so much a tactic as a consequence of fighting Astartes.

When the Inquisition was creating the Exorcists a cardinal involved in the process fell to Chaos and ran off with a bunch of the proto-Exorcists who were failures (aka still possessed) and they became the Angels Resplendant (or whatever they were called).

>Tactic: lose a solid chunk of your force with every fight
That'd be embarassing when fighting gretchins for sure.

If it always works then you can't really argue with the results. It's only a problem for Marines because recruitment takes decades and is incredibly expensive. For the Guard it's a great tactic.