Are the bugs back in town?
40k Faction Focus: Tyranids
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>Are the bugs back in town?
They are in the transport thread apparently.
warriors are still 3W toughness 4, i was expecting more wounds/higher toughness
guess who aren't gonna be field again ?
the synapse rule seems like they get away with instinctive behaviour, which is good
>swarmy still in
Fuck year
Well horde will work since as long as you keep synapse they aren't all just gonna run away, so that's good for them, and with the swarm lords thing it should be possible to cover ground quickly for the charge. Looks promising.
Only thing I'm sad about. I hope his ability isnt unique to him.
>I’d be remiss if I didn’t start out with my all time favourite Tyranid unit: the Swarmlord.
Why is he talking about Tyranids if he doesn't know what's wrong with the Swarmlord?
>think Pyrovores may be one of the most improved units in the new edition, and a unit of them in a Tyrannocyte has won me many a game!
Like.. How? Deepstriking behind enemy and flaming their asses down turn one?
he had to talk about all faction, regardless of how well he knows them
plus the swarmlord is kind of the posterboy of the tyranid, since he's basically the only nid character
i just hope classic nids will be viable (gaunts-fexes-warriors)
Sounds like it.
you would have to try hard to make the pyrovore worse
on the other hand, we should take everything that guy said with a grain of salt : it reminds me about how they advertise for new faction in white dwarf, wether they are good or not
>plus the swarmlord is kind of the posterboy of the tyranid, since he's basically the only nid character
No, he's the posterboy of the era of shitty Tyranids. When Tyranids used to be good there was no Swarmlord, but there were other special characters (Old One Eye, Red Terror, original Deathleaper).
I'm now really worried that regular Hive Tyrants are going to be a waste of time compared to that fuckup Swarmy. Hopefully they have similar special rules.
"Favorite" doesn't necessarily mean "best". Recall that he mentioned how Flyrants were the only thing keeping them competitive.
>faction focus tyranid
>talks about genestealer and special characters
What the fuck, why nobody likes gaunts?
Swarmy is up to 12 wounds! Not complaining that much, but unlesstyrant guard get some ability to remove shots at a nearby tyrant, the big man is a sitting duck.
Compare this faction focus to the chaos one then revaluate your anger.
It briefly mentioned Hormagaunts and Warriors. I really wish they had shown us a better profile than fucking Swarmlord though.
They are still better off because of the changes to the core rules. No more Instant Death from S8, and now some things that used to wound on 2+ only wound on 3+.
They do, this was already mentioned in one of the Q&As
Hormagaunts move 8" base. Termagaunts move at least 6". They wouldbt change the stats or weapons on them, the only real change so far is the removal of instinctive behavior. Which is of course a godsend.
What I'm worried about is that there wasn't a word about shadow in the warp.
Ignoring morale is incredibke in this new edition, but really only applies to gaunts. We dont have anything else that isn't a synapse creature that could possibly be affected by Battleshock. Everything else we take can only go in units of 1-3, or is a standalone MC.
Same boat. I was hoping they'd give us some more details about my beloved Gaunts... 8 inch movement, though~
i'm dubitative
>leadership 1 carnifexes
You know it to be true
Still wouldn't matter as most people run them in units of 1
Can't test for Battleshock if you only have 1 model, user!
nah, they will have move 4 so that they never catch anything
Already confirmed in the Q&A they have faster movement this edition. So it's 7" at minimum, I'm guessing it's at least 8" or maybe the same as the Swarmlord, starting at 9" and degrading as they take damage.
I must say, as a chaos player: it was embarrassing, to say the least.
>its gonna be good! trust us!
>repeat it 30 times
>the end
damn, that would be good
>This unit is good! Take all of them!
>This unit is good! Take all of them!
>This unit is good! Take all of them!
ad nauseam
I wish they never this my faction, so I wouldnt be stuck with this memory. RIP chaos dignity, or what we had left anyway.
>No mention of Shoot the Big Ones.
Swarmlord EVERY GAME! I'm gonna cry
Because you're a moron with no reading comprehension unable to undo the misconception that somehow "favorite" isn't "best".
>However, his ability that I have found to be most useful is Hive Commander, which allows a friendly unit to move in the Shooting phase.
>Genestealers, who are the iconic Tyranid unit in my eyes, are absolutely lethal. Not only are they incredibly fast with an 8″ Move themselves, they can also charge after advancing. With their shiny new 5+ invulnerable save, they’re also hardy, and I often cast Catalyst on them too, because I am a mean, mean man.
>But to really crank the power up to 11 with Genestealers, take them in units of 10 or more to trigger their Flurry of Claws special rule, bumping them up to 4 Attacks each. Combo this with the Broodlord (who is also, utterly deadly in melee) to also give them a +1 to hit in the Fight phase. That means a full unit of 20 has 80 Attacks hitting on a 2+.
>And Synapse, hmm, what type of benefit does that provide? Nothing less than immunity to morale for friendly Tyranids units within range. Bring on the hordes of little gribblies!
GW, thanks for anwsering to all of my prayers
>And lastly, just because I can’t help myself: I think Pyrovores may be one of the most improved units in the new edition
>immunity to morale
Are you finally happy Tyranid players
All that crying about battle shock as if they were going to get a special rule to counter it
I'm hype
>basic genestealers now have a 5+ invul
>can advance and charge
>8 inch movement
>Synapse makes you immune to morale
I really wasn't expecting that they'd do this.
Yeah, that overwatch is starting to look real needed. What with them being able to go from outside your rifle range to in melee in a single turn.
Yeah. Even Gaunts on their own can pull off some pretty devastating charges. They have an easy 16 inches average, and that's assuming they don't have any sort of re-rolls to make the longshot 20 inch charge more viable.
Command points. Everybody has a reroll this edition.
The only thing I didn't like was "take units of at least 10 so they gain more attacks" because it's "buy more models to win games !1!^1!" all over again.
It becomes more interesting and sane if they loose the attacks if the unit drops beneath 10 members, but I still kinda don't like it.
>It becomes more interesting and sane if they loose the attacks if the unit drops beneath 10 members
I'm pretty sure it does exactly that.
It's actually good design because it gives counterbalance to the benefits of MSU.
I meant in the sense of them still having Fleet or something. Still, using command points would also make those max range charges easier.
Either way, being able to start from that far and still make it in is an improvement.
Where can I download some of the old codex & whatever else has old lore?
They've Actually Done It The Absolute Madmen.
So what do we think adrenal glands do this edition? +Move, grant advance+charge, re-rolls to charges?
Reminder that combining Hive Commander with Trygon means a guaranteed charge turn 1.
>Synapse grants immunity to morale.
>Swarmlord is a melee apoocalypse
>5+ invulnerable save genestealers
>Everything fast as a greased greyhound
My tentacles have never been so moist
search for battlefleet gothic armada manual, it has some really nice lore about the hive fleets
>"nothing could survive out there. in the blackness, could it?"
i've read in my native language most of the codices, but i found the 4th edition codex the most interesting one (it may be because it's the first one i read toh)
reroll charge is the more obvious choice
i wonder if biomorph like jump/+1save/grapling hook will be a thing again
The 4th edition Codex is objectively the best, it's not just you. I've read all of them since Rogue Trader.
I'm dying to know what flesh hooks do in this edition. Imagine if they grant the No Escape special rule Wyches have?
S6 and S7 only wound them on 3+ not 2+
No more instant death
AP working differently helps them
Theyre better than they were
>spawn your Trygon
>spawn 15+ genestealers in front of him straight from his tunnel
>Hive commander on genestealers
They do and the 9 inch movement and potential 18 inch move, helps him big time
That is a guaranteed turn 1 charge every single game.
>Hormagaunts, genestealers move 8
>warriors W3 T4
>synapse grants morale immunity
Not entirely shit this edition, yay. And its nice to see how damage affects the swarmlord.
>tfw fielding both Old One Eye and Red Terror for the first time as a kid
that was a fun game
Yeah, they were pretty cool, though swarmlord makes more sense as a character who might appear anywhere compared to a specific nid beastie
Was a little disappointed the 'Fex didn't get a mention though
W3 T4 on warriors is still a nice improvement though. They're not as easily wounded by anything with S 6 or 7, and a Battlecannon or Lascannon into a unit of them isn't the guaranteed kill it once was.
4th edition nids is best edition
the fact that the lore is told from the point of view of kryptman was a great idea to convey how alie and dangerous they were
my favorite part of the book is this short story about a finale assault on an imperial stronghold tell form the point of view of a guardman
I need to buy more purifiers.
Tyranid master race confirmed. Tau and Eldar BTFO.
you mean flamers ?
Seriously. Fucking everyone got a rule or a stat line except CSM and they're just like "dude lmao xD trust us it'll be epic lol Kharne!!!! XDd"
>That one unbelievable asspained faggot who cried for three general's straight insisting Tyranids would be wrecked by battle-shock and total shit in 8th
Eat rancid dog shit you autistic fuckwit. You also kept insisting you were 'totally l-leaving guys!" but i guarantee you're still here, and hopefully reading this. Faggot.
There was more than one user doing that desu
>2D6+16" charge range over the course of the turn
Fuuuuuuuck me I'm gunna need more Exterminaters!
>Genestealers 3D6+16" charge
Yea but we knew that going in. Battle Cannons are pretty worthless now doing an average of 1-2 unsaved wounds per shot.
We need to see what other big blast weapons do before we can make a judgement.
There was one very specific guy among them, you could tell by his typing style, and the fact he kept trying to garnish sympathy, yet posted in three 400+ post general's with the same sperg out every time
Hopefully he burned his Nids AoS style
Anyway, fuck him. Tyranid hype is back. How many wounds will Fex have i wonder, maybe. 10? hopefully they keep the 20 shot gun from the Tyrannofex, that's fun to use
Thermal cannons, even assuming you've got a big blob of 5+ warriors, are d6 shots, wounding on 2s, ignoring armor, for d6 damage each.
And even that can have any wounds fail to kill a warrior 1/3 of the time by only getting a 1 or 2 for damage.
My point is that S8 stuff used to be Instant Death and unavoidable, and now there's a decent chance that it just won't do enough. And since wound allocation is done by the controlling player, a big blast like that might end up only killing 1 or 2 Warriors where it used to kill all of them.
>getting this butt blasted over random shitposting
Way to not give them the power, sperg.
W H E N ?
With how good Nids are, I can't wait to see how great space woofs are at melee.
this remind me of that fan-comics, wolf and sister
at the end the sister become some space-wolves sister of battle which is better than female space marines ! get sisters and paint them space wolves
Only orks and muhreens left for major faction focuses
Only question is if theyll start doing focuses for minor faction and/or marine chapters
>Giving me precious (You)'s and not following your own advice
>lol don't get mad sperg xDD
So when are you uploading the torched army?
The new damage changes were guaranteed to benefit Tyranids the most, since as a faction they should be defined by "slightly above average tougness, shit tons of wounds."
Hell, now that ID no longer exists, I wonder if we'll see something crazy like T2 W6 swarms.
I hope Templars get their vows back. Shit, I hope Templars can be their own faction again.
Also Necrons
If there were female models that looked like that, I'd consider Space Wolves, but Marines are just so fucking gay I can't bring myself to play them. Female badasses that aren't metal when?
Wolf and Sister? It's up there as one of the best 40k fan-comics. Though that really isn't saying much when your competition is Eatatau.
well, there is Sister of silence, saint and gemini, female inquisitors, and ton of dark eldars
I'm kinda glad that tyranids look good. They are my least favourite faction, but I'm happy for you all.
I can't wait to see what the deathwatch can do now.
Hope I can put up a good fight
Here's hoping for
>Deffrollas are made great again
>Classic Mob rule is back
>Reduce point costs for units
>Make boyz worth taking.
>get rid of or unfuck random strength guns.
>give orks some AP 2
I'm already hyped for
>Nobz with PKs swinging first in assault.
>Warboss swinging first in assault
>Orks in general swinging first in assault
>Vehicles can participate in assault (wreaking balls, rams, Deffrollas)
>The New Assault Rules
Well, already Deathwatch got a boost in the fact that Chainswords give +1 attack without needing another weapon, so any of your basic troops that have a gun and chainsword are at 3 attacks instead of 2.
What I need is an entirerly plastic battle sisters army. And I need it right now.
At least, I can stop suffering while playing my nids in the meantime
This will make them extra lethal against tau for sure, but Tyranids are a different Story.
I kinda hope that Heavy Bolters will get Special Issue Ammo as well.
All this Dakka, even Orks can't hold their panties together.
That would be fucking glorious
They apologized and made up for it in one of the general articles, it's ok.
Thank you. Hopefully, you'll get a bunch of cool stuff.
Things are best when everybody gets cool stuff and can put up a good fight, after all.
>tfw no plastic sisters kits
I think Infernus Heavy bolters will be a stronger option, depending on how they're statted out. If they're basically combi-weapons with a Heavy Bolter on one half and a Heavy Flamer for the other, that'll be quite effective at dissuading charges.
We appreciate it
>t sons
>enough to make up for it
Yeah nah
>They are my least favourite faction, but I'm happy for you all.
The game needs more bro-tier players like you lad
I hope that you will be able to rip and tear as well.
Thankfully, 8th seems designed so as to offer everyone their own shiny toys to play with.
See you on the battlefield.
Well considering every Tyranid player has a metric fuckload of stealers already, it's not really "buy more" as much as it is "bring more"
This. Old-time nid players have had dozens of genestealers languishing on the shelves for many editions now, and newer ones probably already bought a fair amount for GSC last fall.