Other urls found in this thread:
nice meme
>ITT: things I read every two weeks
the bubble, boomers, wallstreet etc.
FYI this thing can lose another 5k of value and still be in hyper-exponential growth for the year. Not even worried
Aint no tellin
Denial: The Post
another thing I read every two weeks, nice. A bit disappointed you didn't post any bubble chart meme
> he didnt list REQ or XVG
comfy levels: ultra
>OP makes a new thread just to list all the coins he's trying to accumulate
who cares
Financial Insecurity: The Post
Where can I buy this?
For a friend.
Too bad that thing won’t vibrate for the next two weeks
>Not hodling DOGE
It's like you don't even want to go to the moon.
Newly added to the list:
please my friend really needs it right now
I have:
>doesn't know how to use google
Go fuck yourself.
>Go fuck yourself.
I thought it was for a friend?
TRON here.
BTC here.
Fuck me.
this faggot wants to cash in on the fire sale, fud moar plz
Well since you were so honest, I googled the headline for your "friend" because I'm not a complete retard. motherboard.vice.com
First time in years I've actually sold my entire altcoin stack and gotten the fuck out.
Everything is pointing to a sub-10k crash, so I'm not risking +70% of my hard-earned stack for 2 weeks of potential gains. Fuck that.
Nah I already cashed out 2.1m in LTC. I'm good.
Oh no guys, i only made 8k instead of 11k this month.
How will we ever recover?????
Bitcoin sub 14k
Press F to pay respects
W-where to buy?
t. Charlie Lee
Litecoin will be okay though, right?
LTC was at $90 ten days ago.
What do you think?
posting in this thread
>dgb not on list
what's it at now
Merry Christmas poorfag coinfags. Enjoy christmas dinner with your angry relatives you convinced to buy the top!
t. pol user so happy you'll stop spamming us with your buttcoin threads
But LINK is up... I just keep buying more...
I'm up $140k this year, and I'll buy back in when it reaches bottom.
Stay salty.
If you were truly seasoned from /pol/ you'd understand that crashing crypro is a technique being done by (((bankers))) so they can capitalize off of it since they are going to attempt to centralize a decentralized system. There's kikery afoot.
> I'm up $140k this year,
> 120
> 100
> 90
> 80... fuck you i'm HODDDDLING
enjoy the ride down, the smart money thanks you for not selling so they can cash out at a higher price. enjoy living through your first bubble
What part of "buying back in when it reaches bottom" did you not understand?
I'm already out. Everyone knew this bubble was about to burst, but only the most greedy held on.
> Go to sleep
> Wake up to the black friday of crypto
What happened Veeky Forumslacks and more importantly, are most of you anons ok?
Please dont take a bath with your mining rig
BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.