How do you roll your characters stats?
How do you roll your characters stats?
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Depends on the game and what the DM would like to do.
If it's an old-school game, 3d6 in order is the way to go. If it's 2nd edition or something later and we'd like to try a random element, we roll 4d6 drop lowest and arrange as desired. Point buy is usually not supported by any of us.
Personally, when I run stuff, I prefer 3d6 in order. Most of the stuff I run are fairly old-school anyway.
Rolled 2, 6, 14, 18, 17, 17 = 74 (6d20)
4d6 drop lowest, assign freely based on character concept
3 stats 3d6, other 3 are 6+2d6.
Depends on the game/system etc.
If we just want a goofy time for a dungeon grind we'll probably roll something relatively forgiving base on the stats and permit rerolls for characters that just end up being flat out busted.
If we're doing something gritty and quick and often horror themed, it will be low rolls and taking what you can get.
If we're playing something for the long run, we do middling point-buy or equivalent for games. We just don't find the added chaos good for balance or roleplay in any particular way if we intend to get invested in characters.
1d10+1d10 -1 in order
or to simplify, at the first dice 0 means 10 and at the second it means 0
It gives a simple result, where you have 1% chance of getting a 1, 2% of getting a 2, 3% of getting a 3 until 10% of getting a 10 and then 9% of getting a 11 and this goes on
The last time I made a D&D character, it was six sets of 3d6, arrange, reroll 1s. The time before that, it was one set of 4d6 drop lowest, arrange.
Pick 2 stats
roll 3d6 2 times,
decide where each one of the 3d6 will go
do the same again with unrolled stats until you roll all stats
I use a stack of cards. Four 1's, four 2's, one 3, one 4, four 5's, and four 6's. Shuffle the 18 cards, then draw 3 for each stat, in order.
This combines the randomness of 3d6 down the line with intra-party balance. You cannot predict what character you will get, but neither will your character be exceptionally good or bad. Everybody has the same total overall.
this is interesting
DM rolls 3d6 and shows it to everyone. They all write it down on a stat. He rolls another 3d6 and we repeat until everyone has a full set.
The whole group has the exact same stats, just put to different places - so it's perfectly equal. In addition they get to try and gamble, either putting middling numbers to what they feel like is going to be their best ability score, or waiting to see if a better one's coming. Gets pretty tense.
I do the same.
I eat the dice and then down a laxative, shit in a bathtub and spray water until the shit is gone. The numbers showing make the stat. Repeat five more times and allocate in order.
If you want to allocate as you see fit, you need to kill ten rabid wolves in a fistfight and present me with their skulls.
>rolling for stats
I'm still trying to teach my group that a single system isn't suitable to all situations (and I'm not even a GM)
For example, we have this, lets say slow, GM who gets mad over his own incompetence, he forces rolling stats in order, but when we can't fulfil the roles he intended or when we die because we can't achieve shit due bad rolls he gets angry at us
Rolled stats are ok for one shots or games in where you don't care much about what's going to happen
Elite array and point buy when you want to have something functional and you put some thought in your character
I asked to use 2d6+6 to make happy all parts but nobody tried it yet
Rolled 1, 4, 6, 6, 6, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 5, 4, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 1 = 72 (18d6)
Let's fucking do this!
Rolled 3, 6, 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6 = 62 (18d6)
Gimme a good array, or at least an interesting one.
Str: 11
Dex: 15
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 12
Wow, an actual functional character.
>>rolling for stats
Rolled 20, 10, 7, 8, 1, 15 = 61 (6d20)
Monk, here I go
Str 12, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 14. Eh, not bad. A slightly dim but likeable warrior. I can build on it.
That's a fucking autistic retard with superstrength
2d6+6, 6 times and no rerolls
sounds incredibly boring
>AC 5
Omae wa mo shindeir
Assign 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 and 8. No rolling involved.
Rolled 2, 6, 6, 5, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 4, 6, 3, 6, 4, 1, 6 = 68 (18d6)
rip paladins
Nah, paladins are fine.
rip rangers, monks, and 1e bards tho
I throw my dice at the DM until he lets us use arrays.
6+2d6, assign as desired.
The way Gygax, our Lord intended. All ya'll point buy-fags are kidding yourselves.
Gygax said "3d6 in order is terrible, don't do that", though
Rolled 6, 2, 3, 2, 5, 1, 5, 2, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1, 4, 3, 4, 6, 4 = 72 (18d6)
He also wrote more than one book, there are a few methods scattered across diffrent books and editions.
11, 8, 13, 18, 8, 14
Bow before your wizard god!
Now now, let's not do this argument again. Point-buy is a perfectly valid method for systems designed for it.
Im just saying that the stereotype of "3d6 down the line, hurr durr" is not all there is. Not even in OSR.
Yeah, but genuine point-buy didn't rear its ugly head until Player's Option, by the time D&D had been pretty much completely purged of all its original design and intention.
3d6 in order, switch any two scores.
>WotC D&D
Point-buy. 4d6 drop lowest is presented as an option but you get no rerolls, as you've consigned your character to the whims of fate.
>Dante Must Die
Point-buy, roll 9d6 to determine starting point allotment.
Rolled 1, 9 + 1 = 11 (2d10 + 1)
Testing your idea
2d6+6 In Order, Swap 2
This is the only reasonable and fun way to do it.
This except we also allow a single re-roll of a stat, but you must keep the new roll. Eliminates 3s and that kind of garbage so people don't have to play quadriplegic wizards or Rain Man barbarians.
>quadriplegic wizards or Rain Man barbarians
This is rather a vast exaggeration of what exactly a 3 in an ability score means.
Roll on a stat array. Either in order for faster character gen, or assign as necessary for slower character gen.
It combines all the randomness of 3d6 without any of the characters ever being stronger or weaker than one another.
6 D20s rolled in order, no redo, Its fun/
I always assumed an 8 in Intelligence meant the character was notably stupid, and anything lower than a 7 was literally riding the short bus with Fats McGee and his Retard Three.
Quite wrong, in fact. 8 in Intelligence meant the character was just at the low-end of average. To get to the "notably stupid" level you'd need to have an Intelligence of 6.
Intelligence 3, on this scale, would be a pretty literal retard but one that can still occasionally do something clever if you give him the time to figure things out. I've seen such characters played well enough.
isn't 3 the minimum for sentience? I'm pretty sure intelligence 2 is the usual for animals while some human level creatures can be 3
thats correct.
Yep. But consider the following:
A well trained animal, such as a border collie, would have an Intelligence score of 2 - and they can manage some pretty clever shit with just that. A guy with Intelligence 3 is smarter still.
This, too many players think 8 int is short bus material. I'd consider a character of 4 intelligence to be on par with someone like Tom Cullen from The Stand.
2d6+6 or 4d6 drop lowest seems fair to me, arranged as you see fit.
>Reroll 1s and 2s
>Drop 2 lowest dice.
My group likes high powered fuckers who can solo a game. This is the method we came up with after the famous, "We Should All Have Straight 20s," argument.
I'm the resident GM. Send help.
Rolled 5, 20, 6, 3, 17, 14, 4 = 69 (7d20)
Pick your class, race, then roll 6d20, down the line, no rerolls.
Like this dwarf barbarian I'm rolling. Dwarves roll an extra d20 for Beard.
beard length, or beard magnificence?
Roll on the reincarnation table for your race, then roll 3d6 down the line. If the race you get has stat requirements and you do not meet the minimum or exceed the maximum, bump those stats up or down respectively until it does.
Sounds like it's a point buy that ends with random assignment. Why the hassle?
>Dwarf Barbarian
>20 DEX
>17 WIS
>14 CHA
>literally everything else is a dump stat
>4 for whatever aspect of his beard that beard represents
4d3 exploding in order. Anything else is baby shit.
First I light candles with my fellow players as we sing incantations and prayers to the RNG god. Then we sacrifice a small child and cover our dice in its blood as good luck before finally opening our tomes known as the rulebooks. After our DM has led the prayer, we begin rolling our dice randomly and add up all the numbers and divide it by however many players there are. We then bargain with one another to get access to some points from this communal pool. Eventually all points are divided up and we sacrifice the one who had the least points because he is the weakest link in our party. Then we finally begin the game.
Or you can just do whatever the rulebook says. And if it doesn't, manually do it or roll randomly for it. My god this thread is so fucking autistic. Just fucking mark your character sheet with a number, you fucking assholes. Jesus tapdancing Christ.
>Rolling for stats
2d10 + 10, if (+) then 3d10 +10 and take two highest, if (-) then 3d10 + 10 and take two lowest
The only autists are people who argue about it. I like reading these threads to see what kinds of character generation methods people come up with, as goofy as they can be.
Rolled 10, 4, 5, 11, 20, 16 = 66 (6d20)
I wanna be a Ranger
roll 3d6 7 times, discarding the worst roll.
The player then assigns the remaining results to whatever stats they see fit.
Rolled 8, 8, 14, 1, 20, 6 = 57 (6d20)
Dice don't fail me now
>1 intelligence
Oh great, they're a braindead vegatable and this impossible to play
So, stat Yatzee?
I like point buy. Pls no bully.
3d6, down the line for all seven stats.
Do it twice.
Pick one of the two statblocks.
That's it.
My players dig it. Couldn't care less what anyone else thinks.
>rolling stats
>being a powergaming shit
>cucking yourself to rolls
lol how beta can you even be
1) Choose race.
2) Pick three stats.
3) Roll 4d6 for each, and drop the lowest roll.
4) Decide which result goes to which stat.
5) Choose class.
6) Roll for the three remaining stats.
7) Randomly assign these results to the remaining stats.
Kinda convoluted, but has made for some fun games in my group.
(1d6)d6 down the line, as the gods intended.
I don't make my players roll stats. I allow them to select them on a simple point based system. This is done with them knowing I will absolutely fuck them to death with statchecks if they min/max too hard.
Blackjack mode. Roll d6 until either you want to stop, or your stat goes over 18, which then goes to 3+whatever was leftover
>not being able to make interesting, non min-maxed characters without using randomness as a crutch.
Ugh, my good sir, ugh to you.
Rolled 11, 7, 9, 4, 1, 2 = 34 (6d20)
Let's go!
May my rolls be pic related
>4 int
>1 wisdom
how has my character not walked off a cliff or walked into traffic already?
roll 4d6, drop the lowest
repeat until i have an array
let the player distribute the stats wherever he wants
the danger of rolling incredibly low is a little overstated since rolling 4d6 drop the lowest is about 12, and you are equally likely to roll high as you are low
only the truly unlucky would get a poor total array, and it would be incredibly unlikely to roll super low twice, of you are gracious enough to give them a clean slate if they roll all 7s
Rolled 13, 2, 15, 6, 9, 14 = 59 (6d20)
best barb stats
Everyone base starts at 10 in all the stats. They get 18 points to set where ever they want, so they pick their class they want and kit out the minimum stat requirements with those 15pts, then adjust the leftover pts in stats to fit the style they want to play. I also allow any player to reduce any 3 stats to 9 from the base start and gain 2 extra pts if they want. As a final rule, they can only max put 5 pts in any one stat from the base start.
Rolled 16, 9, 1, 9, 11, 20 = 66 (6d20)
Come on come on come on come on come on
Give me something I can work with dice.
>a 16 and a 20
>also, a 1
what character do you fucking make with this, holy shit
>Insisting on having the absolute control on the character creation process, without ever daring to add the slight bit of organic life that comes from having to work around a random element
Your loss.
>all these people using d20s for stats
This is a joke, right?
Pick race.
Pick class.
3d6 drop the highest in order, then add 1.
I like more ralistic, gritty games. No overpowered anime bulshit.
>he isn't living dangerously
Some people love gambling stupidly user. Can't do anything about it.