Will this dip go any further now europe is waking up? so still wise to sell and buy back later or have we bottomed out anytime soon?
inb4 all your bullshit. thaaanks
Wise to sell?
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dont have a good feeling about it
I'm from Europe. Just converted half to fiat.
first 5 day dip in months
>wise to sell
No, you retard.
From europe too
It's almost 8 am where I live
the dip seems real
having some fiat can really help
hodl and see these signals (discord)
Back to 7k.
fiat marines unite
Europe here. Just woke up and fuck god I‘m sweating.
EU here...fuck me...I think EU will sell too..
First time in years I've actually sold my entire altcoin stack and gotten the fuck out.
Everything is pointing to a sub-10k crash, so I'm not risking +70% of my hard-earned stack for 2 weeks of potential gains. Fuck that.
OP here.
Fellow Europeans, UNITE in this onslaught! TOGETHER we HODL. TOGETHER WE ARE IRON HANDED.
Nobody likes to drive a fiat. so do not convert. HODL you fags
Fuck you, I'm buying back in at $9.5k and go right back to accumulating more of the alts I was holding before.
Uhmmm fug this
I have the responsability of a friend's money too,not going under our initial investment
Sorry,sold too
You should do too guys,just to help keep the prices even lower to then buy lower and profit more
stop this hodl nonsense for a second,now it became just greed that word
Even if it goes back up and you buy a little bit higher... WoW,you lost 5%
Maybe now hodling you've lost already 30%,and more by the minute
I'm european btw,just woke up
And WTF seriously,no.
Lest's all sell to get it SURELY dip a bit more and let's all buy lower
Wtf are you smoking
If I had more than 10k worth I would of sold right away but fuck it I ain't risking that much so I'm holding
Sold my altcoins that mooned recently
Had fiat on hand for a month now
I was telling coworkers today that I expected an adjustment down to $8-12k range, I just didn't expect it until 2nd-4th week of january. Thanks for the early trigger, Coinbase.
It’s a correction and semi crash that always happens this time of year.. Anyone that tells people to sell are unironically accumulating off the dip. The ones who have been in this shit longer than a year are still playing all of your normies.
UK fag here, just about to sell my stack. This is just the beginning, should have taken profits earlier
It literally dipped to 13k then corrected to 15k. If this crashes, it’s because of autists weak hands. Good luck winning big on any of this crypto shit once you scare all the normies off. Fucking retards.
>Anyone that tells people to sell are unironically accumulating off the dip
Yeah, now is a perfect time to buy in.
Anyone who actually does that deserves nothing short of poverty for the rest of their lives.
You see alts dropping right now? Normies are literally exiting the market at loss.
No. Today we will hit 10.000 mark. Suicide in the air.
It literally did this 5-6 hours ago, and already corrected itself from the NA panic. But, now it’s in the hands of the retarded drunken euros.
Are you implying that’s a good thing? I don’t understand the point of your statement.
Save us Euros. BTFD
The same media outlets who shilled normies into BTC to begin with are now spreading massive FUD, which means a crash becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Rationalize as much as you want, but it'll go down below 10k.
I never said it’s not going below 10k. Because now it very well could unless NA saves it AGAIN. Read what I said before spewing out bullshit. The reason it’s going to go below 10k is because of faggots like you. Lose the normie base, lose any chance of a crypto future. Congrats. Have fun at your wage job today.
Its excellent
Few months bearmarket without normieintervention.
We get to buy up STACKS for next bubbe aka normie hunting season
You have to sell high for it to work though. You did sell high didnt you user?
>Veeky Forums controls BTCs $250B market value
What we're writing here does fuckall to the BTC price. It's the media outlets, normies and investment banks that control it.
When I tell people to get the fuck out before it blows up, it's a genuine advice. I'm not going to lie and shill Veeky Forumsfags into holding bags while normies are fleeing en-masse.
Sold BCH at 4k ATH but bought back in at 3.5k... bout to sell it at 2500 :(
I held 500eth that I bought in February and sold ATH. I’m sitting here real comfy. Just a little funny if you think this is going to recover any time soon if it is goes below 8k.
Our team of analysts have confirmed Some volume has entered back to the market but not enough. Following the long downward wicks on the hourlys predict next drop to 8200 support. Bearish trend continues for at least another 48 hours. Advise to sell above 11,000
Retards like you are why alts are tanking. I'm just going to sit here and hold, thanks.
hold. buy.
Are you this delusional with everyone you have a conversation with? You’re putting words into my mouth, just a shitty attempt to hide the fact you are retarded. Also don’t mention “shilling” when you’re one of those PnD wannabe faggots.
nigga you buy the dip you dont sell the dip
fucking newfags I swear