
Now that the dust has settled
Anyone run a game set in this universe?
Anyone planing too?
Cool ideas for running a game in this universe?

>posts a meme cartoon
>"now that the dust has settled"

The shows over
How much more settled do you want?

>Rushed plot
>Railroading out the ass
>No one survives since the timeline gets erased and the DMpc dies anyway

No one should want to run a game in that setting, it's garbage now.

Your shitty show is over, you can stop shitposting now.

Only the first few episodes were good /co/ fug off with that ending

Op here
The ending kinda sucked

But a alt universe game would be really cool

Here's how the show should have ended.

[Potential spoilers]

>Ashi fights out of Aku's influence with Jack's help
>Scotsman distracts Aku with bagpipes and his sword
>Jack rocks Aku's whole life, destroys Aku with heavy allied losses
>Ashi never had Aku's powers because that's retarded
>Jack realizes that he can't go back to the past, all the portals are gone
>Instead he has to work to work to make the world he lives in a better place
>Jack and Ashi become official and/or marry
>Group shot of Jack and all his friends smiling and happy
>Good end

When I visit some out of state friends, I plan on doing a one shot where the players must help an injured Jack fight off would be assailants and get to a portal.

He's injured because it's a good excuse to have him perform poorly in combat, and or not fight at all, as he would normally be very overpowered compared to the players

Really that's what i wanted

So is every setting according to Veeky Forums.

Fuck you and your no fun allowed.

Sorry gendy the first half of the series was great but fuck off with that no guardian, barely any scottsman shit.

>Really that's what i wanted
I know right? I was spending the whole episode thinking "okay there's no way he would *actually* go back to the past. That would retroactively invalidate literally all the events, struggles, and characters of the entire franchise! Plus it sends a weird message about successful nostalgic escapism as opposed to dealing with reality the way it is."

Best way to do it.

>Campaign Intro

From there on it really writes itself.

How's the reboot end? Full spoilers desired. I had a feeling Gendy's shit the bed with the new season so I never watched.

Google it man

It's disappointing, but not too painful. You should watch it for completeness' sake, if nothing else.

First few episodes are art.
Then plot happens tumblr gets triggered and everthing goes downhill

>shitty show
>Having taste this objectively bad.

Jack finds a waifu, waifu is literally a daughter of Aku who helps him get back to the past by opening a portal in time. Jack kills Aku, marries the girl but she dies on the walkway. The future is undone, all the people Jack helped/saved/met in the future are no more so every moment that jack spent helping them and sacrificing a time portal or something for them was a moot point.

I asked for full spoilers, ya faggots.

I don't care enough. The endless parade of nostalgia reboots are tiresome at best, and a pointless waste of money for a cheap buck that shits on the original material at worst.

>every moment that jack spent helping them and sacrificing a time portal or something for them was a moot point.

That was always something that bothered me throughout; why would Jack even do that stuff? The moment he actually succeeds in getting through a time portal, it wouldn't matter who suffered or how because he'll retcon it.

Maybe if they had a quantum-universes thing going on, where the universe kept going even after Jack went back to the past. Then it would make sense to care about future-people, kill Aku, and generally un-fuck the future timeline before hopping back to the past.

And why did Ashi take so long to disappear.

Plot and moment reasons
He wanted to make a great storytelling moment but, it was stupid

I assume because the writer watched too much Gurren Lagann.

She was fucking stupid and only just then bothered to think about the implications of time travel, realized the problem, and achieved CHIM.

Jack probably wasn't sure about what would happen when he got back- if Aku would just return some day and that future would still occur, even if he saved the past. Anyways, helping people might have gotten him directions to the nearest time portal.

Plus, he's too much of a good person to just leave people in pain.

He gets back to the past and kills Aku. In fact, he shows up 15 seconds after Aku flung him into the future and kicks his ass then and there, as it was always meant to be.

How he got there is retarded, though, and is best explained by watching it. Genedy's still got talent, but he tried to force too many subplots into 10 fucking episodes and it just didn't work. Even 13 eps would have given them time to iron it out, but in its current form it was just fucked pacing-wise holy shit

You already forfeit the chance of conveying any type of message by having evil exist in your story.


I wouldn't put my players through such a shitty setting that's only loved because of nostalgia

The concept of evil makes a story incompatible with reality, so sending a message through it is likewise impossible.

I assume he means having a force of "pure evil" trivializes any message in the work because "an entity made out of evil that exists simply to perpetuate evil" is so far removed from anything humans, what with their free will and justifications for any and all actions, can resonate with

Well one of the Jack stat me threads pointed out that Jack is just a bunch of one shot games between the DM and some weeb chick.

Scotsman and DA SAMOORAI are PCs that wanted to give the game a shot.

The Princess and the Bounty Hunters was a one off game. Jack's player thought it'd be fun if they tried to kill her old character. She forgot how high a level he was compared to them and how hard she min-maxed him.

Yeah, he only has like 5 WIS.

Delayed disappearance sometimes happens in time travel, ala Back to the Future


Anyone who would wish countless millennia of horrific centuries of misery upon a universe just so their special samurai character can have the cheesy video game ending of the heroes all together is dumb.

Yes, he makes the sacrifice of undoing all the good he did and all the good done by all the few survivors that struggled in the world filled with horrific, terrifying evil.
The scotsman might end up never existing at all.
Just like Ashi.
Accept that pain because it's still worth it.

You're gonna carry that weight.

That's what I would have preferred as well. Accept what's happened and move on, towards the future, instead of getting caught up on past mistakes. I thought that was gonna be the point when he reclaimed his sword basically through this logic and making peace with his murders.

Plus it makes much more sense for the audience that spent the whole show getting attached to characters from the future instead of the past.

Pretty much, I wonder why the whole season was 10 episodes though? You can't do much justice in making a finale with the amount of time given.

I can see that as a desirable outcome, but it would be dooming Jack's family and countless others, to horrible fates too terrible to imagine as well as making his overtly stated mission a failure.
Hardly a happy ending.

I've seen time travel stories where they have their cake and eat it too, where two seperate, but equally stable, timelines exist.
They always feel like cheating to me.
Either go with one timeline or go the full on Rick Sanchez route with infinite timelines and nothing matters except what you're currently doing.

>>Ashi never had Aku's powers because that's retarded
While I kind of agree that it was kind of retarded, the one aspect I liked about it was her immediate response upon realizing it was to go back. No pointless faffing about battling,
just: "Oh wait- we win, let's go!"

By the way, was there any ever definitive explanation as to why Aku never traveled through time?
Even if he couldn't because reasons, if he was smart, he would've sent back a guardian to wait around and kill Jack if he ever returned.
Although, young Aku would probably take it as an insult and kill the guardian immediately anyway, so... nevermind.

Just to give my two cents, I think this is the correct ending in spirit. It's extremely poetic and fitting for the final scene of the show to be exactly this: A Nostalgic moment in which Jack, even having ultimately prevailed, is still completely alone despite everyone who is there for him, still reminiscences about that which he had lost.

The big problem with the ending is how Ashi's death was handled. There's no issue with a TTGL homage, but if you want to do that, just have her wither away and die in his arms properly. Her disappearing because of a delayed pime taradox is needlessly convulted, makes no sense, and just confuses the viewer right before the end.

It's a fine ending in the end, this particular part of it just could have been handled better. It would have been the best if we could do without the homage, and Ashi could not go with him to the past at all.

This is about as generic as the ending we got.

Aku should have kept cockblocking the portals, interrupting Ashi and blowing them up, Ashi gets mortally wounded, Jack defeats Aku in a self-sacrificial attack. Ashi pops out a portal in her last moments, closing scene with all the allies agreeing he has to go back even though it will cost their existance. Jack goes back, appears behind aku mid-monologue and stabs him through the fucking head before passing out. Cut to the armies quietly accepting reality collapsing around them.

With a beginning like it had, the ending needed to be a shitton more phyrric.

>There's no issue with a TTGL homage, but if you want to do that, just have her wither away and die in his arms properly. Her disappearing because of a delayed pime taradox is needlessly convulted, makes no sense, and just confuses the viewer right before the end.
I haven't seen TTGL, so the reference is lost on me.
However, her disappearing because of a time paradox was inevitable and they needed to address it.
It being delayed is consistent with other media and [fictional] time travel theories, although the choice was an unexpected one.
I honestly expected a cheesier ending with a disappointing lack of explanation of how she survived the paradox.
Her disappearing being timed at the most dramatic moment possible is consistent with the thematic elements of the show.

I completely disagree that it was needlessly convoluted or that it makes no sense and I suggest that any viewer confused by it deserves to be so.
I think you are underestimating the intelligence of the average Samurai Jack viewer.

First, I want to say I really liked the ending the way they did it.

That said, I actually can get behind this version.
Episode CI ends with Ashi breaking free and discovering she has Aku's powers. She and Jack jump into the portal.
Episode CII begins with Aku yanking them back out.
Cue epic battle while Aku simultaneously is fighting Jack and playing whack a mole with Ashi until she finally takes a mortal blow in order to protect a portal
She lies dying, Aku kicks her aside and mocks Jack as he prepares to destroy the last portal, the Scotsman leads a final rush from Jack's combined allies that Aku brushes aside only to turn and face Jack's wrath.
After crushing Aku, Jack tries to tend Ashi's wounds, but she tells him it's pointless.
Not only can she feel herself dying, but once he goes back, she will cease to exist anyway.
Jack will struggle with this, but all his allies chime in and agree it's for the best, the Scotsman making some suitable comment about how he loves each and every one of his wee bonnie girls more than all creation, but if it meant undoing all the evil Aku wrought, he'd jump though and erase them all himself.
Sadly, Jack kisses Ashi a bids her farewell and jumps through the portal, all his friends in the future fade into white light as he slips into the past.
The rest would play out much the same.

I think the people making the show underestimate it.

"Without Aku... I would have never existed."
>these are Ashi's last words
>also the last words of the show

Come on, you're a fa/tg/uy, you should recongize clunky writing when you see it.

So someone give a real synposis. What happens?

>those god tier first four episodes

Where did it all go wrong. Was it the romance?

It's always the romance

>That was always something that bothered me throughout; why would Jack even do that stuff? The moment he actually succeeds in getting through a time portal, it wouldn't matter who suffered or how because he'll retcon it.

One of Jack's most consistent character traits is that he is so chivalrous that he cannot stop himself from coming to peoples aid even when doing so directly prevents him for fulfilling his mission (which it does in multiple episodes).

Ok so I looked up what happened.

Kinda meh. Not terrible, not great. Except for the ending where Ashi somehow lasts until their wedding day.

Also, Jack loving Ashi at all is stupid. Ashi should be his daughteru, not Waifu. Why the fuck does it always have to be romantic love? He's like 70 mentally by the time of the 5th season. He also should have kept his beard and longer hair, transforming into an older, wiser shogun.

The ending should be him ruling over his reclaimed and freed homeland, with a Conan shot. His family is dead, his past is gone. But he has to persevere, for his homeland, which has gained a rediculously OP pc as an Emperor

Neither would Jack's adventures, I want to hope it's deliberate that Ashi seems like the concept of season 5

Well, Jack himself is a time paradox now, since he's himself from a future that never existed.

Survivor jack is a much better character than samurai jack.
The show should have ended with him killing aku in the future, being stuck and having to rebuild society with his friends.

Problem is that Jack wouldn't exist in that timeline as well. Time traveling creates paradoxes.

Aku sends Jack into the future. Jack and Ashi return at that same moment of time and kill Aku. Ashi stops existing. But that would also means:

>without Ashi existing he couldn't return in time
>with future Jack imprisoning Aku past Jack would be sent into the future where there is no Aku. That also means future Jack doesn't exist.

I think it would be a better story what some people said in this thread. Entire series was about him trying to go back to the past but we all know past in unchangeable. YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE PAST. Because if you cling to the past you can't do anything to improve or change. You can strive for better future.

Ending was half-assed, and opens to many questions that open to many problems.

>Ashi should be his daughteru, not Waifu
this desu

You forget that time lost its hold on Jack.
He is immune to paradox.
TDE: Time displacement effect, a bit like Bishop in Age of Apocalypse.

> Now that the dust has settled
Is this the most overused phrase on Veeky Forums, or is it "shove down my/our throats?"