>teenage Bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman posts video attacking Peter Schiff
You boys ready for some cringe?
>teenage Bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman posts video attacking Peter Schiff
You boys ready for some cringe?
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this fag boy doesnt even know how to cash out. im gonna love it when his buttcoins go to zero.
what a stupid faggot. bet this guy will get asspumped and made into a submissive slave the way he brags.
he will learn one day
im about to roast him
On one hand I want Bitcoin and crypto to keep going up so I can be financially independent
But on the other hand I want it to burn and bring this faggot down with it
nice quads
that Ok emoji
I fucking detest this kid. He portrays himself as some kind of fucking genius just because he put some Hanukkah money in Bitcoin when it was dirt cheap.
>Eventually he found a buyer for Botangle's technology in January 2015. The investor offered either $100,000 or 300 bitcoin, which had dropped in value at that time to a little more than $200 a coin. He took the lower cash value bitcoin deal because he believed it was "the next big thing."
Fucking brainlet.
Who is the brainlet now?
this is the guy who shat on him
Cant wait for that faggot to lose 50% because he wont trade for BCH before its too late
He shafted himself out of the better deal and acts like some kind of investing/business genius
>implying Erik Finman isn't /ourguy/
go away shifty schiff
Is everyone here retarded with a calculator jesus
>sterotypical wall street scammer
Finman won't call Schiff a Jew because he's one too!
Ok, maybe I'm a brainlet but he is too.
He could have used to buy 200~ more Bitcoin which would be 50% of his current net worth.
It was a typo I swear :x
Buying in 2013 and managing to hold all the way to ATH 2017 is not luck however the kid is still a bragging piece of shit
That's another thing that bugs me
He's just a smarmy little kike who put his bar mitzvah money into Bitcoin, and got his "company" "sold" to some other jew through nepotism, which his parents undoubtedly set up. Now he gloats like he's the smartest person to ever live.
He is young. But not as cringeworthy as I expected. But anybody parading their arrogance is always toxic and ripe for the gallows imo.
so cash
That gold card is not a scam.
It's literally the most legit gold business in the world and they accept bitcoin too brahs
why does this kid act like he didn’t get extremely lucky?
Because he's an arrogant piece of shit.
And a jew
This guy again
If I remember correctly he created a subreddit about himself too
He did
Holy fuck he is punchable
CringeForce 1
The textbook definition of a bitter loser nerd who has money but still lacks the essentials and feels the salt from virtually all other aspects of life, like being a social loser.
Ahahahahaha his AMA is hilarious
A Jew mormon from Idaho.
Hope he dies of nigger dick aids
Goddamn, that reddit salt.
The kid is annoying but the redditors actually want his head on a stake
>I think the way the technology differs with Bitcoin vs Ethereum. Will cause some interesting differences that land, when you weigh the pros and cons, to Bitcoins favor. I go very long on Bitcoin.
But the way Ethereum takes advantage of smart contracts will help them out too.
I'm still short on Ethereum and all other alt-coins.There's a lot of money to be made in the short term on Ethereum and other alt-coins, but if you just want to buy cryptocurrency and let it go for years. Bitcoin is what you want.
kid is a fucking brainlet
he looks like mrrepzion just even more punchable
I didn’t cringe at all, he’s right. The wall street Jews and boomers are extremely resentful and jealous
Schiff is basically the only Jew who called out the Fed. This kid has no clue
Lmao all the money in the world can never make up for the fact that you never had any valuable social connection in your formative years
>Lmao all the money in the world can never make up for the fact that you never had any valuable social connection in your formative years
tfw you have neither :*(
he looks like a youtuber, does he not see how shit his glasses are
>attacking Peter Schiff and expecting to win...
Wow the pure envy and hatred from that thread kind of hit home for me. The responses nearly mirror everything that friends and family have said to me after every financial milestone I reached. If they can't criticize crypto, then they will target something unrelated to crypto. It quickly got petty and toxic, and I was forced to cut off all communication
You didn't buy BZC yet user? Kek
He also supports ACTUAL freedom of speech, he has no problem if someone goes full 1488 on his face.
He is completely opposite on every single negative thing that little arrogant cuck called him
He makes fun of an old boomer wallstreet fuck that compains about bitcoin like it was made by witches and it being worthless monopoly money, so that doesnt really seem to be a problem to me.
Reddit is a bunch of butthurt babies holy shit. They are so jealous of anyone with money that they are insulting a fucking kid. Leftists really are soulless, selfish, spiteful pieces of shit.
what a fucking autistic, arrogant piece of filth
300btc is almost 4 million usd right now yeah thats a hella worse deal than 100k lmao, are you somehow retarded?
normies and their sunk cost fallacies...
the worst crime of a normie is admitting they made a mistake. just get over it!
finman is actually a baller and we just need to admit it instead of being mad
He would have got more bitcoin had he used the 100k to buy it, even accounting for taxes.
He could have bought more bitcoin with the money you tard
holy shit the salt. i wish i was an 18 year old millionaire and pathetic hopeless middleaged faggots hated and criticized me for every opinion i held. such peasantry
At first I thought I hated him because of pure jealousy, but holy fuck he is one arrogant piece of shit.
He could have bought almost double that amount of Bitcoin if he took the 100k
I would expect a dumb nigger like you to not understand what was wrong with that kids retardation
Schiff always predicts doom. He's been right 10 years ago. But he kept predicting doom for the stock market and the USD ever since.
Reddit definitely leans left, but you can't seriously pretend everyone there is a fucking leftist when it's full of /pol/-lite subreddits and houses t_d
>all those salty redditors trying to defend unicuck degrees
only on reddit can the user base be even more un likeable than this lad
your not alone in that regard boyo. i've quickly learned that poor normal people really do deserve everything they get. they are crabs in a bucket who cant even be happy when their own family succeeds. fuck them all
> the 1000 coin stare
> calling people social losers on Veeky Forums
The trick is to tell ABSOLUTELY NO ONE about your wealth.
Nobody knows about my money and I have 0 problems. It's also pretty easy. Every time you are excited and want to share it with someone hold your breath as long as possible and think about it. When you finally take a breath you already put the excitement down and you can go on with your life while being secretly wealthy.
My girlfriend still believes I go to work every morning while I literally go to the cinema and hang out with my friends instead (that also don't know about it).
WTF thinks Puerto Ricans are starving on the streets. Its literally the mosg wealthy Caribbean island
fuck look at those sores around his lip from sucking dick
poor mother fucker
He owns Bch you brainlet.
>wealthy Caribbean island
Have you seen those shitholes?
Anyone who has watched anything about Peter knows he's a genius right?
Someone pay a dindu nuffin to beat the fuck outta this guy.
>"Bitcoin millionaire"
>thinking being a millionaire means anything