Maid RPG

Can we have a thread about Maid RPG?

Anyone got any stories?

Other urls found in this thread:

No stories to post, sadly. Using this as an excuse to post this.


Sweet merciful Jesus, what is this shit

My group did a one off of it that was pretty fun.

Wait a sec, isn't the last one Ladybeard?

Used the base for a high-school based Superhero setting. Played a shy girl that was obsessed about manga that ended up being a really fast superhero with a racing theme. That was fun, ended up in a yuri relationship with the vidyahead strategist.

I just ran a one-shot game last night, because most of other players were out LARPing.

It was set in light magic/steampunk London. Their master was a young, vampiric Queen Victoria, who was a scientist. (In "celebration" of Victoria day)

Maids were
>Mariah Belmont; a cowgirl tomboy; her father was a Canadian rancher, had her sent to Windsor Castle for bridal training, in exchange for not trying to hunt the Queen. Started as pretty crappy maid.
>Rin; an English otaku (loved herself them Victorian mangas, especially Cowboy Reboot, lead to some hijinks with Mariah); she worked for the money to fuel her obsession.
>Natalie; near standard maid; she used an ornate crucifix in combat through the power of prayer and failed every roll using it. (Later changed weapons)
>Claire; a vampire angel; originally contacted in the Queen's search for longevity, stuck around cause why not. Roleplayed her 1 affection as creepy and overbearing.

They stopped a crazed Irishman from killing the Queen, beacuse all of the castle were incompetent.

I've actually ran 2 other Maid games before that.

Any particular reason you guys decided on maid for that game? Was there a master or something?

Ah, I finally remembered a snippet of the game I played.
Don't remember much about it because I have bad memory, but I do remember that one maid who had 0 skill kept intentionally trying to cook with skill, and making silly abominations of cooking.
Notable creations:
-Something what exploded and launched my character through a wall
-A living bowl of macaroni and cheese that ended up becoming the maid's pet

Will post more if I remember anything else

One of the few games out there that can pull off rolling for stats and completely not gimp you. How exactly do you guys interpret stress explosions? Own group interpreted it as a sort of side mission to deal with when someone starts doing whatever they have to. I've also heard other groups take it like an FF7 limit break, but no idea how stuff like 'go back to room and cry' is supposed to act like berserker mode

Yup, we played as sidekicks to the main hero (AKA the master). Best session was when we tried to cook a cobbler with two people that go on Veeky Forums in our group playing characters that don't know how to cook.

I just wanted to point out that it seems that whenever a Nechronica thread appears, Maid just has to appear right next.
Or vice versa.

Is it the gods taunting me, because they're the ttrpgs I want to play the most, but never could?

classical and japanese maid are god tier

Too bad there isn't a fantasy themed maid

Wait, really?
That is a neat coincidence

I made this:

Fucked up the link:

I ran like ten one-shots of it and played in a campaign of Maid. It was the one time I could justify playing a "looks 16 but is actually 600 years old" character so you bet your ass I took that chance.

After a bunch of silly misadventures, she ended up going into full righteous glowing angel form to defeat the evil villain and save the master or something.

Yeah, shame that game didn't happen.

Rin Tesugi, grand strategist reporting in.

Anyone currently hosting a game of Maid right now?

I'm interested in trying it out.

It's just that finding people who are GMing the game can be a bit 'hit-and-miss' for me.

It's a few dudes having some fun with satirical humor

One maid failed to spot that weird white sugar-like substance, found in a smugglers bag, was powerful "connect to spirit world" drug. Sprinkles it enthusiastically over everyone’s food. After a night-long bad trip, game derails into stop the yakudza trafficking operations. Oh, and after beating viciously one of the smugglers for information, they make him walk into a death trap to maybe disarm it. The trap wasn't disarmed. They burned the body in the backyard.

>GM starts the campaign without random events enabled
>second session in, we give random events a try
>dice roll gives us nuclear apocalypse
>manage to make it to a bomb shelter just before the nuclear holocaust envelops the region
>third session, the setting is now the bomb shelter rather the original mansion

This would have been a good BGM for the epilogue:

They're both designed by the same person.


I had a great idea for a maid: instead of the usual cleaning and cooking duties (although she can do them if need be), she specializes in fixing and making things. Toaster broken? Not only would she fix it, she'd probably modify it to run on spent nuclear fuel or the power of love or something. Warhead hidden under the mansion? Defused and kept as a trophy. Personal quarters? Full of machine tools and industrial supply catalogs. She would be the sort of person that would keep a Swiss army knife and zip ties (you never know when someone might misbehave) up her skirt at all times. But I haven't seen any online Maid games, and my friends definitely wouldn't play it. Such a shame.

When is the Girl Genius GURPS book going to come out again?

MAID is a better universal system than GURPS.

I don't even care about the mechanics. I just want Foglio to get off his ass so we can have a good RPG source book as promised.

Ran a session a few years ago.
Floating island magician nobleman hires a squad of maids to replace his previous staff in his research.
Part mystery thriller and part weeb comedy, it culminated in the maids deciding if they wanted to steal the relic keeping the island afloat and start a war with the mainland or allowing the noble to continue his self-imposed exile and protecting him from assassins and jealous rivals.

Overall, very fun and easy to play.

I wish I could play Maid, but the first time I showed it to my IRL friends, they were confused, weirded out, and one of them tried to play as Consuela and do real maid things rather than anime maid things.

I have played a few one offs over the past month or so and they have all ended in disaster.
The world turning into Hokuto No Ken.
The mansion getting destroyed by a glacier.
The maids fighting to the death.
A maid detonating a reactor to destroy the head of an evil organization.
It is pretty much the best one off system ever made.
I am looking forward to an updated Nechronia PDF so I can finally try it out.

>My only experiences with MAIDS proved that a lot of what you hear about the game is correct. It's awkward and weird.
>Animu lesbians and LOLRANDUMB: the game
>One time, my buddy mentions that he plays in a MAIDS campaign
>"Holy fuck! What?"
>He played over Skype with some other people every couple of weeks.
>I gotta sit in on this shit! Who the fuck would keep a story going in this sort of crap?
>Their game is literally just a story about some normal, everyday maids and butlers that work for a noble lord.
>Each session is a couple weeks in-game, and they keep track of their Lord's pantry and supplies
>One player tends to the yard and oversees gardening staff, as well as the stables
>In the time that I listened, their was a lot of discussion on preparations for an upcoming festival, meals for a banquet, an in-character discussion of one of the characters not fulfilling their duties properly, and a scene with them going to the market and seeing some girl they apparently despised.
>It was Downton Abbey, but anime

It was weird as fuck.