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Ulthuan Rules the Waves Edition

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WFB: pastebin.com/8rnyAa1S (embed) (embed)
WFRP: pastebin.com/0e6RuQux (embed) (embed)
Novels: mega.nz/#F!9Lw1WIRZ!eKxkOlAQwuZO3_8pHOK-EQ

> We're looking for these novels for the archive
pastebin.com/TSQhemJR (embed) (embed)

> Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
pastebin.com/CvGaNyrk (embed) (embed)
Tomb Kings Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-undying-dynasties-army-release#/
Bretonnia Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-kingdom-of-equitaine-army-release

> The 9th Age

> Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

> Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer: store.steampowered.com/app/364360/
Vermintide: store.steampowered.com/app/235540/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Return of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Bretonnia

Merovech lived sometime around the Red Pox that struck Bretonnia, in 1813 IC. Vlad von Carstein had come to Sylvania in 1797 IC, so he doesn't predate the vampires in Sylvania - or more specifically, it would have been possible for him to have been turned before he died.

I'm not sure what bloodline he is, so it's a little harder to answer your question - I assume he was of the bloodline of Aborash (who also turned the Red Duke, and often turned great warriors long before Slyvania was vampire-land), but there is a chance he could be a von Carstein or even (if less likely) a Strigoi or even one of the other bloodlines.

Frankly, I'm not all that happy with the idea of Merovech being a vampire - it was something included as part of a book series by Anthony Reynolds, and it doesn't mesh as well with the story of Merovech in the army books as I'd like - he must have been out in the sunlight several times, and the only indicator he might be a vampire was literally drinking the kings blood - and he could've just been deranged, as his delusions of being Landuin reborn indicate. I'd have to read the series myself to see if it explains itself better.

Tell me about the Red Duke, I see he has a novel. Once a noble crusader, turned into a vampire, and then driven insane by years of imprisonment- but what kind of insane? Mad dog, vengeance obsessed paranoid, or funny loony? And what's cursed Mousillon like under his reign?

I guess mad dog - he saw the faces of his old enemies in those of the living, and couldn't recognize a descendant of his until it was too late. I don't think he was even fully aware of how much time had passed, treating a later duke of Aquitaine like a usurper.

As to your second question, I'm not really sure - there are contradicting sources on that point. Some say he's rumored to rule in Mousilion as its new duke, others that he simply fled into the wilderness, and Mallobaude is claiming the dukedom. Either way, Mousilion seems to be somewhat like Sylvania - a bunch of scattered vampires, wights, cruel knights, and even a few servants of Chaos. It seems more disunified than Sylvania since it doesn't have a strong vampire aristocracy, but it still has a (somewhat mutated) living peasant underclass like Sylvania does. Whether it's the Red Duke or Mallobaude who rules, they obviously do it from the city of Mousilion itself.

Speaking of ships, my group just finished hiring a crew in Marienberg to sail their ship to Erengrad. I tried to develop colorful characters but only have the barest descriptions for each. Anyone interested in fleshing out one or two?

>Blind Adrian
Eyepatch on one eye, glass eye in the other, navigates his environment by sense of smell. Friendly so far, they like him a lot.
Surly, dark Tilean fellow, doesn't speak much but works hard as a rigger. Refuses to give his surname, if he has one.
>Durante Bisegna
Also Tilean, sun-cracked skin and laid back
>Gustaaf Fokkers (
Wasteland native, cheerful and helpful but clearly running from something
>Jean Feydeau
Tall, broad Bretonnian, doesn't want to speak of his past and was very touchy when they asked
>Marnius Prinse
Wasteland native, extremely professional Sailor's Guild member, hired him as the bosun, speaks professionally to the officers but will be a terror to the crew



>Canute Erdal
A Norse adventurer, he has a big beard, cannot read or write Reikspiel, but is great with knots and rigging
>Leonid Silvashenko
Kislevite, drunkard, debts in Marienberg
>Diebold Boeglin
Nordland accent, old, but seemingly a good helmsman
>Slippery Dieterich
Stirlander, extra twitchy, especially on his left side, where he has a hook instead of a hand. Good helmsman though
>Cirdale Heinrich
Secretly an elf, but currently wrapped in thick clothes, bandannas, and hats. He rather obviously made up the last name Heinrich on the spot when pressed. Was not able to explain why he should be hired and knew very little about the sea, but they liked that he was tall
>Heintze Shuhmann
Reiklander, older fellow. He is the ship's Shantyman and I will use him to play sound files of sea shanties from Black Flag. Gives the crew a +5% mechanical bonus when singing. He is mysterious, refers to the sea as his "mistress", and is cagey about why he wants to sail with the PCs, since he sought them out instead of the other way around (I have no idea what his mystery is, I just made him up on the spot)

The only crewmember I generated whom they turned down was
>Anshelm the Crazed
Imperial, seemed perfectly normal at first, but they got cautious when he explained he's a rigger because he is "good with ropes" (the table started making strangulation motions), he wants to leave the city immediately, he can't remember how he got his nickname since it was given to him after his fourth time blacking out, etc. They were still going to hire him since Blind Adrian gave him a great character reference but changed their minds when they learned most of his sailing experience has involved fleeing.

I am very open to suggestions on expanding these characters. They will be with the party for a long time, both IC and OOC, so I want them to feel like people

Most of these guys seem solid enough, so I'll just give a few suggestions and ask a few questions.

>Blind Adrian
Could make him a Chaos worshiper, who after losing his eyes bargained for second sight. Could try to get Canute to help him with a mutiny or something else devious. I'd recommend not doing that though, since the PCs are so attached to him.

He was once a contender for the title of Prince of Luccini. Unfortunately, Princes of Luccini are famed for their sense of humor, and he is a surely man and was quickly kicked out. Still has some noble-related skills or knowledge.

>Gustaaf Fokkers
He's a secret worshiper of Olovald - it's older lore, but it's Marienburg-focused and could be fun to include, especially if a priest of Manann finds out - or the crew even, who'd likely hope for Manann's blessings on any voyage.

>Jean Feydeau
Lots of ways you could go with this: maybe he's a noble's son that's dodging his time as a Knight-Errant (some do, usually as bards). Maybe he's a runaway peasant - some sort of outlaw, or abused for the horrid crime of being taller than his lord. Maybe he's one of the rare Bretonnian children with magic potential that were smuggled off to the Empire and raised/schooled there.

>Leonid Silvashenko
What sort of Kislevite is he - Godspar? Ungol? Maybe even Ropsmenn? Could be fun if it turns out he had debts in Erengrad as well, and makes for a potential plothook.

>Diebold Boeglin
It's interesting that you specify his accent - maybe he was from another province, but raised in Nordland? Could be a bastard son.

>Cirdale Heinrich
Why is an elf disguising himself as a human? Is he a high elf? A spy from the Laurelorn forest?

Ok, guys, here is a little battle report, 2500 points lizardmen vs skaven.

skaven list consisting of:

Grey Seer with Earthing Rod and Talisman of Preservation

Warlord on war litter with warpstone armor, sorcereer engeneer blades and dawnstone

Chieftain bsb with shield, tail weapon, poisoned attacks and stormbanner

Engeneer 2nd level of Ruin with dispel scroll

40 stormvermin with shields, command and warpfire thrower

30 clanrats with poisoned wind mortar, shields and musician.

6 rat-ogres with 3 packmaster

9 gutter runners with poisoned attacks and slings

2 warplightning cannons


1 Hellpit Abomination

Lizardmen list was:

Slann, battle standard bearer with soul of stone, high magic loremaster, the magic resistance discipline, the channeling discipline and channeling staff

Saurus hero with the +1 T helm

2 lvl skink mage with beast and dispel

1 lvl skink mage with beast and cube of darkness

30 saurus warrior with command

30 saurus warrior with command

10 skinks

10 skinks

25 temple guards with +1 discipline banner and command

3 terradont

10 chameleon skink

I forgot the lizardmen also had 3 salamanders

Skaven win deployement (wtf), and go first.

Scouting Gutter Runner block the Vanguard move of the Terradonts.

HPA and DOOMWHEEL both roll unusually high on movement distance, the HPA going unconfortably close to the saurus hero, while the DOOMWHEEL marches toward one of the 2 little skink coohort

Magic pahse 1 goes extremely well dicewise, with me having 10 dice and my opponent 6.

3-dice Howling Warpgale and Warp lightning from the engenner both are countered with ease by the slann.Since he has no dice left I eat a couple of warpstone tokens with the seer, and throw a Dreaded 13th on the temple guards, obtaining an IF. 16 temple guards die, i get a str6 hit on both my mages (saving the one on the Seer).

Shooting phase is mostly ineffective, with cannons and mortar killing 8 saurus warrior across both units.
DOOMWHEEL has a misfire, ends up moving 17 through a river behind the enemy lines, blessed be the Horned Rat.

Lizardmen turn, I fire the stormbanner.

He declares charge on my HPA with the 30 saurus warriors + hero and it flees.

Magic Phase. Slann attempts to cast Walk Between Worlds on the salamanders (countered), the magic missile on my HPA (dispel scroll) then Fire Invocation (IF) on my clanrat bunker. The IF goes badly (4) but thanks to Soiul of Stone the slann does not risk death. However, other 8 temple guards die, leaving the slann alone with a single temple guard. 22 clanrats die, I magically pass the LD test.

Shooting phase is completely ineffectual, with most of his army needing 7+ or 8+ to hit


A skink cohort baits my rogres out of position, and flees, I rally the HPA

The stormvermin block marches forward, gutter runners place themselves in front of the terradons.

The DOOMWHEEL rolls a whooping 17 move and smashed into the non-hero manned saurus unit's flank!

Magic phase goes terribly, with me having 6 dices (5+1, no channeling) and my opponent having 7 dices. I opt to dispel his fire invocation and call it a day.

Shooting phase: the DOOMWHEEL and cannons fail to fire, the mortar does a couple of wounds on the saurusu hero hammer unit, the runners kill a terradon.

In combat the DOOMWHEEL narrowly wins combat, and, to both players disbelievement, the saurus warrios flee. Due to it's 3d6 pursue, the DOOMWHEEL smashes through the saurus, and proceeds dangerously close to the (almost) lone slann.

can't hate the doomwheel user, blessed be


surprisingly, the hero-hammer unit fails to charge the rogres, and is now on a pretty bad position, between the rogre and the HPA

the rest of the armies tries frantically to reorganize itself, since the left flank placeholder has just been obliterated and my stormvermin unit is still intact.

the slann is forced to turn away and run behind the big saurus block, hoping to distance itself from the DOOMWHEEL.

magic phase he rolls 12 dices. on a single phase he piles on the remaining saurus units +1 STR +1 T, +3 WS, I and gives the saurus +3 attacks +3 str, thus preventing any charge attempt on my part. I manage to dispel Walk Between Worlds on the Slann, and get hit by another Fire's Invocation on my grey seer unit. Both the unit and the engeneer succumb to it, leaving a lone seer in front of a salamander pack.

However, the Horned Rat is a generous god and the stormbanner prevents 2 salamanders from firing, the third one going wildly over the head of the seer.

It literally won the game by itself

Skaven turn 3: I'm considering backstabbing the guy with the fucking stormbanner.

Rogres fail the frenzy and smash themselves on the hyper-buffed saurus unit.

Stormvermins fail to charge the salamanders. The seer hurries and joins them to not get shot in the face (he is still burning from the slann spell, and with only 2 wounds left mind you)

HPA moves to at least get a flank charge next turn on their overrun.

glorious DOOMWHEEL decides that today is the day, and smashed through an hill with a 17'' roll to hit the slann in the face. The lone temple guard is uncerimoniously ZAP'd

Magic phase is spent with the Grey Seer rolling itself on the ground to put out the flames.

Shooting phase the gutter runners manage to kill the terradons
(which, not being able to fly and having a -2 to hit, were pretty useless atm, but hey, it's still points)

Combat phase the rogres get rekt, the DOOMWHEEL manages to do a single wound on the slann but with no avail as he stands there.


As the skinks try to get even a single shot through, the saurus hammer fails a LD test and so barely reorganizes itself to face the HPA.

Magic phase goes very poorly with 4 and 2 dices for him and me, respectively.

Saurus warrior get the +1 S +1 T, I counter the slann attempt to heal itself.

Combat phase is uneventful as both the DOOMWHEEL and the slann just stare at each other.

Skaven turn 4: fucking finally the stormbanner ends.

HPA charges the saurus unit, stormvermins charge one of the skink cohorts.

Magic phase the seer skitterleaps itself out of the combat on a remote patch of the battlefield

Shooting phase one cannons clear the salamanders, the other explodes. Flamethrower misfire, runs to the mortar and explodes on it, kiling them both. The doomwheel ZAP's the slann at str 2 and actually causes a sinle wound, which multiplies into...a single wound.

Combat phase the stormvermin predictably obliterate the skinks.
The saurus warriors FAIL the fear test so now they hit on 5'. HPA rolls the Flesh Avalnce result, killing 6 saurus warriors between impact hits and actual attacks, and giving them ANOTHER -1 to hit the HPA. They now hit the abomination on 6s.
Saurus warriors try to counteract this but it's far too much, they barely manage to sneak in a wound, and the HPa causes 6 more casualities with its stomp, robbing them of steadfast. They run and are uncerimoniously gulped down by the HPA.

the DOOMWHEEL decides it's time to end the game on a high note, and unleashes 12 attacks on the slann, causing 3 wounds, of which only 1 gets saved. the slann is obliterated and the lizardmen player concedes, having a single skink cohort unit and 10 chamaleons.

you should really give the doomwheel lizard leather interiors in commemoration of the day when it reaped such a harvest, neat report user, enjoyable reading.

here is a bit of paper terrain I did tonight, courtesy of the Veeky Forums paper terrain megas, it was only 2 pieces as well, just needed some cardboard inner reinforcements and it looks fantastic

>Witchcraft allows you to learn any spell from an Arcane Lore with a Casting Number of 15 or less, but you must pay 200 xp for each one. You can cast these spells without having the Speak Arcane Language skill. However, you must roll an extra d10 when casting one of these spells. This does not add into your Casting Roll but does count for the purposes of Tzeentch’s Curse. Once you learn an Arcane Language and an Arcane Lore, you no longer have to roll the extra die.
I'm confused about the 'learn any spell from an arcane lore' bit. Does that mean that when using the Witchcraft talent, I can only use spells from a single lore since it says 'an' instead of 'any'?

I think it is meant that you gain 1 spell from any Arcane Lore for each instance of 'Witchcraft' you have.

Great suggestions user, I like them. I'll have to look more into the princes of Luccini and Olovald. The ship's captain is secretly a worshipper of Stromfels so some conflict could erupt there easily.

For Jean I'm thinking maybe he was indeed persecuted for being taller than his lord, which drove him to the Harrimaults. Perhaps he committed some crime, like betrayed them or attacked innocents, and was banished for it?

There's a lot here to work with. Thanks. Still open to more ideas too!

What year was the WFRP Companion published? In the bestiary section there are fungal zombies just like The Last of Us, and I'm curious if it predates that

Eh, the baby is already painted and done. However, I still have an oldschool DOOMWHEEL to do....

(neat clocktower)

Second for actual heavy cav.

I'm still bitter that those were not made into a core part of the army. Fixing old Ogres would have been so easy, *so easy*, but they went and changed them completely and ruined them

>22 posts into the thread

Heavyset is not the same as heavy. Those things are barely wearing armor, and the ogres aren't even holding lances or spears - the ogres on the sides could not physically hit anything unless it was at least as tall as an ogre, a human could easily dodge any of their strikes.

But why do they hit so hard and have a 1+ armor?

My players are wandering into Bordeleaux hoping to rally rubes into joining in on a crusade against Mousillon. One party member (an errant bretonnian knight) is delusional enough to think it will work, the others (filthy foreigners)are using it as a fund raising scam to pay for a ransom (and get better gear). They plan to tuck and run at the first set back.

I'll admit, I am unsure how to play the Bretonnians. Gullible, over zealous rubes? Disdainful nobles tba t wouldn't give them the time of day? Something else?

I can muddle through, but I am kind of creatively empty right now. I appreciate their creative scheme, but I worry it's over ambitious. But I don't want to smack them down too hard.

What would you say is the most important element of a successful WHFB warband for 3000 points? Extra Lords and Heroes, or extra core, elites and rare units? Thinking of doing an allied list of Phoenix King and Empire.

Is it hoard dominance at core/special level, or is it more like 2000pts but with a higher lord and hero allowance?

Multiple death star units or a more balanced "chaff" heavy list due to the abundance of magic?

Just curious as to what people think at this point-level.

Also when playing with allies, do you personally allow each ally to have their own turn, or do you just have one mega turn per side? With the former, close combat would be freaking deadly (and arguably more realistic), whilst in the latter magic is significantly nerfed...

I know it's Warhammer but somebody with no vision at all couldn't work on a ship. He's be too much of a hindrance.

Depends on the armies.

Skaven heroes are not so deadly, but their rares are among the strongest.

You don't want to really field more than 1 deathstar, as that means leaving your opponent full control over the battlefield.

All allies act together, like it's meant to be. Magic is not nerfed, you still decide who get to cast and what.

If I've already primed but not base coated can I green stuff the gaps and then base coat or will I need to prime again?

I would try and peel away the prime from those spots. It will absolutely weaken the greenstuff's attachment to the model

Been looking through the unit parts of Tamurkhan: Throne of Chaos and I have some questions:

Firstly what exactly is the special rule Will of Chaos? I can't find it anywhere, be it in the book itself or the 8th edition rulebook for WoC.

Secondly, is it just me or is the book/units from the book not included in the Battlescribe app?

The Witchcraft skill doesn't say that it is several skills like Academic Knowledge or Speak Language, just a single one so I think possessing the talent just means that a new avenue of gaining spells becomes available. The problem is that I can't tell if it allows the character to learn spells from multiple arcane lores or just one.

I'm going to be hosting a Fantasy RP and I'm writing up the story/background. The lore says Beastmen are the children of chaos and not beholden to one god, but they almost all seem to be Khorne-favoured when portrayed. Blood, skulls, killing, blood, etc

Are their Slaaneshi, Nurglite and Tzeentchi varieties? I'm mainly curious because the story is centred around a conflict between Nurgle and Slaanesh's forces.

Because the Rhinoxes are big.

Bestigors, Minotaurs and lords/heroes could take marks. Bestigors were called Khorngors, Slaangors, Tzaangors or Pestigors if they were marked.

I think Tamurkhan predates the 8th edition book. Will of Chaos is panic test reroll.

>Slaaneshi Minotaurs

Ah I see. Is the 1d4chan-page on WoC-tactics outdated then, as it includes Tamurkhan-units on the page for 8th ed.?


Minotaurs are not technically beastmen though.

It's not exactly an easy thing to figure out how an entire people should work. I assume you're looking at the Knights of the Grail book if you're running this, right? Easiest thing to do is take how Imperials work, and weld on Bretonnian ideas that the book presents.

Bretonnians as a whole focus on the present more than preparing for the future; if the party tries to convince them to prevent future peril, have the people they preach to decidedly less interested. If the party warns them of the current threat of Mousilion, or something soonish, that should get more attention. Also remember that people from Bordelaux are often tipsy since wine is so cheap - might earn them more initial successes.

I think peasants should have a salt of the earth wisdom, but aren't very informed or educated - if foreigners try to use the campaigns of Vlad as a threat for what might happen, they won't get it. Nobles should be disdainful of 'foreign peasants,' but more willing to listen to the knight - some might be zealous, some might be cautious, but as a whole they should understand the threat of Undead. If the nobles show approval, generally the peasants will follow. If a Grail Knight or other religious figure shows approval, the peasants will definitely listen - even Grail Pilgrim preaching could help, and they're fanatical enough they'd want to protect religious stuff from Undead.

If the party wants money, try focusing on merchants - they're still of the peasant class, but generally richer. And they care enough about the future that you can warn them of business problems in the future if they don't pay up now. Play them as using local toughs to back themselves up rather than laws making them immune to things.

Rolled 88 (1d100)

I cast a spell.

Tamurkhan was released during the 8th edition, while the 7th edition WoC book was still in use.

Khorne is the posterboy for Chaos, that's all. The other gods, minor daemons, and Chaos Undivided are all also worshipped by the Beastmen.

The last warband my players encountered were lead by a Slaangor who was fending off a leadership challenge from a gave possessed by a Plaguebearer. Was fun

Ah okay, I take that as a yes then.

Forge World probably FAQed it at some point.

The person who wrote that 1d4chan article obviously didn't play before the 8th edition if he thinks that unmounted Archaon wasn't usable before the newest armybook.

Thanks for the comments. I'll definately read the 1d4chan-article with a sprinkle of salt in the future.

Have a Stegadon video.


It's the one year anniversary now and I hope they announce something for it,

Reposting my two homebrews. I think I've finished with them.


Is the Mordheim PC game any good? It seems interesting but I've stayed my hand for fear that it would be a repeat of my experiences with XCOM and Blood Bowl, where everything is down to luck and there's always a chance to fuck everything up despite doing everything right from your perspective. Is it like that?
Also where can I get stuff to play it on tabletop?

I'm not video game critic but I thoroughly enjoy the Mordheim PC game. It's the kind of game where you need to spend time reading guides to have fun right away. I mean, I guess you can just play, but it's a hard game

anybody else think objectives are fucking gay and you should just fight and win with superior strategy and movement instead of gimmicky control points

Why does the Stegadon have a tail-band with two human skulls cast in metal?

I understand that sometimes Lizardmen keep skulls and shrunken heads to terrify their enemies, but why go out of their way to make a human skull decoration out of metal? It doesn't have any meaning for them, and it's not terrifying as a necklace of skulls.

Depends on who they're interacting with and if a knight what part of their quest for the grail they're in.
Peasants are simple, think of some mix between Monty Python and the Holy Grail and History of the World pt. 1's peasants and then remove humor until desired. The peasants are kept brutally oppressed by the laws and lords of Brettonnia where they only keep 1/10th as opposed to giving 1/10th. Merchants are peasants that know how to trade and, while they do make more money off of it, they should be viewed with suspicion for fear of corrupting the lands of Bretonnia.
For nobles look up every possible chivalric reference both in and out of game. These are the guiding light of Bretonnian nobles. Before they begin questing for the grail they are the stereotypical selfish and snooty assholes perfectly fine with seeing the peasants crushed beneath them. During their quest they have to give up everything they have so it takes a certain breed to commit to such an act of potentially giving up their entire inheritance and titles forever if they don't find the grail. Some will be humbled while others will become spiteful, never to find the object of their quest. Overtime they will either fail to become pure and die titleless or pass the tests of the Lady and become a Grail Knight, perfect, infallible beings whom will give their very lives to purify the world around them. While the smallfolk still toil beneath them, they recognize that even the peasants deserve some lot in life and are somewhat kinder towards them.
All Bretonnians hate shit that goes bump in the night since it eats peasants, which are property of royals. The Midnight Aristocracy is rightfully feared as it turns both desperate peasants and lordly knights over to the cruel grasp of undeath. Beastmen and their corrupting presence is not tolerated. The wood elves infest more woods than just Athel Loren and are cruel and capricious fae.

Oh yes. One of my Warhammer fantasy characters is a Centigor Chieftain with the Mark of Slaanesh. We got some corrupted Reikland elite soldiers in the war herd as well. Waiting for Malagor to show up to point us at our next score. Alcohol, food, and human females for everyone!

do third parties still sell GW models or do you have to go directly through GW now? Also do GW stores (online or physical) ever have sales on miniatures/paint?

Funnily enough, The War Store is finally able to openly sell GW minis online, which the were held from doing before and had a big run around for it.

>anybody else think objectives are fucking gay and you should just fight and win with superior strategy and movement instead of gimmicky control points
I used to think that way but then I realized that objectives give games variety. It also makes them more realistic, because how often is every engagement in a war just two armies duking it out on a field?

I have yet to figure out how I will play Blind Adrian. Perhaps like thebother user suggested he has second sight, or maybe he really can move around decently just using his other sense. He can certainly pull ropes and clean things by touch.

It gives you something to fight for/over. Without them, you essentially just have armies bashing against each other, and whoever's got the worse army loses - with control points or suchlike, a player can be rewarded for outmaneuvering their opponent rather than outfighting them. And that also means that turtling up isn't always a viable strategy.

It also helps with scenarios - if we reach this side of the table, we're safe; if we capture this part of the town, the enemy will lose heart and flee, that sort of thing.

I've always thought of the beastmen as heavily Slaneeshi-flavoured with the whole wild Bacchus-wibe they got going lorewise.

That's funny that you think so, since I myself have always viewed them as heavily Slaaneshi-flavoured due to the whole wild Bacchus-wibe they got going lorewise.

I need recommendations for vampire counts/covenant models,more specifically (cheap) 28mm armed skellingtons

what gives?

try the old tomb kings line

>got whfb to work on my computer
>playing bretts and love it
>united the knights
>Took Marineberg
>Wood Elves hate us but spend their time doing jack shit

1-Who should I choose for the finally errantry war? Chaos or Orcs?

2-Would it be wrong to rename Couronne as "Paris"?

I'm currently playing it and having fun.
It is less frustrating than BB on that matter, but to be honest the AI is a bit shallow and basically resorts to the same tactic to subdue you. Also maps get quite repetitive after a bit.
That's for random encounters, campaign missions are more enjoiable (and hard).

>less frustrating than bb
Blood bowl is a salt game and thats what makes it grand

So WFRP is confirmed as being done by Cubicle 7 with a new edition. Thoughts?



Looks like their site got the hug of death.

Looking forward to getting some more details though.

"The new edition will return players to Warhammer's grim world of perilous adventure, and takes its direction from the first and second editions of the game."

Fun yes. That's all I ever wanted.

Not sure how my fingers translated 'fuck' to 'fun'.
Freudian slip perhaps.

Guys...there's a new edition of WHRP incoming.

I'm not shitting you, there's a new edition of WHRP in the making. 5e is a thing.

It's being made by Cubicle7. They announced it 3 or so hours ago on their facebook page.

You're a bit late chap.

So who is Cubicle7? What have they done?

Didn't this come up a few threads ago anyway? It might have been just a rumor then.

Honestly you only really have two options, Mantic or GW. The others probably aren't much cheaper.

Good for the confirmation but yeah we all knew. GW sold them the rights to it last year.

Also it's 4E isn't it?

Some small British team, people seem to speak very highly of them. They've produced a well received middle-earth RPG.

Oh, they made Qin. That was a neat game, but a bit loose on the crunch. Still, I expect good things.


>We wish we’d thought of that…The ‘Old Friend’ is out a little later in the year. It’s just a cool tiny, little thing we thought everyone would like to see, but it’s not a faction or an LL.


>Only gw beastmen minis are gors

Annoying desu

What could they possibly include that wasn't a faction or an LL? Could it possibly be a map?

>tfw no Tristan le Troubadour, Josef Bugman or Krell

Guys, does any of you play Age of Reckoning? It is a PvP only server?

You bring up a good point. To put it simply, the Beastmen are a race-war on hooves. Being the children of Chaos, they are so perfectly Chaotic that it often causes the Dark Gods to lose interest. Every Beastie Boy is aware that they are fighting an eternal race war with the human race, and this can perfectly be seen with the fact that they love to raid Human civilization and carry off booze, food, and females to impregnate with more glorious beast seed.They can appear to be quite Slaaneshi, and Beastie boys love to have fun, but they can also embody other aspects from other Gods such as their bloodlust for Khorne, their Endurance for Nurgle, and how Bray-Shamans preserve the stories and Wisdom of their people for Tzeentch. The reason why a lot of people get that Bacchus feel with them is because the average Beast isn't very smart and only really wants to have fun. Fun that usually comes at the expense of humans, especially women!

Does Chaos Undivided still exist in WFB? It was more or less written out in 40k, if I remember right - only one Chaos Undivided Daemon Prince, for instance.

Chaos you non-grail knight. In the bulwark of civilization it is the role of the Dawi to rid the world of the greenskinned abomintations and the Empire to secure the old world. You are to journey to the very depths of the chaos wastes to battle the gods themselves if the Lady demands it.

What is life like in the Empire and where are the halflings located? Not in the small villages but in the bigger cities like Nuln and Altdorf for the former question.

Most halfings are in the Moot, but if you just mean in other parts of the empire, they tend to have their own parts of cities if there's a large enough population of them, like how dwarves are. Though they'll also get a bit scattered about depending on their class and occupation.

Yes and it does in 40K as well.

The main baddies in both are Chaos undivided, ie. Archaon and Abbadon.

A good thing about Fantasy is that if there is anything not detailed you can just look at the history and get a pretty good idea.

So it's a bit boring but they live like people lived in 16th century European free towns.

Nuln and Altdorf are the two most advanced though and maybe not typical of the other large towns in the Empire.

Also have a look at the book Heirs of Sigmar which goes into a load of detail on each province and it's major towns.

We're back in business boys.

I'm just looking forward to some new stuff to read.

> Vermintide
> Total War

When is GW going to grow a pair of balls and just admit they made a mistake.

>Secure about anything
Also does WHFB have a Vienna equivelant? I know marnieburg is ampsterdam/netherlands

Maybe Averheim or Tabalheim?