market going up or down doesnt matter, you can make money both ways if you know what you're doing.
this is too fucking easy to predict if you've experienced it beforehand and know what signs to look for.
market going up or down doesnt matter, you can make money both ways if you know what you're doing.
this is too fucking easy to predict if you've experienced it beforehand and know what signs to look for.
well why not help your brothers out?
Explain, I'm extremely diversified and down 30% I'm going to kill myself if your awnser isn't good enough
should've been on tether hours ago.
Well how the fuck am i suppsoe to know this? Do i just listen to any biz shill???
how do we REALLY know.
Pay attention to total market cap.
If 20-30 billions just fucking vanished in a day you fucking liquidate everything into usd. It means whales are cashing out and the money isnt there anymore so everything will drop.
>market going up or down doesnt matter,
Daytrader marines reporting in.
>you can make money both ways if you know what you're doing.
Call/Put, leverage. Rolling stop +/- 4/6%
>this is too fucking easy to predict if you've experienced it beforehand and know what signs to look for.
Trend analysis. 3 bets a day on the instrument.
for knowledge.
>should've been on tether hours ago.
>well why not help your brothers out?
won't. i can't make money except by justing others. I will often throw some crumbs on Veeky Forums by replying to threads, but it often gets lost with all the dumbass shills making noise out there. but that's just how Veeky Forums works.
thats bullshit, the market drops and gains billions everyday
not this hard
they are isolate cases, you just got to learn how to spot these and liquidate accordingly.
I want dahyun to go up and down on me if ya know what I'm saying
there are double digit corrections every week
did you pass algebra 1, user? maybe calculus 1 is a better hint?
keep on hodling then
i'll buy your bags at half price in 2 days
did you panic sell 2 days ago when btc dropped 10%?
i sold last week when BTC was still hovering between 18 and 19k, kept 30% for etheremon because i'm a real piece of shit.
if he "panic" sell 2 days ago he would've been way up on his profits, unlike you retard monkeys who hodl on a obvious crash
am a newcoiner from summer, but spend most of my time looking at enterprise solutions. Do you mind telling me what the hot topic was at the start of 2013 and 2015?
you dont lose if you dont sell
not winning more is losing
da graphs look da same :DDDDDDDDDd
Bitcoins just don't disappear someone buys them.