What did Gilliman mean by this
What did Gilliman mean by this
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Are those... Skybrarians?
Are those pistols? Weird-ass looking pistols.
I'll admit, I'm kinda ticked off. Seraphim as twin pistol jump troops was one of the few things we had that marines didn't. Now there are better marines with (Almost certainly) better bolt pistols.
thy look kinda cool, but they also look really heavy, which usually osnt a good thing for jump pack units
he saw that almost every other race in the galaxy used their jump troops to carry powerful and specialised ranged weapons (crisis suits, hawks, spiders, flygrants, gargoyles, shrikes, scourges) and decided that maybe there was a reason for that
they're stormbolters, not bolt pistols.
and destroyers have been around for a while in 30k, thats a much greater infringement than these shitters
besides you know what they say about imitation and flattery
Those are less jump packs, than they are jump BACKS. Or maybe Jump Hats.
why havent you sold/thrown away your manlet marines yet
Those are single barreled.
So no doubt they'll be Boltstormers, or Boltcarbines or something. Magnumbolters. Something else creatively bankrupt.
Alternatively, since those are little shields, it'll be Combi-Shields.
You get a gauntlet of ultramar! And YOU get a gauntlet of ultramar!
Gauntlets of Ultrimar, for everyone!
The posing makes them look kind of goofy, like they're just sort of floating around instead of hurtling through the air.
Why do the facemasks remind me of gundam faces
He said this edition should be Rogue Trader 2.0
and then slapped Yvraine's ass.
>and destroyers have been around for a while in 30k, thats a much greater infringement than these shitters
Yeah but SOB can't be used in 30k and Destroyers can't be used in 40k so they were at least not in the same game before.
>besides you know what they say about imitation and flattery
At this point it's less 'Imitation' and more 'The SOB have nothing left to take'.
I am really not seeing how 8e will give SOB a unique playstyle that isn't just 'Marines but cheaper'.
I dunno, at this point I'm just really burned out about losing the few remaining things we had to marines.
>mad at these dudes
>when legion destroyer squads have been a thing for years
Also, I'm assuming they're gonna be some extended range, rapid fire pistols, rather than the ones you see on the sergeants.
>$70 for a box of 5, pre order now
They're "assault bolters", whatever those are.
Jesus you are right, I bet that the new lore will say that the new jump pack will allow to float at mid air and the foot support is for that
The more I look at them, the less I hate them.
They'll look good in a Raven Guard list I guess, but I want some Melee oriented Primaris Jump Marines
you cant pre order them yet
Pre order soon
These... actually look pretty good.
I bet those three cost £60 though.
Likely Pistol 2 or something.
Can't really see what those tiny-ass shields are meant to protect against - hell, even the Combat Shield (which everyone forgets exists anyway) covers more
Those jump packs do look suitably huge though
I don't play the game but those are kinda neat. I don't care too much for the head shrouds, but otherwise they're cool. I like the shields on the guns, and the little covers on their soles that shows they're wearing layers of power armor.
This one's kinda weird, the shroud still seems pretty huge, and that's kind of an unflattering angle for the crotch area because it makes the abdominal armor look really long. Otherwise I like the extra armory bits on the legs. The right arm looks really small in comparison to everything else.
At least we know that Seraphim will be good (probably) if Bigmars are packing double pistols.
Yeah, but without a fucking huge chainsword they look like shit. Also heresy, probably.
Well, seeing that every SM detachment can have the Emperor's sword, how is the gauntlet too hard to get?
I'm calling it now, Primaris will come at $50 for a box of five.
Why do they have skis.
This is almost as bad as that floatey new dwarf from AoS.
>Legion of damned get entry
>SoB dont
You know, it's kinda funny. St Celestine and the SOB were actually involved in Caul's adventure longer than the ultramarines were but the Marines are the ones getting the new Caul bolt weapons.
The black face vents mostly. They actually look a bit more like Gundams in the face department than most Tau do overall. But it does come from the older power armor designs at least, so there's some precedent for it.
I'm in the same boat. I'm down to dislike from loathing, but I'm not fond of their style. They look like they're floating, not leaping through the air.
Man, what if they're Jet rather than Jump troops?
y-you're being sarcastic r-right.... $70 for 5 tacticals...
They probably are, there's clearly something attached to the foot/ankle, it's easy to spot on the right one. Probably leg boosters they use to make smaller movements while hovering like something out of Iron Man
Imperial Agents, user.
Though I can't fathom who gives a shit about Legion of the Damned. Are they meant to be the loyalist equivalent to Rubric Marines and their fancy boltguns?
Prices havent been announced yet.
Top kek
Looks like an OP Kite Class.
I'm so fucking glad Warhammer Fantasy died before it became this. Warhammer 40k is getting the same fucking treatment as End Times/Age of Smegmar, becoming more and more fucking stupid by the day, but without any demarcation point, just a slow slide into becoming something utterly alien and foreign.
*easy to see on the left one.
He's clearly got some kind of booster on his feet.
excuse me sir, these are Primaris Intercessor Squads made from superior British plastic
Counts as Prosecutors with celestial hammers.
They've been around for a really long time. Since 2nd. Ed. They're basically a special character unit.
>Imperial Agents
my point still stands
If you can get a power fist with a bolt weapon then I guess with a storm shield, one could appropriately represent Captain Cortez, which i like.
I know, I was into the hobby when they showed up. I just can't see why they're coming into focus again. Unless they want to double down hard on the Daemons of the Emperor thing that Celestine's latest outing brought up.
Vanguard-Raptors With Hurricane Crossbows
>dat possing
>dat detailless design
>dat jumphats
Well, I guess true scale are new Finecast for GW
>give them plasma
>call them "hellblaster"
Holy fuck I'll take 10.
Vanguard-Raptors With Longstrike Crossbows
It's that one step too far. Hellguns I can deal with, but Hellblasters is right up there with the finest Nounverb bullshit.
Its marines: every flavour. And. The rest of the imperium.
>imperial agents
Which includes those useless tarts.
I just feel sorry for ordo hereticus. Other ordos get marines - and now supermarines. But the antic heresy brigade, surprise surprise, bring little girls to a cock fight.
>no no, primaries aren't heresy I swear.
>and if they are, what are you and your girls aloud brigade going to do about it?
girl power
Armor mark variety
Less retarded looking jump troops
Easier to hide them behind things
They actually fit in my army case
Same reason they're on 25mm
Is that me, or this box have only 2 posses?
Those Deathguard look pretty sweet.
user we are supposed to burn them and post angry videos
LotD were involved in the events of Gathering Storm, their most recent fluff. So they clearly foresee some level of relevance.
The SOB are not the Order Militant for the Hereticus. They haven't been for editions.
Hope you dont forget your pack of Citadel Warhammer 40K Tactical Objective Cards
Eh welding bolters/bolt pistols to your wrists/gauntlets isnt anything new. Grey Knights do it. The chapter master of the Crimson FIsts does it.
Probably. These are snapfit minis from the new starter box.
They blast the hel out of you.
I didn't for any previous edition since the game type that uses them sucks and I don't play it.
It's actually Hell, with two Ls.
You don't like your Ultramax Intercessor Isolator squadrons? Perhaps you need to try a Adeptus Astartes Stormhand Thunderbastion formation.
Extremely not new
Dont forget a pack of Citadel Warhammer 40k Command Dice
What is that thing? Some sort of Primaris Initiate who's not yet fully grown?
Just like the Deathwatch and Grey Knights are their own entities, sure.
The Sororitas are still the go-to source of special forces for the Hereticus. Albeit a blunter and more flashy tool than their counterparts.
Yeah but those are the gauntlets of ultramar. My point was Guilliman didnt invent the wheel when he decided to attach a bolter to his glove
Measure your movement in style with an official Citadel Warhammer 40K Combat Guage
Whoa user thats just rude! We call them civilians around here.
So this is the power of GW quality
That's pretty neat.
That must be the mighty Metriculus Distanceor(tm) artifact, unearthed by Belesarius Cawl himself. Lord Guilliman trusts the portents of the Metriculus Distanceor(tm) over any auspex to gauge Citadel Battle Ranges(tm).
Goddamnit I'm probably going to buy these because I'm a stupid faggot
The worst part is I already have a perfectly usable Gale Force 9 movement template and the old clear green markers for things like running and flat out.
Oh right. Here you go then.
>no leather thong to wear it to parties and weddings
Garbage, will stick to AoS one
>Paint them gold
>Use them in both 40k and AoS
>Make everyone super angry
Let me bring your attention to our new line of Citadel Warhammer 40K Objective Markers
Too bad the starter boxed set is all snap fit. RIP nurgle marines.
Why are they laughing?
Check out that superior British engineering and workmanship.
>looks like a five year old made it.
And you know it'll have that premium quality goods gw price tag.
Space wolf primaris marines on giant thunderwolves to use as Dracoths when?
b-but 10 s-pace marines u-used to cost $21...
muh prices
>that fat belly
Gotta admit, these models look pretty damn good. I wonder if they'll update all other factions with similarly scaled models.
I want my truescale guardsmen please
At least four different plague marines seen in the death guard preview video aren't present in the starter box. The pics are over in 40kg. At a minimum they're getting a normal box of plague marines to go with Mortarion.
Theyre probably some new bolt auto pistol if i had to guess, theyre not storm bolters.
>oldmarines just lost their plot-armor and will rekt by anyone now
Fuck no. That would defeat the entire purpose.
Those tiny 'shields' on the ends of the bolters are so stupid, not even stupid-cool like you'd expect from 40k
Of course they will release shit around the starter box, why wouldn't they? Question is, will Nurgle be the 40k chaos army of choice like Khorne is AoSes?
So basically, SM vs CSM will now be chads pounding on midgets?