will this man go down as the biggest faggot in crypto history?
Will this man go down as the biggest faggot in crypto history?
sold all ltc before the crash
now hes buying cheaper
No, you will.
>Just hodl
>Sells everything before the crash
Do as i say not as i do
He’s always been up there on the list but I think he has cemented his spot as the single biggest faggot in history now.
is that eggman? wtf?
this chink needs to go to jail
what an awful greedy piece of shit
I hate people so much
I thought you didn't need no stinking government..
why? he literally told you what he did, and you had an opportunity to get out at above $300 like he did. you think other whales will do that shit for you? why do you think he made litecoin if not to make a shit ton of money, and how is that any different from the 2000 other scamcoin creators out there?
be real. the only truly altruistic beings out there who care about crypto and you are satoshi nakamoto and monero developers (minus one ponyfaggot).
he had insider info
smart man. the news has almost passed and LTC still going strong
Charlie is an absolute faggot to me now. This guy is the definition of a beta male. This fuckign idiot FUDDED his own shit during the ATH last week, then sold off his holdings making people lose confidence. What a fucking MORON. These people are nerds nothing more. No business skill whatsoever.
lol @ the people in this thread--LTC $1500 EOY
surely we should give (((communism))) a try. Jews always ethically when (((communism))) is involved.
And yet he dumped on you.
kill all nazi cucklords
the guy in the image would be mad at jews for gaming the market through the government but nazis are too fucking retarded to comprehend that concept
It's a toss up between him and Roger.
its a tossup between him, greg, adam back, and antonopolus
Didn't he specifically warn people that litecoin could lose 90% of it's value? It's your fault for not listening
Sounds to me like he told everyone what was about to happen.
>bear market coming
>just sold all my LTC
Who else told you that?
What's happening right now certainly isn't his fault, and he tried to warn you.
But yeah, call him a faggot I guess.
his eyes are small too
Chinks are the Jews of Asia.
How did Charlie predict this exactly?
>Hating Jews makes you a Nazi.
Nigga if that's true we already have a worldwide 4th Reich in that case.
insider info obviously
>implying vitalik is drowning in pussy and isnt a literal cocksucker
The only guy who gave normies chance to bail out
No, but it just so happens that most people who openly hate Jews are Nazis or Muslims, the former especially here.
I'm not a nazi I just hate shitskins and want them out of my country
kys charlie
He handed his bags off to his community. He did'nt tell anyone till after he did it. He was a major instiagtor of this shitstorm.
>selling at the top
never change Veeky Forums
Sell LTC at or near ATH, pump btrash with that money, sell back to BTC at top, convert to fiat, rebuy LTC. The only variable is the last one, as this little chink fag made so much money with these moves he honestly doesn't need money anymore.