/pol/ is making fun of us again
/pol/ is making fun of us again
Other urls found in this thread:
as they should.
If you didnt take principal + sizeable profitzs you are getting what you deserve.
To dump on normies you have to dump before normies user
Cryptards make it so easy with their total failure to grasp the concept of VALUE, and how crypto has none.
>implying more than 50% of Veeky Forums users don't consider /pol/ as their home board
pic extremely related
/pol/ is Veeky Forums now
/a/ is literally the only board that isn't a /pol/ colony. And even that board is full of undercover /pol/acks pretending to hate /pol/ to preserve board culture.
merry christmas poorfag coinfags
enjoy christmas dinner with all your relatives laugh at you, or cursing if you convinced them to buy the top
now keep your fucking coinposts of my /pol/
>/pol/ is a very loud and annoying minority on every board
>/pol/ is Rorschach, an ugly, angry manlet
Seems about right
>he hasn't visited dragon ball or lolibait threads
>cancer threads
That's why I support /a/nons in their cause
top kek too true , look at all the alt right figure heads bunch of manlets
>mfw the only time i leave /pol/ is to shitpost about your tards losing all your neetbux in a ponzi
50% pol, 50% r9K. The finest people of our generation
you numale faggots are getting what you deserve
tax these soyboy fucks
You're better than that , mate.
>captcha: FOR SALE Rugby
The crossover between /pol/ and Veeky Forums is 1:1 you stupid nigger
Oath cunt
Veeky Forums is /pol/
no we laugh at you coinfags, /pol/ is about learning from history, something Veeky Forums is too busy FOMOing to do.
This, faggots
hahah soyboys thought they could cheat and make money
back to starbucks you serious fucking fags i hate your kind
>Considers /pol/ home
>Uses tumblr patented 1-second long pointless .gifs
Now that makes me think
Presidential elections don't last forever. Most of those people have fucked off by now. Shit, even I have for the most part. /pol/ is boring as fuck now. Full of shitposting threads and lame social justice campaigns.
Fuck off I'm a /b/tard
Beta Uprising Cancelled. Check again in the Spring.
Also say what you will about /pol/ or whatever but Trumpmania was some of the most fun I've ever had on this website.
Infinity /pol/ reporting in. Comfy ready to buy the Dip with gains in tact.
I did make money. You hate great men like Trump and I for making money easily?
Unironically is anybody actually in the negative? I started out with an initial deposit of 2k in September, got to 10k early December, took out 3.5k before the crash, and not I'm sitting on 5k in crypto.
What you filthy nocoiners don't understand is that it would take a truly world-shattering crash for most of us to actually start losing money. In fact, it's already impossible for me to go negative since I already cashed out my initial investment.
then go back to jerking off to tranny porn, normie.
I don't even know what half the terms they're saying are and I've been on Veeky Forums since 2011. Guess those old ladies are ahead of me.
>I never heard of google image search: the post
>I dont know what patented means: the post
>I'm a faggot: the post
Everyone starts on /b/
If you still consider it your home board you are new as fuck
> tfw you hodled
Came here from /pol/ because I knew I'd see something like this here. Get your shitcoins off of my shitposting larp simulator board you fucks.
We deserve it
yeah, 50% /pol/ and 50% Veeky Forums.
it was natural to me, gained $18k from betting on trump winning the presidential election last year, invested $10k of that $18k into crypto and turned that into $30k (even with the major dip)
/pol/ died last year when it was infested with faggots from reddit and underage retards and anyone who considers it a board still worth browsing is a double digit IQ mongoloid who is only quick to raise his hand and declare himself a /pol/tard just because it makes him feel like he belongs somewhere. You and everyone like you are responsible for killing one of the best boards on this site (and a bunch of others by posting cringy off topic nazi shit to "trigger libtards") and should be deeply ashamed of yourselves and embarrassed for defiling its corpse.
I've been a /pol/tard since back when all we had was /new/. You're a faggot and probably a hilldawg shareblue shill as well.
>shareblue shill
Begone, reddit.
Before /pol/ or /new/ existed, nigger hate and Holohoax threads were on /b/ all the time, you know nothing newfag
We deserve it
>I never heard of google image search: the post
So you saw where it was from and did it anyways.
>Doesn't understand what patented means in this context
C'mon son.
>I'm a faggot: the post
t. t_d poster migrating from reddit to /pol/ and trying to fit in
You both sound like cancer to me
Oh and to further prove my point >hilldawg shareblue shill
It's like you read a reddit list of terms /pol/ might use.
>Beware of shareblue (((shills))) my fellow redpilled MAGApe- I mean /pol/acks. Kek!
>why you dont talk about crypto to ANYONE beyond extremely modest generalities
>no matter how much you tell yourself you dont give a fuck what they think any time someone KNOWS you lost money you will be FUCKED when you try to trade again
Nah that's simply the evolution of a /pol/ack, shitpost ironically, shitpost unironically, get into serious mind-altering shit, eat up all the alternative information outside the matrix, get bored and leave only to come back for latest released news or happenings.
pls clap
/pol/ is /ourguys/
>So you saw where it was from and did it anyways.
I don't visit tumblr and don't actually know their norms. I didnt see a tumblr_283298 or whatever name, so as a non tumblr user this being their gif didn't even come to mind
>C'mon son
I koow what you meant but I hate this shit on the same level as people who use the word literally in a non literal sense, although you literally are a faggot
>t. t_d poster migrating from reddit to /pol/ and trying to fit in
see None of this changes the fact that Veeky Forums and most of Veeky Forums are basically just /pol/ colonies.
/b/ used to be the biggest gang of retards, then /pol/ took over.
At least they're not dangerous, just morons.
>/pol/ is my home board
I approve this note,
Strayan here, but I'm on Veeky Forums to assess the butthurt
Why isn't that hand brown with flies around it??
/ourguy/ is a /pol/ meme. you should probably fuck off. no one wants you retards here
/pol/ is too jewish for me.
i thought crypto made all the nazis rich or is pol filled with jews at this point
Read the MBMC Thread.
Also pic related
it isnt pol refugees that are ruining this board, its the fucking normies
sad but true. its not the same
Thanks, this campaign was unsuccessfully shilled on full/pol/ for some reason and we simply dropped it early on instead of joining in. I use Veeky Forums for muh magic internet money, haven't used Veeky Forums for a couple years desu.
You're too much of a pussy to put a brown hand on there? Kill yourself cuckservative, go back to t_d. The brown hand is good because those are the fucks that come in illegally.
how cute, he thinks just because the perpetual fomo of "#1 USA FUCK YEAH WORLD NR 1 TENDER DOLLARS FUCK YEAH" his USD has any "real" worth...
you know that everything, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING that has any economical value that isn't real estate and/or hard metals doesn't have any real worth, right?
next to being an instrument to redistribute unfairly distributed money in a new, similarly unfair system with a tad of free market, crypto is the nr. 1 example for normies to grasp:
"if you don't give worth to something in unison with a couple of other people at least. it won't have any worth. you are the fucking market, dummy. also: "
not even gonna go into that
literally economics 101, just google it
there hasn't been one for about a 100 fucking years
i'll just keep enjoying that delicious dip
(not even into BTC here, btw.)
12/21/17(Thu)08:31:01 No.154044704
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543 KB JPG
President Trump on Wednesday commuted the prison sentence of Sholom Rubashkin, whose Iowa meatpacking plant was the target of a huge immigration raid in 2008, and whose 27-year prison sentence angered many Orthodox Jews
Why do I even bother going on the other boards. Everywhere is /pol/. Sometimes I am getting a little sick of that. But I know I will be there forever.
Most of the board is poor and has laughable positions.
I am pretty sure that there are people who had two or three BTC one year ago, come here everyday, and still only made something like 10-15% because of all the shitcoin buying and poor daily trading.