Who still up from initial investment?
Comfy early boyz thread
Who still up from initial investment?
Comfy early boyz thread
Wait wouldn't you have had to have invested like 2 weeks ago to not still be in the green on this?
Anyway, reporting in. Bought bitcoin in the last "dip" around 5 weeks back, used it to buy non-garbage alts whenever they dipped, currently still 2x up. This is too easy I actually welcome a change of pace I don't hate my job that much.
I'm literally $700 above my investment and I've never clenched my butthole so hard
Woah ok just checked again make that 1.5 times.
That's still unbelievably good for a 5 week investment but I'll be sweating if it goes too much lower.
>tfw have lost 20k in the last 2 days
>tfw down 10k on initial investment
Yep. Bought BTC at $4k and ETH at $250.
I am still x5 my initial investment. My only frustration right now is that I didn't leave any spare btc in my stack to btfd on these alts. This bounce is going to make people rich af.
50x since 6 months ago. reporting in, everyone who lost money was too late or too retarded
HODLfags should be shot
i started a random portfolio outside my other main portfolio 3 weeks ago and im still up 10k.
I invest in XLM all the way back in October back at 400 sats. Not selling until they announced the new market maker coming aboard next year.
$22k from $300 maximum comfort
Still x 80 since my original investment. You call this a correction?? Fucking newfags and boomers
We're probably headed to $4-6k or so, hold on to your buttcheeks
weak hands should be shot
Still 2x my initial. I'm just sad I don't have more $ to throw at all these coins on sale.
We're obviously not, but if you are confident, short it.
oh no, im down 40k today... what will I do :(
Took out my initial investment months ago. Got called a weak handed cuck here but the amount of comfort it gave I can not put into words.
Initial investment was 0 and I'm at 5k.
So doing pretty good
I am still up... not much at all anymore. Starting to break a sweat... im riding it out fellas
Still 500% in december
>tfw it was 750% two days ago
Oh well, still a bit better than my bank account.
>0 -> 5k
I'm not sure numbers work like that user
I got in about a month ago. It still sucks when you are up but lost your gains.
I’m up by a couple hundred bucks, almost not enough to cover coinbase’s fee
Im still 20x my initial investment. You literally cant lose money in crypto long-term
Any day where I don't make money is a bad day.
I'm 2x my investment, but I'm still pink wojack status because I'd prepared for BCH by holding it and other coins and every single one is tanking.
Still up 9x. Shit can drop to 2K and i'll be fine.
yeah im still more than 2x ahead
hope my ADA and REQ dont bleed too many sats when btc moons
>I was lucky enough to start years ago, everyone will have the same results as me
yep. massively. didn't panic sell. moved things to xrp and others during the SMALL drop. no worries. I go sleep easy in a bit.
I have 0.006 BTC available that I'm willing to trade for something else, what do you suggest?
>bought LTC at 75
>with that I can afford to buy more during this dip and still be up
Sold everything 3 days ago. We all knew this was very likely to happen.
It's an extremely simple risk/reward scenario if you're not retarded or greedy.
>Risk +70% of entire stack by holding
>Cash out and wait 2 weeks for BTC to either shit the bed or stabilize
>Worst case scenario: miss 2 weeks of meager gains
Come on shills throw me a bone! Is it 4am in Pajeetistan or something?
I am about to reach initial investment level because my coins won’t stop going fucking down
>bought in at $4200
Lovin it. Sold at $19000 as well. Am I a l33t tradr now mommi?
>bought Aug 18
>sold Dec 20
>using normiebase
didn't even watch the prices that much kek
I only wish that I had invested more
Still up about 45k $
Better just to wait this out.
$31K up but I don't want it to be over, I had too much fun.
still up 3-4x and I started in Dec how are people this bad at this?
I'm up double initial investment and I started this month. What shitcoins have other people been investing in to wojack so hard lol
I am. All my initial investments were in summer. Shit thing is I missed out on gains and lost btc. But my fiat value initial investment has doubled. Still sucks man.
down over 100k euros on the day, i remain comfy because i got in at under 500 euros/btc
Only put in around $150-$200.
>still kicking it with $3.3k, down from $4.4k (personal ATH portfolio)
8 months in, and I know what the deal is, and I am not going to be swayed by dumps and losses.
what a beautiful graph
comfy here
im gaining money in the crash ;^)
Was expecting something worse like - 60% lmao.
I have doubled my investment in one month but no moon missions
Still up 25k :)
Reporting in. Went from 130% gains to 87% gains. It hurts a bit but I only lost potential profit.
didn't lose any usd value from the dip
Who isn't. Currently sitting on the XLM train watching this pathetic-ass "crash"
I will never go negative. I cashed out multiple times my first investment.
Up 800%
Yep, sold my sick Verge gains for XLM and XMR. Still in profit and feeling comfy
Bought $1500 XRP at 0.23, cruising now at a $1+. Holding through til 5+ XRP
tfw up 3500% for the year still
I am still around triples my money since I enterred on August. I curse my self for cashing out so often for stupid shits.
I'm still up...but fuck man, it's one step forward and one back right now. Any kind of "opportunity" trading I do ends up in a shitfest. Thinking of putting it all into a promising starting coin and waiting a year never looking back. I pulled out of ripple at .25 for fuck's sake.
Barely 2x.
>I pulled out of ripple at .25 for fuck's sake
No image will express my stupidity at this decision.
What did you invest in?`Just BTC?? At historical, crazy ATH???
My initial investment was zero.
My meager 1k portfolio still makes me happy due to the fact I made money out of nothing.
Me too dude. It wasn't that crazy looking back.
>jew coin
>bank coin
>not even real coin
>already stupid market cap
I should have know better that normfags are literal sheeple who will eat up shits like "banks' coin".
nigga send me some meme money
Why are you stupid for it? You couldn't have known.
I maintain that holding is key. The only way to definitely win at this is to have a large pool of capital to distribute between a lot of coins and then just hold for however long you can be assed to.
Then how will we profit?
>$117 billion massacre
>120% gain this week
Holy shit what fucking timeline did I enter. Whoever pumped my alt, thank you.
still up 500% from original investment, feels comfy, user
lol friendo.
I took out my initial investment + 10% 2 weeks ago and I still have my initial investment x 3 to continue with
I started early this year