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chaoslets were confirmed in the initial primaris FAQ
Fuuuuuuck space marines really are manlets now.
>Being the bigger target on a battlefield
Corpses-loving faggots BTFO (literally)
>some sperg said the difference between marinelets and Primaris was only going to a millimeter at most
>fall to the ruinous powers because you are promised infinite power
>still can't get taller than 6'10''
>all of the qt daemonettes are all shlicking to the thought of getting pounded by chadmarines while chaoslets masturbate to their gods alone
I personally can't wait to see the new big boys getting alienated from their own chapters and rebelled only to get kicked the fuck out of the Warp. Ending up as nothing more than rogue trader's body guards
The Chaos Lord matches the Captain though, so they're probably Primaris like the rumors have said about Death Guard.
Also I want to know how Custodes match up with nuMarines. I need to know if I'll have to extend their legs to tower over the new models.
[bitterness intensifies]
>The Chaos Lord matches the Captain though
No he doesn't.
>so they're probably Primaris like the rumors have said about Death Guard.
No, those rumours were always obvious bullshit. They're all wearing old armour.
GW can't be dumb enough to just write off yet another Nu-Heresy (or can they?)
Primaris are naturally taller, but Custodes have bigger hats.
Yeah, that's a shame. Guess I'll have to extend the legs a bit to match
Anyone who expected plague marines to be primaris sized was a faggot.
I just want the non-starter set plague marine kit to be compatible with the MkIII kit and contain a ton of those MkII helmets shown on the DI box ones.
They may be midgets but holy fuck their basic weapons are some scary shit. Assault 2, 24", S6, AP-2, D3 damage.
>qt daemonettes are all shlicking to the thought of getting pounded
>qt daemonettes
>getting pounded
You don't know how Slaanesh works, do you?
Daemonettes will still orgasm when they impale these nu-marines same as they do anything else, Slaanesh will always be an orgy of sensation and it's not limited to sex.
If you think Slaanesh marines and daemons don't chill in a pillow covered room/sauna smoking opium, snorting cocaine and listening to lord, discordic music, then you sir are retarded.
How is being taller an advantage? Also, if they are taller how do they fit inside their vehicles?
I'm happy, since now my dark angels can go and hunt giants.
>How is being taller an advantage
Spoken like a true bitter manlet.
He's got a point, in game terms on the tabletop being taller is only going to make an easier target for setting up line of sight.
Gotta be honest - I miss the idea of Noise Marines wielding guitars.
Nothing is stopping you from using green stuff to sculpt the guitars.
Most GW stores would consider it tournament legal.
I think that the Russians solve this by sending all the tall people into infantry and the short people into tanks. It's an old practise from the times of Napoleon.
>Napoleon sending people into tanks
Lol u wot m8
Oh dear, looks like the Chaoslets are still in denial.
Don't worry, You'll get enough good boy points to grow a few mm soon!
Not for tanks, but the tallest soldiers were sent to infantry, while the shorter ones were sent to other jobs.
I don't want Nu-Marines, I'm building my Daemons army right now for one, and for two if my chaos army needs anything, it's daemon engines, I have plenty of noise marines and basic chaos marines, the extra mm seems superfluous to me, and it'd be bad writing for us to get them, they legit just got built. I find it silly enough that you already have Primaris Dreadnoughts, limbs too gangly to go down the ramp without crippling yourself?
Besides all this I don't have some weird insecurity about my height that I need to call people manlets online.
Well, that'd be a while down the line for me.
I've barely managed to assemble my first army; greenstuff's out of my grasp for now.
One day, though, I'm totally going to have to try.
>the extra mm seems superfluous to me
Are you autistic?
I just said I don't want nu-marines.
I probably wouldn't buy them even if they were an option for chaos, because I'm working on my daemons army right now and that's expensive enough having to kitbash witch aelves to correct the shoddy design of current daemonettes.
this is the ideal marine bodytype
you may not like it but this is what peak perfumance looks like
What would a chaos numarine's stats be like?
I'm thinking of converting them to Emperor's Children, the idea being the pride of receiving shiny new armor over their older, less advanced brethren corrupted a few of them brand spanking numarines to Slaanesh
As far as we know the NuMarines are immune to corruption.
>peak perfumance
Uh oh...
Now the Imperial propoganda about traitors and heretics being slouched and malnourished is really true
>Not peak putresence
How have all these cunts got the numarines already?
I'm sure thats some imperial wankery propaganda, nothing is truly 'incorruptible'
You must've missed that all these pictures are taken in GW stores, so take another guess
>tfw you've had a tru-scaled chaos army for years now and people have been constantly using the same arguments against your army that they're now using against Numarines
>I-I don't like the extra height
>It's bad for LoS!
>It makes more sense to squat for cover!
I for one cant wait to see other true-scale marine armies, I also think its hysterical Ill be the only chaos player with them.
Itll make it awkward if people start to mistake them for Chaos Primaris marines tho.
Show your models.
>I believed the sperg who said that
They're the pink noise marines with bad feet. Ive posted them a few times before.
Do we have any pics of the plague drone ? It looks rad as fuck from a distance and I want to see more.
I like the pauldrons
are there any pics comparing them to the Terminator variants?
Thank you, I'm retarded.
The drone is fucking beautifull I'll buy two boxes and split the chad marines with a budy.
straigthening legs already counts as true scale were you live? wew.
they look ok if you ignore the mutilated feet. but they should be around the size of the new TS sans hat. and those arent true scale, their simply not squatting.
Does anyone else think they went overboard with the scale up to "true-scale". I was expecting them to be about halfway between the current version and the old version, seems a little bit to big for the 28mm scale.
They're still bigger than regular marines
In nu-canon, Plague Marines will be bigger, and their nurgle abilities will tie them with numarines stat wise.
However what will happen in the future is that all marines will be primaris or bigger (for chaos)
It already happened in the Dark Vengeance box set. The chaos marines are bigger and with better poses than the old ones.
SM faggots btfo
>new TS sans hat
You mean the Thousand Son models?
They're taller. From height comparisons it looks like Primaris Marines will be a similar height to them on the taller side.
And yes most people look at them and say true-scale. Ive even had people tell me that they were too tall. I just thought SM squats were dumb when I made them all.
If they're immune to corruption they aren't human anymore.
You can't call soulless automatons human.
Its the 1st steps towards turning GW into a toy company vs a hobby company. Expect size creep every year until they're Ken-doll sized.
>tfw little boys start treating giant Space Marine figures like high quality dolls
>nu-marines were tau marines all along
yeah man remember how when Inquisitor came out that one time and GW became a full blown Fisher-Price toy-fest
Sounds like heresy, start executing false marines then.
You’re probably joking, but this size creep seems to lend credence to the rumors here that GW was reluctant to put these Primaris Marines out there for fear of general nerd rage due to their size. While the Primaris stuff is a bit hamfisted in my opinion, I kinda understand that it was their last ditch attempt to put these models out there.
These are not just “Bigger Marines”, they’re an entirely new line of models that seem to compare to marines like Ogryn do to guardsmen. They’re just to far of the intended effect if you ask me. Sure they look nice, the posing is way better than squat marines and the extra weapon details are supberb, I just feel they went overboard with the add-on of height. The true-scale with the extended legs (and increase of leg thickness in some cases) really did the trick in my mind. While I don’t own a 30k army, I can see HH-fans strongly disliking this move by GW, the size increase is just too far off.
>While I don’t own a 30k army, I can see HH-fans strongly disliking this move by GW
Primaris marines aren't in 30k why the fuck would they care.
>Standing straighter
>Still shorter
well to be fair, my plan was o make a 1st legion army for 30k and reuse the models as Fallen in 40k >.>
quite a lot of chaos plays do similarly (well okay two chaos players that I know personally, but they are the only chaos plays I know)
No, but soon /hhg/ will drown in butthurt marinefags who can't deal with their dudes not being the bestest. CSM and MkVII models everywhere soon.
Theres nothing stopping you from doing that. Field Primaris with Fallen "allies", since they share the Imperium codeword. Painting Primaris as fallen though is retarded.
the problem is that in the images so far, they are so tall that normal and 30k marines looks silly by comparison.
It was fine with the cutodes because the size and ornateness of there armour clearly delineates them from marines.
s'why I'm interested in seeing them next to terminators, if they're close to the same size I feel like Primaris/1st company armies would be less jarring to look at
So whats the deal with Nurgle and the Death Guard? Why are they in the focus all of the sudden? Are they gonna do all aligned legions and they just started with the Death Guard?
You and your kind have been shitposting all week long about this. Put it to rest allready. Like seriously, shut the fuck up you cunt, you just got an entire range of new models for your army and you find a way to act like you were backstabbed or some shit, meanwhile, Orks have 20+ years old buggies. Were you bitching lile a little pussy when they released the centueions ? No ? Because this here is the exact same thing.
Just kill yourself you stupid fuck.
>they just started with the Death Guard?
[Citation Needed]
Ah, fair enough. I forgot about that. I thought there was an in-universe reason that the DG was suddenly better.
As if the lowest chadmarine won't just roll up in the bitch and immediately take it over
> hey beta bitch this MY chapter now
that is the dumbest name for a fantasy thing I've ever heard
>doesn't get one primarine
>doesn't convert him into a 30k era marine
>doesn't paint him as Alpha Legion
>doesn't put it him into a unit as a stock bolter marine
>doesn't deny there being anything strange about this giant Alpha Legion marine in his non-Alpha Legion army
>doesn't Hydra Dominatus
>normal and 30k marines looks silly by comparison
They only look silly because they have retarded disproportionate sculpts. It's just more noticeable now.
yeah. way dumber than slaangors, pestigors or korgors.
has somebody actually a comparison shot of a primaris, a TS and a plaque marnie?
That's not so bad
Yeah I know I just feel like it could have been planned better you know. Maybe having the 30k and newer sets be a little closer to true scale so the difference was less noticabe
>pic related
Not sure if trolling or truly subhuman trash.
>suddenly better
Literally everything he said is objectively correct.
Literally any tank crew in existence has valued shorter stockier builds, it's sweet fuck all to do with Russia, a 5 foot guy with gorilla arms is the perfect loader for most any tanks, even ones that unlike slavshit has enough room to not be crammed in like a sardine
Russia's mechinised infantry barely ride in their vehicles anyway, because of aforementioned space issues among other things, be they big or small soldiers
they were bitching when centurions came out tho
DG have always been really good...
Why are you so invested in the height of miniature figures? You know they could be any height you imagined.
Just be happy they didn't cover every model in easily broken floating magic shit the way they seem to have tried to with everything since they stopped designing with physical sculpting.
desu the detail they can achieve with zbrush is much higher than they could've gotten with physical sculpts. but shit like the sylvaneth models make me scared to even touch them with how thin some of the parts are.
You're thinking Grenadier companies/regiments. You had to be of a certain height to serve in them, so all the tallest troopers would end up there.
Also because BTRs and BMPs have historically proven to be goddamn deathtraps.
Who in the everloving fuck thought filling the main doors out of the transport cabin with fuel was ever a good idea. Goddamn drunken slavic engineers.
>How is being taller an advantage?
you can see over taller objects and also see slightly farther because you are higher off the ground. Considering space marines wear super fancy ceramite armor and have backup organs and shit i don't think they give a fuck about getting shot as much as a guardsman would.
Yeah that was the among other things, most of them would rather be able to GTFO rather than being trapped in them
Seen some hellish stories from Afghanistan
Wonder what the crew ergonomics are like for guard vehicles, probably russian tier I'd imagine
Don't forget they can just lie down prone.
this is another reason being tall doesn't matter. when you're prone your sillhoute is only as big as you are wide.
The only thing that I find looks really out of place is the nu-Marine officer
C-can I be your buddy, user?
>GW: we are true-scale now!
>captain still looks like manlet on stilts
>While I don’t own a 30k army, I can see HH-fans strongly disliking this move by GW, the size increase is just too far off.
For the most part people don't care, and from what I've seen most are in agreement that this was the better way to release truescale marines, since killing the old line off would have pissed off so many more people than the current way they're doing things.
In like 5 years, when most people have Primaris models, they'll probably release a whole new addition that does away with the idea entirely and make it so there's only one type of space marines, and always has been.
>/hhg/ players obsessed with being the bestest
>when regular 40K has a much higher degree of waacfaggery
Something something, resin prices, higher bar to entry. Better players.
The Imperium should tax beers more