What are your favourite character archetypes? Is there any trope that you are particularly fond of to use when coming up with a character's backstories and personalities?
What are your favourite character archetypes...
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I have always been a fan of the roguish street urchin.
Although, I try to avoid it, since I feel like I use it too often, and as such, almost never use it.
Bored noble with something to prove.
Not sure why I like this trope.
Heavily armed spiritualists.
World-weary war vet who's past his prime, but still keeps going anyway.
Virtuous adherent to an ideology/religion/group/etc. who, when forced to choose between his morals and his god, he fights for what he knows his right with renewed vigor.
I like slave backstories, with characters who have either won their freedom or killed their masters.
I don't play them very much though because any time the backstory elements come up in-game it always ends up feeling fetishy or magical realm. Even if I'm playing it completely straight, there will always be SOMEONE who makes BDSM jokes and such.
Devoted constructs are always fun. Particularly if they learn and grow with the other characters.
>Trust me
possibly evil magic user that has a weak spot for a little girl and goes through great lengths to ensure her safety
I love overly chivalrous knights with endless optimism and a can-do attitude. The world is a simple, binary place. Which makes it all the more fun in a grimmest of grimdark setting.
Most of my characters are based on the decadent British aristocrat. He's nihilistic, does drugs, likes pale and skinny women, and collects occult tomes and artifacts. While seems to be rich, he's actually broke most of the time. When angered, he's quick to pull out his sword (he's pretty good at sword fighting and is used to tavern brawls). Typical classes would be something like Noble, Dilletante, Duelist, or Spadassin, depending on the system.
>Bad guys who used to be good guys before the weight of morality in a sick world grew too much for them and they started on the slow path of degradation and corruption
>Good guys who used to be bad guys before the people they worked for crossed one too many lines for them or made it personal, and who are trying their best to redeem themselves in the eyes of the world
Bonus points for using the same magic as the archetype they were before, IE Evil paladins/Good warlocks
Alot of people are fond of that, but goddamn do I almost never see it pulled off well.
Good Necromancy takes a good bit of setting-fiat/hand-waving to work.
One of my old GMs would always go on about how the corpse is just a tool, and there's nothing wrong with using it. Just doing go messing with spirits and souls. That's fucked up. Those belong in the afterlife.
Happy go-lucky sidekick.
Savage and cunning. Like the savage shaman who's as cunning as any academy wizard, or the barbarian warlord who's a master tactician.
Laid back or cheery warrior with a fucked up past. He tends to die in a blaze of glory too.
The guy that only really wants to find a good story to tell, and the genius ditz.
I use the Diablo stance on Necromancers. Sort of like Death Druids.
Old retired warriors forced back into saving the world
aka The Grim Company
What's the Diablo Stance? Asking for a friend.
Especially if they've become disillusioned with the war they're fighting, but find some new reason to keep fighting
Hero with no trauma in his backstory who does what he does because he's just a genuinely good guy and wants to help.
Fuck Geoff Johns
True Neutral, basically. Necromancers protect the human dead, usually from the forces of Hell who would try and raise them, and attempt to keep balance in the world so that the angels and demons don't over run the human's plane of existence.
They have a lot of respect for the dead, though they do summon undead minions (one of the core builds is summoning a swarm of skeleton soldiers), but they're purpose is to maintain balance between order and chaos, not personal gain or world domination.
The Undead summoning is seen as a tool to be used, but abuse of it is mostly how Necromancers show up on your doorstep and smack you in the dick with your own Skeletons.
It helps that Necromancers don't partake in Soul Magic, for obvious reasons as it tampers with the Balance.
To also add, Necromancy in Diablo 3 is done by sort of distorting the line between life and death, Both Light magic can do it and Dark magic.
I'd say Diablo is probably one of the most Under-rated Fantasy settings ever, even Diablo 3 was alright in the background department.
A good Necromancer would be more of a spiritualist
chatting with the dead, solving murders
dispelling undead and killing bad necros
I like competent professionals. Professional mercenaries, professional soldiers, professional assassins, professional explorers, professional wizards, whatever.
People who do stuff for a living and are really good at it. Who always try to find the best way to finish the task at hand with the least risk to themselves and get paid for it. The kind who take no bullshit from amateurs and don't romanticize their craft, who don't let personal feelings get in the way of getting the job done. People who have pride in what they do and pride in their skills and experience.
Even when I GM, I like to add NPCs who are really good at what they do. The town guard captain that actually earned the position and isn't some bumbling drunkard. The army general who knows the realities of war but takes as good care of his men as he can. The bureaucrat that's actually does a good job and isn't a corrupt leech. I find that players often except run of the mill NPCs to be incompetent, corrupt or self-centered and don't expect any kind of competence from them, so it's nice to see them try and fail to bride town officials that actually care about their jobs.
The lore for most of Blizzard's work pre-Cataclysm was pretty dope, and even D3 wasn't so bad outside of it's dialogue. They just couldn't write decent character interaction to save their lives for whatever reason.
The conversation between the helper NPCs were actually really good, tho.
Big dumb loyal muscle. Mostly because whenever I play one, I always manage to make them likeable, no matter what.
Noble who renounced his titles and inheritance to go fight evil
My go-to trope is the "veteran soldier\mercenary" with some specifics
>not naturally gifted
>lots of combat experience that translates into solid grasp of tactics
>focus on camaraderie
>professional with a focus on fieldcraft
>usually with some form of broken connection (left his gf\lost his buddy\never followed his dream) that fuels campfire wistfulness
>signature piece of mundane gear that character gets more out of then a more specialized or special gear of similar type
>avoids romance
>strong manners if curt and sometimes brusque
>wont mind dying to save a friend
I most often end up becoming defacto party leader so this type of character easily fits in that role
Idealists Dreamer who finds herself doing worse and worse things for her cause as reality comes crashing down on her
My standard idea is the man with a mission/cause, something that will buttress early roleplay and give me an angle to work until I can establish a rapport with the other pcs.
I almost always include some kind of personal problem, a fear or nagging doubt that can grow as the game does, or diminish with aid from others.
Never forget.
The righteous soldier that softens over time for the party and is ready to die for his friends.
Wizard who likes to get his hands dirty.
Might have been a student of enchantry that spend more times wearing his projects than enchanting them.
Might have had a magic academy loan that he tried to pay off by being a mercenary wizard.
Either way, end result is a wizard with a sword, some daggers, and some decent armour.
Do not fret user, for BT LIVES!
Small-sized adventurers kicking unexpectedly great amounts of ass.
Member of a monster race stepping into a human world, being all fish out of water, and gradually learning to be a better person.
Combining these two, heavily armored grudge-bearing kobold warriors are my absolute favorite character concept to play.
Soldier/guardian who has essentially given up his humanity and will continue to do terrible but necessary things only so others dont have to, despite the toll it takes on his soul.
He is a lost cause, others are not
probably the "rag to riches" trope, where you start as a young man with something to prove and are mostly motivated by greed
or characters that wish to enact revenge on their enemies
That guy who comes off as a dour, cynical, misanthropic bastard only fighting because he doesn't know how to do anything else when he's actually a pretty nice guy who legit believes in making the world a better place, but hides it as a sort of defense mechanism he's picked up over the years.
Also mechanically inclined anti-authoritarians who use a combination of macguyver-like ingenuity, an apparent absence of survival instincts and highly concentrated, refined and restrained rage to get through problems.
These are often the same person.
I like foppish nobles. My favorite character was a noble half-elf whose father was a human land owner, and mother was a elvish bikini team model.
My reason for adventuring was my dad cut me off and kicked me out.
Made for interesting role play. Since I would talk mad shit on anyone I felt was beneath me, and I couldn't really back it up without launching a fireball in someone's face.
First one sounds like Guts
maybe it doesn't 'coz I read only up to Immortal Zod episode
This but more wheeler-and-Dealer / Texas oil baron
Just the idea of some uncouth drunken ass-hole ruining Old Money's good time by being rich and competent enough to eat all of their tiny cucumber sandwiches and not have them say shit.
Unfortunate conscripted grunts who get way in over their head, generally have no control over their fates, and also have the bad sort of good luck. They survive, but everyone they know has died. They make it back to the main army camp, only to be scorned as a coward because so many brave men died instead of him. What they lack in raw combat skill and physical talent they make up for in a sort of cunning and perception that only triggers when the chips are down.
A Don Quixote sort that is a fool by many, but also inspiring for others
Maybe it's because I'm a stubborn fuck, but I like determined characters. Ones with grit, and determination and always getting back up. I mean, let's look at the anime trope. Naruto, Luffy, Goku. These guys get the crap beat out of them but keep trying, again and again until either they break or they win. They don't have to be smart, or particularly fast, they just have to have that indomitable spirit. I honestly believe it's Metal AF, to never stop giving it your all. Because that's what life is about, pushing forward and defeating the odds. -Sappy music-
It is Not because you're stubborn, it's because you're a teenager.
>21, Motherfucker.
>How about you ask before assuming?
>Stupid shit goes here (Buttz)
>reddit spacing
>doesn't Know how to greentext
>rhetorical question
15 at best, lurk for a while before you post, kiddo
You're a homosexual, aren't you? I'm not judging you, just wondering.
I mainly browse Reddit. So sue me.
My spacing is shit, my format is shit, I'll admit it, sometimes I'm a fucking mess. Not a teenager though.
Also not homo.
not user, but you are most definetly gay
Eh. I'll take that as a compliment.
You sound like an overly emotional teenage girl, again, just an observation.
Reddit is cancer and you're everything wrong with it, I implore you to rethink your ways.
And I'll believe that you believe that you're not a homosexual, but would you describe yourself as sexually submissive?
He meant that you talk like a complete cuck who was put on female hormones. Hope you get better.
How do I rethink my ways? Also, why is Reddit cancer? Open to learn.
fucking hell guys this isnt /v/. check all your website rivalry shit at the door. I'm ashamed of you.
Unsurprisingly, your response is exactly what a redditfag would say. Please go back.
Grandpa-old veterans who have seen decades of action and give their subordinates zero slack. You know, the types who will never ever admit that deep down they really care about the lads.
Drop the name, having shit not always connected to you is the point of these boards.
Reddit fuels mindless groupthink and punishes dissenting opinions due to the voting feature.
And stop acting like a sissy, while I'm sure you attract a lot of hunky guys who want to have a 50kg heavy fucktoy that's probably not what you're looking for (for now).
Fuck off back to r*ddit, this isn't about rivalry, it's simply a fucked up website culture that spawns people like the other guy
You ignored the question about your sexuality, laddy
Acts like a lady, fights like a rogue.
Steel beneath silk, femme fatale for days.
An oldie but a goldie.
Manipulative, just as planned Spymaster.
you are horrible, and it's obvious to everyone here. why would you hang around a community in which you aren't welcome? just leave quiety and never come back.
First thing: Answered "no homo" you godamned autistic fuck. Second person: Jesus fuck. Alrighty then. I'll lose the name. And yeah, Reddit is stupid with its uses of votes to control the popular opinion. But it's a huge site, with lots of stuff to look at. But this site is huge too, so I guess that works. So, in conclusion, thanks and you can all go fuck yourselves. Alrighty. Have a nice day faggots.
He gets off on the humiliation.
>Answered "no homo" you godamned autistic fuck
I meant the question about your sexual divisiveness, friendo.
Stop getting triggered, you shouldn't be here if you can't handle the truth.
>hurr durr da troof
"truth" is just a buzzword you use when you can't win an argument
please stop it
>facts are tools of the patriarchy
Jesus, you're off the deep end, aren't you.
Now go ahead and tell those nice anonymous men about your sexuality, you have nothing to hide,do you Mr. Prancing lala homoman?
This is no argument.
People just ccalled you a faggot for acting like a faggot, do you want to argue you that you didn't act like one? Even if you could somehow prove that, since your view on this has no bearing on it it really doesn't matter what you think.
You're a faggot.
In terms of how they get their shit done, I often like the rough battlemage archetype. Being a big-brained DYEL skelly and being a hurr durr roid monkey are both equally lame. The nature of magic in different settings and the character premise of "I swing swords but also read books" being fairly basic allow for different personalities and motivations, I just like being able to do different things in-game.
Good points raised, something I want to consider for some setting-building I'm doing for an upcoming game. I don't like the idea of "bad magic that's just bad because reasons". I want bad magic to be bad because of the repercussions of using it, which may be worth the outcome depending on how much you believe ends justify means. Maybe rather than gleefully studying every aspect of necromancy, a character happens to be capable of raising the dead as a result of his magical advancement and when it comes to the realisation that his one created golem won't be able to save the town full of innocent men, women, and children from the raiders, he brings himself to do what he'd rather not in raising a more sizeable militia. There are plenty of reasons a character might be convinced to reluctantly embrace the greater power that comes with doing morally questionable things without that character just being "hurr durr so evil".
I like ruthless and efficient, but not wasteful, characters. Generally, I'm atracted to outcasts or average joes im terms of social status. They are often schemers and strategists at heart.
Wait I'm confused
Is Prancing supposed to be the surname or the first name ?
>getting rused by rehashed /v/ shitpost
come on guys ...
First Part of the surname
Full name Homoman Prancing-Lala ?
How a slave who was bought but technically not freed by the party. What kind of personality would they have as a pressed ganged party member srnt to fight?
>With a lawful good that doesnt outlaw slavery
>Typical lawful/chaotic evil society
Slayer heroes also is my favorite archetype. Wardens and Witchers.
First Part of the surname
The First name is Boy molesting fruit.
Warrior who picks up a no-killing vow after a bad situation in the past.
Battousai is that you?
Whatever my boy Alfred is.
Batshit, heavily armed conspiracy theorists who somehow end up being right.
I'm not just talking Alex Jones meets David Icke, I'm talking some motherfucker who set up a fuckton of claymores in his basement because of mole people coming in to steal his wheat thins, only for it to turn out there are legit mole people remains chilling in his basement.
Men turned into monsters who use their monstrous powers to fight evil
Characters who keep an eye out for shit going pear shaped.
GM says it's paranoia, but an ordinary person, much less a paranoiac, wouldn't trust any of the PCs I roll with.
I'd love a Johann from Hellboy type of necromancer
Spiritualist mentors who take people under their wing to learn how to survive a weird world are the best.