>each time a caster expends a spell slot, they must make a check against their INT/WIS/CHA equal to 10+spell level
>on a success they cast the spell
>on a failure the spell slot is expended with no effect
Did I just fix Pathfinder?
Each time a caster expends a spell slot, they must make a check against their INT/WIS/CHA equal to 10+spell level
Nope. You've repeated something people have tried a dozen times before which makes it slightly more annoying to play a caster without much real change in the power disparity.
No, Pathfinder will still be populated mostly by furries, weeaboos, and autists.
How to fix Pathfinder:
>remove "1d20+flat bonus" system
>replace it with "3d20, take middle" or roll-keep (aka rXkY) based on d6
>remove skills, classes and class features
>replace it with professions/jobs/backgrounds/whatever you want to call it
>remove Vancian casting based on ability scores and spell slots/mana points
>replace it with ritual casting based solely on items and professions/jobs/backgrounds
>remove the experience system based on killing monsters
>replace it with goal/achievement-based experience system
>remove health system based on abstracted HP
>replace it with two separate tracks for Wounds and Stamina (think like Armor and Shield in sci-fi games)
>remove feat trees and feat requirements
>replace it with background requirements
Tell me if I missed something.
That seems less like fixing Pathfinder and you pitching yet another fantasy heartbreaker.
How to Fix Pathfinder
>Don't play Pathfinder.
>Tell me if I missed something.
the point
And good fucking riddance, because literally every PF issue I mentioned to get removed is a major one.
Do I have to explain, or do you need explanations?
If you have questions, I'll answer about any of the issue I have with points below:
>classes and class features
>Vancian casting
>XP system
>abstracted HP
>feat trees
Pretty much.
The point is don't play Pathfinder.
Nah, the standard complaints and logic behind someone making a heartbreaker could be written in stone at this point. No sense repeating it.
I don't know. You seem too touchy about your fantasy heartbreaker for rational discussion at this point. The things you mention have problems, but so do your solutions, and some of the original problems are design decisions to cope with the complexity of a world simulation by abstracting detailed concepts. In sum, I'm not sure your system is better, and I'm thinking it might even be worse, and not just because no one is familiar with the rules for it.
>And good fucking riddance, because literally every PF issue I mentioned to get removed is a major one.
I wish I could live in your world where insignificant, niggling complaints based almost entirely on personal opinion are what qualify as "major issues."
CMB and CMD.
What system to use then?
Richard Petty pls go.
the modifier for the classes key abilitie restricts the level of casting.
eg : wiz - int - score 14, max spell level 3rd.
Too bad you can start with an ability score of 16 at level 1 without any minmaxing, and by the time you reach appropriate caster levels, you will easily increase your Intelligence to 20 purely via ability score increases.
I don't see the point of trying to fix something with a decade of shit piled on something that was already an attempt to fix something antiquated.
Fantasy Craft
>each time a caster expends a spell slot
Cool, so basically I just have to make a build in where I don't spend spell slots?
It takes much less time to say "Play GURPS instead"
> yet another fantasy heartbreaker
Not him, but you are rushing to conclusions.
Notice how the guy didn't say a single thing about changing the underlying lore basics or terminology of DnD.
Why is any of that relevant to it being a fantasy heartbreaker?