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8th Edition Release Date Announced

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First for hrud!

The inceptors look so fucking bad I think they single-handedly turned me off from getting the starter set. I don't actually play Marines or Chaos but I figured maybe I would start a small collection of one or the other given how much value you get, but now I don't even want it because the jump Marines look so fucking retarded.

You'll be able to preorder the new edition books from the website, right?

Then don't, Iove the space suits

>,always had abonner for 2bolt gun lads
> always wanted ranged jump infantry
>GW gives us astromaries
I am pretty happy,anyone else?

but I like them with closed visors, just like in OP.

They still look retarded with the jump packs coming out the back of the head. Also the helmets are one of the only good parts about them, covering that up with a visor is stupid.

My only real problem with them is that they don't look like Assault Marines, they look like they're just supposed to hover above you and shoot down. Where's my chainswords?

Ditto, I'll wait for the Start Collecting box though. Not a fan of the poses.

Because THEY ARE NOT ASSAULT MARINES. Why is everyone so focused on melee marines?

Usually I think the people shouting "shill! shill! how much gw paying you lol" are paranoid idiots, but man, if I've ever seen a shill post on /40kg/ it's this one.

Pretty sure they're not supposed to replace assault marines, they're just a new unit they wanted to promote in the starters box.

Kek, thanks buddy, guess I can tick off
>be accused of being a shill,not on pol
Off my bucket list.
Pro tip, you are now one of those paranoid idiots


The poses are bad for sure, but its the jump packs are absolutely unforgivable.

I actually like the landing skids on the feet and the gunshields I'm undecided on, the concept is cool but I think they just look too plain, could be fixed with a little converting.

But the jump pack ruins it completely. Makes me want to vomit.

Daily reminder that The Lion is just a whim away


Maybe stop typing like a retarded third-worlder being paid .50 cents a post, then.

Because honorable combat is in melee.

If I wanted to play pansy and dishonourable I'd play Tau

Eh, I actually like the jump packs.

I hate this new style of artwork so fucking much.

I'll admit they look pretty cool from the back, although they don't look a thing like Imperium tech, but the way they attach behind the head just looks awful.

>chaos lords of nurgle are now LORDS OF CONTAGION
the sigmaring has begun

>they look like they're just supposed to hover above you and shoot down
the way they actually fly looks pretty silly.

The issue is that the pose looks like some mother cat grabbed its kitten.

Since imperium is one massive thing now. The flying dual wielding unit overlaps with an already existing imperial unit that does that.
It is just poor game design to have overlapping things that do the same concept

Why ?

Will Custodes models from FW have rules for eight edition? Do they have rules for Seventh or only for HH?
Any new model expected? I'm not sure if it's the best time to start a collection

email the guy about it

are they actually intended to be assault troops though or close fire support?

Lord of Contagion sounds fine, I like it.

Malignant Plaguecaster™ and Noxious Blightbringer™ are fucking RETARDED though. LITERALLY [Adjective Nounverber™] word salad horseshit, really GW?

Skirimish like the Seraphims. The bloody things are basically the same model.

Top fucking kek.

reminder that order of our martyred lady is the best

*derails thread*

Wow. Looks like they couldn't get flying shooting models to look good back then either.

Not for a while most likely.

Oh and don't get me started on the Hellblasters for the Marines.

Like, we get all this cool pseudo-latin for Primaris Marines, Intercessors, Inceptors, I'm down with this naming scheme... and then just a fucking Nounverber. Disgusting.

I think the new Plasma Rifle is cool.

The gun looks cool, the name of the unit that wields it is retarded and breaks the flavourful naming scheme they had going.

They should put Forge World in charge of naming all the new units. Those guys are fucking awesome at coming up with pseudo-latin names dripping with flavour and immersion.

You're in the club and this guy shoots a focused stream of psychic piss & shit at your girlfriends ass - what do?

Hang myself for being the kind of fucking loser who goes to clubs.

My girlfriends and I will host a party at our own home and invite only the cool people we already know, thanks.

Meh I can live with the SoBs and marines having analogous units, I mean we have Retributors and Dominions after all

Anyone else triggered by the fact that Hellblaster squads are named just like the kraken?

5 minutes till we see a new 8th edition Forge World datasheet if GW can get their fucking articles up at the right time today, what do you guys think we're going to see? It won't be anything HH related unless it's something you can also use in 40k.

Just a reminder that All the old fluff on Space marines is now entirely invalidated by Guiliman.

And that Guiliman forced several chapters into open rebellion because he stole their geeneseeds without consent. Second time Girlyman threatened civil war over the imperium. Good job fucknuts

Yeah. I agree with this. Forgeworld has done an excellent job at coming up with weapon and unit names.

Volkite weaponry for sure. While things like photon thruster and irrad-cleanser are indeed noun-verb, theyre novel and not overly childish sounding because they're kind of descriptive of the weapons function.

If they actually explain that that's where they took the name from, in the fluff, then I'll be less annoyed.

"We thought these plasma-spitting Tyranid monsters were so fearsome we named our new powered-up plasma guns after them." That's kinda neat.

I don't think that's the case though.

You're at home having a party with your girlfriends and cool people and this guy slaps your front door, what do?

So, a friend is really into making a "Star wars Imperium" chapter, you can imagine, white marines as stormtroopers and the elites as black SM veterans etc

He wants Darth Vader to be his chapter master, and he doesn't know what to do. The man's armour is basically a life-support machine, so I told him a contemptor dreadnought would be pretty cool. But he says a terminator armour or even a servoarmour could work.

What do you think?

I'm kin of surprised to be asking this

Well Ret and Dev work kind of differently in the sense that Rets are melta Flamer and bolter. While Devs are ML, plasma, las, bolter and grav.

There is an overlap but not as hard as this this new thing.

On a second note do GW knows you can pose things in CAD? Because this model have the same pose as the AoS balloon Squats

Perty's a bro, he can come chill with us.

I doubt GW is smart enough to think of that

I'm still waiting for the new Tau unit: Annoying Redditposter

I guarantee you it's already been done before, if "(you)r friend" looks around the internet there's probably stuff out there to use for inspiration and reference.

fucking boring

This guy gets it. As a homeowner, hosting chill parties with 20ish people max is a ton of fun. Besides, I've made some business deals indirectly through the networking and conversations at said parties.

Genseed storing from every chapter has been in the fluff for ages.
It was used as back up and to make new chapters

Make them IG and use this Dream Forge. Sadly the ST heads are out of production

Librarian Dreadnought?

Oh gee your friend must be the king of original content

" Dorn is cooler than you "
Can someone edit Dorn's face on this pic ?

>too intelligent for warhammer fantasy

Congratulations, you've beaten some stiff competition to win Veeky Forums's coveted 'most autistic post of the day' award, good luck in the weekly draw.

From what I've seen with 8th, I'm probably going to give it a hard pass. I know 7th has its issues as well, but 8th has some really stupid shit as a result of its AOS 40K mixup:

Vehicles can charge.
Vehicles cannot tank shock
Vehicles have no penalties for exposing side armor (run Battlewagons "sideways" as a wall).
As written, flyers can move backwards.

The real question is: What is the most feasible choice?
Stick with 7th, agree on house rules against certain egregious combos (Barkstar, etc?)
Homebrew, hope a 40k "the 8th age" project kicks off?
-Retrofit 7e vehicle rules, templates, etc for 8th?
-Something else?

This model is absolutely dire, the chaos lord looks fantastic then the same sculptor does this nonsense.

shitpost on Veeky Forums

Yeah I know like that hasn't been done too many times already

>"(you)r friend"

Winner of the weekly draw is that witchhunting autist from yesterday


>tfw pre-edition limbo
I'm picking up all this shit on eBay but no idea what to do with it.

I suppose I should enjoy the last of 7th best I can.

Have you tried stop being a colossal faggot? I've heard it helps.

Is this angry spic screaming because he lost his sombrero and maracas? I cant be the only one seeing this right?

Here :^)

>tau 4th expansion gets lost in warp so that GW can have excuses for Tau to end up in random places


literally who cares: the post

Use a Librarian and have done with it

Hey look, Chaos gets some shit. Nice.


tfw really like cataphractii termies but dont play any faction that uses them
ended up buying some to proxy as an aquilon terminator in HoR KT



pfft, wasting today's reveal on FW nonsense.

You are, but now I want one to call him Tomás, the space stache.

even that guy will be phased out once actual aquilon termies come out

just kys already

Been looking to get into this since 8th is dropping soon but I don't know of there is a comunity up where I am. Any of you know if there are any regular games in New Hampshire?

I just feel like the 'new games workshop' tries to make every unit in a box unique and you end up with dudes that are insanely different and try to stick out of the crowd, leading to some which are really cool and some which are pretty 'meh'.

Also no surprise since they're pushing small scale skirmish games hard these days.

the screaming mustache guy is what I've seen since I first saw the images

You could always run battlewagons as crab cars, that hasn't changed.

>Tanks can charge
>No tank shock
Nigger what

>caring about Dreadnoughts

I want to know about FW armies and shit that has rules but is out of production.

Just take up target shooting and doing heroin.

The rest of your state seems to be okay with it.

>Implying people allow others to cheat by using forge world

4th edition call. It wants you back

vehicles fight in combat, like other models do

All Primaris are there for is to make Space Marine players re buy their armies because Sigmarines will replace regular marines in about 5 years

you say that like it's a bad thing.

China call. It say go back to english school

So, was painting some scions up last night, and a thought occurred to me.

The hot shot lasgun. What's the statline?

If present logic holds, it'll keep it's range but be s3 ap-2, which is a nerf against everything with a 3+ save, but a buff vs stuff T7 and up, because it can actually do damage now.

Thoughts? Do you think scions/stormtroopers will keep their separate orders list or be folded into the guard completely?

Just google around a bit.
There was a guy a while back who used the rubbery SW collectible stromtrooper heads on his rank and file marines. Looked surprisingly good.

Oh fuck the DA is back!

FW has not been overpower since 5th no fuck off you poor bastard

I remember 5th had some stipulation about "move forward, backwards, or turn on the spot", which was removed in later editions.

The big kicker is the removal of armor facings for vehicles. AV 14 vs 12 was very notable with the Wagon being such a stretch limo. Now, the only real disadvantage to crab-walking may be purely weapon/charge ranges.

Holy shiiit that thing is a total monster. S16 on melee shiiieeet. My Russes dont feel so safe anymore.

>calls me chinese when his english is buttfuck awful
>"not been overpower"
So I guess it was you who was falseflagging yesterday. Huh.