I'm a No-Coiner, When the fuck do i buy?
I'm a No-Coiner, When the fuck do i buy?
Uh, have you seen the board? You should but now.
what if it goes lower? normies are asleep... they will wake up and panic sell maybe
right now my dude. be greedy when others are most fearful.
we're going down to 8k
BTC, and now.
Knee pads and mortgage loans
66% now, 33% later
Right the fuck now! You're gonna miss the dip!
it will go much lower
Bch, can buy it on coinbase
No they are not... this shit crashed around 8pm East coast, NA. Crashed to 12k then corrected to 15k.
Same how the fuck do I even buy bitcoin?
Ya'll fkn crazy every post is the opposite of the last
5 micro seconds ago
The downtrend just started.
These anons are newfags and about to enter their first trendreversal. They are still in bullmarket mentality.
This is now a bear market
We will bleed for weeks if not months
>$17 fee
God Coinbase is cancer.
Which is better, BCH or BTC?
Coinbase, very easy to get set up
Uh, right now. It’s not gonna get any worse than right now.
We're totally fucked until much much later aren't we?
yup. This is the pop
Two more days, but exchanges need to verify you first, so start now and in a bit over a week.
I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.
Which exchange?
It's percentage based, what are you talking about?
dat fee
lol being this nob. Do you even know whats happening right now?
both are cucked into taking your money. buy VTC instead.
New to crypto also here, is it a good idea to go the Coinbase/GDAX route to get them altcoins or should I just buy the dip in BTC/LTC/BCH?
You shouldn't fucking buy anything right now. Don't listen to these fucking homosexuals. Wait until Asia and the big banks quit raping the market and see where it settles. There are more faggots on here than a San Francisco float on pride day. Don't listen to anything they fucking say. Do the exact opposite of what they say ALWAYS
pretty much this
>Do the exact opposite of what they say ALWAYS
Don't buy bitcoin.
Why are people asking these things when they can use google? If you can't google I wouldn't recommend entering the financial markets anyway
Is this place just another alphabet soup toilet?
I'm guessing you say this because we're in/entering a bull trap and shit is about to drop a bunch for some reason?
>can't buy from your country :)))
Everything has been dropping since the beginning of the week. The media pumped the news out to everyone and then the big boys fooled the goys. This shit is still falling. It's all big money manipulating it, don't try and pretend this is a bunch of actively managed chad and boomer funds.
Buy in a dip. Now is a dip.
what is fucking meaning of they will wake up and sell by panics ? it already happend
use your brains, if they sleep, they will wake up to backing up situation, so if they use their brains also, they will hold for recovery
dont buy high and sell low like whales want from you
three things can happen
The dip could be over now (buy now)
we hit a floor of 11.5k~ then start an upward trend (buy now)
we drop past 11k and start going into a slow downward bleedout bearmarket (wait)
so buy in whichever you think will happen.